10 research outputs found

    Distribution Characteristic of PAHs in the Air of Xiamen and Molecular Markers Indicating Pollution Sources

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    本论文在系统研究厦门市及其近海区域大气中多环芳烃(PAHs)的组成、时空分布特征及主要来源的基础上,着重分析了沿海城市的海洋特征(海-气交换、海陆风、台风等)对城市大气PAHs的污染水平及来源分配的影响,并解析了与海洋相关的污染源(海洋二次挥发源、海上船舶尾气源、通过海洋的传输源等)的相对贡献率,取得以下结果:1.厦门市春、夏、秋、冬四个季节大气PM10中15种优控PAHs的浓度(萘除外)在不同季节的分布趋势为秋季(32.6±7.4ng/m3)>春季(17.5±6.4ng/m3)>冬季(10.5±5.1ng/m3)>夏季(3.7±2.4ng/m3),与国内各城市相比处于较低水...Hydrocarbons pollution has become significant characteristic of air pollution in most Chinese cities. Atmospheric PAHs can be present in particulate phase and gas phase which are hazardous to human health. Studies were carried out in Xiamen city, Fujian Province, P.R.China. In the study, we aimed to (1) investigate the levels, patterns and the main sources of PAHs;(2) study the effect of the ocean...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:B20043400

    Analysis on Hydrocarbons Pollution in Vehicle Exhausts in Xiamen City

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    [摘要]:通过厦门市仙岳隧道实验建立了厦门市机动车尾气源饱和烃( 正构烷烃、甾萜类化合物等) 及多 环芳烃等主要烃类污染物的特征排放谱, 得出厦门市隧道尾气PM10 中PAHs 的苯并[ a ] 芘等效毒性 (BEQ) ( 3. 99) 约为厦门城市大气的2. 5 倍, 对人体健康威胁更大. 同时估算出汽油车和柴油车对厦门大气 机动车尾气排放PAHs 的贡献率分别约为70%和30%.[Abstract]:Tunnel study was carried out in Xianyue tunnel in Xiamen city to characterize the emission of saturated hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) from vehicles. The contents and the profiles of these pollutants were given in this paper. T he value of BEQ of PAHs in Xianyue tunnel air was 3. 99, which was about 2. 5 times that in Xiamen City which brought higher threat to human health. Results showed the contributions of emission from gasoline-engined vehicles and diesel-engined vehicles to the PAHs in Xiamen city air have been quantified to be about 70% and 30%.国家自然科学基金资助项目( 202777060) ; 成都信息工程学院引进人才科研启动项目基金资助( KYTZ200806

    Characteristics of PCBs in a Capacitor Storage Site and an Industrial Brownfield

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    研究了四川资阳机车厂废弃电力电容器封存点与旧工业场地土壤与降尘中28种多氯联苯(PCbS)的污染水平与组成特征.电容器封存山洞未封闭洞口处土壤中PCbS含量最高,28种PCbS的总含量(ΣPCbS)达227 502 ng.g-1,铸铁车间窗台降尘中也有高残留的PCbS,ΣPCbS在10μg.g-1以上,封存点和铸铁车间样品中PCbS单体含量之间均存在显著的正相关关系(P<0.01).高污染样品中PCbS的同族体分布均以四氯代PCbS为最高,其次为三氯代PCbS和五氯代PCbS.与封存点土壤相比,铸铁车间样品中高氯代PCbS的贡献更大.12种类二英PCbS的毒性当量(TEQ)介于75.43~24 027 Pg.g-1之间,远大于电子垃圾拆解区土壤,但普遍都以PCb126的毒性当量贡献占绝对优势.The levels and congener patterns of 28 PCBs compounds were investigated in soil and dust fallout collected in a capacitor storage site and an industrial brownfield,respectively in Sichuan Ziyang Locomotive Factory.The highest concentration of the total PCBs(PCBs=227 502 ng·g-1) was found in soil collected from the front gate(unsealed) of the capacitor storage tunnel.Very high levels of PCBs,exceed 10 μg·g-1,were also found in the dust collected from the window sill of an iron foundry.There were significant positive correlations(P<0.01) among PCB congener concentration in the storage site and the iron foundry samples.The major contribution to the total content of PCBs in the high contaminated samples was tetrachlorinated biphenyls,followed by tri-and penta-chlorinated biphenyls.Hexa-and higher chlorinated biphenyls contributed more to PCBs in the iron foundry than those in the storage site.The total toxicity equivalents(TEQ) of 12 dioxin-like congeners varied in the range of 75.43-24 027 pg·g-1 and were much higher than those in soils of e-waste recycling sites.However,PCB126 contribute the most to the TEQ in most cases.国家自然科学基金项目(40603020);福建省自然科学基金计划项目(2009J05106

    Characteristics of PAHs in PM_(10) aerosols collected from different districts in Xiamen

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    2004年冬季在厦门市4个不同功能区连续10d采集并分析了PM10中16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs).研究发现,各个功能区大气PM10中多环芳烃总浓度(ΣPAHs)存在明显差别工业区(湖里)10.87~27.54ng·m-3、旅游区(鼓浪屿)7.79~21.14ng·m-3、居民区(洪文)6.52~13·39ng·m-3、森林区(小坪)5.20~11.43ng·m-3;但各个功能区PM10中各种PAH化合物的相对组成趋于一致,所占比例最高的前4种化合物为菲、芘、和芴,表明冬季不同功能区PM10中PAHs的主要污染来源在很大程度上相似或相同.根据典型污染来源中特征化合物比值如苯并(a)蒽/、荧蒽/芘和芘/苯并(a)芘及其有机碳/元素碳的值,推断厦门市PM10中的PAHs主要来源于汽车尾气的排放. 【英文摘要】 An intensive sampling program has been undertaken in the absence of precipitation at four different sites, Xiamen, to characterize the atmospheric concentration of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM_ 10 aerosols during 2004 winter. There was significant difference in the average value of ΣPAHs (defined as the sum of 16 PAH compounds) during the sampling time among four sites. ΣPAHs value is as follows: Huli at 10.9~27.5 ng·m -3 , Gulangyu at 7.8~21.1 ng·m -3 , Hongwen at 6.5~13.4 ng·m -3 , a...国家自然科学基金项目(No.40476048)~

    Application of a Resuspension Test Chamber in PM_(2.5) Source Profile Analysis

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    为解决PM2.5源解析中无组织排放源的采样问题,在前人基础上发展了一套简便高效的再悬浮采集装置,并对进样量、再悬浮时间等关键运行参数进行了优化,总结了无组织排放源采样分析流程.重复测试表明,双切割头的PM2.5捕集量偏差<8%,粒径分布比率变化不超过5%,显示出再悬浮装置良好的采样平行性和稳定性.将该装置应用于陶瓷工业尘、公路扬尘和二次降尘等3类无组织排放尘及生物质燃烧的源排放再悬浮采样分析,获得了各颗粒源的粒径分布谱和PM2.5无机成分谱,以此对各排放源特征进行有效区分.PM2.5平行样中各化学成分浓度偏差<15%.与其他装置相比,本研究介绍的再悬浮装置简便经济,具有较高的采样效率,在无组织尘排放源谱分析中具有较高的实用价值.A resuspension chamber was developed and optimized to obtain PM2.5 fraction from fugitive sources.In accordance,a basic protocol of sampling and analysis was concluded.Replicate tests showed that mass deviation of PM2.5 between two sampling cascade impactors was less than 8% and size distribution ratios varied by no more than 5%,indicating good sampling parallelism and stability.Chemical profiles and size distribution of three kinds of fugitive dusts(paved road dust,secondary dust and ceramic industrial dust) as well as biomass burning emission had been measured based on the above chamber.The relative standard deviations(RSD%) of inorganic elements in duplicate PM2.5 samples were less than 15%.Comparing with other devices,the resuspension chamber described in this study features convenience and efficiency,and has a high practical value in the source sampling of fugitive dust.环保公益性行业科研专项(201009004);国家自然科学基金项目(40971257

    Carbon components in PM_(10) aerosols in typical inland and coastal cities

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    为了分析碳成分在海滨和内陆城市的浓度现状、季节变化和日变化特征,于2009-11-2—2009-11-4(秋季)、2009-12-21—2009-12-23(冬季)、2010-4-27—2010-4-30(春季)和2010-8-26—2010-8-29(夏季)连续同步密集采集了厦门和成都大气可吸入颗粒物(PM10)样品,并采用IMPrOVE热光分析法分析了PM10中有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC),采用燃烧氧化-非分散红外吸收法测定了样品中的水溶性有机碳(WSOC),采用乙基紫-分光光度法测定样品中阴离子表面活性物质(EVAS)的浓度.结果显示,海滨和内陆城市PM10中碳成分含量季节分布明显,冬春季含量较高,夏秋季含量较低.各季碳成分含量日变化趋势不完全相同.WSOC与OC和EC相关分析结果显示,WSOCS主要来源于光化学反应形成的二次污染物.PM10 samples from two traffic sites in Xiamen and Chengdu were collected and analyzed to investigate the seasonal and diurnal variations of carbon components.The organic carbon(OC),elemental carbon(EC),water-soluble organic carbon(WSOC),and anionic surfactant(EVAS) concentrations were determined using thermal-optical,combustion oxidation-non dispersive infrared absorption,and ethyl violet active substancespectrophotometer method,respectively.A well defined seasonal pattern was found,characterized with higher concentrations in winter and spring but lower levels in summer and autumn.However,the diurnal variations showed different trends in different seasons and different cities.Based on the relationship between WSOC and EC or OC,the main sources of WSOCs in PM10 were proposed to be vehicle exhaust emissions and secondary organic formation.国家自然科学基金(40971257;41171365);环保公益性行业科研专项(201009004)资


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    通过比较城市大气PM10中优控PAHs的总量、苯并(a)芘(BaP)的浓度水平和BaP的等效致癌毒性(BEQ),评估厦门市大气有机污染的程度及其对人体的健康风险.结果表明,厦门市15种优控PAHs年平均浓度为16.08ng.m-3,BaP年平均浓度为0.70ng.m-3,BEQ为1.58.The concentration and distribution character of priority PAHs in PM_(10)at different function areas of Xiamen city were studied and BEQ was calculated.When comparing with other big cities in China,the concentrations and pollution level(BEQ) of priority PAHs in Xiamen city were lower,with PAHs annual concentration of 16.08ng·m~(-3),BaP 0.70 ng·m~(-3)and BEQ 1.58.It was suggested that monitoring organic toxic pollutants and control must be enhanced based on the evaluation of health risk from PAHs,particularly in those big cities with PAHs concentrations and BEQ higher than the acceptable level.国家自然科学基金(40476048,40106012)资助项

    Study of decontaminating radioactive pollution by PAn-SO_4~(2-)/TiO_2 solid superacid film

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    制备出酸度- 13. 20 97%) and produced less waste needing disposal, as well as it wouldn't erode the substrate. Coating and electrolyzing the film in solution or in dry medium were effective method, the latter was a more promising method for decontamination of radioactive pollution in nuclear industry.国家自然科学基金资助项目(10175047

    Decomposition of ozone on MnO_x-AgO_x/cordierite catalysts

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    用分步浸渍法制备出能在高湿度条件下催化分解较高浓度 O3 的 MnOx AgOx/堇青石催化剂。XRD和 XPS 分析表明,反应前后催化剂的活性中心发生了变化,产生了新物种。根据实验初步讨论了高湿度下MnOx 和 AgOx 分解 O3 的协同效应以及 O3在催化剂表面发生的局部多相催化分解的反应过程。The catalysts MnO_x-AgO_x/Cordierite prepared by dipping method has shown high activity in decomposing ozone under high humidity. The catalysts were characterized by XPS and XRD. The results show the appearance of the new active materials during the process of the action. We suggested the synergetic effect of MnO_x and AgO_x for decomposing ozone. We also discussed the multi-phases catalytic procedure of ozone decomposition on the MnO_x-AgO_x/Cordierite Catalysts under high humidity condition.国家自然科学基金资助项目(29877015);; 中国工程物理研究院院外基金资助项目(017


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    对厦门市冬季不同功能区大气PM2.5中多环芳烃(PAHs)的昼夜变化特征进行分析.结果表明,在检出的13种PAHs中,总浓度及其组分均呈现明显的差异.PAHs总浓度(ΣPAHs)分布在3.04—12.49ng.m-3;各功能区PAHs以菲、芘和含量相对较高,其中菲占优势,说明厦门市冬季大气PM2.5中PAHs以菲的污染为主.局部地区晚间ΣPAHs的浓度明显高于日间浓度,这可能与夜间大气混合层下降、污染物不易扩散传输、日间PAHs易光降解等有关.21 and 6 hours PM_(2.5) samples were collected and analyzed for 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) from 5 different function zones in Xiamen in December 2004 to characterize their diurnal change.There were significant difference in the values of ΣPAHs(defined as the sum of 13 PAH compounds) among the five sampling sites.Three PAH compounds,phenanthrene,pyrene and chrysene,were the dominant pollutants.ΣPAHs in the day were much lower than those at the night at the following three sites,Huli,International Bank and Hongwen.These indicated that the relative mixed atmosphere and strong photolysis in the day can significantly influence the concentrations of PAHs in the PM_(2.5) in Xiamen.国家自然科学基金(40106012,40476048)资助项