32 research outputs found

    Study for the Anterior Capsule of Human Crystalline Lens with Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis

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    在临床试验获得的形态数据和物理数据的基础上,建立了连续环形撕囊后前囊膜的物理模型,利用非线性有限元分析法对撕开口大小与囊膜最大拉伸长度之间的关系进行了仿真计算。结果表明,随撕开口的增大,囊膜所能承受的最大拉伸长度显著增加,最大拉伸状态下的撕开口周长Cr与撕开口初始周长Cc的比值(Cr/Cc)也增大。该结论与实验研究的结论一致,表明前囊膜的可拉伸性能随着撕开口的增大而增大。进一步分析指出,拉伸时,撕开口边缘处外力作用的范围会显著影响最大拉伸长度:外力作用范围越大,囊膜所能承受的最大拉伸长度也就越大;增大幅度随作用范围的增加而减小。研究结果表明,仿真分析取得的结果与实验研究结果相符。Based on experimental data,a nonlinear finite element model of the anterior capsule was constructed to study the relationship between the diameter of continuous circular capsulorhexis(ccc) and the maximum extend of the anterior capsule by finite element analysis.Calculating results showed that the capsule could be extended larger by an external force as the diameter of CCC aperture increasing.This result is accord with the results of experimental studies on lens capsules of human body.Furthermore,simulation indicates that the contact area of the external force has a great influence on the max extend length: giving the same diameter of CCC,the capsule's extend length increasing as the contact area of the external force become larger.This result remains undiscovered in experimental studies.The current work demonstrates that simulation analysis is believed to be a promising,powerful tool in the field of biology medical engineering.国家自然科学基金资助项目(60371012);; 福建省科技重点项目(2002Y021

    Evaluation technique of the loss of coastal ecosystem services caused by sea reclamation project with three methods

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    在分析填海工程对海洋环境影响的基础上,结合《海洋生态资本评估技术导则》(gb/T 28058-2011)综合构建了填海工程对海洋生态系统服务功能损耗评估指标体系。分别采用价值评估法、能值分析法和物种丰度经验公式法对生态损耗进行价值评估,以福鼎市塔下新建填海工程为分析对象进行了实证评估,生态系统服务价值总损失量分别为672.0万元·年–1、809.2万元·年–1和133.3万元·年–1。通过与国内相关研究成果进行比较,分析三种评估方法的可行性和适用性,以期在实际环境影响评价工作中将工程外部成本纳入项目经济损益分析,为海岸带经济可持续发展提供技术支撑。Based on the effects of marine environment caused by sea reclamation and Technical Directives for Marine Ecological Capital Assessment(GB/T 28058-2011), the indexes of the losses of coastal ecosystem services caused by sea reclamation were built.The lost value of sea reclamation was calculated with three methods including economic evaluation, emergy analysis and biodiversity experiential formula which were applied in the new sea reclamation in Taxia Fuding Fujian Province separately, and the total ecosystem lost value was 672.0×104yuan·a–1, 809.2×104yuan·a–1, and 133.3×104yuan·a–1 correspondingly.Compared with other relevant researches, the methods are expected to apply in EIA economic evaluation in order to consider external cost and to apply in coastal economic sustainable development.海洋渔业安全环境保障服务系统关键技术研究及示范应用(201205006

    Architecture of a Database System

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    CF-HNLBI:A New B+-tree Indexing for Flash-based Databases

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    闪存是一种新型的电可擦除可编程只读存储器,具有非易失、读写速度快、抗震性能好、低功耗、体积小等特性。随着闪存容量的不断增加和价格的逐渐下降,闪存相对于传统机械硬盘具有了更加明显的竞争优势,已经广泛应用于嵌入式系统、航空航天、消费电子等领域。目前,随着闪存的不断发展,已经有越来越多的企业开始使用闪存作为底层的存储设备。 但是,闪存设备自身也存在一些缺点:(1)闪存的单位容量价格仍然高于传统的机械硬盘且生命周期更短;(2)闪存中数据的擦除是以块为单位的,一个数据块中包含固定数量的连续页,而闪存数据的读写是以页为单位的;(3)闪存更新数据的方式为异地更新;(4)闪存的读写速度是不一致的,其读操作由...Flash memory is a new type of electrically erasable programmable read-only memory. It has many distinct characteristics including non-volatile, high I/O performance, low power consumption, small size, shock resistance. With the increase of flash memory’s storage and decrease of it’s price , flash memory has been more and more competitive compared with the traditional mechanical hard disk. Flash m...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2302012115291

    Enlightenments of Social Cognitive Career Theory on Career Development Courses

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    近年来,中国高校的生涯教育逐渐从单纯的就业指导转变为职业生涯规划。随着职业理论的发展和引入,职业教学课程的指导理论不完善之处逐渐凸显。社会认知职业理论关注个体的主观能动性及其生涯发展过程中的动态变化过程,突破了原有理论的弊端。本研究介绍社会认知职业理论的基本内容及其三个主要模型,从兴趣培养、自我效能的提高、生涯社会支持和个人背景四个角度提出对生涯教育的切实可行的建议。In recent years,career education in Mainland China is gradually shifting from simple employment guidance to career planning.With the introduction and development of modern career theories,the weakness of previous theories is increasingly prominent.Social cognitive career theory focuses on individuals' personal agency and the dynamic process of their career development,which addresses the emerging weakness of previous theories.This paper introduces the basic contents of social cognitive career theory and its three primary models,and offers practical suggestions for career education from four perspectives including interest facilitation,self-efficacy improvement,career social support and personal background.厦门大学文科横向科研项目-高中生涯发展指导(HX2013014); 厦门大学2013年学生工作研究课题“高校就业指导与生涯教育现状调查及其对大学生职业决策的影响研究-基于SCCT理论”(2013XNZD005

    CF-HNLBI:a New B-tree Indexing for Flash-based Databases

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    提出了一种新的基于b-树的闪存数据库索引——Cf-HnlbI索引.使用链表组织缓冲区中的更新信息,减少了缓冲区遍历时间,通过链表结构减少冗余信息,提高了缓冲区利用率.将缓冲区分为冷区和热区,并采用基于更新信息频度的替换算法,有效地减少了闪存写操作次数.实验结果表明,Cf-HnlbI索引比其他已有索引具有更好的性能.A new B-tree-based indexing,called CF-HNLBI,is proposed for flash-based database systems.In CF-HNLBI,indexing units are organized in the form of lists to reduce the time cost of traversal operations.The method involves less redundant information in the index buffer compared to other indexings schemes.It divides the buffer into two areas,i.e.,cold area and hot area,and adopts the buffer replacement algorithm based on updating information frequency to reduce the number of write operations.Extensive experimental results show that CF-HNLBI can achieve better performances than the state-of-the-art methods.国家自然科学基金(61303004;61370010;61102136;61202012); 福建省自然科学基金(2013J05099;2011J05156;2011J05158); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2011121049


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    Corneal Modeling Based on Finite Element and RK Analysis

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    放射状角膜切开术简称RK手术,是通过改变角膜的屈光度矫正视力的一种方法。这种手术简单,疗效显著,受到普遍欢迎,但手术前后应力分布及术中参数变化对手术的影响一直是医患双方共同关心的问题。以有限元软件ANSYS为工具,分别建立眼角膜RK手术前后的有限元模型,并在此基础上对比分析手术前后眼角膜的应力分布、眼内压对角膜的影响及RK手术中切口深度对整个手术效果的影响。仿真结果显示:正常情况下的角膜应力主要分布在水平边缘方向,RK手术后的刀口两端有明显的应力集中现象;RK手术中随着切口深度的增加,角膜曲率半径的变化会变大,对近视的矫正效果也越好,但术后风险会加大。The radiate keratotomy, briefly called as RK, is a method to rectify visual acuity through changing corneal diopter. This operation is easy and popular, and has great effect, however, the influence of stress distribution before and after operation as well as the parameter change on operation are always the problems concerned both by doctors and patients. Taking finite element software ANSYS as the tool, it separately builds up the finite element modeling before and after corneal RK, and based on it, it makes contrast and analysis on the stress distribution of cornea before and after operation, the influence of intraocular pressure on cornea, and the influence of cut depth on the effect of entire RK. The simulation result shows: in the normal situation, the corneal stress is mainly distributed on the level edge, and after RK, two ends of blade appear the obvious stress centralization; during RK, with the increase of cut depth, the corneal curvature radius changes greater and greater, and the rectifying effect for myopia becomes better, but the risk after operation becomes larger.国家自然科学基金(编号:60601025)~


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