284 research outputs found


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     成人看護学実習では,急性期・慢性期・回復期・終末期の対象に合わせた日常生活援助や,治療を受ける患者の援助など,幅広い知識・技術の提供が必要である。現在,4月の成人看護学実習ガイダンス時に加え,実習開始1週間前に演習オリエンテーションを実習施設ごとに実施し,事前学習および学内演習を自主的に行うよう指導している。そこで今回,成人看護学実習を終了した看護学生63名に質問紙調査を実施し,事前学習・演習が「実習において役立っているのか」,また「演習の内容」について検討した。事前学習・演習の項目13領域(49項目)では,全項目にわたり実施しているが,特に排泄援助技術(3項目),清潔・衣生活援助技術(5項目),症状・生体機能管理技術(5項目)において,どの項目も概ね60%近くの学生が事前学習・演習を実施していることがわかった。また,事前学習・演習を実習メンバーと協力して実施,または教員の指導を受けながら実施することで,実習への自信につながっていた。さらに,実際に受持患者へ技術を提供することで,事前学習・演習が実習に役立てることができ,学生の自己評価も高くなったと考えられる。 In adult nursing practice, providing a wide range of knowledge and skills including daily-life aid according to the acute, chronic, convalescent, and terminal phases and helping patients to receive treatment are required. We currently organize exercise orientations at every practical-training facility, during the period of guidance regarding adult nursing practice in April as well as a week before the start of the exercise, and instruct students to voluntarily conduct a pre-learning and in-school exercise. Thus, here, a questionnaire survey was conducted involving 63 nursing students completing adult nursing practice to examine the "usefulness in the practical training" of the pre-learning and exercise and the "exercise content". The results revealed the following: regarding 13 areas (49 items) in pre-learning and exercise, the students conducted all items, but particularly regarding the skills to provide excretion care (3 items), grooming and dressing (5 items), and managing symptoms and physical functions (5 items); nearly 60% of them conducted the pre-learning and exercise involving any of the items. In addition, conducting the pre-learning and exercise in cooperation with practical-training members or receiving instructions from teaching staff led them to become confident in the practical training. Moreover, actually employing the skills to assist patients made it possible to put the pre-learning and exercise to use in practical training, which may increase students\u27 self-evaluation

    How Our Parents Communicated to Us and How We Communicated to Our Children

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    We are six students on a counseling course. As we discussed the worries and problems we faced raising our children, we realized a lot of things from our past experiences. We raised our children as our parents raised us, but it didn't have the positive results that we had hoped. We then began to look back at our relationships with our parents and ourselves. To look back and "understand oneself" can be an encouraging source for "change of oneself". To change oneself is not the same as to adjust one's feeling or thoughts to suit others against one's will It's not the same as changing one's character, either. It is the same as changing our relationships with people around us, and we need self-respecting spirits to do it. Our lecture was centered around Client-Centered Therapy, Assertion and Rational-Emotional Therapy which collectively have a deep effect on us.Article信州大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター紀要 教育実践研究 2: 113-122(2001)departmental bulletin pape


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     本研究は,「成人看護学演習」の授業実践についての学生による授業評価を行ない,本授業の改善を要する点を明らかにし今後の教授活動や教材の研究の手がかりを得るものである。 A短期大学の「成人看護学演習」は,成人期の患者の有するさまざまな問題について考え,看護の広がりと問題解決のプロセスを具体的に学習することを目標としている。学生は,主体的に事例の情報を把握し,援助の優先順位を考え,計画を立案していく。その学びが臨地実習において看護過程の展開に役立つことをねらいとしている。 研究方法は,A短期大学看護学科2年生に上記の授業終了後に質問紙調査を実施した。その結果,「成人看護学演習」の達成度は高かった。評価が高かったのは「演習の参加度」と「学生の知識・理解」の深まりであった。低かった評価は「学生の感情への共感」で,中でも『意見や考えを聞いて実習の不安がなくなった』が最も低く,実習に対する不安の強さを示していることがわかった。これらのことは,「成人看護学演習」の授業の継続と実習への不安の軽減に向けた授業改善に取り組む必要性を示唆している。 This study was designed to clarify points to be improved in the lesson of "adult nursing exercise" by students evaluating actual lessons, and to obtain suggestions to help promote future teaching activities and educational materials.The goal of the "adult nursing exercise" in A junior college is to discuss various problems concerning adult patients and to specifically learn a wide range of nursing and problem-solving skills. The students take the initiative in clarifying case information, discuss the aid priority, and design a plan. The exercise aims for the learning to be useful in the development of processes in nursing practice.The study method was: a questionnaire survey conducted after completing the above lesson, involving second-year students in the Faculty of Nursing of A junior college. As a result, the goal of the "adult nursing exercise" was generally achieved. The students highly evaluated the "degree of participation in the exercise" and its promotion of the "students\u27 knowledge and appreciation". They unfavorably evaluated "sympathy with students\u27 feelings", with the lowest evaluation being for "listening to opinions or ideas overcomes anxieties over the exercise", indicating a strong anxiety over the exercise. The results suggested the importance of continuing the lesson of "adult nursing exercise" and necessity of lesson improvement to reduce anxieties over the exercise


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    Article信州大学医学部附属病院看護研究集録 1995: 102-104(1995)departmental bulletin pape


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    Article長野県透析研究会誌 34(1): 105-106(2011)journal articl