162 research outputs found

    Research on the Development of Chinese Market-directed News Weeklies

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    20世纪90年代中期,中国市场化新闻周刊在华夏大地崭露头角,它们在10年的成长中取得了可喜的成绩,但是目前,这些新闻周刊仍然没有成为具有巨大影响力的主流媒体。当前良好的政治经济氛围为中国传媒业的发展创造了有利机遇,加入WTO又使它面临严峻挑战。在这样的环境中,研究市场化新闻周刊的发展状况,吸取它们成功的经验,剖析存在的问题,对于中国杂志业改变弱势媒体的地位,更好地承担起建设先进文化,推动生产力发展的责任具有重大的现实意义。同时,系统的研究也有利于弥补现有理论对新闻期刊发展的孤立探讨的不足。根据市场新闻学的经典框架,本文分别对当前新闻周刊发展的四个市场——受众市场、广告市场、资本市场和内容市场进...In mid-1990s of last century, market-directed news weeklies appeared in China. In about 10 years, they achieve rapid development, but by now, they have not become mainstream media in China. At present, favorable political and economic atmosphere creates beneficial opportunities for Chinese press, but entering WTO also brings rigorous challenges. In such environment, it is of great practical sig...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院新闻传播系_新闻学学号:20023201

    Study on the Responsibility of Actual Carrier's Delivery Without B/L

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    本文运用历史分析、逻辑分析和比较分析等研究方法对实际承运人无单放货责任进行研究。在对实际承运人无单放货纠纷案件之权利主体进行了分析和重新界定的基础上,提出了持单收货人概念,进而以实际承运人的交付义务为线索对实际承运人无单放货责任的性质及无单放货时的责任样态展开详细论述。本文分为引言、正文和结语三个部分。其中正文部分分为四章。第一章是实际承运人无单放货纠纷案件之诉权归属。本章重点对收货人、提单持有人等概念进行了辨析,进而提出了持单收货人概念。在此基础上,对持单收货人诉权的演进以及诉权的法理基础进行了论述。第二章是实际承运人的界定及其提单类型。本章从实际承运人的由来以及我国对该制度的借鉴谈起,在对...By historical, logic, and comparative analysis methods, this dissertation makes a study on the responsibility of actual carrier’s delivery of cargo without B/L. On analyse and redefinition of the obligee in such cases, it advances a new concept “consignee with B/L”, then deeply demonstrates the quality of the responsibility and the appearance of responsibility undertaking. This dissertation pro...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学)学号:20020801

    Social Capital, Political Connections and PE’s Investment and Financing Behaviors in Our Country

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    21世纪以来,我国私募股权基金(PrivateEquity,PE)经历了很大的发展,从2003到2012年,其规模的年复合增长率高达已经40.77%,伴随PE的迅速发展,其发展过程中由于信任缺失所引发的委托代理问题已经逐渐引起了人们的关注。一个地区的社会资本主要体现得是该地区人们互相信任与合作的能力,本文将一个地区的社会资本与PE运营中存在的委托代理问题联系起来,从理论和实证上探讨了社会资本对缓解PE委托代理问题的重要作用。 本文首次同时采用各省慈善组织指数和信任度指数作为社会资本的代理变量,创新性地从微观视角实证研究了各省社会资本水平的差异对于私募股权基金融资规模、投资规模和跨区域投资行为...Since the 21st century, China's private equity funds (PE) has experienced great development. The annual compound growth rate of scale was up to 40.77% from 2003 to 2012. With the rapid development of PE, The agency problem caused by lack of trust caused has gradually drew people's attention. The regional social capital is mainly embodied in the ability of people’s cooperate skills and mutual trust...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772011115267


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    海面风不仅是驱动上层海洋运动的主要动力,其能量也是维持海洋表层流动的主要机械能来源。为了分析南海表层流风能输入的变化,用SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)(1901—2010)资料估算了风向南海表层流(表层地转流+表层非地转流)的能量输入。结果表明,风向南海表层流、表层地转流和表层非地转流输入的能量总体均呈减少趋势, 110年间分别减小了约56%、65%和49%。导致风能输入减小的最主要因素是风应力的减弱(减小了35%)。由于南海受季风系统的控制,风向表层流及其各成分输入的能量呈现出显著的季节性变化。冬季风能输入最强,高值区位于南海西部及北部区域,呈一个显著的\"回力镖\"状结构。这些结果对深入认识南海环流具有理论意义。国家自然科学基金项目(41676021、41541040、91228202);;近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室开放课题(MELRS1608)~

    Molecular simulation of transport behavior of penetrant through silicon-containing polymers

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    选择PCFF和COMPASS分子力场对橡胶态聚合物PDMS和玻璃态聚合物PS1体系进行模拟。COMPASS力场模拟得到的体系密度,O2和N2在PDMS与PS1中扩散系数更接近实验值。在模型大小一定时,Group-based求和法中截断距离越长,耗用机时越长,但对计算结果改进不大;截断距离为1.3nm时计算结果最好。Ewald方法耗时多而对计算结果却无明显改进。体系大小对扩散系数的计算值影响甚微。体积越小的分子,在聚合物中运动的范围越大,扩散系数越大。氧气和氮气分子在PDMS与PS1中运动轨迹不同,在PS1中氧气运动范围远大于氮气,而在PDMS中氧气运动范围稍大于氮气。小分子运动轨迹基本与聚合物自由体积分布对应,自由体积分数大,扩散系数也大。PCFF and COMPASS force fields were used to describe PDMS and PS1 polymeric systems and to estimate the diffusion coefficient of N2 and O2 through the PDMS and PS1 matrices at 298 K by molecular dynamics simulation.It was found that the COMPASS force field was better in describing the transport behavior of the penetrants.The calculated densities after refinement were in good agreement with the experimental results.The group-based and Ewald summation skills were used to estimate the non-bonded interaction between atoms.Calculation using the Ewald summation method took much longer time without bringing in obvious improvement in density estimation.Various cut-offs in using the group-based summation method did not produce densities with much difference, and the cut-off of 1.3 nm was the best.Two types of diffusions of the small molecules in the polymers were discussed.The diffusion of O2 and N2 in PDMS could be transformed from anomalous to normal motion in 30 ps; while their diffusion in PS1 would take 300 ps transforming from anomalous to normal state.The trajectories of diffusion of N2 and O2 in PDMS or PS1 were different.The motion area of O2 in the PS1 was much larger than N2; however, the former in the PDMS matrix was only slightly larger than the latter.The diffusions of O2 and N2 in the PDMS and PS1 were consistent with the free volumes of polymers.国家自然科学基金项目(50573063);; 高等学校博士点专项基金项目(20050384013)。~


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    Discussion of screening strategy of retinopathy of prematurity

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    目的:根据早产儿出生体重和出生胎龄为指标,探讨早产儿视网膜病变的临床筛查标准和初次筛查时间。方法:收集2008年2月~2011年2月厦门市妇幼保健院nICu病区1 148例早产儿,使用双目间接眼底镜进行眼底检查,收集相关临床资料进行统计分析。结果:出生体重≤1 000 g、1 001~1 250 g、1 251~1 500 g、1 501~1 750 g、1 751~2 000 g、>2 000 g各组间阈值rOP发生率比较有统计学差异(χ2=201.54,P32周时阈值rOP发病率明显降低;rOC曲线显示在出生胎龄32.07周面积最大;出现阈值rOP时的矫正胎龄﹤35周的8例早产儿,出生后周龄均在4~6周。结论:出生体重≤1 500 g和出生胎龄≤32周是rOP筛查指标;初次筛查时间在矫正胎龄≥35W或出生后4~6周。Objective:To explore the clinical screening criteria and screening time for the first time according to birth weight and birth gestational age of premature infants.Methods:A total of 1 148 premature infants from NICU of the hospital from February 2008 to February 2011 were collected,bilateral indirect ophthalmoscope was used for fundus examination,related clinical data were collected for statistical analysis.Results:There was statistically significant difference in the incidence of threshold retinopathy of prematurity(ROP) among the infants with birth weight ≤1 000 g,1 001-1 250 g,1 251-1 500 g,1 501-1 750 g,1 751-2 000 g,and >2 000 g(χ2=201.54,P1 500 g decreased significantly.The area under ROC curve was the largest in the infants with birth weight=1 532.5 g;there was statistically significant difference in the incidence of threshold ROP among the infants with birth gestational age32 weeks decreased significantly ROC curve showed that the area was the largest in the infants with birth gestational age=32.07 weeks;the gestational weeks of 8 premature infants with threshold ROP whose correct gestational weeks was less than 35 weeks were 4-6 weeks.Conclusion:Birth weight≤1 500 g and birth gestational weeks≤32 weeks are screening indexes of ROP;the screening time for the first time was correct gestational weeks≥35 weeks or at 4-6 weeks after birth.厦门市科技计划项目〔350Z20114027


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