132 research outputs found
In recent years, there are many kinds of input-devices, such as the mouse and the game controller. Some smartphones and graphic tablets are capable of inputting a point on the 2-dimentional coordinate plane and the pressing force. The aim of study is to propose a new input device, which can input a point on the 2-dimentional coordinate plane and an analog value of the pressing force without using a force detecting stylus. The device might be suitable for gaming.Key Words : Input device, 3-dimensional input, pressing force, controlle
Flavor profiles of heated vegetable oils (canola, palm olein, soybean, rice bran and corn oils) were rapidly determined.Eleven selected assessors were asked to describe flavor of each sample oil by selecting perceived flavor terms out of the 35 candidate terms. The data was submitted to correspondence analysis and the flavor map of sample oils was obtained, showingthe characteristics of each oil flavor, e.g. rice bran oil had sweet aroma. This profiling method can be applicable to otherproducts and will help researchers/technologists to conduct sensory evaluation easily and rapidly by reducing panel trainingfor scoring.前報で提案した, 用語リスト作成および多肢選択法による官能評価という簡易法を, 加熱した油の風味評価に適用した. 試料油は, 5種の植物油 (なたね油, パーム油, 大豆油, こめ油およびとうもろこし油) を180 ℃で 120分間加熱したものとした. 用語リストは, 文献調査と予備評価によって作成し, 35語で構成した. 11人の分析型パネリストに, 各試料油に感じられる特性を用語リストから選択させ, 得られたデータにコレスポンデンス分析を適用した. その結果, 例えばこめ油は甘い香り, 大豆油は天ぷら臭, とうもろこし油は香ばしさが特徴的であるといった風味の特性を俯瞰することのできるマップが得られた. この方法は他アイテムでも適用可能な, 実験者にとっても, パネリストにとっても, 負担が小さい簡便なプロファイリング法であると考えている
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