39 research outputs found

    The Design and Implementation of Embedded Multifunction Hub

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    随着信息时代来临,嵌入式系统设备得到了广泛应用,电器智能化、电子设备便携化促使设备网络化、小型化,随之产生了方便电子设备入网的接入问题。如何使办公设备、家用电器方便接入网络,实现远程控制和智能操作是电子设备智能化所需要解决的问题。 解决上述问题途径之一是采用Hub,但传统Hub都是网络接口,而智能设备大多不直接支持RJ-45,仅支持RS-232或USB接口。这样,就需要一种类似于传统Hub,但可以实现RJ-45与RS-232、USB进行通信的智能Hub。不但可以在一定区域内实现多种智能设备同时接入网络,而且也方便设备应用,做到可靠、易用、便利,满足家庭、办公等多种需求。 本文分析了网络接入...With the advent of the information age,embedded system has been widely used,meanwhile,the intellectualized equipment and the portable electronic equipment make the equipment facilitate to accesse the net.thus, there is a question -how to accesse the net? The most important things must be solved are how to make the intellectualized equipment accesee the net conveniently and how to implement the int...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_计算机应用技术学号:20044000

    基于 ARM 的汽车ACCS 硬件回路仿真平台设计

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    汽车自适应巡航控制系统(ACCS)是一个完全的分布式嵌入式控制系统。该文采用硬件回路仿真的方法,设计了一个基于ARM 的 汽车ACCS 仿真平台,介绍了平台的硬件结构和软件设计。“985 工程”智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项

    基于 ARM 的汽车ACCS 硬件回路仿真平台设计

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    汽车自适应巡航控制系统(ACCS)是一个完全的分布式嵌入式控制系统。该文采用硬件回路仿真的方法,设计了一个基于ARM 的 汽车ACCS 仿真平台,介绍了平台的硬件结构和软件设计。“985 工程”智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项

    A spectroscopic study on the coordination and solution structures of the interaction systems between biperoxidovanadate complexes and the pyrazolylpyridine-like ligands

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    NSF of China [21172066, 21201062, 51103122]; Ministry of Science and Technology [2011CB808505]; Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department [12K101]; Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China [11JJ2007]; State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (Xiamen University) [201309]; Aid Program for Science and Technology Innovative Research Team in Higher Educational Institutions of Hunan ProvinceIn order to understand the substitution effects of pyrazolylpyridine (pzpy) on the coordination reaction equilibria, the interactions between a series of pzpy-like ligands and biperoxidovanadate ([OV(O-2)(2)(D2O)](-)/[OV(O-2)(2)(HOD)](-), abbrv. bpV) have been explored using a combination of multinuclear (H-1, C-13, and V-51) magnetic resonance, heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC), and variable temperature NMR in a 0.15 mol L-1 NaCl D2O solution that mimics the physiological conditions. Both the direct NMR data and the equilibrium constants are reported for the first time. A series of new hepta-coordinated peroxidovanadate species [OV(O-2)(2)L](-) (L = pzpy-like chelating ligands) are formed due to several competitive coordination interactions. According to the equilibrium constants for products between bpV and the pzpy-like ligands, the relative affinity of the ligands is found to be pzpy >2-Ester-pzpy approximate to 2-Me-pzpy approximate to 2-Amide-pzpy > 2-Et-pzpy. In the interaction system between bpV and pzpy, a pair of isomers (Isomers A and B) are observed in aqueous solution, which are attributed to different types of coordination modes between the metal center and the ligands, while the crystal structure of NH4[OV(O-2)(2)(pzpy)]center dot 6H(2)O (CCDC 898554) has the same coordination structure as Isomer A (the main product for pzpy). For the N-substituted ligands, however, Isomer A or B type complexes can also be observed in solution but the molar ratios of the isomer are reversed (i.e., Isomer B type is the main product). These results demonstrate that when the N atom in the pyrazole ring has a substitution group, hydrogen bonding (from the H atom in the pyrazole ring), the steric effect (from alkyl) and the solvation effect (from the ester or amide group) can jointly affect the coordination reaction equilibrium


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    用户接口的友善性是评价软件质量的标准之一。运用“对话独立性”的思想,将应用模块的开发和用户接口的开发相分离,也是开发软件系统的一种新范式。本文在基于窗口的用户接口模型之上,根据表示部件、对话控制部件和应用接口部件的内部逻辑模型,阐述了交互软件用户接口自动生成的一种模式。ISUIDS(Interactive Software User Interface Development System)系统是一个将用户接口的设计、描述、转换和实现集为一体的交互环境,它以图示语言为外部接口,而以面向对象的事件模型语言为内部实现基础,并提供了事件模型转换机制和事件模型处理机制,以实现从一种图示语言珐软件系统源代码的自动转换。ISUIDS系统遵循“对话独立性”的设计思想,将应用系统的交互成分独立出来,这样有利于系统交互层的扩展和修改。在ISUIDS中融入了第四代语言(4GL)的实现思想,将用户命令树的描述和交互状态的描述转换为交互软件系统上层控制结构的原形。在整个系统的实现过程中,体现了描述对话的两种方式的转换技术以及新型的速成原型技术、面向对象的设计方法和软件复用技术。Frendliness of user interface is one of the standards of software quality aceessment. The idea of dialogue independency, that is, to separate the development of application modules from that of the user interface, is a new pattern for developing software system. This paper presents a method of user interface automatic generation according to the internal logical model including presentation component, dialogue control component and application interface on the basis of window-based user interface model. ISUIDS (Interactive Software User Interface Development System) is a integrated environment for designing, describing, transforming and implementing user interface. ISUIDS uses visual language as its external presentation and object-oriented event model language as its internal implement mechanism, it also supplies event model translator and processor to realize automatic transition from visual language to source code. ISUIDS makes the interactive component parts independent of application system following the principle of dialogue independency. ISUIDS translates the descriptions of the user command-tree and interactive states into top-level interactive control structure of software system, showing the features of 4GL. In the implement process of the whole system, the transition technology of the two describing methods, new rapid-prototype technology, object-oriented method and software reusability are enbodied

    Associations of schizotypal traits with semantic and attentional processing: A test-retest ERP study

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    精神分裂症患者存在广泛的认知缺损,其中语义和注意缺损尤为严重。语义缺损是预测个体是否会发展成精神分裂症的关键认知指标。注意缺陷主要体现在对目标刺激的选择性注意,和对干扰刺激的控制能力上。同时,选择性注意和干扰控制与语义加工间也存在着紧密的联系。患者的一些特征在普通人群中也能够观察到,这些特征被称为分裂型特质。已有研究表明普通人群中分裂型特质明显的个体也存在语义和注意加工异常。分裂型特质包括认知-知觉性、人际性和无组织性维度,目前尚不清楚(1)分裂型特质的哪些维度和语义加工、选择性注意或者干扰控制存在关联;(2)这种关联是否存在跨时间的稳定性。 为此,本研究考察了分裂型特质及其不同维度与语义、选择性注意和干扰控制的关联及其稳定性。在时间点1招募70名健康大学生,使用分裂型特质问卷测量其分裂型特质水平,并使用语义启动范式(研究一)、视觉双刺激oddball范式(研究二)和Stroop范式(研究三)来分别考察被试的语义加工、选择性注意和干扰控制特征,记录被试的脑电,并在三个月后完成重测(时间点2)。 研究一发现显著的语义启动效应:被试在语义无关条件的反应时大于语义相关条件(F(1,42) = 43.19, p < .01, η2 = .51);语义无关条件的N400平均波幅大于语义相关条件(F(1,42) = 210.16, p < .01, η2 = .83)。被试的反应时(语义无关:r = .83, p < .01; 语义相关:r = .74, p < .01),N400潜伏期(语义无关:r ≥ .48, p < .01)和平均波幅(语义无关:r ≥ .75, p < .01; 语义相关:r ≥ .56, p < .01)重测信度较好。在时间点2,被试的认知-知觉性(r = .45, p <.01)和无组织性(r = .31, p = .04)与语义无关条件的N400潜伏期显著相关,即认知-知觉性和无组织性越高,语义加工效率越差。 研究二发现被试目标刺激的P300平均波幅显著大于标准刺激(F(1,50) = 10.51, p < .01, η2 = .17)。P300潜伏期(标准刺激:r ≥ .41, p < .01; 目标刺激:r ≥ .24, p < .05)和平均波幅(标准刺激:r ≥ .46, p < .01; 目标刺激:r ≥ .60, p < .01)重测信度较好。被试的人际性与目标刺激条件的P300平均波幅显著负相关(时间点1:r = .25, p = .04; 时间点2:r = .27, p = .04),即人际性越高,选择性注意的分配越差。 研究三发现显著的Stroop效应:被试字色不一致的反应时显著大于字色一致条件(F(1,50) = 135.42, p < .01, η2 = .73);字色不一致的N450平均波幅显著小于字色一致条件(F(1,50) = 10.51, p < .01, η2 = .17)。被试的反应时(字色不一致:r ≥ .59, p < .01; 字色一致:r ≥ .59, p < .01)和N450平均波幅(字色不一致:r ≥ .53, p < .01; 字色一致:r ≥ .54, p < .01)重测信度良好。在时间点2,被试的人际性与字色不一致的N450潜伏期显著负相关(r = - .30, p = .03),即人际性越高,排除干扰信息和冲突解决越差。 比较三个实验范式和ERP成分的重测结果,发现ERP平均波幅的重测信度高于潜伏期;P300的重测信度高于N400和N450。 综上所述,分裂型特质与选择性注意的关联在亚临床群体中稳定存在,反映选择性注意的P300成分最有潜力成为精神分裂症谱系的生物学标记。文章对分裂型特质与语义和注意加工的关联,以及三个常见的实验范式的重测信度进行了讨论

    A critical study of Zhang Shunhui's (1911-1992) Shuowen Jiezi yuezhu

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    published_or_final_versionChineseMasterMaster of Philosoph

    The test-retest reliability of N400

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      语言加工是一个连续的、高度复杂的心理过程.N400 是事件相关电位(Event-Related Potential,ERP)中的一种内源性晚期成分,反映大脑语言加工过程,是语义加工的主要指标

    Design of HIL Emulation in ACCS of Car Based on ARM

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    汽车自适应巡航控制系统(ACCS)是一个完全的分布式嵌入式控制系统。该文采用硬件回路仿真的方法,设计了一个基于ARM的汽车ACCS仿真平台,介绍了平台的硬件结构和软件设计。Adaptive cruise-control system of car is a completely distribute embedded control system.Using HIL control system means,the paper designs an emulation in ACCS of car based on ARM,and introduces the design of the hardware structure and software structure.“985工程”智能化国防信息安全技术科技创新平台项

    Weight control behaviors and their association with real and perceived weight status among 1026 first year high school students in Lanzhou

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    目的利用青少年体重控制行为量表对兰州市高一新生体重控制行为采用状况进行调查,并考察其与学生真实和感知到的体重状态之间的关联,为制定科学的预防和干预方案提供依据。方法 2018年9月在兰州市抽取1 038名高一新生,对其测查青少年体重控制行为量表及感知到体重状态。回收有效数据1 026份,计算健康体重控制行为和不健康体重控制行为的采用率和平均分。结果参与调查的高一新生中有364名(76.15%)女生和387名(70.62%)男生采用体重控制行为;男女生采用最频繁的两种健康体重控制行为是&quot;做运动&quot;[男生416例(75.91%),女生318例(66.53%)]和&quot;多吃水果和蔬菜&quot;[(男生412例(75.18%),女生395例(83.51%)];采用最频繁的两种不健康体重控制行为是&quot;减少吃饭的顿数&quot;[(男生93例(16.97%)],女生82例(17.15%)]和&quot;不吃肉&quot;[(男生37例(6.75%),女生77例(16.11%)]。实际超重的男女生比例分别为21.63%和9.79%。与之形成鲜明的对比,高达52.83%的女生自认为超重。自认为超重的被试比自认为不超重的被试更可能采用不健康体重控制行为(&chi;~2=38.94,P&lt;0.01)。结论兰州地区高一新生体重控制行为的状况非常普遍,这和他们对于体重认知的偏差有关,需从心理层面进行预防和干预。</p