3 research outputs found

    Financial Subsidies Anylysis in the Cross-border Cooperation

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je zhodnocení finančních prostředků a čerpání zdrojů v přeshraniční spolupráci. První část je zaměřena na popis přeshraniční spolupráce, její vývoj a současný stav. Druhá část je zaměřena na jednotlivé fondy přispívající k přeshraniční spolupráci a jejich dotace. V poslední části je provedena celková analýza programového období 2007 – 2013 a analýza jednotlivých partnerství v rámci Fondu mikroprojektů.The aim of this work is to evaluate funding and use of resources in cross-border cooperation. The first part focuses on the description of cross-border cooperation, its development and current status. The second part focuses on the individual funds contributing to cross-border cooperation and their subsidies. The last part is an overall analysis of the programme period 2007 – 2013 and the analysis of individual partnerships within Microprojects Fund.115 - Katedra managementudobř

    Změny v krajině česko-polského pohraničí

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    This final thesis is focused on transformation of landscape in Czech-Polish border region over the past 65 years. In the first theoretical part the landscape and its perception is described, then the information related to border region and also historical development of Czech-Polish border region are mentioned. For this thesis I have chosen localities on both sides of borders, specifically the mikroregion Východní Krkonoše on the Czech side and mikroregion Lubawka on the Polish side. Main aim of this thesis is to compare and to evaluate the utilisation of areas of interests not only from economical point of view. The characteristic of locations is focused on physical geographic, historical and cultural quetions. The questionnaire form was used for the investiation. The questionnaire was targeted at border residents and theirs perception of landscape and Polish neighbors. Also the SWOT analysis was used to demonstrate positive and negative factors influencing both examined areas. And semi-standardized interviews with local witnesses were used to clarify some facts and historical events and to understand of historical context. The results prove that the lanscape of the Czech-Polish border region has changed over the past 65 years

    Struktura přirozené obnovy v maloplošných chráněných územích po disturbancích a v porostních mezerách, resp. ve stádiu rozpadu

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    The main goal of this bachelor thesis is comparison of natural regeneration in two na-tural preserves with different subsoil in place of interest Drahanská vrchovina, namely natural preserve Coufavá (granodiorite) and national natural preserve Vývěry Punkvy (limestone). In each preserve were selected 5 clearing areas located in gaps after large-scape disturbances or after nature disintegration of stand. In autumn 2016 one-off me-asurment was done in these locations. Primarily species composition, crop density and height structure of natural regeneration were compared. All results of measurment were illustrated in tables and charts. The results of comparison of regeneration in both preserves should explain which subsoil is better for natural regeneration