An Analysis of Newspaper Real Estate Advertising Contents


研究通过对1998年-2004年《北京晚报》的房地产广告进行的抽样内容分析发现:①房地产广告2001以年增长迅速,2001进入了高原期。做广告的房地产类别主要是居民住宅;②从全年来看,每月的广告投放有逐月增长的趋势,但9月和4月是两次高峰;③99.9%的广告都使用了图片,主要是象征性的图片和产品图片;④房地产广告以半版和全版广告为主(73.7%),且有不断增多的趋势;⑤房地产广告基本上是彩色广告(95.5%);⑥40.2%的房地产广告含有模特,其中普通人居多,名人极少;⑦每则房地产广告的诉求点比较多,热销和生活质量是两个重要的诉求点,多数广告(72.5%)还提到价格,广告中的促销和活动介绍越来越多;⑧文案字数比较多,抒情写法占有一部分(10%),长短(10个字为界)标题各半。【英文摘要】A content analysis of real estate advertisements in Beijing Evening Paper from 1998 to 2004 was conducted. The results showed: 1. Real estate advertisements were keeping growing rapidly before 2001 which was the beginning of the plateau. The advertised real estate was mainly for residents. 2. As for a whole year, the average advertising output per month was and would be keeping increasing yet with two pinnacles in September and April. 3. 99.9 per cent of the advertisements mentioned above used pictures which were mainly symbolic pictures and the photos of the products. 4. 73.7 per cent of the real estate advertisements adopted half space and whole space of a page. And more and more real estate advertisements were going to join in the model. 5. 95.9 per cent of the real estate adverisements were mainly color prints. 6. 40.2 per cent of the real estate advertisements used real people as models among which normal people were usually adopted instead of celebrities. 7. Almost every real estate advertisement appealed to several points among which well-sell and the quality of life were often mentioned. Besides 72.5 per cent of the real estate advertisements referred to prices, which the tool of sales promotion was also used more and more often. 8. The real estate advertisements preferred long copy and the emotional appeals which accounted for 10 per cent, and long title ( above 10 characters ) and short title ( below 10 charavters) accounted for 50 per cent respectively

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