73 research outputs found

    Detection of Structural Local Damage Under Partially Measured Input and Output

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    土木工程结构在其长期的使用过程中,由于环境、材料本身老化等因素的影响,必将使结构产生不同程度的损伤。结构损伤使结构抵抗极端荷载的能力降低,从而有可能影响结构的使用要求,甚至导致重大事故的发生,因此对结构损伤的诊断引起了国内外广泛关注。 由于工程结构动力响应信息的不完备性、激振源的不确定性等因素的影响,传统的动力学系统识别理论和方法很难直接应用于实际工程结构的动力检测。因此,参数识别理论在土木工程实际中有很大的应用前景。本文依照上述实际工程背景,引入了输入输出部分观测的结构动力参数识别思想,对此类问题的识别算法进行了理论和实际研究。本文首先归纳了物理参数时域识别若干相关理论与算法,为本文的后续...It is inevitable that civil structures deteriorate in their long-term use due to many factors such as environment, material degradation and so on. Structural damage results in decline of the structural ability to resist extreme load. Consequently, such defects may affect the structural application requirements, and even lead to fateful accidents, so the structural damage detection has received con...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院土木工程系_结构工程学号:2532006115271

    Motion Simulation of a New High Overload Flight Simulator

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    提出一种新型的基于绳牵引并联机器人技术的飞行模拟器,针对其大过载机动特性进行仿真分析。首先根据绳牵引并联机器人理论,设计了9根绳牵引具有6自由度的运动平台;通过建立平台动力学模型,设计了对干扰项进行补偿的前馈PD控制率;其中前馈项主要确保动态过程中绳索处于张紧状态。进一步给出了系统控制稳定性分析;并以大过载机动和单自由度俯仰振荡运动为例进行了数值仿真。分析结果表明,在大过载机动情况,瞬时正加速度超过4 g,平台位置能够迅速衰减并稳定;基于绳拉力前馈,可以避免绳索松弛,能够满足飞行员过载训练;俯仰运动也具有较好的跟踪特性。研究成果可为进一步分析工作空间、动态特性及控制稳定性等奠定基础,为绳牵引并联支撑的飞行模拟器设计提供指导与依据。A new kind of flight simulator based on the cable-driven parallel robot was proposed, and the over-load maneuver properties were emphatically analyzed. According to the fundamental theories of cable-driven parallel robot, the motion platform suspended by nine cables with a six-DOF is designed. The dynamic equations of the platform is established, and a PD control law incorporating feedforward term and disturbance compensation term is given. The stability analysis of control law is also made. Finally, numerical simulations of overload maneuver and pitch oscillation are taken as examples, and results show that the platform can achieve a high overload with more than 4 g, meanwhile the position attenuates and tends to be stable in a short time. The cable tension is also guaran-teed to be positive and secure during the motion process. Moreover, the case of pitch oscillation shows a good track-ing property. Researches studied above could lay on foundation for the workspace analysis, dynamics and control stability, and furthermore, provide guidance and evidence for the practical design of flight simulator.航空科学基金(20141368007); 福建省自然科学基金计划(2016J05134)资

    Optimum Design of Die Casting Die for Aluminum Alloy Microscope Arm

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    针对L形窄长铝合金显微镜立臂,安装孔多,位置精度高和要求外观表面一次成形不再后续加工等特点,采用CAE模拟分析技术,优化压铸工艺及模具结构,实现低成本制造模具,小吨位压铸机上安装大尺寸模具。并解决了试模中出现的局部裂纹、表面流痕和抽芯过程中铸件易翻转等问题。经批量生产验证,该模具工作稳定可靠,铸件质量达到要求。CAE analysis was applied for optimizing the die casting process & die structure to meet the requirement of precision assembling of its many fixed holes and one-step forming of its surface for the narrow & long microscope arm.Finally the die was manufactured with low cost successfully on a small tonnage die casting machine completely free of cracks,flowing marks or casting overturn that occurred during the trial test.The die functioned steadily with castings of required quality in volume production.福建省教育厅科技计划项目(JB05269);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(2007J0170

    Annual change of outdoor seawater cultivation of dunaliella for biomass energy

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    作者简介:陈昱(1982-),男,硕士,主要从事生物质能源研究。E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]将涨潮海水浓缩后以次氯酸钠进行消毒,添加少许氮、磷等无机盐,在室外周年养殖杜氏藻及其多个突变株,研究其在自然条件下生物量的产出和细胞内脂类的积累。结果表明,在养殖过程中,培养液的盐度、pH值以及细菌含量的变化对杜氏藻的生长没有显著影响。通过培养,不同株系杜氏藻都可以获得较高的生物量和脂类产出,特别是耐高温突变株、高脂突变株可以适应夏天室外的高温、高盐等恶劣环境,普通株在冬天尚能生长,不同特性的藻株的轮换养殖可以保证养殖场周年养殖。海水养殖有望成为一种大规模培养杜氏藻的既简单又经济的发展模式。文章为进一步开发利用杜氏藻生物质能源奠定了一定的基础。[英文文摘]Dunaliella bardawil and several mutants were cultured outdoor in concentrated seawater treated by Javel water with the addition of few nitrate and phosphate,and the biomass and lipid accumulation of Dunaliella were assessed.Dunaliella species grew well during the cultivation period,despite of the change of salinity,pH and bacteria content in seawater.High lipid and biomass productivity of Dunaliella species was obtained in our study.High temperature tolerance mutant and high lipid content mutant grew well under high temperature and high salinity of seawater in summer, while normal strain grew well in winter. Alternate cultivation of different Dunaliella strain should be carried out in all-year outdoor cultivation. It would be a simple, economic batch mode for large-scale Dunaliella cultivation using concentrated seawater, and it would contribute to further using of Dunaliella for biomass energy.福建省科技重点项目(2009N0052); 福建省重大专项前期研究项目(2005YZ1022

    Brown tide:A new ecosystem disruptive algal bloom

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    AurEOCOCCuS AnOPHAgEffErEnS和AurEOuMbrA lAgunEnSIS隶属于棕鞭藻门(OCHrOPHyTA)、海金藻纲(PElAgOPHyCEAE),在美国及南非的一些河口形成生态系统破坏性褐潮(brOWn TIdE)已经有20多年了,近年来在中国河北沿海发生的大规模褐潮也使中国成为世界上第3个受褐潮影响的国家。褐潮藻能够利用多种有机营养,在低光照及低营养条件下达到高生长速率,对贝类养殖产业、经济以及娱乐产业等造成严重的负面影响。本文总结了20多年来褐潮在全球的发生及其所造成的严重危害,对褐潮藻的形态结构、生理特征及分子遗传学,特别是促进褐潮形成及持续的关键蛋白的编码基因等研究作了简要介绍,并概括了国内褐潮的研究现状。在此基础上,展望今后褐潮的研究方向,以期为褐潮的研究、预警预报和生态学防治及其防灾减灾提供借鉴。The pelagophytes Aureococcus anophagefferens and Aureoumbra lagunensis have formed ecosystem disruptive algal blooms in shallow estuaries of the United States and South Africa for more than two decades.The large-scale brown tide events in the coastal waters of Hebei Province in recent years make China the third country that is affected by brown tide in the world.These algae are able to utilize a wide variety of organic nutrients and achieve high growth rates at low light and nutrient levels.They have significant negative impacts on the shellfish mariculture industry,economy and recreational industry.We review research progress in the last two decades on morphology,physiology and molecular and genomic characteristics of these brown tide algae,especially the genes that encode many of the key proteins that facilitate bloom formation and persistence.Moreover,the research progress in China about brown tide is summarized.The prospects of the research on brown tide are also discussed.海洋公益性行业科研专项(201205031-03和201005015-5); 国家基础研究发展计划项目(2010CB428704)资

    Effect of Different Concentrations of NaCl and Light Intensities on β-carotene Content in Dunalie

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    Cloning and Characterization of Na~+/H~+ Antiporter Gene (nhaA) from Pseudomonas sp.cn4902

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    根据3种生物的Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因(nhaA)的两端序列设计引物,利用PCR从假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp.cn4902)中克隆得到一结构基因。该基因长1089bp,编码362个氨基酸,与E.coliK12的 nhaA基因的同源性高达97.0%。将该结构基因与pBV220构建成重组载体pBVA。SDS PAGE电泳表明:含 pBVA的转化子产生较高浓度的分子量约为41kD的蛋白,与预期相符。在含NaCl1.0mol/L的培养基中生长达 到平衡期时,转化子的菌浓度约是对照的2.3倍。经原子吸收光谱测定,转化子细胞质中Na+浓度仅为对照菌的 60.4%。SDS PAGE电泳表明该基因的表达蛋白位于细胞膜(壁)上。提纯外源基因表达蛋白并对其N端8个氨 基酸进行测序,与nhaA基因推测的氨基酸序列完全相符。这些实验证实,克隆得到的基因是假单胞菌的nhaA基 因。该基因已经在GenBank登记,收录号为AY643494。 【英文摘要】 According to the sequences of the gene nhaA coding for Na~+/H~+ antiporter,a structural gene was cloned from Pseudomonas sp.cn4902 by PCR reaction with a set of primers.It was 1 089 bp in length and codes for 362 amino acids sharing homology with the gene nhaA of E.coli K12 as high as 97.0%.It was inserted into plasmid pBV220 to form a high level expression reconstruction plasmid pBVA.So an overexpression 41 kD protein band could be found in the lane of transformant harbored with pBVA after SDS-PAGE electro...福建省科技计划重点资助项目(编号:2003N053);; 厦门大学生命科学学院细胞生物学与肿瘤细胞工程教育部重点实验室项目(编号:2004106)~


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    中国海总面积约470万平方公里,纵跨热带、亚热带、温带、北温带等多个气候带.其中,南海北依\"世界第三极\"青藏高原、南邻\"全球气候引擎\"西太平洋暖池,东海拥有全球最宽的陆架之一,跨陆架物质运输显著,黄海是冷暖流交汇区域,渤海则是受人类活动高度影响的内湾浅海.中国海内有长江、黄河、珠江等大河输入,外邻全球两大西边界流之一的黑潮.这些鲜明的特色赋予了中国海碳储库和通量研究的典型代表意义.文章从不同海区(渤海、黄海、东海、南海)、不同界面(陆-海、海-气、水柱-沉积物、边缘海-大洋等),以及不同生态系统(红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床、海藻养殖、珊瑚礁、水柱生态系统等)多层面对海洋碳库与通量进行了较系统地综合分析,初步估算了各个碳库的储量与不同碳库间的通量.就海气通量而言,渤海向大气中释放CO2约0.22Tg Ca-1,黄海吸收CO2约1.15Tg Ca-1,东海吸收CO2约6.92~23.30Tg Ca-1,南海释放CO2约13.86~33.60Tg Ca-1.如果仅考虑海-气界面的CO2交换,中国海总体上是大气CO2的\"源\",净释放量约6.01~9.33Tg Ca-1.这主要是由于河流输入以及邻近大洋输入所致.河流输入渤黄海、东海、南海的溶解无机碳(DIC)分别为5.04、14.60和40.14Tg Ca-1,而邻近大洋输入DIC更是高达144.81Tg Ca-1,远超中国海向大气释放的碳量.渤海、黄海、东海、南海的沉积有机碳通量分别为2.00、3.60、7.40、7.49Tg Ca-1.东海和南海向邻近大洋输送有机碳通量分别为15.25~36.70和43.39Tg Ca-1.就生态系统而言,中国沿海红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床有机碳埋藏通量为0.36Tg Ca-1,海草床溶解有机碳(DOC)输出通量为0.59Tg Ca-1;中国近海海藻养殖移出碳通量0.68Tg Ca-1,沉积和DOC释放通量分别为0.14和0.82Tg Ca-1.总计,中国海有机碳年输出通量为81.72~103.17Tg Ca-1.中国海的有机碳输出以DOC形式为主,东海向邻近大洋输出的DOC通量约15.00~35.00Tg Ca-1,南海输出约31.39Tg Ca-1.综上,尽管从海-气通量看中国海是大气CO2的\"源\",但考虑了河流、大洋输入、沉积输出以及微型生物碳泵(DOC转化输出)作用后,中国海是重要的储碳区.需要指出的是,文章数据是基于中国海各海区碳循环研究报道,鉴于不同研究方法上的差异,所得数据难免有一定的误差范围,亟待将来统一方法标准下的更多深入研究和分析.国家重点研发计划项目(编号:2016YFA0601400);;国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:91751207、91428308、41722603、41606153、41422603);;中央高校基础研究项目(编号:20720170107);;中海油项目(编号:CNOOC-KJ125FZDXM00TJ001-2014、CNOOCKJ125FZDXM00ZJ001-2014)资

    Development on the Modern CAD System for Injection Mould Based on UG

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    基于通用的CAD平台UG NX3.0(Unigraphics NX3.0),在Microsoft Visual C++6.0环境下利用C和UG/Open API语言,针对厦门某企业注塑模设计的实际要求,为其构建专用、标准的可实现热流道设计的现代注塑模CAD系统总体框架,并研究该系统的设计流程及系统各主要模块的结构及功能,为提高模具设计效率和再设计能力奠定了基础.To meet the requirement of a corporation in Xiamen,the frame of a special and standard CAD system for modern injection mould based on UG NX3.0 platform,in which hot-runner can be designed,was developed by using C & UG/Open API in Microsoft Visual C++6.0,and the design process of system and the function of key modules described in detail.The project can enhance the design efficiency and redesign ability in mould design.厦门市科技计划指导性项目(3502Z20077001);; 福建省自然科学基金项目(2007J0170