
Rule of Joint and Several Liability among Multiple Tortfeasors in America


提及连带责任一词,很多人都会觉得很熟悉,作为侵权领域数人侵权一项重要的责任承担方式,通常与共同侵权密不可分。美国数人侵权中的连带责任制度发展有其独特性之处,但对这一制度在美国侵权领域的发展运用我国学者却鲜有系统性研究。 数人侵权中的连带责任规则自19世纪40年代引入美国后,至20世纪70年代发展鼎盛。但从20世纪80年代开始,由于侵权法理念的发展变化,“深口袋”被告现象的频现,保险危机的爆发,在这些内外因素的影响下美国掀起了一场侵权法改革运动,引发了关于连带责任制度存废问题的大讨论。这场论战的结果,便是截至2013年,有43个州都接受了连带责任改革。这些州要么彻底废除了连带责任制度,要么在原...Referring to the joint and several liability, many people feel very familiar, as an important way of liability apportionment among multiple tortfeasors, usually related to joint tort. The joint and several rule among multiple tortfeasors has its characteristic in America, while our scholars have little research on it. The rule of joint and several liability was introduced to America in 1840s, un...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_民商法学学号:1362013115017

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