15 research outputs found

    Application of Hydroxyl Radicals Ballast Water Treatment System on Ship

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    构建了250 m~3/h羟基自由基压载水处理系统并进行了实船试验。整个试验按照国际海事组织(IMO)的要求进行,对水中藻类、细菌和水质参数进行了检测。试验结果显示,经此系统处理后压载水中藻类浓度和细菌浓度达到了IMO规定的压载水排放标准;处理后的压载水水质变好,不会造成二次污染。该系统可实现在压载水的输送过程中杀灭外来水生生物和病原体,并可以改善水质。A 250 m3/h hydroxyl radicals ballast water treatment system is constructed and tested on ship. The whole experiment is conducted in accordance with the requirements of International Maritime Organization(IMO). The concentration of algae and bacteria, as well as some water quality parameters are determined. Experimental results show that the concentration of algae and bacteria in ballast water treated by this system achieved the ballast water discharge standard of IMO regulations. The treated ballast water has higher water quality and will not cause secondary pollution. The system can kill the alien aquatic organisms and pathogens in the process of delivering ballast water and can improve water quality

    Study on the corrosion effect of ballast tank caused by ballast water treatment of hydroxyl radical

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    针对羟基自由基(·OH)法处理船舶压载水过程中可能对压载舱造成腐蚀情况进行研究。在最大羟基处理浓度2.5 Mg/l条件下作用压载舱常用低碳钢、不锈钢及非金属材料,检测处理前后压舱水对压载舱材料的腐蚀影响。结果表明羟基法处理压载水系统在高效杀灭外来有害生物的过程中,对压载舱金属与非金属并不具有明显的腐蚀增强,这一结果满足IMO的技术要求。羟基法在快速处理船舶压载水的同时对于压载舱壁金属腐蚀而言是安全的。该研究结果对日后压载舱的防腐设计以及压载水处理装置在船舶上的推广应用具有重要的意义。The thesis presents the study of the situation that hydroxyl radical( ·OH) may cause the corrosion of ballast tank material in the process of ballast water treatment.Under the highest using concentration of hydroxyl radical,the materials,such as low-carbon steel,stainless steel,and Non-metallic,are commonly used in the ballast tank to evaluate the corrosion influence that ballast water makes on the materials of ballast tank in the pre-and post-treatment testing.The result showed that the corrosion effect of the hydroxyl radical on the metal and non-metal materials does not increase obviously when used in the system of ballast water treatment to effectively kill the exotic pests,which meets the requirements of IMO.It is safe for ballast tank wall metal to utilize the hydroxyl radical in the ballast water treatment.The study result holds a great significance for the anti-corrosion design of the ballast tank and the popularization as well as the application of this ballast water treatment system on board.国家高技术研究发展计划(2012AA062609); 国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(61025001

    Motor development and inhibition in 4-6 year-old children

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    运用《儿童动作评估检查表》和停止信号任务,通过教师评定和即时行为实验方法,对40名4~6岁幼儿的动作发展水平、动作发展的内部结构、动作抑制的发展趋势和动作抑制与动作一般发展水平之间的关系进行了详细探讨。结果发现,4~6岁幼儿的动作处于一个迅速发展的时期; 幼儿在自身与环境的静止或变动情况下,动作发展水平存在不平衡现象,当儿童自身静止并处于静止的环境中时,动作发展水平显著高于儿童自身移动和环境变动状态下的动作水平; 男孩与女孩在动作发展的特定条件下存在差异。同时还发现,幼儿的动作反应抑制能力存在明显的年龄发展趋势,随着幼儿年龄的增长,其动作反应抑制能力增强; 动作反应抑制能力与一般动作发展水平之间存在显著相关

    Cross-cultural Study on Infant Word Learning

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    Infant’s Inference of the Goal-Directed Action

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    Fast Mapping in Word Learning Process

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    成人言语输入对儿童早期单词获得影响的个案追踪 = The influence of adult input on children's early word learning : a case study of a Mandarin-speaking child

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    Children’s early vocabulary development is not linear. At the outset, word learning is very slow. However, by approximately 19 months of age, children’s vocabulary rapidly expands, entering the phase of the “word spurt”. The phenomenon of breaking word learning’s bottleneck can be interpreted by several theories, such as constraint theories which emphasize innate cognitive biases, social-pragmatic theories emphasizing the role of social and linguistic environments, and associationistic views involving computations of the co-occurrence be-tween words and their referents in naturalistic speech. However, these theories cannot account by themselves for cross-linguistic differences or similarities across children, despite differences in input– didn’t really understand this parenthesis. Although the updated theory of Emergentist Coalition Model (ECM) combines early use of at-tentional cues with later use of social inputs and linguistic cues, it cannot account for the consistent cross- lin-guistic differences appearing at the very beginning of children’s vocabulary which correspond to linguistic fea-tures and social inputs. Such differences, particularly the composition of verbs and nouns in children’s early vocabularies, challenge the theory of “Noun bias” supported by many researchers. Thus, whether children can use social and linguistic cues in the beginning of word development, noun and verb acquisition in particular, is of interest for this paper. Although there are many studies investigating the relationship between adult’s speech input and children’s early language development, they do not reveal the regularity and developmental changes both in caregivers’ input and infants’ word acquisition. Furthermore, none of these studies focused on Chinese, a language with vastly different linguistic properties from English. A longitudinal case method with a Chinese female infant was used. Tracking the infant from 6- to 20-months of age, the researcher visited the family monthly for one-hour recordings of naturalistic interaction. The naturalistic data on caregiver-to-child input were transcribed into CHAT format and analyzed with the CLAN program, counting the frequency of nouns and verbs and word position in caregivers’ utterances. Then, the development of child’s comprehension and production vocabulary was assessed by both observed data and the Putonghua version of the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory(PCDI). Seven spontaneous speech samples (6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 months) were analyzed. In addition, the study also focused on the roles of specific contexts of caregivers’ input, selecting three contexts in the naturalistic data (booking reading, feeding and playing). The caregivers were found to produce more verb than noun in tokens and types in most samples, although the difference was significant only for tokens. The position in caregivers’ utterances was favorable for verbs, but not nouns, with many verbs dropping subjects and objects. However, the ratio of verbs and nouns varied with specific context. The frequency of nouns was higher relative to verbs in the booking reading context, but verbs were more frequent in both the feeding and playing contexts. In addition, more verbs than nouns were found in the child’s early vocabulary, regardless of how they were measured and this corresponded to the caregivers’ speech input. Specifically, the child could both comprehend and produce higher ratios of verbs than nouns with the CDI measure, and produced a larger cumulative number of verbs than nouns up to the 15 month. Children can use linguistic input in their vocabulary acquisition even at the very beginning of language development. The dominance of verbs in Chinese adults’ speech influences children’s early word composition, with more verbs than nouns in both comprehension and production. This result again supports the view of cross-linguistic differences but not the “noun bias” in children’s early vocabularies. In addition, the frequency of verbs and nouns varies with specific context.Published versio