7 research outputs found

    A Study on the Country-of-Origin Effect and Its Determinants

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    国际传播学界关于来源国效应的研究由来已久。以往的研究证明了来源国效应的存在,同时对影响来源国效应的因素以及来源国效应的产生机制进行了深入探讨,但是依旧存在一些不足或局限。其中,关于中国的相关研究就非常有限,这与中国今天在全球产业链中所处的重要位置不甚相符。加之2007年7月以来,“中国制造”经历了一波“信任危机”,使得在中国市场上开展的针对外国消费者,尤其是发展中国家消费者的来源国效应研究变得尤为迫切。本文试图回答的正是随之产生的一系列问题:外国消费者如何看待“中国制造”,中国的国家形象对中国品牌建设有怎样的影响,中国品牌的对外营销该如何改进等等。 本研究采用实验法,以51名在厦门市生活过的...The country-of-origin effect has been studied for a long time by the international communication academics. The past relevant studies not only testified the existence of the country-of-origin effect, but also explored the determinants and mechanisms which caused the country-of-origin effect. However, there are still some relevant problems need to be settled. For instance, to some extent, Chinese m...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_传播学学号:2005130022


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    Crop Morphogenesis and Solutions Under Heavy Metal Pollution

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    在重金属污染愈发严重的背景下,探索出保障污染地区的农业生产水平可持续发展的技术,是保障粮食生产安全亟需解决的重要问题.通过综述农作物对重金属胁迫的形态建成响应机制与实践中的农艺管理技术手段,总结在重金属污染区域提高粮食产量的主要方法.重金属影响下的作物形态建成具有深刻的遗传基础和复杂的生理机制,这就决定了作物对重金属的响应受到作物类型与重金属种类的影响.通过对作物形态建成的更深入研究,建立一套从品种选择到田间管理的应对措施,可以为农业安全生产提供持久有效的保障.In consideration of the fact that agriculture is under increasing risk of heavy metal pollution,it is urgently needed to deve-lop a technology to ensure sustainable food production.Here we review the mechanism of morphogenesis change as a response of crops to heavy metal pollution,the methodology in heavy metal pollution risk assessment and promising agriculture technologies to alleviate the heavy metal stress.The genetic basis and physiological mechanism of crop under heavy metal pollution are complex,and the response depends on plant phylogeny and metal species.With the developing knowledge on morphogenesis response and effective guidance from varieties of choices to field management,the food production in zones polluted with heavy metals will be protected.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2013CB956504


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    An Analysis of Newspaper Real Estate Advertising Contents

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    研究通过对1998年-2004年《北京晚报》的房地产广告进行的抽样内容分析发现:①房地产广告2001以年增长迅速,2001进入了高原期。做广告的房地产类别主要是居民住宅;②从全年来看,每月的广告投放有逐月增长的趋势,但9月和4月是两次高峰;③99.9%的广告都使用了图片,主要是象征性的图片和产品图片;④房地产广告以半版和全版广告为主(73.7%),且有不断增多的趋势;⑤房地产广告基本上是彩色广告(95.5%);⑥40.2%的房地产广告含有模特,其中普通人居多,名人极少;⑦每则房地产广告的诉求点比较多,热销和生活质量是两个重要的诉求点,多数广告(72.5%)还提到价格,广告中的促销和活动介绍越来越多;⑧文案字数比较多,抒情写法占有一部分(10%),长短(10个字为界)标题各半。【英文摘要】A content analysis of real estate advertisements in Beijing Evening Paper from 1998 to 2004 was conducted. The results showed: 1. Real estate advertisements were keeping growing rapidly before 2001 which was the beginning of the plateau. The advertised real estate was mainly for residents. 2. As for a whole year, the average advertising output per month was and would be keeping increasing yet with two pinnacles in September and April. 3. 99.9 per cent of the advertisements mentioned above used pictures which were mainly symbolic pictures and the photos of the products. 4. 73.7 per cent of the real estate advertisements adopted half space and whole space of a page. And more and more real estate advertisements were going to join in the model. 5. 95.9 per cent of the real estate adverisements were mainly color prints. 6. 40.2 per cent of the real estate advertisements used real people as models among which normal people were usually adopted instead of celebrities. 7. Almost every real estate advertisement appealed to several points among which well-sell and the quality of life were often mentioned. Besides 72.5 per cent of the real estate advertisements referred to prices, which the tool of sales promotion was also used more and more often. 8. The real estate advertisements preferred long copy and the emotional appeals which accounted for 10 per cent, and long title ( above 10 characters ) and short title ( below 10 charavters) accounted for 50 per cent respectively

    Interpreting nonsignificant results: A quantitative investigation based on 500 Chinese psychological research

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    不显著结果(如,p&gt;0.05)在心理学研究中十分常见,且容易被误解为接受零假设的证据,并可能导致分组匹配研究的错误推断或者忽视被小样本的不显著结果掩盖的真实效应。但国内目前尚无实证研究对不显著结果的普遍性及其解读进行调查。本研究调查500篇中文心理学实证研究,统计其摘要中出现与不显著结果相关的阴性陈述的频率,判断并统计基于阴性陈述的推断准确性,并使用贝叶斯因子对不显著结果中包含t值的研究进行重新评估。结果表明, 36%的摘要提及不显著结果,共包含236个阴性陈述。其中, 41%的阴性陈述对不显著结果的解读出现偏差(如,解读为支持了零假设)。对包含t值的研究进行贝叶斯因子分析,结果显示仅有5.1%的不显著结果可以提供强证据支持零假设(BF_(01)&gt;10)。与先前对国际心理学期刊的调查结果相比(32%的摘要包含阴性陈述;72%的阴性陈述对不显著结果的解读错误),中文心理学期刊中报告不显著结果的比例更高,且对不显著结果解读错误的比例更低。但国内研究者仍需进一步加强对不显著结果的认识,推广适于评估不显著结果的统计方法。</p