17 research outputs found

    An algorithm for modelling the impact of the judicial conflict-resolution process on construction investment

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    In this article, the modelling of the judicial conflict-resolution process is considered from a construction investor’s point of view. Such modelling is important for improving the risk management for construction investors and supporting sustainable city development by supporting the development of rules regulating the construction process. Thus, this raises the problem of evaluation of different decisions and selection of the optimal one followed by distribution extraction. First, the example of such a process is analysed and schematically represented. Then, it is formalised as a graph, which is described in the form of a decision graph with cycles. We use some natural problem properties and provide the algorithm to convert this graph into a tree. Then, we propose the algorithm to evaluate profits for different scenarios with estimation of time, which is done by integration of an average daily costs function. Afterwards, the optimisation problem is solved and the optimal investor strategy is obtained—this allows one to extract the construction project profit distribution, which can be used for further analysis by standard risk (and other important information)-evaluation techniques. The overall algorithm complexity is analysed, the computational experiment is performed and conclusions are formulated

    Preservation of healthy and harmonious residential and work environment during urban development

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    The article discusses densification of fully urbanised territories, which causes deterioration of living conditions for tenants of neighbouring houses (third parties) due to the negative impact of construction on local environment. Specifically, detection of fundamental right violations during territorial planning is in focus, because not only third parties but also future tenants of the house being constructed suffer loss of healthy and harmonious work and recreational environment as a direct result of such violations. A classifier of fundamental right violations during territorial planning was developed for that purpose. The judicial practice was analysed; persons authorised to contest environmental violations under the Law on Administrative Proceedings and the scope of their authorisation were determined. Santruka Nagrinejama, kaip tankinant urbanizuotu teritoriju užstatyma pabloginamos aplinkiniu namu gyventoju (trečiuju asmenu) gyvenimo salygos del neigiamo statybos poveikio vietinei aplinkai. Ypatingas demesys skiriamas esminiu teisiu pažeidimams nustatyti planuojant teritorijas, nes šie pažeidimai daro tiesiogine itaka sveikos ir harmoningos bei ir poilsio aplinkos praradimui ne tik tretiesiems asmenims, bet ir būsimiems naujai statomo namo gyventojams. Tam tikslui sudarytas esminiu teisiu pažeidimu planuojant teritorijas klasifikatorius. Išnagrineta teismu praktika ir nustatyta, kas ir kokia apimtimi gali užginčyti administraciniu bylu teisenos istatymo nustatyta tvarka pažeidimus aplinkosaugos klausimais. Straipsnyje nagrinejamos trečiuju asmenu teisiu i sveika ir harmoninga gyvenamaja bei darbo aplinka išsaugojimo problemos vykdant statybas urbanizuotose teritorijose. Išnagrineta Lietuvos Respublikos trečiuju asmenu teisiu i sveika ir harmoninga gyvenamaja bei darbo aplinka gynimo teismu praktika, aptartas viešojo ir privataus intereso santykis šioje srityje. Nustatyti pagrindiniai galimi pažeidimai planuojant statybas, sudarytas šiu pažeidimu klasifikatorius. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    Investigation into Expansion of Illegal Construction in the National Park of Curonian Spit

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    The World Heritage List includes the Curonian Spit as a valuable cultural landscape – a unique harmony between the nature and human activities, a harmony that emerged through centuries. The Curonian Spit retains its cultural landscape, which is still evolving and keeps an active social part in the modern society through its traditions. it was ecological wisdom, enormous physical efforts and financial input of people that enabled, in the 19th century, creation of a cultural landscape which later was managed and maintained with care. The problem of preservation and continuation of landscaping traditions, of their transfer to future generations, gained the momentum recently, after the notorious boom of unsanctioned building work in the National Park of the Curonian Spit and other territories marked as cultural landscape. in order to protect the public interest in the National Park of the Curonian Spit, Klaipėda County and the Prosecutor's office of Klaipėda brought over 30 civil lawsuits and claims on alleged infringements related to expanding constructions in the National Park of the Curonian Spit. The current situation in the area of unauthorised building is not satisfactory. Unauthorised building is quite frequent in Lithuania. Builders commence building work which violates laws for various reasons: the complex procedures related to issuing of building permits, assumptions leading to hopes that it will be possible to legalise their unauthorised buildings and/or constructions, as well as the national mentality—attempts to "drive through" laws instead of following them, etc. As illustrated by practical examples, the process of unauthorised building does not pose difficulties (control of this process is underdeveloped and includes numerous "compromises"). Generally, persons involved in unauthorised building work encounter real problems only during the last stage, which is related to execution of their rights to the built object. The legislation which currently regulates procedures related to detection, stopping and relief of the effects of unauthorised building foresees demolition of any unauthorised building and construction; but builders search for possibilities to legalise such buildings and constructions nevertheless. This article analyses the concept of illegal building work and the liabilities for illegal building

    Timely determining and preventing conflict situations between investors and third parties: some observations from Lithuania

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    The article analyses the possible influence of third-party rights infringed during construction planning on the implementation of an investment project. It analyses the process for defence of third party rights infringed during territorial planning. The focus in this process is on third party rights and opportunities to learn about possible infringement of such rights. In a construction project, judicial disputes are an unwanted risk factor, which may disrupt the entire project. It is therefore necessary to plan and apply preventive measures for the mitigation of such risk at the initial planning stage of a construction project. For that end, the article presents some principles of behaviour and actions that could help investors and third parties to solve conflicts, reduce their negative outcomes or reach an arrangement satisfactory to both disputing parties

    The Modelling of Roof Installation Projects Using Decision Trees and the AHP Method

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    In this work, the process of roofing projects’ execution is considered. The proper analysis of this process is important to optimise the behaviour of a project’s participants and to perform risk evaluation. The main result of this work is methodology, which can be used to optimise a project owner’s decisions and potentially can be applied for risk control or integrated into expert systems. This methodology includes the application of a decision tree and AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method to perform the modelling for roof installation project selection. In the proposed approach, a decision tree describes the process with nodes representing the states of a project. The tree includes the decision on whether to sell the project results or not, which requires the estimation of the subjective opinion of the project owner. These subjective values are used in the decision tree leaves. We propose to perform this estimation with the AHP method and describe how to do it in this paper. A particular example was considered. The proposed methodology was applied to that case, and all details of the process and results are provided. Using the proposed methodology, the adapted version of a specific, current situation model of project participants’ behaviours can be formed, allowing one to make the most efficient decisions in the light of the existing constraints. The application of results can increase the investor protection and contribute to the general sustainability of investments.This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Construction Engineering and Managemen

    Assessment of the negative impact of construction in urban areas on the local environment

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    The article discusses densification of fully urbanised territories, which causes deterioration of living conditions for tenants of neighbouring houses (third parties) due to the negative impact of construction on local environment. Specifically, detection of fundamental right violations during territorial planning is in focus, because not only third parties but also future tenants of the house being constructed suffer loss of healthy and harmonious work and recreational environment as a direct result of such violations. A classifier of fundamental right violations during territorial planning was developed for that purpose. The judicial practice was analysed; persons authorised to contest environmental violations under the Law on Administrative Proceedings (hereinafter LAP) and the scope of their authorisation were determined. Article in Lithuanian. Statybų plėtros urbanizuotose teritorijose neigiamo poveikio vietinei aplinkai įvertinimas Santrauka. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip tankinant pilnai urbanizuotų teritorijų užstatymą yra pabloginamos aplinkinių namų gyventojų (trečiųjų asmenų) gyvenimo sąlygos dėl neigiamo statybos poveikio vietinei aplinkai. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas pagrindinių pažeidimų nustatymui planuojant teritorijas, nes jie tiesiogiai turi įtakos sveikos ir harmoningos darbo ir poilsio aplinkos praradimui ne tik tretiesiems asmenims, bet ir būsimiems naujai statomo namo gyventojams. Išnagrinėta teismų praktika ir remiantis Administracinių Bylų Teisenos Įstatymu (toliau ABTĮ) nustatyta kas ir kaip užginčyjama esant pažeidimams aplinkosaugos klausimais. Raktiniai žodžiai: investicinis statybos procesas, teritorijų planavimas, miestų plėtra, subjektinė teisė į saugią, švarią ir sveiką aplinką, trečiųjų asmenų teisių gynimas

    Statybų plėtros planavimas įvertinant trečiųjų asmenų interesus

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    Summary of doctoral dissertationSummary of doctoral dissertatio

    Planning development of construction by taking into account interests of the third parties

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    Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos statybų plėtros planavimo, įvertinant trečiųjų asmenų interesus, problemos. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra teisinė investicinio statybos proceso reglamentavimo bazė; teritorijų planavimo teisiniai pažeidimai, planuojant statybos investicijas; pažeistų trečiųjų asmenų teisių gynimo proceso, įgyvendinant investicinius statybos projektus, modeliavimas; statybos planavimo sprendimų matematinis modeliavimas. Šie objektai yra svarbūs įgyvendinant statybos projektą, nes teisminio ginčo atsiradimas yra nepageidaujamas rizikos veiksnys, galintis sužlugdyti visą projektą. Disertacijos tikslas – statybos planavimo sprendimų modeliavimas, įvertinant trečiųjų asmenų interesus, siekiant sumažinti teisminio ginčo atsiradimo riziką, įgyvendinant statybos investicinį projektą. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, keturi skyriai, rezultatų apibendrinimas, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, autorės publikacijų disertacijos tema sąrašas ir 3 priedai. Įvade aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimų objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma tyrimų metodika, darbo mokslinis naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Kiekviename skyriuje apžvelgiama ir analizuojama mokslinė bei metodinė literatūra, atitinkanti kiekvieno skyriaus tematiką. Pirmajame disertacijos skyriuje sprendžiamos sveikos ir harmoningos gyvenamosios bei darbo aplinkos išsaugojimo miestų plėtros metu problemos. Antrajame disertacijos skyriuje nustatyti trečiųjų asmenų teisių pažeidimai, plėtojant statybas. Sudarytas trečiųjų asmenų teisių pažeidimų klasifikatorius. Suformuluota trečiųjų asmenų teisių pažeidimų samprata. Trečiajame disertacijos skyriuje atliktas ginčo proceso dėl galbūt pažeistų trečiųjų asmenų teisių modeliavimas, taikant sprendimų medžio diagramą. Ketvirtajame disertacijos skyriuje atliktas statybos planavimo sprendimų modeliavimas, įvertinant trečiųjų asmenų interesus, t. y. parengtas matematinis modelis asmens, investuojančio į statybas ir susiduriančio su visuomenės pasipriešinimu, siekiančio maksimalaus pelno galimoms elgesio strategijoms įvertinti. Sukurtas optimalių strategijų radimo uždavinys, naudojant daugiažingsnį optimizavimą, t. y. stochastinį dinaminį programavimą. Disertacijos pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados ir literatūros šaltinių sąrašas. Disertacijos tema paskelbti šeši moksliniai straipsniai: trys – mokslo žurnaluose, referuojamuose Mokslinės informacijos instituto (ISI) duomenų bazėse (ISI Web of Science leidiniuose); du – mokslo žurnaluose, referuojamuose kitose tarptautinėse duomenų bazėse, ir vienas – kituose leidiniuose. Disertacijos tema perskaityti trys pranešimai mokslinėse konferencijose Lietuvoje.Daktaro disertacij

    Assessment of the negative impact of construction in urban areas on the local environment

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    The article discusses densification of fully urbanised territories, which causes deterioration of living conditions for tenants of neighbouring houses (third parties) due to the negative impact of construction on local environment. Specifically, detection of fundamental right violations during territorial planning is in focus, because not only third parties but also future tenants of the house being constructed suffer loss of healthy and harmonious work and recreational environment as a direct result of such violations. A classifier of fundamental right violations during territorial planning was developed for that purpose. The judicial practice was analysed; persons authorised to contest environmental violations under the Law on Administrative Proceedings (hereinafter LAP) and the scope of their authorisation were determined

    Modelling a dispute hearing between an investor and the public concerned in administrative courts of the Republic of Lithuania

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    The article discusses possible effects on the success of an investment project when rights of the public concerned have been infringed during construction planning. The administrative proceedings defending the rights of the public concerned infringed during territorial planning have been analysed for that purpose. For any construction project, judicial dispute is an undesirable risk factor and can disrupt the entire project. The article, therefore, looks into an actual dispute that reached the court and took place between an investor and the public concerned. The negative effects of this judicial dispute, both on the investor and the public concerned, have been determined. The investor's blunders that prevented any chance of escaping the judicial dispute and led to several years of litigation have been also determined. The article looks into the behaviour of disputing parties at various stages of the judicial dispute. Based on the research, a conceptual model was crafted to enable analysis of formal model behaviour in future studies and to build a complex system that would facilitate any construction project with planning and application of preventive measures that would mitigate the risk of a judicial dispute as early as during the first project planning stage