354 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Financial Management Information System Based on Group Management and Control

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    近年来,信息技术突飞猛进的发展,给企业管理带来了很大的方便,几乎是各行各业的发展都需要信息技术的支持。企业利用计算机技术实现了业务远程处理、信息共享、分散性经营和集中型管理等功能。其中,财务管理是企业经营管理中核心部分,是企业的经营命脉,企业财务管理方式与经营投资者的效益有直接的关系,而且也直接影响到企业部门、业务拓展、投资收益等经营发展战略和经营方式的变化等,因此,集团化财务管控是企业发展的重要战略之一。在集团化管控财务管理中,提高信息处理效率与准确性是企业管理才追求的目标。 本文从系统网络架构设计、软件架构设计、总体功能模块设计和数据库设计等,集团化管控财务管理信息系统由标准化管理、集中...Information technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years, which not only brings enormous convenience to business management, but also provides support for development of every trade. With computer technology remote processing, information sharing, decentralized operation, centralized management and some other functions become reality. Financial management is the keynotes of enterpri...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323180

    An Exploration on the Reform of Salary System in Sanming City under the Background of Public Hospital Reform

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    “看病难、看病贵”成为当前社会公众反映的影响社会公平正义与和谐的突出问题,也被视为制约社会整体发展的一个重要因素。导致产生这个问题的原因是多方面的,一个重要方面的原因就是现行薪酬机制下容易诱导医院和医生的逐利性,容易导致过度医疗的问题。在这样的背景下,本文以三明市院长和医生年薪制为案例,探索如何突破现有的公立医院绩效工资体系,构建合理的医生薪酬体系,并提出建议,也阐明了三明实施医生年薪制面临的挑战。主要结论是:(1)过去财政投入不足,医院、医生依靠医疗收入来维持生存和运转,是引发医生提供过度医疗服务的重要原因。开展医务人员薪酬改革能够有效地减少医生由于逐利性带来的道德风险,从而降低患者医疗费用...This paper offers a discussion of designing an effective pay for performance salary system for public hospitals. Improving public medical service is vital for creating and maintaining a harmonious community. In recent years, the phenomenon that getting medical service becomes difficult and expensive has attracted much public attention. The reason for this phenomenon is manifold. However, the most...学位:公共管理硕士院系专业:公共事务学院_公共管理硕士学号:1392012115040

    Internal Control of Wind Power Enterprises: A Case Study Based on Wind Power Business of Company A

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    2015年7月22日晚,全球同步发布了新的《财富》世界500强企业名单,中国上榜公司增至106家。在经济全球化的浪潮中,中国企业发展迅猛,Made-in-China遍及全球,中国经济发展态势对全球经济形势的影响越来越重要。但是,随着经济的高速发展,各种内部管理冲突、社会化分工矛盾、环境保护问题逐步突显,各种潜在风险也浮出表面。尤其是在欧洲经济一蹶不振和中国经济下行压力增大的背景下,企业必须建立起切实可行的内部控制体系、加强风险管控,渡严冬保生存。 2008年5月22日,国家财政部等五部委联合推出了《企业内部控制基本规范》,进一步明确了我国内部控制体系建设规范,指导企业建立和完善内部风险控制体...According to the latest FORTUNE 500 released on July 22, 2015,Chinese companies cut a figure in the list. The number of listed Chinese companies has increased to 106 this year.In the tide of economic globalization, Chinese companies are developing rapidly. Made-in-China products can be bought all over the world and the trend of China’s national economy is making a growing influence on world econom...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201215639

    The Rearch on the Rfficient of Modern Logistics And the International Trade

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    现代物流的发展,能为国际贸易带来三方面的优势,即降低国际贸易的总体成本、提高其核心业务上的竞争力、降低在贸易活动方面的投资。同时国际贸易也是物流产业的重要组成部分,其发展对促进我国产品的出口有着重要的现实意义。专家预测,物流业将是未来10年我国发展的重要产业和最重要的经济增长点。但目前,现代物流在广大中西部和边远省区还未真正起步,东部少数发达地区的物流社会化、市场化程度也还很低。据测算,目前,我国企业的自有物流占整个市场规模的60%―70%左右,物流需求的匮乏使得我国物流业的发展内在动力不足,限制了物流业的发展。本文从中国实际出发,详细研究了现代物流与国际贸易相互融合的前沿性问题。本文共分五大...Modern logistics is a revolution to traditional circulation. Through optimizing logistics chains management, modern logistics reduces cost, enhances comprehensive service so that to reinforce enterprises’ competitive power. On one hand, modern logistics gives the advantages for international trade in three main aspects: reducing trade total cost, decreasing investment on business activity, and en...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20021517

    Migration of China in Transition

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    改革开放以来,特别是20世纪80年代中后期以来,中国人口流动数量逐年增长,已经成为社会各界共同关注的一大现象。中国人口基数大,农村人口在总人口中占有绝对比重,农村中存在大量的剩余劳动力需要转移。中国人口流动总体上来说是制度变迁和经济转型共同作用的结果,户籍制度的改革以及政府对人口自由流动管制的放松是导致人口流动数量增长的直接原因;然而,地区和城乡收入差距则是人口大规模流动的更深层次原因。从历次人口普查和人口抽样调查的结果来看中国人口流动规模越来越大,流动的方向基本上是由农村流向城市,由中西部欠发达地区流向东部经济发达地区。由于传统习惯习俗、户籍制度和劳动力市场歧视政策的影响,使得中国的人口流动...Since China carried out reform and opening policy, the migration in China has increased yearly, particularly in the late 1980s, which became a significant focus concerned by the public. China has a large number of population, rural population are aboslute majority. There are numerous surplus labors to transfer in the countryside. Generally, the migration of China are result from insititutional cha...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_政治经济学学号:20040900

    Analysis of Time Series Obout Chinese Tertiary Industry Based on the ARAM Model

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    大多数经济时间序列存在着惯性,或者说具有迟缓性。通过对这种惯性分析,可以由时间序列的当前值对其未来值进行估计。本文从我国历年(1953-2004)的第三产业总产值数据出发,将这些数据平稳化,建立自回归移动平均模型(ARAM),从中找出我国第三产业发展的内在规律性。There are some inertias in most of economic time series.We can forcast the result in the future by analysing such inertias. According to the annual static data of Chinese tertiary industry from 1953 to 2004, the paper makes the data stationary,sets up a ARAM model and searches the inherent regularity of Chinese tertiary industry

    A Tentative Research on the Legal Liability of Sports Referees

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    在竞技体育产业化的今天,体育裁判员的错误判决将给体育运动参与者带来经济损失,应承担相应的赔偿责任。而竞技体育裁判员与参与者的法律关系的判断是确定竞技体育裁判员法律责任的前提。体育裁判员与体育参与者之间的关系主要为契约关系,并带有一定的行政关系。体育裁判员错误判决应根据情况承担民事责任、行政责任和刑事责任。我国应立法完善体育裁判员的法律责任体系。Nowadays,with commercialized sports industry,the misconduct of sports referees may bring economic loss to participants of sports games.As a result,the referees will have to compensate such loss.Therefore,the judgment of the legal relation between sports referees and sports participants is the premise to decide the relevant legal liability of sports referees.In China,the legal relation between sports referees and participants is mainly by contract with a certain degree of administrative relationship.The sports referees shall bear liability,administrative liability or criminal liability accordingly.China should make legislations to perfect the legal liability system for sports referees


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    The Design and Implementation of Individual Tax Management System for State Taxation Bureau

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    随着税务系统信息管税的不断深入,个体工商业户的税收征管工作难度也在增加,以前采用的人工确定纳税人定额的方式,越来越不适应现代税收征管工作的需要,为加大税收征管力度、公平税负,研发利用计算机系统确定纳税人定额管理方式势在必行。 为此,某地区国税局为推进信息管税、规范个体工商业户定税额核定管理工作,充分发挥计算机核定应纳税额信息化进程,加强税源监控,公平税负,保护纳税人权益,在前期广泛开展调研的基础上,结合所学的计算机知识,初次组织有关人员开发了“某地区国税个体定税管理系统”。 某地区国税个体定税管理系统开发的理论依据是以“费用倒推销售额”的方法进行的,即计算机定税以个体工商业户月均实际所有费...With the deepen of using tax system to manage tax information, the difficulty of collecting and managing tax from individual business is increasing, and the previously used method of determining the tax for each taxpayer artificially is increasingly unsuitable for the modern tax collection and management requirements. To intensify the tax collection and management, and make tax collection more fai...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200923028


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