27 research outputs found


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    Controlling Reversible Expansion of Li2O2 Formation and Decomposition by Modifying Electrolyte in Li-O2 Batteries

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    锂空电池分别使用空气中的氧气和金属锂作为正负极活性材料,具有极高的能量密度。但是,这一体系尚不能实现商业化的应用,其中一些关键问题未能解决。由于其正极活性材料是气体,使得电化学反应涉及气-液-固三相界面,电极过程十分复杂。与其它二次电池相比,空气电极需要考虑结构因素和催化因素。不仅要改善氧气电化学反应的动力学迟缓问题,还要考虑放电产物的驻留空间问题。董全峰教授课题组在前期开展了基于空气电极固相表面电催化研究,并结合电极结构方面的问题,构筑了有利于氧气发生反应的仿生开放式结构电极。 该研究工作主要由化学化工学院2015级iChEM直博生林晓东(第一作者)在董全峰教授、郑明森副教授和龚磊副教授的共同指导下完成,理论计算由袁汝明助理教授(共同第一作者)完成,曹勇、丁晓兵、蔡森荣、韩博闻等学生参与了部分工作。周志有教授和洪宇浩博士生在电化学微分质谱方面给予大力的帮助与支持。【Abstract】The aprotic lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) battery has attracted worldwide attention because of its ultrahigh theoretical energy density. However, its practical application is critically hindered by cathode passivation, large polarization, and severe parasitic reactions. Here, we demonstrate an originally designed Ru(Ⅱ) polypyridyl complex (RuPC) though which the reversible expansion of Li2O2 formation and decomposition can be achieved in Li-O2 batteries. Experimental and theoretical results revealed that the RuPC can not only expand the formation of Li2O2 in electrolyte but also suppress the reactivity of LiO2 intermediate during discharge, thus alleviating the cathode passivation and parasitic reactions significantly. In addition, an initial delithiation pathway can be achieved when charging in turn; thus, the Li2O2 products can be decomposed reversibly with a low overpotential. Consequently, the RuPC-catalyzed Li-O2 batteries exhibited a high discharge capacity, a low charge overpotential, and an ultralong cycle life. This work provides an alternative way of designing the soluble organic catalysts for metal-O2 batteries.This work was supported by the National 973 Program (2015CB251102), the Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (21673196, 21621091, 21703186, 21773192),and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (20720150042,20720150043). The authors thank Prof. Eric Meggers at Philipps-Univeristaet Marburg for his discussion about the synthesis of RuPC complex; Prof. Gang Fu at Xiamen University for his instructive discussions in DFT calculations; Lajia Yu and Dandan Tao at Xiamen University for their assistance in EPR experiments and UV-Vis spectroscopy experiments, respectively; and Yu Gu and Tao Wang at Xiamen University for their discussions in XPS results and CV data,respectively. 该工作得到科技部重大基础研究计划(项目批准号:2015CB251102)、国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:21673196、21621091、21703186、21773192)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目批准号:20720150042、20720150043)的资助。 此外,感谢傅钢教授在理论计算方面的讨论和建议,Eric Meggers教授在配合物合成上的讨论,泉州师范学院吴启辉教授和化学化工学院谷宇博士生在X射线光电子能谱方面的帮助,于腊佳老师在电子顺磁共振实验上的帮助,陶丹丹博士生在紫外可见光谱测试上的帮助以及王韬博士生在循环伏安方面的讨论

    Application of MALDI-Tof-MS and FT-ICR-MS in Study on Schiff Base Nickel Complexes

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    本研究对基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MAldI-TOf-MS)的原理和应用做了简要介绍,并概括了常用基质的应用特点和适用范围。通过基质的选择及测试条件的优化,分别对3种席夫碱镍配合物进行质谱分析,实验结果表明,[M+H]+峰的分子质量以及同位素丰度都与理论计算值十分吻合。采用此法不仅能准确地测定席夫碱镍配合物的分子质量,为席夫碱镍配合物结构的鉴定奠定基础,也是金属有机化合物分子质量测定的有效方法,是快速分析金属有机化合物的工具之一。为了进一步说明质谱在金属配合物测定中的可靠性,辅以傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱仪(fT-ICr-MS)进行确证。The principle and applications of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-Tof-MS) were briefly introduced.The characteristics and scope of the application of matrixes were summarized.Three Schiff base nickel complexes were respectively analyzed by MALDI-Tof-MS.The results showed that the molecular weight + peak and the isotopic abundance were very consistent with the theoretical value.By this method not only the molecular weight of Schiff base complexes was accurately determined,providing important assistance for the structural identification,but also it would be an effective and rapid tool for identification of metal organic complexes,and supplemented by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer(FT-ICR-MS) for confirmation.国家自然科学基金(2077309820973136)资

    Compatibilization effect of methyl-methacrylate grafted polypropylene on mica filed polypropylene

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    以甲基丙烯酸甲酯接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MMA)为云母(M)填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料(PP/M)的界面相容剂,研究了PP-g-MMA接枝率和M粒径对PP/M力学性能和非等温结晶行为的影响。结果表明,PP-g-MMA的加入PP/M强度提高,韧性降低;M粒径的减小,PP/M强度和韧性都有所提高。DSC分析结果表明,M对PP有异相成核作用;PP-g-MMA的加入,M对PP大分子的吸附加强,提高M异相成核的活性,但也阻碍PP球晶的生长。而M粒径及PP-g-MMA接枝率对PP的结晶速率影响不大,n在2.50附近,K为10-5数量级。The effect of methyl-methacrylate grafted polypropylene(PP-g-MMA) as an interface compatiblizer on the mechanical properties and non-isothermal crystallization of mica filled polypropylene(PP/mica),which were prepared with different grafting rate and different size of mica,was studied.The results showed that the strength properties of PP/mica improvement and the toughness properties of PP/mica decrease were due to the addition of PP-g-MMA.The strength and toughness properties of PP/mica were lightly improved with the decreas of size of mica.The analysis of DSC indicated that the heterogeneous nucleation of mica on PP was observed.The nucleating efficiency was improved and the growth of ball crystallization of polypropylene was hindered by strong bond between mica and PP due to the addition of PP-g-MMA.The size of mica and the graftage degree of PP-g-MMA ligthly influenced the rate of crystallization of polypropylene.The Avrami exponent(n) and K were about 2.50,10~(-5) s~(-n) respectively.龙岩学院自然科学研究基金资助项目(Z03102


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    Experimental Studies on Reconstructing Compression Side Femoral Cortical Bone Defect with Allogeneic Cortical Bone Plate

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    目的探讨同种异体皮质骨板重建压力侧骨皮质缺损的可行性及效果。方法24只成年山羊,制作压力侧骨皮质缺损动物模型。随机分两组,实验组12只:行异体骨板、钢板固定结合植骨;对照组12只:仅行钢板固定结合植骨。于术后4、8、12周进行影像学观察,生物力学测试和组织学检查。结果术后实验组内固定位置均良好,对照组4例发生螺钉松动、钢板断裂等内固定失效现象。12周时实验组髓腔再通,异体皮质骨与宿主骨融合;对照组仍可见不均匀骨痂影。各时间点两组标本的抗扭转、抗压缩刚度比较具有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。组织学检查按Lane等评分标准评分,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论同种异体皮质骨板能够结构性重建骨皮质缺损区,恢复其承载功能,有效防止内固定失败,促进骨折愈合。Objective To explore the feasibility and effect of reconstructing compression side femoral cortical bone defect with allegeneic cortical bone plate.Methods 24 adult goats were divided into two groups randomly,12 animals respectively in experiment group and control group.At 4、8、12 weeks postoperatively,all animals were made X-ray exam,and then sacrificed.The left sides of femur were taken as specimens for biomechanical test and histopathological examination.Results Loosening or breakage of plates or screws were found for four animals in the control group,while the instruments were in the right site in experiment group.12 weeks the medullary cavity appeared again,the allogeneic cortical bone linked with host bone,fracture area repaired completely.While irregulary bone callus was existing in control group.Betweeen experiment group and control group,distinct difference(P<0.01)were found in hardscale of vertical compression,torsion at post-operatively immediately 4,8 and 12 weeks.According to Lane standard,there were distinct difference in the histopathological examination(P<0.01).Conclusion Allogeneic cortical bone plates associated with steel plate can rebuild the cortical bone defect structurally and recovery the function of load bearing,and it is a valid means to accelerate bone union and prevent the failure of fixations.南京军区“十一五”计划课题资助项目(06MA97


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