1,090 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Online Bookstore System Based on Java

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    随着科技的迅猛发展,互联网成为人们日常生活中的重要工具,人们的生活越来越离不开网络。在网络的热潮下,电子商务也高速发展,给人们的生活和消费观念带来了极大的变化,网络购物成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。与其他商品相比,图书信息易于判断和选择,适合于网上交易,再者网上交易价格比实体店价格低,这些都让图书成为炙手可热的网上交易商品类型。所以,设计一个实用的网上书城系统具有现实的经济价值。 本文根据用户使用习惯及购物需求,基于Java技术,设计并实现了网上书城系统,主要研究内容如下: 1、本文基于Java技术和MySQL数据库设计并实现了一个网上书城系统,主要分成前台和后台这两部分,前台部分的主要...With the rapid development of technology, Internet becomes an important tool in our daily life. The rapid development of e-commerce, changing people's lives and consumer attitudes, online shopping has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Compared with other commodities, book information is easy to judge. Moreover, online transaction price is cheaper than the store price. Because of thes...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323226

    The application of PCR technology in detection of SPF laboratory animal rats

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    PCR作为一项新兴技术,越来越受到人们的重视。近几年来,PCR技术不断发展,它以准确、快速、便捷等优点广泛应用在科学研究的各个领域。PCR技术应用在实验动物领域中,可提高实验动物临床检测和监测水平。笔者主要介绍PCR技术在SPF级实验动物鼠病原微生物检测中的应用。PCR as a new technology, more and more get people's attention to it in a quick, accurate and convenient advantages are widely used in scientific research fields, in recent years, the PCR technology development, and application in the field of experimental animals, greatly improving the monitoring level of experimental animals, in this paper, the PCR technology in the application of the SPF laboratory animal mouse pathogenic microorganism monitoring.福建省重点项目(2014Y0083)


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    目的建立一种可同时检测4种SPF级屏障环境常见致病菌的多重PCR方法。方法本研究针对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌inv A基因、肺炎克雷伯杆菌khe基因、嗜肺巴斯德菌16SrRNA基因、铜绿假单胞菌ecf X基因序列分别设计合成特异性引物,构建可同时鉴别4种菌的多重PCR反应体系,优化后测定其特异性、灵敏性并人工模拟感染样本。结果建立的4重PCR方法能对同一样品中的4种致病菌模板进行特异性扩增,无交叉反应;对4种目的菌的检测灵敏度为10-3ng/μL;也可从混合感染的病料中特异性地检测出4种致病菌。结论本试验建立的多重PCR方法具有快速、简便、灵敏的特点,为4种致病菌的快速诊断和监控提供了有效的技术支持。福建省科技计划重点项目(No.2014Y0083


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    在双乙酰浓度为1mg/mL的12°Bx麦芽汁中进行高浓度定向驯化,经涂布抗双乙酰固体选择培养基,从啤酒酿造生产菌株啤酒酵母(Saccharomycessp.)A中富集筛选分离得到一株双乙酰还原速度优于亲株A的新菌株TA4。以12°Bx麦芽汁为培养基用内装300mL麦芽汁的500mL三角瓶10℃下发酵,发酵8d后发酵液双乙酰含量比亲株降低了36.31%,发酵度提高4.5%,且该菌株的絮凝性、发酵速率等特性仍保持了亲株A的优良性状。After domestication with diacetyl (1mg /mL)in25mL 12°Bx wort,a Saccharomyces sp.strain TA4was obtained from orig inal strain A,a strain for beer production.The diacetyl content in the fermented liquid during the fermentation was investig ated in500mL flask with300mL 12°Bx wort at 10℃.After 8days,the diacetyl content in the fermentation broth of TA4was 0.100mg /L,36.31%lower than that of its orig inal strain A(0.157mg /L).The true fermentation deg ree of strain TA4was 4.5%hig her than that of its orig inal strain.Some physical properties were measured.The results showed that flocculation and fermentation rate of strain TA4were the same to the orig inal strain


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    Spatial econometric analysis in the influence of labor flow on regional difference of China

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    改革开放以来,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就。然而,一方面伴随着经济的高速发展,地区之间的差距特别是东南沿海地区与其他地区的经济发展差距越来越大,而由于劳动力的流动不平衡,更扩大和加深了这种趋势。经济发展水平上的差距直接造成两大后果:一是东南沿海地区持续增长的市场空间受到明显限制,尽管它可以利用便利的水运条件拓展国际市场;二是经济落后地区收入增长持续落后,必然造成地区之间的利益冲突和其他矛盾。因此地区差距的研究成为一项重要且具有现实意义的课题。 另一方面,伴随着改革开放我国经济的日益增长,劳动力流动数量不断扩大,2004年全国发生流动人口数量达到850多万,且劳动力流动的地区分布极度不平衡,地...In the more than twenty years since the reform and open, China has achieved great development in economy. However, what has been companied with the rapid economical growth is the dramatic increase of regional differences. This difference is especially evident when comparing the economy between the southeastern districts and other parts of China. When this situation continues, two main problems wil...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_数量经济学学号:20041005

    HB-EGF induction on Snail expression during mouse uterine decidualization

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    哺乳动物的胚胎着床需要胚胎发育到胚泡阶段以及母体子宫分化到接受态同步进行,二者相互作用并建立紧密联系。HB-EGF是胚胎着床过程中的一个重要标志分子。子宫来源与胚胎来源的HB-EGF通过旁分泌和自分泌途径在小鼠胚胎着床过程中共同发挥重要的作用。Snail作为转录因子,主要是通过抑制E-cadherin的表达来调控胚胎发育及肿瘤发生过程。Snail敲除导致小鼠胚胎致死。在小鼠胚胎着床时期,Snail在环绕胚胎的子宫腔上皮下基质中有强烈的表达,而在非着床位点以及假孕小鼠的子宫中则没有表达,表明Snail在着床期的表达受胚胎的诱导。但在小鼠子宫中诱导Snail表达的调控机制还不清楚。由于HB-EGF...Embryo implantation requires a precise synchronism between the receptive uterus and activated blastocyst. Successful implantation depends upon complicated molecular network pathways. HB-EGF is one of the implantation-related markers during the period of implantation. HB-EGF from uterus and embryo plays an important role in mouse embryo implantation by paracrine and autocrine pathways. Snail, a tra...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_动物学学号:2162007015384


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    Nominalization in the Writing of English Majors in China: an Empirical Approach

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    名词化是英语书面语的典型特征。在过去的数十载中,各学派的语言学学者们以各异的方式研究名词化。本文在系统功能语法的框架下,通过实证研究以及量的分析和描述性分析,旨在调查中国英语专业学生的英语习作中的名词化使用现象和分布情况,并探析其深层次原因。本文回顾了名词化的定义、分类、功能、四大语言学派的名词化研究,并综述了以英语为外语的学习者的二语写作的五个评估指标。 本研究假设中国英语专业学生的英语能力与其二语写作中名词化使用频率呈正相关。并试图解答三个问题:1.中国英语专业学生的二语写作中名词化的分布有何种特征?学生名词化的使用频率是否会随着其英语能力的增长而增加?2.中国英语专业学生在二语写作过程...As a typical feature of written English, nominalization has been approached by linguists of various schools from different perspectives for decades. This thesis, based on the framework of Systematic Functional Grammar, takes an empirical approach, with the aid of quantitative and descriptive analysis, to examine the distribution of nominalization in the writing of Chinese English majors and probe ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202009115239