237 research outputs found

    Preparation andProperties of Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters Functionalized Silk Biomaterials

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    家蚕蚕丝作为天然的蛋白质纤维,具有独特的力学性能、良好的生物相容性和可控的生物降解性,已被作为生物医学理想材料。然而,蚕丝材料作为生物医学材料植入体内后,进行体内的检测和追踪仍是目前一大难点。本研究通过共混荧光金纳米簇和丝素蛋白,制备可用于体内荧光成像的蚕丝材料(3维支架、薄膜、凝胶),为生物材料的体内成像提供了思路。本研究主要内容如下: 冷冻干燥法制备三维多孔荧光丝素蛋白/金簇复合支架。复合支架具有红色荧光,研究发现丝素蛋白/金簇混合溶液的pH会影响金簇的荧光强度,发射峰位和荧光效率,支架荧光量子产率可达18%。金簇的加入增加丝素蛋白β-折叠和结晶度。丝素蛋白/金簇复合支架的孔洞之间相互贯...Bombyx mori silk fibers, as a natural protein, have been adsorbing great interests in the fields of biomedicine, due to robust mechanical properties, excellent biocompatibility and controllable biodegradation. However, the monitoring of the evolution of the overall structure and organization of the materials in vivo or in vitro remains as a neck bottle for the further refinement of silk bio-materi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:材料学院_生物医学工程学号:3142013115012

    Water Supply Strategies and Security Research Based on Sustainable Development in Kinmen County

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    水资源是重要的基础性自然资源和战略性经济资源。随着人口增长、经济发展和城市规模的扩大,对水资源的需求和依赖程度越来越大,人类对水资源的开发利用程度也越来越深。同时,各国也开始意识到用水压力带来的挑战。为了实现可持续发展,各国已经开始采取多方面措施去缓解用水压力,从多元供水体系方面来讲主要有地表水与地下水联用、海水淡化、中水回用、雨水收集利用等途径。 金门作为离岛,淡水资源量少,蓄水能力差;地下水部分处于超采状态,造成土壤盐化。随着政策的进一步放开与两岸关系的发展,金门的人口数量会进一步增加,经济水平也持续提升,水资源供需矛盾将持续加剧。对金门的水资源进行分析,探讨多元水源利用方式尤其是非常规...Water resources are important strategic resources. With the population growth, economic development and expansion of city scale, more and more water resources are needed. The development and utilization of water resources is accelerated. At the meantime, countries are beginning to realize the harm of water pressure. In order to gain the sustainable development of water resources, countries have ta...学位:理学硕士院系专业:环境与生态学院_环境管理学号:3312012115162

    Rule of Joint and Several Liability among Multiple Tortfeasors in America

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    提及连带责任一词,很多人都会觉得很熟悉,作为侵权领域数人侵权一项重要的责任承担方式,通常与共同侵权密不可分。美国数人侵权中的连带责任制度发展有其独特性之处,但对这一制度在美国侵权领域的发展运用我国学者却鲜有系统性研究。 数人侵权中的连带责任规则自19世纪40年代引入美国后,至20世纪70年代发展鼎盛。但从20世纪80年代开始,由于侵权法理念的发展变化,“深口袋”被告现象的频现,保险危机的爆发,在这些内外因素的影响下美国掀起了一场侵权法改革运动,引发了关于连带责任制度存废问题的大讨论。这场论战的结果,便是截至2013年,有43个州都接受了连带责任改革。这些州要么彻底废除了连带责任制度,要么在原...Referring to the joint and several liability, many people feel very familiar, as an important way of liability apportionment among multiple tortfeasors, usually related to joint tort. The joint and several rule among multiple tortfeasors has its characteristic in America, while our scholars have little research on it. The rule of joint and several liability was introduced to America in 1840s, un...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362013115017

    Research on the Problem of the Undergraduate Tutorial System——Taking Xiamen University for an Instance

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    本科生教育是我国高等教育的重要内容,是我国增强综合国力、增强国际竞争力的重要支撑力量。本科生教育质量直接影响着我国的经济与文化事业的建设与发展。因此我国一直致力于本科教育阶段人才培养模式的完善。本科生导师制作为高校在人才培养模式上的一项制度创新,被越来越多的人所关注。对本科生导师制问题的研究,具有一定的理论价值和实践价值。 本论文通过问卷调查和访谈以及数据的统计和分析,发现目前本科生导师制实施过程中存在一些问题,并进一步分析问题背后的原因,在此基础上,论文提出了完善本科生导师制的对策。 本论文共分六章:第一章是绪论。本章主要介绍选题缘由、研究的价值以及文献综述,为本研究奠定了基础;第二章是...Undergraduate education is an important part of higher education in China, and it is also an important power to reinforce the national comprehensive strength and international competitiveness of China. The quality of undergraduate education will affect China's construction and development of economic and cultural undertakings directly. Therefore, China has been committed to perfect talent cultivat...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:2572007115134


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    Analysis on the Inconsistent Causes Between the Development of Higher Education and Social Economy in Philippines After World War Two

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    依据教育外部规律可知,一个国家的经济、政治和文化对本国高等教育有着决定性作用,反过来高等教育对本国的经济发展和政治文化建设有着促进和限制的作用。理想状态下,二者的协调发展可以促进彼此的健康发展和良性循环,但实际生活中并非如此。尤其是在政府战略性决策不利的情形下,二者之间不协调发展的弊端更是影响深远。本论文以菲律宾为案例,探讨了菲律宾高等教育与社会经济发展之间不协调的原因。菲律宾高等教育与社会经济发展长期以来都处于一种不协调的状态,主要表现为高等教育人才培养总量和结构与社会经济发展所需脱节,从而导致大量受过高等教育的人才海外就业。针对这个问题,本论文从三个方面着手。首先对菲律宾高等教育的发展进行...According to the external law, one country’s economy, polity and culture are main determinants in the development of higher education which can enhance or limit the advance of economy and progress of polity and culture. Ideally, the consistency between them can accelerate their healthy development and well run, but it does not always so. Especially, the circumstances, under which the government ha...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_比较教育学学号:2005130271

    The green budget model for coastal roads

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    海岸带凭借其特殊地理位置和丰富自然资源,使得人口密度剧增,开发活动增加。海岸路桥建设是其中一种常见工程活动,其在建设和营运过程中对生态系统造成的影响是显著的,在较短时间内完全依靠自然恢复是困难的。目前建设单位在做工程预算时忽略了这部分损失值,导致生态损害不能得到有效补偿,环保投资不足,社会成本增加,不利于海岸带地区的可持续发展。因此对海岸路桥工程造成的生态影响进行识别、价值评估、生态补偿和绿色预算研究具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本论文借鉴国内外路桥工程生态影响评价、生态补偿及一些国家在绿色预算改革等方面的研究成果,借助实地调查、相关导则和现有研究成果,对海岸路桥工程的生态影响评价和生态补偿做...Throughout history, the coastal regions of the globe have been major attractions. As a consequence, the world’s coastal regions are densely populated and environmentally valuable. Coastal areas can be characterized by a diversity of natural features, processes and are often subjected to extensive development and a wide range of activities. Coastal roads are just one of the commonly seen activities...学位:工学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学研究中心_环境科学学号:20033400

    Research on Some Issues of T Company Supply Chain Adjustment

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    家电产业是我国比较成熟的产业,在我国的经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,随着家电产品市场生命周期变短,市场期望创新性的需求不断加大,再加上原材料和人力成本上升,家电制造业面临着严峻的挑战,而如何在新一轮的竞争中取胜,关键在于供应链是否具备竞争优势。 本文研究的对象是一个号称“世界工厂”的小家电制造工厂T公司在经历了“纵向一体化”后面对外部环境的变化,如何通过对供应链调整成功走出困境、提高自身核心竞争力的。 本文首先在分析家电行业的背景、发展趋势的基础上,根据供应链管理中的相关理论,提出家电产业对供应链新的需求,接着分析了T公司现状以及供应链存在的问题,结合T公司现有资源和战略目标,给出了供应链调...Chinese home appliance industry is relatively mature industry, and plays an important role of Chinese economic development. With shorter product life cycles, increasing innovation, rising raw material costs & labor costs, home appliance manufacturing is facing with a daunting challenge. The competitive supply chain is a key to win a new round of competition. T Company is a small appliance manufa...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200615505

    Analysis on the Modernist Muslim Movement in Indonesia in the First Half of Twentieth Century

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    印尼是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家,虽然不是处于伊斯兰中心世界的中东地区,但是近代伊斯兰世界现代主义改革运动还是对印尼产生了直接的影响。由此,印尼开始了传统宗教教育与现代主义教育相结合的改革实践,也开始了伊斯兰教旗帜下有组织地反荷兰殖民统治的宗教民族主义运动。 本文分三章来介绍印尼伊斯兰现代主义运动。第一章介绍现代主义运动产生的历史背景,从五个方面论述:伊斯兰教在印尼的传播与发展;印尼伊斯兰教的特征;民族资产阶级的发展;荷兰的文化教育政策以及印尼与中东伊斯兰世界的联系。第二章通过对伊斯兰联盟、穆罕默迪亚协会和伊斯兰教师联合会,这三个主张和立场不尽相同的伊斯兰教组织活动的论述和分析,展现印尼伊斯...Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Although it is located in the periphery of Middle East Islam world, it had been influenced directly by the Modernist Muslim Movement which happened in the late years of 19 century in Middle East. Together with the pressure from the Netherlands’ Western modern education in Indonesia, Indonesia Muslim intellectual elites carried out the education...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:20041902

    Supramolecular Helical Chirality of Schiff Base Copper(II) Complexes and Their Chiroptical Spectroscopy

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    本文通过不同的手性二胺(pn = 1,2-丙二胺、chxn = 1,2-环己二胺、dpen =; 1,2-二苯基乙二胺)与脱氢乙酸(dha)缩合,获得了N_2O_2型手性席夫碱配体(dha-en),进而合成了相应的三对手性席夫碱Cu(II)络; 合物([Cu(dha-R/S-pn)](1a和1b)、[Cu(dha-R,R/S,S-chxn)](2a和2b)、[Cu(dha-R,R/S,S; -dpen)](3a和3b),对其进行的固体和溶液电子圆二色(ECD)及溶液振动圆二色(VCD)光谱测试表明,这些化合物在固体和溶液状态下的金属; 中心的主要配位模式和绝对构型基本一致。此外,通过单晶结构分析发现:对于络合物2a/2b以及3a/3b,中心金属Cu(II)除了与手性dha-en; 四齿配位外,还与相邻分子内酯环上的羰基发生弱的轴向配位形成一维超分子螺旋链,即实现了配位键构筑的席夫碱络合物的手性超分子自组装。本文对两对手性络; 合物2a/2b以及3a/3b的手性结构基元及其与超分子螺旋之间的关系进行了讨论。将本文所获实验VCD光谱数据与文献报道的相关数据进行比对分析,可; 以相互印证,并呈现一定的绝对构型关联规律且具有手性配位立体化学结构的指纹特征。Three pairs of N2O2-type Schiff base ligands were synthesized by condensing dehydroacetic acid (dha) with chiral 1,2-diaminopropane (pn), trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane (chxn), and 1,2-diphenylethylenediamine (dpen). These chiral ligands were used to coordinate copper(II) ions to produce the corresponding Schiff base Cu(II) complexes: [Cu(dha-R/S-pn)] (1a and 1b), [Cu(dha-R,R/S,S-chxn)] (2a and 2b), and [Cu(dha-R,R/S,S-dpen)] (3a and 3b). Detailed analyses using electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopies reveal that these Schiff base Cu(II) complexes retain the main coordination modes and the absolute configurations of the metal centers, both in solution and the solid state. In addition, according to the crystal structures, the central Cu(II) ions of 2a/2b and 3a/3b were found to not only coordinate to the chiral dha-en ligands, but were also axially coordinated to the carbonyl groups of the contiguous lactonic rings, providing one-dimensional supramolecular helical chains through self-assembly. In this work, we deeply studied the relationship between the chiral coordination units and the supramolecular helical structures of 2a/2b and 3a/3b. By comparing our experiment VCD spectroscopic data with related VCD spectral features reported in the literature, a specific correlation between the VCD spectral properties and absolute configurations was investigated, which provided fingerprint characteristics for chiral coordination structure.National Natural Science Foundation of China [21273175