73 research outputs found

    Long-term variations of the large-scale energy-water balance on land at high latitudes - Analysis using a wetness index -

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    第4回極域科学シンポジウム横断セッション:[IA] 「急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明」―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2013―11月12日(火) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Large-scale variations of the energy-water balance on land at high latitudes - Analysis using a wetness index -

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム/特別セッション「これからの北極研究」11月28日(水) 国立極地研究所 2階大会議

    Flexible decapyrrylcorannulene hosts

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    球形笼状的富勒烯是上个世纪末最重要的科学发现之一,但对富勒烯的精确几何结构的认识却困难重重,原因是单晶中球形分子的取向往往是无序的,需通过笼外衍生或通过八乙基金属卟啉-富勒烯超分子主客体组装来固定富勒烯的取向,然后利用常用的单晶衍射分析技术来精确表征富勒烯的几何结构。然而许多富勒烯新结构因无法与卟啉主体形成高质量的单晶至今仍无法利用X射线衍射技术进行结构分析,直接制约了对富勒烯形成机理及结构-性能关系的深入认识。功能团簇材料创新研究群体的谢素原、张前炎课题组另辟蹊径地从曲面结构的十氯碗烯C20Cl10出发,合成了十吡咯取代的碗烯分子C20(C4H4N)10。结构分析表明该分子的结构特征是碗烯的碳框架与十个吡咯基团通过单键相连。实验还证明,用甲基去取代吡咯3, 4-位置的氢并不利于富勒烯与碗烯衍生物形成有序的超分子组装体,理论研究进一步诠释了十个吡咯‘手指’的集体贡献比单个碗烯‘手掌’更大的原因。该研究工作是功能团簇材料创新研究群体长期积累,并由校内外十多位研究人员共同努力完成。徐云彦(2014级硕士生)、田寒蕊(2014级博士生)和李姝慧(2016年进站博士后)为该论文共同第一作者。【Abstract】The assembly of spherical fullerenes, or buckyballs, into single crystals for crystallographic identification often suffers from disordered arrangement. Here we show a chiral configuration of decapyrrylcorannulene that has a concave ‘palm’ of corannulene and ten flexible electron-rich pyrryl group ‘fingers’ to mimic the smart molecular ‘hands’ for self-adaptably cradling various buckyballs in a (+)hand-ball-hand(−) mode. As exemplified by crystallographic identification of 15 buckyball structures representing pristine, exohedral, endohedral, dimeric and hetero-derivatization, the pyrryl groups twist with varying dihedral angles to adjust the interaction between decapyrrylcorannulene and fullerene. The self-adaptable electron-rich pyrryl groups, susceptible to methylation, are theoretically revealed to contribute more than the bowl-shaped palm of the corannulene in holding buckyball structures. The generality of the present decapyrrylcorannulene host with flexible pyrryl groups facilitates the visualization of numerous unknown/unsolved fullerenes by crystallography and the assembly of the otherwise close-packed spherical fullerenes into two-dimensional layered structures by intercalation.This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21771152, 21721001, 21827801, 51572231, 51572254, 21571151, 2170010228), the 973 Program of China (2014CB845601 and 2015CB932301), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2016M602067), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0402800), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- versities (20720170028, 20720160084). Q.Y.Z. is particularly grateful to 21771152, 2015CB932301, 20720170028, 20720160084; S.F.Y. is particularly grateful to 51572254 and 2017YFA0402800; S.Y.X. is particularly grateful to 21721001 and 51572231; L.S.Z. is particularly grateful to 21827801; S.L.D. is particularly grateful to 21571151; S.H.L. is particularly grateful to 2170010228 and 2016M602067. 研究工作得到国家自然科学基金(21771152、21721001、21827801、51572231、51572254, 21571151、2170010228)、科技部973计划(2014CB845601、2015CB932301)和重点研发计划(2017YFA0402800)、国家博士后科学基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等的资助


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    除蟲菊(Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium. Bocc)屬菊科(Compositeae),宿根草本植物,其所含Pyrethrin成分有驅蟲作用,可製成害蟲驅蟲劑,蚊香、農藥中殺蟲乳劑與粉劑等用途。據松田秀維(1939)研究Pyrethrin對動物毒性之反應,謂對冷血動物有毒,對溫血動物毒性甚弱,因在血液中吸收之際,為高溫加水分解,毒力減弱。池田長守(1950)研究除蟲菊含Pyrethrin量之分佈,謂以花含量最高,達1.19%,葉0.23%,莖0.12%,根0.1%,由資料可知藥用部份為花。又Gnadinger and Con (1930)及武居、今木等(1932)研究除蟲菊花採收期之報告,謂在滿開期 Pyrethrin含量最高,達1.15~1.43%。松田秀雄(1939)研究除蟲菊乾花收量每分地第1年及第2年各為100~200kg,第3年,52kg,第4年,37kg,第5年34kg,第6年29kg,由資料顯示前2年經濟價位較高。日本農林省所定除蟲菊花含Pyrethrin量標準為0.9%,超過此標準即有經濟價值。本省耕地面積有限,平地少,山地多,廣大的山坡地宜開發利用栽植本經濟作物,裨益農家經濟,爭取外匯。 本所過去向日本引進除蟲菊新品種,試栽成功,為本省新興作物之一,Pyrethrin含纖高,可抽取製成殺蟲劑,其優熱是不致如DDT噴灑後含有殘毒,貽害人畜。又除蟲菊採花費時費力,故本研究之目的一方面在探究除蟲菊花在本省栽培所含Pyrethrin量;另方面尋求採花之適當時期,以提高產量,作為今後農民栽培之參考。 For lifting the Pyrethrin content and flower production in Pyrethrum flowers, the suitable harvesting period was investigated. The experiment was held in Tahshue Mountain from Jan. 1972 to Dec. 1973. The variety of Japan type insect flower conagen 1 and three different harvest period were tested, The results obtained are as follows: 1. The plant height and tiller number were increase when plants grown. Owing to the different harvesting period, there were significant difference in flower number and flower diameter which affected the flower production (Table 1). 2. Flower harvested in full bloosom stage had the maximum two-year production as 135.8 g, however, there was only 48.9 g. harvested in emerge bloosom period (Table 2). 3. There were the highest dry flower weight, dry flower ratio, and weight of 100 flowers harvested in the full bloosom period (Table 3) and also got the highest Pyrethrin content in this stage (Table 4). Thus, the different picking period not only affected the Pyrethrin content but also affected the quantity of flower production

    (30(4):357-361)Effect of different staking methods on the quality and yield of Dioscorea alata L.

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    為了探討不同支架型式對於山藥(Dioscorea alata L.)塊根產量及品質之影響,乃舉行本研究。本研究自1979年1月至1980年2月止。依支架型式不同分為高支架(6尺),中支架(4尺半),矮支架(3尺),半弧形支架(3尺)及對照區(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)計有5種處理。玆將研究結果摘述如下: 1. 山藥初期生育受不同支架之影響,各處理間差異大,株高、節數、分蘗數均以半弧形支架(3尺)處理較佳。 2. 支架型式以高支架(6尺)處理對地上部莖葉之乾重量,每株平均比對照(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)處理可增加36%,半弧形支架(3尺)處理增加10%;地下部之塊根產量平均每株高支架(6尺)處理可增加33%,半弧形支架(3尺)處理增加11%,中支架(4.5尺)處理增加2%;由於高支架(6尺)處理有利於塊根之肥大,其他半弧形支架(3尺)及中支架(4尺半)處理亦佳,產量各增加0.154,0.051及0.01kg/株。 3. 以單位面積產量言,高支架(6尺)處理時產量最佳,對地下部塊根產量每公頃比對照(黑色塑膠布覆蓋)可增加33%;且根形,品質均屬最佳,蛋白質含量提高2.83%;其次半弧形支架(3尺)處理可增加11%,根形,品質亦佳,其蛋白質含量亦提高0.83%;其他中支架(4尺半)及矮支架(3尺)處理蛋白質含量均有提高之趨勢。For studying the effect of staking types on the yield and quality of Dioscorea alata L., highΛ-type staking (6 feet), middleΛ-type staking (4.5 feet), IowΛ-type staking (3 feet), arc type staking (3 feet) and control (non-staking) were used. Arc type staking was the best on plant height, no. of internodes and no. of tillages for plant growth stage but was for tuber root growth stage. Staking showed an advantage on plant and tuber root growth by increasing plant dry weight, yield, protein content and Shape of tuber rool. High staking increased 33% (4928 kg/ha) in tuber root yield, 36% in dry weight of upper part, and 2.83% in protein content compared with non-staking. Whereas, arc type staking increased 11% (1632 kg/ha) in tuber root yield, 10% in dry eight of upper part, and 0.83% in protein content compared with non-staking

    (41(1):53-60)Comparisons on the Agronomic Characteristics, Tuber Yield and Quality of Mai-Men-Tung Lines (Ophiopogon spp.)

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    本試驗利用五種麥門冬品系:57─Ml、57─M2、57─M3、57─M4及57─M5,自民國77年2月起利用分株法定植田間,至78年5月止,於本所進行5個不同生長時期之調查與比較,以探討麥門冬品系間之生長特性、產量及品質之差異。試驗結果如下: 於不同生長時期麥門冬品系間之株高、分蘗數、葉與花之性狀、及塊根之性狀與產量等互有差異,而以57─M4及57─M5二品系在株高、分蘗數、葉長及塊根產量等性狀之表現較為優異。 單株平均塊根乾重以57─M4最高,每公頃收量達9,900kg;57─M5次之,每公頃收量為3,700kg,皆顯著高於其他品系。此外,另參考塊根之礦物質、還原糖及澱粉等成分含量,初步證實57─M4與57─M5應為最具發展潛力之麥門冬品系。 Five lines of mai-men-tung, i. e., 57-Mi, 57-M2, 57-M3, 57-M4, and 57-M5 were compared for their agronomic characteristics and tuber differences to select a higher yield and quality line. Experiment was conducted from 1988 to 1989 at TART. Experimental results indicated that there were significant differences in performances of plant height, tiller number, leaf and flower characteristics and tuber yield measured at five growth durations among lines. Lines of 57-M4 and 57-M5 were superior in plant height, tiller number, and leaf length to other lines. Mean yield of dry tuber of 57-M4(9,900 kg/ha) was the highest, followed by 57-M5(3,700kg/ha). By comparing the measured agronomic characteristics, tuber yield and chemical compositions, it was suggested that 57-M4 and 57-M5 were the most promising lines of mai-men-tung for future research usage


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