1,116 research outputs found

    Decoration of Tetrahexahedral Pt Nanocrystals and Studies of Electrocatalytic Processes

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    具有明确表面结构的纳米晶催化剂在Pt单晶面模型催化剂(二维宏观尺度)与实际纳米催化剂(三维纳米尺度)之间架起了桥梁以跨越两者存在维度和尺度上的巨大鸿沟。相比于低指数晶面,具有低配位台阶原子的Pt高指数晶面单晶电极对有机小分子电氧化具有更高的催化活性。由{730}晶面围成的具有高台阶原子密度、开放结构的Pt二十四面体纳米晶对甲酸、乙醇表现出较好的催化活性。有机小分子电氧化是结构敏感的反应常会解离生成吸附态的CO(COads),虽然有机小分子在铂单晶模型电催化剂上得到大量研究,但在高指数晶面纳米晶上还有待深入。 本论文以Pt二十四面体纳米晶为主要对象,通过对其表面修饰和以CO探针反应研究其表面过...In the context of electrocatalysis, nanocrystals with clear structure bridge the gap between Pt single crystal model electrodes(two dimension, Macroscale) and practical nanoelectrocatalysts(three dimension, nanoscale). Compared with the low-index facets, high-index facets perform higher catalytic activity for small organic molecule electrooxidation originated from high density of low-coordinated s...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2052011015370

    Responsibility to Protect in the View of New Security Concept

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    “保护的责任“理论的提出以新的主权观与人权观念为核心,提出了国家与国际社会向处在危险中的人民提供保护的责任,强调了尊重人权的重要性。同时,通过新型安全观的角度来看保护的责任,也是很重要的。The theory of responsibility to protect with the concept of new sovereignty and human rights as its core thinks that states and international community have the responsibility to protect the at-risk civilians.This idea underlines the great importance of respect of human rights.At the same time,look into the theory of responsibility to protect in the view of new security concept is also very important

    The implementation of SOA Section 404 and its enlightenment

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    自从2003年6月SEC宣布正式实施SOA法案以来,404条款一直饱受争议,原因主要在于其巨额的实施成本。为了应对这些问题,SEC也不断采取措施,进行调整。建立健全内部控制已是大势所趋,实施的关键是降低成本。现阶段,我国内部控制体系建设仍应以内部控制标准体系建设和内部控制评价制度建设为主,实施中应"统一管理、分步推进、细化分类标准、设定强制执行门槛",同时应加强有关人员的相关培训。Since SEC formally implemented Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the June of 2003,it has been in the center of dispute.The main reason is its huge enforcement cost.In order to deal with these problems,SEC has been keeping on adjusting ways to suit the needs.Setup and perfection of inner control is the trends and the key to implementation is to lower the cost.Currently,China's inner control system construction should still attach importance to inner control standard system construction and inner control evaluation system construction,the implementation should be taken by unity management,by promoting step by step,by making the standard more detailed,by setting up mandatory enforcement threshold and by strengthening the related personnel training

    Research on International Law Issues Encountered in the Implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”

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    “一国两制”制度在香港特区实践已有十几年,中央和特区政府认真执行基本法,妥善处理了一系列重大问题,保持了香港大局的稳定。事实证明,“一国两制”是适合中国国情、兼顾内地和香港发展的正确制度。但是,我们也应该看到“一国两制”制度在实践中仍然不断遇到新的国际法挑战,主要包括香港适用的法律问题、中央与香港的具体关系、“一国两制”实践中遇到的国际法困境等。这些问题的解决不仅关系到“一国两制”未来的走向,也关系到内地与香港之间的发展趋势。 本文共分为三章。第一章对中央政府与香港特殊关系进行具体阐述,厘清香港特别行政区的国内国际法律地位,明晰香港对内自治权和对外自治权的范围和限制、最高解释权和最终审判权之...The practice of “one country, two systems” system in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has been more than ten years, the Central and SAR governments seriously implemented the Basic Law, and properly dealt with a series of major issues, and maintained the overall stability of Hong Kong. Facts have proved that the “one country, two systems” is suitable for China, and takes into account the...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_国际法学(含国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法)学号:1362009115013

    Try to research the career management system contruction of National Tax Bureau

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    组织职业生涯管理作为现代人力资源管理领域的一项新内容、新模式,越来越受到各类组织的重视。政府部门急需引入职业生涯管理来激发广大公务员内在的动力、选拔和培养高素质人才、提高对组织的忠诚度,从而为社会和国家谋取更多的公共利益。但这方面专门性研究还比较零散,理论深度不够,远远未能满足现实工作的需求。本文研究的目的是试图在相关理论的指导下,探寻符合国税组织特点的职业生涯管理系统构架。本文运用实证及对比分析的研究方法,通过查找国税组织职业生涯管理方面存在的问题,通过分析深层次原因,提出构建国税组织职业生涯管理系统的思路。 全文共分五个章:第一章阐述问题提出的背景和现实意义,以及研究方法。第二章阐述组织...As a new model of modern human resources management, organizational career management receives more and more attention by various organizations. Government departments need to introduce career management system to inspire the morale of most official, select and train qualified personnel, improve the loyalty to the organization, in favor of society and the state. But there is still rare specialized...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X200715603


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    The Theory Evolution and Empirical Study of Energy Rebound Effect

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    无论是应对国际社会对低碳与温室气体减排的呼吁,还是缓解我国面临的能 源、环境对经济发展越来越强的约束,节能减排都已经成为我国国民经济发展的 重要议题。依据国内外节能减排的经验,各国都在积极鼓励技术革新,提高能源 利用效率,促进节能减排,提高能源效率是实现节能减排的重要途径。然而,能 源回弹效应这一现象告诉我们,技术进步不仅带来了能源产品使用效率的提高, 也带来了整个经济体系的增长。经济增长对能源产品的需求增加,使得提高能源 效率带来的能源消费量的节约被打了折扣。因此,从能源回弹效应这个角度来讲, 经济发展对于节能减排实际上是一个负面作用力。但是对于中国这样的发展中国 家,提高人...Whether as the respond to international community‘s appeal to low-carbon and greenhouse gas emissions reduction, or to alleviate constraints from energy and the environment to Chinese economy development, energy saving and emission reduction have become to be an important issues for national economy development. According to experience on energy conservation and emission reduction domestic and...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院_能源经济学学号:3132010015378

    Identification but not Homogenization: On Mimicry in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth

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    本文对英国牙买加裔女作家扎迪•史密斯的处女作《白牙》做文本分析,运用霍米•巴巴的模拟理论,讨论了该书里不同世代的移民如何努力获得身份认同、融入英国社会,旨在从时间性的角度,强调在当前的后殖民英国里存在着第三空间。不同世代的移民在构建身份的过程中遭遇英格兰民族主义,采取了单一或是双向的模拟方法,从而在种族话语、宗教、国家认同等方面产生了世代差异。本文认为后殖民的第三空间不允许种族和文化同质化,其间,移民在认同过程中构建起的身份包含着诸多元素,相互作用,具有时间性。 第一章概述巴巴的模拟理论,以及它在过去的殖民地和现在的西方国家里的体现,强调了该策略与种族密不可分。因为模...This MA thesis uses Jamaican British writer Zadie Smith’s debut novel White Teeth as the case study. With the employment of Homi Bhabha’s strategy of mimicry, it explores the identification of generations of immigrants in the postcolonial Britain. Different from previous reviews of the book, the thesis takes the perspective of temporality, stressing the existing being of the Third Space in today’s...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院英语语言文学系_英语语言文学学号:1202006115031


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