27 research outputs found

    Globalizacijske kontroverze

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    Globalisation is the latest stage in the permanent process of social change that started as industrialisation and modernisation in Europe but now is spreading globally. The paper analyzes different globalisation theories and how the recent wave of globalisation (in the last 30 years) is related to historical events that caused change in economy, ideology and technology. Globalisation is defined as the process of converting separate national economies into an integrated world economy; in the social sphere as intensifying social relations on distance and in the political sphere as a loss of power and authority of nation-states. Starting with that definition the main part of the paper is devoted to analysing economic, social and political indicators, and the consequences of globalisation. As a term and ongoing process globalisation becomes widely recognised, and people with usually very different ideological views begin to foim a new “strange” alliance against globalisation.Globalizacija je posljednji stadij u stalnom procesu društvene promjene koja je započela industrijalizacijom i modernizacijom u Europi ali se sada globalno širi. Članak analizira različite teorije globalizacije i kako se novi val globalizacije (u posljednjih 30 godina) odnosi prema povijesnim događajima koji su prouzročili promjene u ekonomiji, ideologiji i tehnologiji. Globalizacija je definirana kao proces pretvaranja odvojenih nacionalnih ekonomija u integriranu svjetsku ekonomiju; u području društvene sfere očituje se kao pojačavanje društvenih odnosa na daljinu, a u području javnosti kao gubitak moći i autoriteta država-nacija. Polazeći od te definicije veći dio članka je posvećen analiziranju ekonomskih, društvenih i političkih indikatora, i posljedica globalizacije. Kao termin i kao proces koji traje globalizacija postaje široko prepoznata, a ljudi s uglavnom različitim ideološkim pogledima počinju stvarati novi “čudan” savez protiv globalizacije

    Das Konzept gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit

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    Ovaj rad ima dvije svrhe. Prvo, njime se analiziraju dimenzije va`ne za razumijevanje koncepta dru{tvene isklju~enosti. Po~inje definiranjem koncepta, zatim analizira ~imbenike koji pridonose procesu isklju~ivanja te kreira tipologiju dru{tvenih isklju~enosti. Nadalje, ~lanak razmatra ulogu dru{tvenih institucija i sustava vrijednosti, globalizacije kao aktera dru{tvene promjene koji pridonosi suvremenom obliku dru{tvene isklju~enosti. Kona~no, nabrajaju se klju~ni indikatori za mjerenje razine dru{tvene isklju~enosti. Drugo, rad razmatra odr`ava li koncept dru{tvene isklju~enosti nastanak novih teorijskih spoznaja o funkcioniranju dru{tvenoga svijeta – spoznaja koje nisu postojale u ranijim teorijama – ili koncept odra`ava prija{nje spoznaje koje su prethodno bile izra`avane upotrebom drugih izraza, no koje su sada "modernizirane" u skladu s trenuta~nim dru{tvenim i politi~kim kontekstom.This article has two functions. Firstly it is designed to analyse those dimensions which are important in developing an understanding of the concept of social exclusion. It begins with defining the concept. It then analyses those factors that contribute to the exclusion process, it creates a typology of social exclusion, investigates the role of social institutions and value systems, globalisation as an agent of social change that contributes to social exclusion and finally looks at the key indicators for measuring levels of social exclusion. Second, the paper examines whether the concept of social exclusion reflects the development of new theoretical knowledge about the operation of the social world that was previously not present in the earlier theories, or whether the concept reflects existing knowledge that was previously expressed using different language but has now been "modernised" within the current social and political context.Dieser Artikel hat zweierlei Ziele. Als Erstes werden Dimensionen analysiert, die für das Verständnis des Konzeptes gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit wichtig sind. Die Autorin beginnt mit einer Definition des Konzeptes, schreitet sodann zur Analyse von Faktoren, die zum Prozess des Ausschließens beitragen, und verfasst eine Typologie von Formen gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit. Des Weiteren untersucht sie die Rolle gesellschaftlicher Institutionen, des Wertesystems sowie der Globalisierung, die als Akteur des gesellschaftlichen Wandels auf den Plan tritt und zur heutigen Form gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit beträgt. Schließlich werden die wichtigsten Indikatoren aufgezählt, anhand deren das Niveau gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit gemessen werden soll. Das zweite Ziel dieses Artikels ist zu untersuchen, ob das Konzept gesellschaftlicher Ausgeschlossenheit den Ansatz zu neuen theoretischen Erkenntnissen über das Funktionieren der Gesellschaft enthält – oder ob in ihm nur bisherige Erkenntnisse enthalten sind, die vormals andere Namen trugen, die jedoch nun "modernisiert" worden sind in Übereinstimmung mit dem aktuellen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Kontext

    The Place and Function of Sociology at Technical Faculties

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    In the first part of the paper, the author sketches the role which instruction in the social sciences should have at nonsocial science faculties, in general, and at technical faculties, in particular. The basic intention should be to point out the social features of certain activities. In the concrete case of technical faculties, this includes the effects of technology on society and vice versa, as well as specific problems which students completing these faculties will encounter (mainly those related to problems of organization). Confronting this conception with reality, the author concludes that the existing situation is far from that which corresponds to such requirements. Social science courses are largely conceived totally independent of concrete problems of professions which is also expressed in tendencies to create some sort of universal program which would apply to all faculties. An additional step in destroying the professional directness of these courses is in their interdisciplinary nature which in fact results in their deprofessionalization. So-conceived instruction has made it completely impossible to include teachers in research in an area which would be relevant for the profession in which they are included

    Podrška režimu u Hrvatskoj - Determinante podrške režimima u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti

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    In this paper we use the case of Croatia to discover the determinants and patterns of support for the previous (communist) and the present political system, as well as expectations about the future. The conceptual and theoretical framework takes into account five dimensions: class, nationality, religiosity, economic well-being and heterogeneity of the region. There is a general pattern of support in Croatia which roughly corresponds to the findings in other post-communist countries. We find a negative evaluation of the previous system, more positive evaluation of the present political system (in the case of Croatia, more neutral) and optimism about the future. Although this pattern holds across all groups, there are many significant differences. The previous regime is judged less harsh among females, professionals, less skilled manual workers, Serbs and less religious people. Satisfaction with the present political systems is mostly expressed among the less educated, farmers, people with lower income, the more religious, groups who identify themselves as “lower class” and those who created some savings in the last year. The more intensive support for the current political system is located on the lower end of the social hierarchy and on the top, managers-owners. We conclude that a new alliances forming between the top and the bottom of social hierarchy, as it was in the previous system (Županov, 19X3.) but this new alliance contains different social groups and it is based on different interests than before.U ovom radu na slučaju Hrvatske pokušali smo otkriti determinante i obrasce podrške prijašnjem (komunističkom) i sadašnjem političkom sustavu kao i očekivanjima za budućnost. Konceptualni i teorijski okvir polazi od pet dimenzija: klase, nacije, religioznosti, ekonomskog blagostanja i heterogenosti regija. Postoji opći obrazac ocjenjivanja sustavu u Hrvatskoj koji uglavnom korespondira s nalazima u ostalim post-komunističkim zemljama. Našli smo negativno vrednovanje prošlog sustava, više pozitivno se ocjenjuje sadašnji politički sustav (u slučaju Hrvatske više neutralno) i optimizam u pogledu budućnosti. Premda se ovaj obrazac očituje kod svih grupa ipak ima mnogo značajnih razlika. Prošli režim se ocjenjuje manje oštro kod žena, profesionalaca, manje kvalificiranih radnika, Srba i manje religioznih ljudi. Zadovoljstvo sa sadašnjim političkim sustavom izražavaju manje obrazovani, seljaci, ljudi s manjim primanjima, više religiozni, grupe koje su sebe identificirale kao “niža klasa” te među onima koji su ostvarili neku uštedu u prošloj godini. Dakle, više intenzivna podrška sadašnjem režimu locirana je medu nižim slojevima hijerarhijske društvene ljestvice i na samom vrhu kod menagera-vlasnika. Zaključili smo da se formirala nova alianca između vrha i nižih slojeva socijalne hijerarhije kao što je postojala i u prijašnjem sustavu (Županov, 19X3), ali nova alianca sadrži druge društvene grupe i bazirana je na različitim interesima nego prije