381 research outputs found


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    Effect of ZnF2 Coating on Performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries

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    采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4正极材料,并利用Zn F2对其表面进行包覆改性。XRD、SEM和TEM测试表明,包覆处理不影响材料的晶体结构,2%(质量分数,以LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4质量计,下同)的Zn F2在LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4表面形成了约7 nm厚均匀包覆层。对未包覆的LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4和1%、2%、3%的Zn F2包覆后的LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4的电化学性能进行了考察,发现Zn F2包覆能够减弱电解液与LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4正极材料之间的相互作用,稳定电极表面,提高材料的电化学性能。其中,2%Zn F2包覆样品表现出最佳的循环性能和倍率性能,0.2C电流倍率下循环200圈后,其放电比容量维持在109.0 m A·h/g,保持率为79.7%;5 C电流倍率下循环500圈后,放电比容量维持在94.2 m A·h/g,保持率为85.6%


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    Environmental economic policy designed to control watershed agricultural non-point pollution——A case study from Jiulong River Watershed of Fujian Province

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    阐述了环境经济手段在我国农业非点源污染控制中应用的必要性和可行性。并结合福建省九龙江流域农业非点源污染的主要问题,提出“畜禽养殖税(费)、排污权交易,化肥和农药施用税(费)、补贴、促险,退耕补贴、水保押金,流域共同治理基金、排污配额交易”等环境经济手段及其应用形式,并分析论证了其实施后的费用效果和可行性。 【英文摘要】 The necessity and feasibility of special environmental economic policies to control agricultural non-point source pollution were briefly analyzed.Facing serious non-point pollution in Jiulong River,several kinds and formats of economic policies were put forward,i.e.feeding taxes,emission taxes,and tradable permits on livestock and poultry;taxes,charges,subsidies and insurance of using fertilizer and pesticide;subsidies of quitting cultivation and deposits for soil and water conservation;funds and tradable p...“十五”福建省重大科技攻关项目(2002H009);; 福建省发展与计划委员会项目(2003)资

    Effect of ZnO on Cu/ZnO/Al_2O_3 catalysts for methanol synthesis

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    [中文文摘]用高速碰撞共沉淀法制备m(CuO) /m(ZnO) /m(Al2 O3 )比分别为 60 /3 0 /1 0和 3 0 /60 /1 0的 1 #和 2 #催化剂 ,结果表明高ZnO的 2 #催化剂活性较好 ,分散度较大。XPS测试表明 2 #催化剂表面ZnO吸附的中间体 (CHx 或CHxO)较多且表面的Cu+1浓度较高 ,从而促进CO加氢合成甲醇的活性。[英文文摘]Cu/ZnO/Al_2O_3 catalysts with ratios of 60/30/10 and 30/60/10 have been prepared by high speed collision coprecipitation method. The performance of the catalyst with the higher ZnO content shows the higher activity in methanol synthesis. The characterization results indicated that the catalyst with the higher ZnO content has higher dispersion. On the surface of the higher ZnO content catalyst, there was more Cu+1 and more intermediate (CH_x and CH_xO) adsorpted. It is beneficial for the CO hydrogenating to produce methanol


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    Structural relaxation by isothermal annealing below the glass transition temperature is conducted on a Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10 bulk metallic glass. The effect of structural relaxation on thermal and mechanical properties was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and instrumented nanoindentation. The recovery of the enthalpy in the DSC curves indicates that thermally unstable defects were annihilated through structural relaxation. During nanoindentation, the structural relaxation did not have a significant influence on the serrated plastic flow behavior. However, Structural relaxation shows an obvious effect in increasing both the hardness and elastic modulus, which is attributed to the annihilation of thermally unstable defects that resulted from the relaxation

    A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed

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    目的基于CT三维重建个性化设计猪股骨髋关节假体与骨髓腔接触率的定量研究。方法选择猪股骨,拍摄实验前正侧位,双斜位片,再运用CT进行横断面扫描,获得CT数据后三维重建。基于CT三维重建数据,运用机器人磨削个性化假体,使其成为与髓腔完全匹配的定制假体。匹配后,拍摄实验后正侧位片,计算定制假体与髓腔接触的骨皮质或者骨松质的表面积以及接触率。结果通过计算,个性化假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率为90.8%,与医疗机器人辅助扩髓组获得的假体表面与骨髓腔直接接触率相近,远较传统手工扩髓组获得的假体近端表面与骨髓腔直接接触率高。结论基于CT三维重建个性化股骨假体与猪股骨髓腔初始固定直接接触率为90.8%,可获得良好的接触率。Objective A quantitative research based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized hip prosthesis and porcine femoral canal fixed.Methods Choose a pig femur and get photos of its lateral and double oblique positions before the experiment, then use CT scanning in cross-section.Reconstruct three-dimension on obtaining CT datas, grind personalized prosthesis by using robot and making it perfectly matched with femoral canal of customized prosthesis.Take photos of its lateral when personalized prosthesis matched with femoral canal of pig after the experiment.Then calculate the surface area and contact rate of the cancellous bone or cortical bone respectively where the personalized prosthesis contact with femoral canal.Results Through calculation, personalized prosthesis proximal surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity at a rate of 90.8% which is close to the rate that prosthesis surface directly contact with the bone marrow cavity which acquired by the medical robot-assisted reaming group.And further the rate is higher than the rate obtained by the traditional manual expanding medullary group.Conclusion The direct contact rate based on CT three dimensional reconstruct of personalized femoral prosthesis and porcine femoral canal initial fixed is 90.8% making it possible to have a good fixed


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    咖啡酸(CA)是一种具有很高的医学价值的药物成分,在抗菌抗病毒方面应用广泛,尤其是咖啡酸及其衍生物在抗肿瘤方面有着巨大作用,现在对咖啡酸的相关研究越来越多,但大部分都是关于咖啡酸医学性质的研究,所以对咖啡酸分子的微观结构研究是非常有必要的。目前关于CA在Ag表面上的表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)光谱的理论与实验结合的研究尚未见报道,而对其振动光谱及表面增强机理的研究可以为咖啡酸的各种药学机理的研究提供一种科学的物理解释,所以有必要将密度泛函理论(DFT)方法与表面增强拉曼散射技术相结合,对咖啡酸在Ag纳米颗粒上的吸附性质及表面增强机理进行全面的研究,这对推进它们在医药学等领域的相关研究有着重要的参考价值。采用SERS与DFT技术对CA分子在Ag纳米颗粒表面上的表面增强拉曼光谱进行了研究。在实验方面,利用热还原反应原理,使用柠檬酸三钠和硝酸银在加热搅拌情况下制备Ag纳米颗粒,并使用激光共聚焦显微拉曼光谱仪测量了CA分子的常规拉曼散射(NRS)光谱及其表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)光谱。在理论计算方面,采用DFT的B3LYP方法,以6-31+G**和LANL2DZ分别作为C, H, O和Ag的计算基组来优化咖啡酸的分子构型,羟基与Ag4的吸附构型,羧基与Ag4的吸附构型,羟基与羧基共同与Ag4吸附的构型,并以此为基础分析计算了CA分子的NRS光谱以及三种可能吸附模型的SERS光谱,并结合实验结果进行比较。同时对CA分子的振动模式进行了详细指认。根据实验数据和理论结果分析,在452 cm-1处的谱峰归属为环面外弯曲振动和O—H面外弯曲振动的耦合,这说明CA分子上的酚羟基是与Ag纳米颗粒表面作用的,不过相互作用较弱,推测CA分子平面可能与Ag基底表面不垂直;出现在1 338 cm-1处的谱峰归属于COO—伸缩振动,则可以说明CA分子上的羧基可能与Ag纳米颗粒垂直吸附。结果表明, CA分子是以羧基和酚羟基为吸附位吸附在Ag纳米颗粒表面上的。同时对CA分子的振动模式进行了详细指认。该工作对推进咖啡酸在生物医药等领域进一步的应用将起到重要作用。国家自然科学基金项目(11447172,41403083);;\n湖北省自然科学基金项目(2018CFB712);;\n湖北省教育厅基金项目(Q20151307)资