395 research outputs found

    The Marketing Strategy of Lilly China In the Internet Plus Age

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    时代的脚步在不断的前行,从小农经济时代,到工业经济时代,一直到今天的互联网+时代。每一个时代的变化都带来了商业生态的剧变。今天我们已经步入创新2.0的互联网+时代。这个时代,企业面对的商业环境发生了剧变,而且现在仅仅是个开端。亿万的网民和深刻影响着我们生活的互联网工具,造就了新的商业模式。一个行业如果被互联网渗透,将会带来的翻天覆地的变化。在这一互联网浪潮中,没有跟上商业环境的变化就意味要被无情地淘汰。而这一切仍在如火如荼地进行着。无论是传统企业,还是新兴的互联网企业,只有不断适应这些新的商业环境的变化才能可持续发展。 医药行业是一个特殊的行业,关系到人民大众的生命健康,医药行业为人民防病治...As the change of the era, the business ecosystem also changed dramatically.It developed from small-scale farmer economy to industrial economy ,and than up to today’s internet economy.Each era witnessed a great change,especially the internet economy era created a lot of new business forms through hundreds of millions of netizen and convenient internet tools.The penetration of internet offers the in...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792014115098

    Analysis and prevention of bank loan risk resource -- a case study based on NY bank

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    近年我国商业银行的不良贷款余额及不良贷款率呈现“双升”态势,其中NY银行的不良贷款问题尤为严峻,其不良贷款率明显高于国内银行同业水平。为此,本文选取NY银行作为研究对象,开展银行贷款风险的影响因素研究。本文通过对NY银行目前的不良贷款情况及过往的不良贷款典型案例进行分析,提出其不良贷款率高企,虽然存在外部方面的原因,但是在NY银行信贷业务流程中存在的内部人为因素往往是造成不良贷款发生的重要原因,这些人为因素所带来的信贷风险主要是商业银行道德风险,而且研究发现这些人为因素出现是由NY银行内部制度问题的深层次原因所致。故此,本文提出应从NY银行制度层面出发,通过对这些存在问题的制度进行设计,采取有...In recent years, the non-performing loan balance and non-performing loan ratio in commercial banks in China are both on the rise. The object of this paper -- NY bank is facing serious problem of non-performing loan, its non-performing loan ratio is obviously higher than the average level of its peers in China. Therefore, this paper studies the influencing factors of bank loan risks of the basis of...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115100


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    Benchmark-problem investigation for seismic response of a large-span cable-stayed bridge based on nonlinear stochastic optimal control

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    大跨度斜拉桥Benchmark问题的振动控制研究是当前国际结构控制研讨会的重要议题之一。以美国Bill Emerson Memorial斜拉桥第二阶段Benchmark模型为研究对象,在非线性随机动力学与控制的拟哈密顿理论体系框架下,运用基于随机平均法和随机动态规划原理的非线性随机最优(NSO)控制策略,对地震作用下的Benchmark模型进行MATLAB仿真分析。将最优控制力和性能评价指标与线性二次型Gauss(LQG)控制的计算结果进行对比,得出非线性随机最优控制策略能够更加有效地抑制斜拉桥的地震响应,提高结构的动力稳定性和抗震能力,具有更好的控制效果,对实际桥梁工程的振动控制具有较强的指导意义和适用价值。Investigation of vibration control for benchmark problems on large-span,cable-stayed bridge is one of the most important research topics in the current International Symposium on Structural Control. This paper studied secondstage benchmark problems on the Bill Emerson Memorial cable-stayed bridge. In terms of Hamiltonian theory for nonlinear stochastic dynamics and control, the benchmark model under seismic excitations was investigated using MATLAB simulation analysis,based on the stochastic averaging method and stochastic dynamic-programming principle. Comparison of analysis results for optimal forces and performance-evaluation indices between the nonlinear stochastic optimal( NSO)control strategy and the linear quadratic Gaussian( LQG) control strategy revealed that the former control strategy mitigates the seismic response of the cable-stayed bridge more effectively than the latter,thereby enhancing structural dynamic stability and earthquake resistance. In conclusion,the NSO control strategy demonstrates better control effect and presents instructive references and practical significance for vibration control of bridge-engineering applications.福建省青年人才项目(2008F3100

    A Study of Accounting for Employer Annuity in China

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    随着我国经济的不断发展、人民生活水平的提高和医疗水平的改善,带来了人均寿命的不断延长,我国开始面临着人口老龄化问题。因此未来我国的社会养老保险将会越来越重要。而企业年金作为社会养老保险体系的重要支柱之一,具有保障与激励作用,也将在我国的社会养老保险体系中发挥着越来越大的作用。伴随着企业年金的发展,一些新问题也不断产生,必将不断促进企业年金会计的向前发展。 本文在研究国外企业发起的养老金计划及其会计处理的基础上,结合我国企业年金的实际与发展,对我国企年金金会计问题作初步探讨,希望能对我国企业年金的建设及其会计规范的发展有所帮助。 本文可分为五个部分:第一部分为引言,主要介绍文章的背景和文章的...With the development of economic, it makes a great improvement in the living condition, which has contributed to the average life expectancy in china. But it also put China to face the problem of an ageing population. So it is very important for China to improve its basic social insurance in the future. As one of the important pillars in the basic social insurance system, employer annuity whi...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1512005130113


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    QQ on college students of iinterpersonal communication effects

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    当代大学生在校期间培养良好的交往能力,对于今后走向社会、适应社会和实现自身价值有着重要的意义。传统的大学生交往方式主要集中在写信和互访上面,但是随着社会的变革,尤其是互联网带来的极大冲击,大学生的传统交往模式得到了延伸,他们从被动地接受网络带来的影响,到主动和互联网进行互动。以“校内网”为代表的一批新兴的实名制社会交友网站,近年来成为了网络时代的新宠。他们将用户现实生活的社会关系搬到了网络之上,不仅是现实交际生活的还原,而且还扩展了虚拟的人际交往,实现了用户扩大现实人际关系圈的希望。 网络即时通讯工具之所以深受大学生青睐,完全得益于它在网络进入中国网民生活之初就开始渗透到大学生生活之中,而且...Contemporary college students cultivate good communication ability, for future into society, adapt to the society and realize their own values has important significance. In view of this, it is necessary to study the status quo, contemporary college students' communicative behavior caused by school and society for college students themselves and the attention of the mental health problems, try to ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院广告学系_传播学学号:3192008115309


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    Evidence of a role for Th17 cells in the breach of immune tolerance in arthritis

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    Th17 cells are thought to play a pathogenic role in various autoimmune diseases. Cytokines secreted by Th17 cells like IL-17, IL-17F and IL-22 have the capacity to mediate a massive inflammatory response. These proinflammatroy cytokines are likely to mediate the pathogenic potential of Th17 cells. Recent evidence suggests a role for Th17 cells in the breach of immune tolerance. This might shed some new light on the pathogenic role of Th17 cells in autoimmunity