15 research outputs found

    Study on urban Direct Election of the Deputy to the District People's Congress in China —— A case study of the election of DPC in 2006, Siming Xiamen

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    直接选举是民主政治的起点。我国正处于经济社会转型时期,其中,由于快速的城市化进程,城市面临着一系列的经济社会转型问题,现行的政治体制如何调适,公正有序地应对这些问题,是我国政治体制改革的重大课题。基层人大代表选举是建设我国权力机关的关键环节,在推进我国社会主义民主政治进程中占有突出地位。设区市的区级人大选举的制度建设与改革,直接面对着城市居民的政治参与与利益表达意愿,是政治体制改革与社会主义民主建设的有效、合理的切入点。 但是,我国城市基层人大代表选举正在日益成为中国政治民主发展所面临的严峻问题。本文以2006年厦门市思明区人大代表直接选举为个案,分析我国城市基层人大代表直接选举中存在的问题...Direct election is the starting point of the democratic politics. It is in economic and social transition in China. Because of rapid urbanization, the city is faced with a series of questions of economic and social transition. It is a major subject of the political system reform to deal with these issues in an orderly manner in China. Direct Election of the Deputy to the District People's Congress...学位:法学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院政治学系_政治学理论学号:1382006115066


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    Primary Validation of AVHRR/MODIS/TMI SST for Part of the Northwest Pacific

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    选取[10~35°N,110~165°E]的西北太平洋海域,利用2002年7月~2005年12月Argo浮标数据对AVHRR/MODIS/TMI SST的daily(升轨)数据进行验证.结果表明:AVHRR/MODIS/TMI daily SST与Argo浮标5~6 m层温度总体的均方差rms在0.6~0.9℃,平均偏差bias在-0.2~0.2℃,平均绝对偏差bias_abs在0.3~0.7℃.这与三传感器全球范围的SST反演目标相当,说明在本区域SST反演不存在显著偏差.各遥感SST与浮标温度的差异存在季节变化,夏季偏高,很可能与夏季垂直混合较弱,比对采用的实测水温与海表温度差距较大有关.在3种遥感SST中,TMISST偏离实测值的程度最高,且偏离范围较大.作者认为这与该区域黑潮经过,产生诸多涡旋和锋面,SST时空变化剧烈而TMI空间分辨率较低有关.本研究将为此西北太平洋海域的多源SST融合提供一个比较可靠的依据.We used Argo data during the period of July 2002 to December 2005 to validate the consistency of AVHRR/MODIS/TMI SST(Sea Surface Temperature) at daily scale in the region of [10~35°N,110~165°E].The statistic showed that between AVHRR/MODIS/ TMI SST and Argo temperature at 5~6 m depth,their rms ranged from 0.6~0.9℃ and the bias was-0.2~0.2℃.It was consistent with the accuracy of SST retrieval of 0.6~0.7℃ on global scale.However the differences between AVHRR/MODIS/TMI SST and Argo temperature varied in different seasons.TMI showed the most significant deviation from Argo data,which was probably resulted from its low resolution and the dynamic feature of SST in this specific region which had abundant eddies and fronts induced by the passage of Kuroshio.Further efforts for remote sensing SST merging in theis region would be possible based on the result we presented.国家自然科学基金(40376031,40331004,40521003);; 863计划(2006AA09A302);; 教育部创新群体计划;; 厦门大学新世纪人才计划联合资


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    A Primary Validation of Remote AVHRR SST in Taiwan Strait and Its Vicinity

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    采用现场走航数据与站点观测数据分别对台湾海峡及其邻近海域的高(1.1 km、每天)、低(9 km、月平均)时空分辨率遥感AVHRR MCSST和PFSST产品进行检验.结果表明,MCSST和PFSST产品与两种现场资料在时空变化趋势上都有着很好的一致性,相关系数的平方(R2)在0.68以上.高分辨率MCSST精度为(0.11±0.97)℃,与美国沿岸海域验证精度相当,达到当前国际上利用NLSST算法反演LAC数据所能达到的水平.虽然低分辨率PFSST在探测强烈的温度梯度时存在不足,趋向于削弱实际的温度锋.但总体来看,AVHRR SST遥感数据可适用于分析台湾海峡及其邻近海域温度场的时间变动趋势及空间变化特征.To estimate the accuracy of remote sensing SST in Taiwan Strait and its vicinity,the high(1.1 km,daily) and low(9 km,monthly) spatial-temporal resolution remote sensing AVHRR SST data are validated with the underway mapping SST and in-situ SST measured by CTD.Results of validation show that: both high and low resolution AVHRR SST products are consistent with two kinds of in-situ SST data.The accuracy of low resolution AVHRR PFSST is(0.09±1.40)℃ when compared with in-situ SST measured by CTD,which is the lowest of three comparison.The accuracy of high resolution AVHRR MCSST derived from local algorithm is(0.11±0.97)℃.This accuracy is equivalent with that of the SST products derived from LAC data with the NLSST algorithm.In upwelling zone of summer and warm-cold water fronts of winter,there is great difference between the low resolution PFSST and two kinds of in-situ SST data.The low resolution PFSST seems to weaken the actual SST fronts when it is used to detect these strong temperature gradient.However in conclusion,remote AVHRR SST data are fit to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of SST in Taiwan Strait and its vicinity.国家自然科学基金重点项目(40331004)资


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