595 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Public Security Intelligence Search-Platform Based on Big Data Technology

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    公安信息化的高速发展积累了丰富的业务数据,种类不断增加、结构不断异化、总量不断增长,截至2014年底,全国公安机关掌握的数据资源已达100多类上千亿条,信息数据已成为继警力资源、装备资源之后的新一类核心资源。搜索是公安信息获取和进行研判的基础手段。传统的全文搜索系统存在大量结果数据“堆积”、再次筛查工作量大、目标结果无法精准定位,使用效率低下等问题。利用分布式计算架构,融合了SolrCloud、Zookeeper、高速缓存等技术手段,以人、车、案为对象重组数据,采用智能分析、对象全景档案等手段,帮助用户在海量数据资源中快速“秒”准目标,从可以获得的全息资源中检索出最符合用户期许的资源。因此,设...The high speed development of public security informationization has accumulated rich business data,Species continue to increase,the structure of continuous alienation, the total amount of continuous growth. As of the end of 2014, the national public security organs to grasp the data resources has reached more than 100 kinds of hundreds of billions of dollars, information data has become a new typ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323235


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    本文采用社会科学研究中的“理想类型”及比较分析的研究法,从对官僚体制“理想类型 ”的内在缺陷分析入手,从非官僚制化的角度来对在西方国家蓬勃兴起的新公共管理运动作 一 相应评析,并力求从改革的成就及缺陷中寻求对我国行政改革的启示。全文共分五个部分展 开: 第一部分:官僚体制的“理想类型”,采用了马克斯·韦伯所概括的“理想类型”研究法, 从组织结构、人事管理、政策制定和公共利益认定四个方面来展示官僚体制的基本特征,并 由此推出其相对于传统组织而言的效率优势。 第二部分:官僚体制的内在缺陷,沿着前文的思路,通过官僚体制的理想类型的内在机理及 其实际运作的分析中导出官僚体制运作中...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:法学院政治学与行政学系_行政管理学号:19970601

    Analysis On The Operating Circumstances Of MPCC And Developing Strategy

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    茂名公司是由页岩油厂发展成为的以炼油为龙头、石油化工一体化的特大型石油化工企业。 本文通过查阅大量的资料,广泛收集基础数据,应用管理学和经济学的基本原理和方法,对茂名公司的内、外部环境进行了广泛深入的分析,详细阐述了企业面临的诸多的机遇和威胁,以及自身存在的优势与劣势,提出了茂名公司应发挥以炼油化工一体化为特色的超大型石油化工基地的产业优势、巨大市场潜力的区位优势,抓住石油化工产品需求转旺、国家实施西部开发战略的机遇,依托现有公用工程、基础设施,利用国产化的先进工艺技术,开展新一轮的炼油化工改扩建工程,将炼油能力扩大至1850万吨/年,乙烯改造后规模达到80万吨/年,形成经济规模,以扩展市场...Maoming Petrochemical Corporation (MPCC) is an extra large scale petrochemical corporation which has developed from a oil shale refinery into a super comprehensive enterprise with petroleum processing as mainstay and integrated with petrochemical processing. Based on the basic data and material collected extensively, the basic theories and methods of management and economy are applied to analyze ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200015002

    The Morphology, Network and Ultrastructure Changes of the Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Bladder of Guinea Pig with Diabetic Cystopathy

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    目的:建立糖尿病豚鼠膀胱功能失代偿模型,观察糖尿病膀胱病(DCP)豚鼠膀胱Cajal样间质细胞(ICCs)形态、网络结构和超微结构变化,探讨ICCs在DCP发病机制中的作用。 方法:50只英国种短毛雌性豚鼠,随机选择42只作为实验组,8只作为对照组。实验组单次腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(STZ),对照组注射相应剂量的枸橼酸缓冲液。4周后,两组豚鼠称重及测定餐后2小时血糖。符合糖尿病的豚鼠及对照组豚鼠,继续饲养5周和8周,尿动力学检测残余尿、排尿期最大逼尿肌压、膀胱容量及顺应性,确定膀胱功能代偿及失代偿(即DCP)糖尿病豚鼠,利用免疫组织化学荧光染色、激光共聚焦显微镜、透射电镜技术检测膀胱ICCs形态...Objective: Guinea pigs were used to establish a diabetic cystopathy(DCP) model, We observe the morphology, network and ultrastructure changes of the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) in the bladders of guinea pigs with DCP, to discuss the functions of the ICCs in the the pathogenesis of the DCP. Methods: 50 short hair Britain female guinea pigs were divided into two groups randomly, 42 as the ex...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_外科学学号:2452010115329

    Preparation and characterization of the in situ repair coating on enamelsurface

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    龋病是人类最常见的疾病,全世界至少有50%的居民即30亿多人患有龋病。龋病是一种慢性病,不会立即致人死亡,但它能引发很多急性炎症和病灶感染性或免疫性疾病,而且严重破坏人类咀嚼器官导致消化系统功能减退和疾病发生。据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计,因龋病而消耗的人类卫生资源是惊人的,现已将龋病列为影响人类健康的三大疾病之一。 牙科修复材料在牙齿修复中起着相当重要的作用。牙科材料发展至今,按其属性可分为金属与非金属两类。前者以银汞合金为代表,后者以复合树脂为主要代表。安全性、生物相容性成为口腔金属材料研究和临床应用的重要问题。腐蚀与合金的生物相容性密切相关。复合树脂耐磨性能较差,不宜用于承受较大咀嚼力...Dental caries is one of the most common diseases. At least 50% of the population of the whole world, that is more than 30 hundred million, is suffering caries. Caries can give rise to acute inflammation, focal infection or immunological disease. In the meantime, it seriously destroys the masticator, decreases the function of the digestive system and causes the disease of the system. According to t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_无机化学学号:20042512

    Cognized, Accept and Imported : Impact of Civil law System on the Late Qing Government Legal Reform, 1906-1911

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    This paper examines the impact of civil law system on modern China legal reform. The adontion of the civil law system in modern China began in the late Qing Dynasty. In order to reform the judicature, the Qing government transplanted the western laws on a large scale, especially the laws of Japan. There were an umber of factors involved foreign,social, cultural, political, and legal. On the whole, it can be summarized as two major aspects. On the one hand, the western civil law codes had apparent advantages, and Japanese law system has achieved great success, caught a high degree of attention of the Chinese intellectual circle at the time. On the other hand, through a wide range of translation, introduction and education, civil law system was widely noticed and exerted a great influence, with the help of Japanese legal experts were hired by the late Qing government. The late Qing efforts to adopt the continental law system had an important and far-reaching impact on the development of legal system of Republican China by the initiatires of Nanjing government.東アジアの歴史と動態文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠

    ホンコン ノ ジョウキュウ ニホンゴ ガクシュウシャ ニヨル ニホンゴ フクゴウ ドウシ ノ シュウトク ニカンスル チョウサ

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    According to previous studies, Japanese compound verb is one of the greatest challenges faced by Japanese language learners, Regarding the acquisition of Japanese compound verb, the criteria of combining the first verb(V 1)and the second verb(V 2)as well as the difference in meaning between a single verb and a compoulld verb have been taking up as crucial issues. Before developing teaching pedagogies and teaching materials, it is necessary to find out what are the difficult compound verbs for the learners.・This paper lnvestlgates the comprehension of compound verbs of learners in Hong Kong who passed level l of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. From the result, firstly, it is found that there is a difference between the recognition and the usage of compoulld verbs. Besides, between the meaning of V l and V 2 as two single verbs and as a compound verb, there is a gap which makes it difficult to learn. Moreover, there are occasions that learners are unable to distinguish similar compound verbs. Therefore, it is essential to draw out curriculum and guidelines while paying attention to all mentioned above


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    本文从企业的价值创造入手,分析了消费者需求的产生、需求的满足、满意的程度和顾客忠 诚之间的关系。从而为企业如何通过有效的营销活动,为顾客创造更多的价值理清思路

    Microwave Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-sized Calcium Deficient Hydroxyapatite with Different Ca/P Ratio

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    通过微波辐射硝酸钙和磷酸的共沉淀物可以快速合成不同CA/P比的缺钙羟基磷灰石,利用fT-Ir、fT-rAMAn和Xrd对产物进行了表征,EdS测定CA/P比,TEM观察其形貌。结果表明,通过控制反应条件能得到不同CA/P比的纳米缺钙羟基磷灰石。Rapid synthesis of calcium deficient hydroxyapatite with different Ca/P ratio was done by precipitation using calcium nitrate and phosphoric acid and subsequently subjecting to microwave irradiation.The synthesized CDHA was characterized by FT-IR, FT-Raman, and XRD.Ca/P ratio was determined by EDS.Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed needle like or stick like morphology of CDHA.In all, nanosized CDHA with different Ca/P ratio can be synthesized by controlling reaction condtion.福建省科技重大专项资助(2005HZ01-3


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