500 research outputs found

    Fluorosensing of RuBisCO and Chlorophyll Contents in Common Buckwheat Leaf

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    Analysis of the crop nutritional condition plays an important role in the development and application of low-input, sustainable, and environmentally friendly agricultural methods and to save limited resources. Therefore, it is necessary to have a simple and accurate method for conducting this analysis to aid decision-making. In this study, we estimated the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) and chlorophyll contents of the leaves of the common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) by statistical analysis using the normalized differential spectral index (NDSI) and other pretreated spectral data to evaluate potential photosynthetic activity in crop breeding programs to achieve high yield. The highest determination coefficient (R2) was recorded for chlorophyll a using the partial least-squares regression (PLS regression) method. The R2 value related to RuBisCO contents was relatively lower and the accuracy of estimation for RuBisCO was midway between that for chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. The R2 value of RuBisCO/soluble protein was higher than that of RuBisCO in fresh leaves. The system of ultraviolet-induced fluorescence provides a new method for fluorosensing to evaluate the nutritional status of plants using the key biochemical that is related to the dark reaction, as well as PAM, which is related to the light reaction in photosynthesis.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 12: 1-9 (2014)departmental bulletin pape

    Distribution of horses in the early modern period in Shinshu

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    The detail map for horse heads distribution during the early modern period was made fron the statistical records in vols. 1, 2, and 3 of 'Monograph of Nagano villages (1876)' that Nagano prefecture made on the request of Maiji government in 1875. The hearing investigation into horse feeding, foods and the gravestone before World War II was carried out in the city of Ina and the village of Minamiminowa between 2009 and 2013. The density of the horse population per village in the southern part of the prefecture was higher than that in the northern part, and, in particular, the villages fed many horses that were concentrated in the Ina valley. 'Cyu uma' transit system by horse on the 'Ina kaido' in Ina valley had developed as one of the by-pass roots for free-carrier businesses, going against the wishes of the official institution in 'Naka sendo', which acted under the centralized administrative framework of the Edo era. The development of the carrier businesses and the biological advantages for the operations of transportation, forestry and agriculture under the rough mountainous landscape led to the development of a unique culture in the Ina valley. The people fed many horses, recognized them as members of the family, ate their meat and intestines, and built many tombs to appreciate their spirit as the Deity of Mercy to clean the every accidents and diseases as well as a mountain of weeds, grasses and wild plants in bush around village.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 12: 75-78 (2014)departmental bulletin pape


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    長野県内の3地域(洗馬,野辺山,信大農学部)のレタス栽培圃場の土壌を採取し,希釈平板法により細菌数,放線菌数,糸状菌数,Fusarium oxysporum数を計測した。野辺山と信大農学部の圃場では放線菌,糸状菌が洗馬の圃場と比較して多い傾向があった。また,レタスを連作した圃場と転作した圃場では全ての微生物数に差異が認められた。分離菌株の病原性試験の結果,全F.oxysporumに占めるF.oxysporum f. sp.lactucalの割合は洗馬の圃場で16~28%,野辺山の圃場でO~6%であると推定された。これらのことから,レタスの連作は土壌徹生物相に影響を与えていることが考えられた。Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 2: 75-81(2004)departmental bulletin pape


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    潜在的な土壌の生産力を簡易に把握するため,レーザー励起蛍光(Laser Induced Fluorescence : LIF)を解析する装置を開発した。励起波長は紫領域(405nm)で475~900nmの分光を行って非接触で分析して推定した。サンプルは長野県東信地域の高冷地~準高冷地にある黒ボク土壌の30点で,いずれも畑作である。風乾した後に土壌可給態窒素,全窒素,全炭素,C/N,可給態リン酸や陽イオン置換容量(CEC)を推定した。一次微分値をPLS回帰分析した結果,風乾土壌の粉砕サンプルから直接,可給態窒素,全窒素,全炭素,可給態リン酸,CECなどの地力にかかわる化学形質が推定できた。これらは土壌有機化合物からの蛍光に由来し,クロボク土壌の畑作における地力の実態を迅速に把握するのに有効で,実用的と考えられた。Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 12: 79-84 (2014)departmental bulletin pape


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    東南アジア山岳地帯における道路工事と緑化の現況を把握するため,ベトナム北部山岳地帯を調査した。現地踏査を2004年と2005年の秋季に行い,工法や利用されている植物を調査した。ベトナム北部においては岩盤を垂直に近く掘削する工法が主で,日本で一般的な牧草類などを用いた緑化ばいっさい観察されなかった。その一方で,キャッサバ,パパイヤ,チャンチンといった食用になる資源植物の植栽は認められた。調査地域では路傍も放牧,食品加工,商いなどの場であることから,のり面緑化も生産緑地として捉える必要がある。経済成長により,今後,東南アジアの国々でも緑化事業の需要が高まる可能性が充分にあるが,少数民族の収入源となるような植物による緑化が,自然環境や文化の保護のためにも望ましい1つの策といえる。Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 4: 77-82(2006)departmental bulletin pape