346 research outputs found

    Povezivanje računalne animacije i digitalne snimke

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    Povezivanje videa (eng. Video Compositing) je postupak kombiniranja digitalnih sadržaja poput digitalnog videa i animacije. Postupak se temelji na principima na kojima se temelji postupak Chroma key. Kod snimanja digitalnih videomaterijala, izrade 3D modela i animacije važno je poštovati pravila koja se tiču svakog od navedenih područja, jer iako materijali podliježu kasnijoj manipulaciji tijekom povezivanja oni moraju biti pripremljeni tako da su samostalni finalni proizvodi. Osim samog postupka povezivanja detaljno je opisan postupak snimanja digitalnog videa, izrada i teksturiranje 3D modela te animacija istih uz dodavanje rasvjete. Postupci su objašnjeni i prikazani u programima AutoDesk Maya, Adobe Premiere Pro (CS6) te Blenderu

    Emocionalni život obitelji: roditeljske metaemocije, temperament djeteta i eksternalizirani i internalizirani problemi

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    The aim of this study was to investigate some assumptions related to Gottman\u27s model of parental meta-emotions on a sample of preschool children\u27s parents. The study included 506 parents. The questionnaires about parental meta-emotions, dimensions of temperament and children\u27s internalising and externalising problems were completed by mothers and fathers separately. Mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness of their own and of their children\u27s emotions and coaching child emotions were indirectly related to child externalising and internalising problems through child negative affectivity and effortful control, and awareness was also directly related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems. The results of the models showed that mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness and coaching were positively related to effortful control and negatively related to negative affectivity, whereas only mothers\u27 and fathers\u27 awareness were negatively related to externalising and internalising problems. Simultaneously, negative affectivity was positively related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems and effortful control was negatively related to the child\u27s externalising and internalising problems. With this study, we have confirmed part of the investigated assumptions from Gottman\u27s model that relate to the influence of parental meta-emotion on child outcomes.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati neke pretpostavke Gottmanova modela roditeljskih metaemocija na uzorku roditelja djece predškolske dobi. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 506 roditelja. Upitnike o metaemocijama, dimenzijama temperamenta te dječjim internaliziranim i eksternaliziranim problemima ispunjavali su zasebno majka i otac. Majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija i postupanje s dječjim emocijama indirektno je povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima preko dječje negativne afektivnosti i samokontrole a dodatno je svjesnost izravno povezana s dječjim internaliziranim i eksternaliziranim problemima. Rezultati dobivenih modela pokazuju da je majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija i postupanje s dječjim emocijama pozitivno povezana sa samokontrolom i negativno povezana s negativnom afektivnosti, dok je jedino majčina i očeva svjesnost vlastitih i dječjih emocija negativno povezana s eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima. Istodobno, negativna je afektivnost pozitivno povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima, a samokontrola je negativno povezana s dječjim eksternaliziranim i internaliziranim problemima. Ovim istraživanjem potvrdili smo dio pretpostavki iz Gottmanova modela kako roditeljske metaemocije utječu na dječje izlazne varijable

    The Importance of Social Work and Psychosocial Assistance in Working with Victims of Human Trafficking

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    Human trafficking as transnational phenomenon is recognized as a felony in Croatian legislation. It is also regulated by the European legislation. The consequences are various and cover every aspect of a person. Consequently, successful coping with the consequences requires comprehensive assistance and protection, which is achieved through the cooperation of various experts. The victim will receive assistance and protection only when, at the sole beginning, is identified as a victim of human trafficking. Comprehensive assistance and protection provided through the cooperation of state institutions, non-profit organizations, social welfare centres and so on should be planned and targeted and professionals who participate in providing of assistance should be well informed as with the phenomenon of human trafficking as well with the professional methods which are appropriate for working with this often very specific population. The paper emphasizes psychosocial assistance where the role of social work profession is especially prominent

    The Importance of Social Work and Psychosocial Assistance in Working with Victims of Human Trafficking

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    Human trafficking as transnational phenomenon is recognized as a felony in Croatian legislation. It is also regulated by the European legislation. The consequences are various and cover every aspect of a person. Consequently, successful coping with the consequences requires comprehensive assistance and protection, which is achieved through the cooperation of various experts. The victim will receive assistance and protection only when, at the sole beginning, is identified as a victim of human trafficking. Comprehensive assistance and protection provided through the cooperation of state institutions, non-profit organizations, social welfare centres and so on should be planned and targeted and professionals who participate in providing of assistance should be well informed as with the phenomenon of human trafficking as well with the professional methods which are appropriate for working with this often very specific population. The paper emphasizes psychosocial assistance where the role of social work profession is especially prominent

    Relativistički model kvarkova

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    A general Lorentz-covariant quark model of mesons, whose nonrelativistic limit corresponds to Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise model, is constructed. It possesses the heavy quark symmetry and can be easily applied to calculation of form factors. Besides it can be engaged in novel tasks, such a the investigation of the two photon decay of scalar mesons. Its behaviour in the infinite momentum frame and the light cone is discussed.Izveli smo poopćeni Lorentz-kovarijantni model mezona čiji nerelativistički limes odgovara Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wiseovom modelu. Model ima teško-kvarkovsku simetriju i može se primijeniti za računanje faktora oblika. Osim toga u ovom se modelu mogu rješavati nove zadaće kao što je dvofotonski raspad skalarnih mezona. Raspravljamo svojstva modela u sustavu beskonačnog impulsa i na svjetlosnom stošcu

    Rasprostranjenost autohtonih i stranih rakušaca (Crustacea: Amphipoda) duž toka rijeke Une

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    Records of five native and one alien gammarid species are reported from fifteen sites along the entire course of the Una River. Samples of gammarids were collected at ten sites in the main course, and at four sites in small left tributaries of the Una River during field studies conducted from 2005 to 2009. Two endemic species formerly known only from the Adriatic Sea drainage area, Echinogammarus acarinatus and Fontogammarus dalmatinus, were collected for the first time in the Black Sea drainage area at the main spring and in the upper course of the Una River. All three Gammarus species that occur in Croatia have been found in the Una River. Only G. balcanicus was recorded at the upper course, while both G. fossarum and G. roeseli were found in the middle and lower river course. With five gammarid species recorded, the Una River has the highest freshwater gammarid species richness among all of the Croatian watercourses. The new record of the invasive Ponto-Caspian gammarid, Dikerogammarus haemobaphes, in the Sava River at the mouth of the Una River is also reported and discussed.Ovim radom utvrđena je rasprostranjenost rakušaca duž toka rijeke Une i u Savi na ušću Une. Zabilježeno je pet autohtonih i jedna strana vrsta rakušaca iz porodica Gammaridae i Pontogammaridae. Prikupljanje uzoraka provedeno je bentos-mrežom na ukupno petnaest postaja, na deset postaja duž glavnog toka rijeke Une i na četiri postaje na manjim lijevim pritocima te u Savi na ušću Une tijekom terenskih istraživanja u razdoblju od 2005. do 2009. godine. Ovim istraživanjima su na području izvorskog i gornjeg dijela toka po prvi put u Uni zabilježene dvije endemske vrste rakušaca, Echinogammarus acarinatus i Fontogammarus dalmatinus, koje su do sada zabilježene samo u rijekama Jadranskog slijeva, te su ovi nalazi ujedno i prvi nalazi ovih vrsta u Crnomorskom slijevu. U rijeci Uni zabilježene su i sve tri vrste roda Gammarus koje su rasprostranjene na području Hrvatske, od kojih vrsta G. balcanicus dolazi u gornjem toku i u pritoku Klokot, dok su vrste G. fossarum i G. roeseli zabilježene zajedno u srednjem i donjem dijelu toka. S ukupno pet zabilježenih autohtonih vrsta rakušaca, rijeka Una je od svih vodotoka u Hrvatskoj rijeka s najvećim brojem vrsta nadzemnih, slatkovodnih rakušaca. Zabilježen je i novi nalaz invazivne ponto-kaspijske vrste Dikerogammarus haemobaphes u Savi na ušću Une

    Relativistic quark model

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    A general Lorentz-covariant quark model of mesons, whose nonrelativistic limit corresponds to Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise model, is constructed. It possesses the heavy quark symmetry and can be easily applied to calculation of form factors. Besides it can be engaged in novel tasks, such a the investigation of the two photon decay of scalar mesons. Its behaviour in the infinite momentum frame and the light cone is discussed

    Relativistički model kvarkova

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    A general Lorentz-covariant quark model of mesons, whose nonrelativistic limit corresponds to Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise model, is constructed. It possesses the heavy quark symmetry and can be easily applied to calculation of form factors. Besides it can be engaged in novel tasks, such a the investigation of the two photon decay of scalar mesons. Its behaviour in the infinite momentum frame and the light cone is discussed.Izveli smo poopćeni Lorentz-kovarijantni model mezona čiji nerelativistički limes odgovara Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wiseovom modelu. Model ima teško-kvarkovsku simetriju i može se primijeniti za računanje faktora oblika. Osim toga u ovom se modelu mogu rješavati nove zadaće kao što je dvofotonski raspad skalarnih mezona. Raspravljamo svojstva modela u sustavu beskonačnog impulsa i na svjetlosnom stošcu


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