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    加强中央银行的金融宏观控制和调节职能,是我国金融体制改革的一项重要内容.1986年1月国务院颁发的《中华人民共和国银行管理暂行条例》已经确立了我国中央银行——人民银行——在金融体系中的特殊地位,尤其突出了它领导、管理我国金融体系的宏观职能和控制货币供应量的基本职责.但是,一年多的实践说明,中国人民银行的工作仍然难以得心应手,金融宏观调控不能奏效.1986年,我国银行贷款超过经济增长的幅度过大,物价上涨较多.1987年信贷计划还有缺口,货币供应量过多,通货膨胀的压力很大. 我们认为,人民银行工作难以得心应手,金融宏观调控不能奏效,是因为实现金融宏观调控的一些必备条件或前提尚未形成.其中金融宏观调控的重要基础——一个全国统一的、相对完善的、可控的资金市场体系——没有形成,显然是重要原因之一,很值得从理论上加以探讨


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    本文首先对投资银行“利益冲突”行为的根源及表现进行了经济学分析,在介绍西方国家加强对“利益冲突”行为监管的逻辑思路和具体实践的基础上,通过对近期西方学术界有关华尔街投资银行“利益冲突”实证研究文献的梳理和综述,从学术角度探讨投资银行的“利益冲突”及其对市场的影响、美国监管当局出台相应监管政策的合理性和有效性,以期对提高我国证券市场的监管效率提供一些启示和借鉴。The purpose of this paper is to study in detail what we really know about the nature of the conflicts of interest within investment banks and how, if at all, these conflicts have actually harmed investors. We do this by looking the academic evidence on analysts and their work, and how the stock market reacts to their pronouncements. We then use this analysis to examine some of the regulatory solutions imposed by the regulators to see if they are sensible, cost effective, and can reasonably be expected to remedy the alleged harms


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    摘要:本文首先对投资银行“利益冲突”行为的根源及表现进行了经济学分析 ,在介绍西方国家加强对“利益冲突”行为监管的逻辑思路和具体实践的基础上 ,通过对近期西方学术界有关华尔街投资银行“利益冲突”实证研究文献的梳理和综述 ,从学术角度探讨投资银行的“利益冲突”及其对市场的影响、美国监管当局出台相应监管政策的合理性和有效性 ,以期对提高我国证券市场的监管效率提供一些启示和借鉴。 Abstracts: The purpose of thispaper is to study in detail what we really know about the nature of the conflictsof interest within investment banks and how, if at all , these conflicts have actually harmed investors. We do this bylooking the academic evidence on analysts and their work, and how the stock market reacts to their pronouncements. We then use this analysisto examine someof the regulatory solutionsimposed bythe regulatorsto see if they are sensible ,cost effective , and can reasonably be expected to remedy the alleged harms


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    患者,女,26岁,颈部淋巴结核及血行播散型肺结核,慢性起病,病程较长。患者于2015年4月入住解放军第三〇九医院结核科,曾予以大剂量激素冲击治疗,后行规律抗结核治疗,为进一步治疗结核,2015年5月开始双侧臀大肌肌内注射卷曲霉素,首次注射后0.5 h即出现注射部位硬结、疼痛,患者未予特殊处理,自行用热毛巾湿敷,疼痛、硬结未见改善。注射完1个疗程(6个月)后,因患者症状好转,国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(81372051);;北京市自然科学基金资助项目(7123229,7122179);;全军医学科技“十二五”重点课题(BWS11C061);;国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2012CB518104);;中国博士后科学基金面上资助二等资助(2012M512081,2012M521846);;总参军事医学和老年病科研基金(ZCWS14B06

    The Analysis and Assessment of Groundwater Quality of Qinhuangdao

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    针对秦皇岛市地下水位下降,环境污染日益严重的现实,开展了以海水入侵区为主的地下水质综合评价与分析。在全市境内布设76眼监测井,用单因子法和综合法对地下水质量进行了评价,并对地下水水质变化趋势进行了分析。研究结果表明:Ⅰ类水只占5.3%,Ⅱ、Ⅲ水占14.5%,Ⅳ类及超Ⅳ类水占到80%以上,其中Ⅴ类水占40%。主要污染物有Fe、Mn、NO3-N、Cl、总硬度等。地下水质监测动态变化显示:总硬度、Cl-、矿化度、F-等呈上升趋势,其中总硬度和Cl-上升达75%,说明海水入侵的影响很大。To conter the situation of increasingly declining groundwater level and environmental pollution,the water quality assessment and analysis of sea water invasion district was studied.76 monitoring wells were laid,a single index method and the method of the comprehensive evaluation were used and the groundwater trends was analyzed.The results showed that the shallow groundwater of Qinhuangdao City meeting the Ⅰcategory water standard accounted for only 5.3%,Ⅱ,Ⅲcategories 14.5%,Ⅳ,Ⅴcategories more than 80%,40% of which wasⅤcategories and that Fe,Mn,NO3-N,Cl,total hardness were the major chemical components.The dynamics monitoring of underground water indicated that total hardness,chlorine,degree of mineralization,fluorine are becoming upward trend,especially total hardness and chlorine increased by over 75%, which means salt water intrusion on the larger impact.河北省自然基金项目(301165

    Study on the Stream Characteristics of Multi-Nozzle Oxygen Lance for LD Converter

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