7 research outputs found

    Artropatija ohronotika

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    Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disease caused by a disorder of phenylala- nine and tyrosine metabolism, resulting in accumulation and deposition of homogentisic acid (HGA) in the body. This deposition further causes progressive functional disorders in different organ systems, with the locomotor system being the most affected one. A specific triad of symptoms occurs in patients suffering from AKU: 1. at birth, a change of urine color is present when urine is exposed to air, 2. oc- currence of dark pigmentations in connective tissues becomes visible over time, 3. complications of the locomotor, urogenital and cardiovascular systems present gradually. Arthropathia ochronotica occurs in patients suffering from AKU due to precipitation and deposition of HGA in the joint tissue (cartilage, tendons, ligaments, menisci, etc.). The accumulation can be seen as small foci of blue-black pigmentations. HGA deposits in collagen fibers, causing tendons and liga- ments thickening. This causes them to be less resistant to mechanical forces, resulting in frequent rup- tures caused by minimal trauma. Also, the deposition facilitates cartilage degeneration, often requiring an operative treatment. The knees are the most commonly affected joints, while changes can be seen in the spine and other large joints. As there is no specific treatment, alleviation of symptoms is the only treatment option. It has the goal of increasing individual functionality and quality of life. As an option for end-stage treatment, joint replacement surgery proved to be effective. In the future, an enzyme replacement therapy or gene therapy may be developed to treat AKU successfully.Alkaptonurija (AKU) je rijetka autosomno recesivna metabolička bolest uzrokovana poremećajem metabolizma fenilalanina i tirozina, Å”to rezultira nakupljanjem i taloženjem homogentizinske kiseline (HGA) u tijelu. Ovo taloženje uzrokuje progresivne funkcionalne poremećaje u različitim organskim sustavima, pri čemu je najčeŔće zahvaćen lokomotorni sustav. Specifična trijada simptoma javlja se u bolesnika koji pate od AKU: 1. pri rođenju je vidljiva promjena boje urina kada je urin izložen zraku, 2. pojava tamnih pigmentacija u vezivnom tkivu s vremenom postaje vidljiva, 3. postepeno se razvijaju komplikacije koje zahvaćaju lokomotorni, urogenitalni i kardiovaskularni sustav. Artropatija ohronotica javlja se u bolesnika koji pate od AKU zbog taloženja HGA u zglobnom tkivu (hrskavica, tetive, ligamenti, meniskusi itd.). Akumulacija se može vidjeti kao mala žariÅ”ta plavo-crnih pigmentacija. HGA se taloži u kolagenskim vlaknima, uzrokujući zadebljanje tetiva i ligamenata. Zbog toga su ona manje otporna na mehaničke sile, Å”to rezultira čestim puknućima uzrokovanim minimalnom traumom. Također, taloženje ubrzava degeneraciju hrskavice, Å”to dovodi do čeŔće potrebe za operativnim liječenjem. Koljena su najčeŔće zahvaćena, dok se promjene također mogu vidjeti na kralježnici i drugim velikim zglobovima. Kako ne postoji specifično liječenje, ublažavanje simptoma jedina je opcija liječenja. Cilj mu je povećati individualnu funkcionalnost i kvalitetu života. Kao opcija za zavrÅ”nu fazu liječenja, ugradnja umjetnih zglobova pokazala se sigurnom i učinkovitom. U budućnosti se očekuje razvoj enzimske ili genske terapije za uspjeÅ”no ciljano liječenje AKU

    Art psychotherapy in children and adolescents

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    Art terapija je disciplina unutar psihoterapije koja se razvila sredinom 20. stoljeća. Koristi umjetnički proces i umjetnička djela kao oblik komunikacije i izražavanja unutarnjih misli i osjećaja. Često je potrebno zaobići verbalnu komunikaciju kako bismo stupili u kontakt s pacijentom, a to upravo čini art terapija. Susreti se mogu odvijati jedan-na-jedan, mogu uključivati partnera ili obitelj ili se odvijati grupno. Kod interpretacije slika i crteža nastalih za vrijeme art terapije analiziramo odabir boje, kompoziciju te mnoge druge komponente, no ne smijemo isključiti pacijenta iz procesa interpretacije. On je jedini koji nam može točno objasniti Å”to je htio izraziti vlastitom slikom. Art terapija je Å”iroko primjenjiva te se upotrebljava u sklopu psihoterapije svih uzrasta. Često se koristi u psihoterapiji djece jer djeca nemaju toliko izražene verbalne sposobnosti, no isto tako ima veliku ulogu kada je riječ o psihoterapiji adolescenata i odraslih. Kada pojedinac prolazi kroz teÅ”ko životno razdoblje često traži oduÅ”ak, a terapija umjetnoŔću pokazala se kao odličan ispuÅ”ni ventil u stresnim situacijama. Cilj ovoga preglednog diplomskog rada jest prikazati najnovija istraživanja na temu art terapije u psihoterapiji djece i adolescenata, a metodologija koriÅ”tena u radu uključuje pretraživanje baza podataka kao Å”to su PubMed, Google Znalac i Web of Science.Art therapy is a discipline within psychotherapy that developed in the middle of the 20th century. It uses the artistic process and works of art as a form of communication and expression of inner thoughts and feelings. It is often necessary to bypass verbal communication in order to get in touch with the patient, and this is exactly what art therapy does. Meetings can be one-on-one, can involve a partner or family, or can take place in groups. When interpreting pictures and drawings created during art therapy, we analyze the choice of color, composition and many other components, but we must not exclude the patient from the interpretation process. He is the only one who can explain to us exactly what he wanted to express with his own image. Art therapy is widely applicable and is utilized as part of psychotherapy for all ages. It is often used in the psychotherapy of children because children do not have such developed verbal abilities, but it also plays a big role when it comes to the psychotherapy of adolescents and adults. When an individual is going through a difficult period in life, they often look for an outlet, and art therapy has proven to be an excellent form of release in stressful situations. The aim of this review thesis is to present the latest research on the topic of art therapy in the psychotherapy of children and adolescents, and the methodology used in the work includes searching databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science

    Art psychotherapy in children and adolescents

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    Art terapija je disciplina unutar psihoterapije koja se razvila sredinom 20. stoljeća. Koristi umjetnički proces i umjetnička djela kao oblik komunikacije i izražavanja unutarnjih misli i osjećaja. Često je potrebno zaobići verbalnu komunikaciju kako bismo stupili u kontakt s pacijentom, a to upravo čini art terapija. Susreti se mogu odvijati jedan-na-jedan, mogu uključivati partnera ili obitelj ili se odvijati grupno. Kod interpretacije slika i crteža nastalih za vrijeme art terapije analiziramo odabir boje, kompoziciju te mnoge druge komponente, no ne smijemo isključiti pacijenta iz procesa interpretacije. On je jedini koji nam može točno objasniti Å”to je htio izraziti vlastitom slikom. Art terapija je Å”iroko primjenjiva te se upotrebljava u sklopu psihoterapije svih uzrasta. Često se koristi u psihoterapiji djece jer djeca nemaju toliko izražene verbalne sposobnosti, no isto tako ima veliku ulogu kada je riječ o psihoterapiji adolescenata i odraslih. Kada pojedinac prolazi kroz teÅ”ko životno razdoblje često traži oduÅ”ak, a terapija umjetnoŔću pokazala se kao odličan ispuÅ”ni ventil u stresnim situacijama. Cilj ovoga preglednog diplomskog rada jest prikazati najnovija istraživanja na temu art terapije u psihoterapiji djece i adolescenata, a metodologija koriÅ”tena u radu uključuje pretraživanje baza podataka kao Å”to su PubMed, Google Znalac i Web of Science.Art therapy is a discipline within psychotherapy that developed in the middle of the 20th century. It uses the artistic process and works of art as a form of communication and expression of inner thoughts and feelings. It is often necessary to bypass verbal communication in order to get in touch with the patient, and this is exactly what art therapy does. Meetings can be one-on-one, can involve a partner or family, or can take place in groups. When interpreting pictures and drawings created during art therapy, we analyze the choice of color, composition and many other components, but we must not exclude the patient from the interpretation process. He is the only one who can explain to us exactly what he wanted to express with his own image. Art therapy is widely applicable and is utilized as part of psychotherapy for all ages. It is often used in the psychotherapy of children because children do not have such developed verbal abilities, but it also plays a big role when it comes to the psychotherapy of adolescents and adults. When an individual is going through a difficult period in life, they often look for an outlet, and art therapy has proven to be an excellent form of release in stressful situations. The aim of this review thesis is to present the latest research on the topic of art therapy in the psychotherapy of children and adolescents, and the methodology used in the work includes searching databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science

    Art psychotherapy in children and adolescents

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    Art terapija je disciplina unutar psihoterapije koja se razvila sredinom 20. stoljeća. Koristi umjetnički proces i umjetnička djela kao oblik komunikacije i izražavanja unutarnjih misli i osjećaja. Često je potrebno zaobići verbalnu komunikaciju kako bismo stupili u kontakt s pacijentom, a to upravo čini art terapija. Susreti se mogu odvijati jedan-na-jedan, mogu uključivati partnera ili obitelj ili se odvijati grupno. Kod interpretacije slika i crteža nastalih za vrijeme art terapije analiziramo odabir boje, kompoziciju te mnoge druge komponente, no ne smijemo isključiti pacijenta iz procesa interpretacije. On je jedini koji nam može točno objasniti Å”to je htio izraziti vlastitom slikom. Art terapija je Å”iroko primjenjiva te se upotrebljava u sklopu psihoterapije svih uzrasta. Često se koristi u psihoterapiji djece jer djeca nemaju toliko izražene verbalne sposobnosti, no isto tako ima veliku ulogu kada je riječ o psihoterapiji adolescenata i odraslih. Kada pojedinac prolazi kroz teÅ”ko životno razdoblje često traži oduÅ”ak, a terapija umjetnoŔću pokazala se kao odličan ispuÅ”ni ventil u stresnim situacijama. Cilj ovoga preglednog diplomskog rada jest prikazati najnovija istraživanja na temu art terapije u psihoterapiji djece i adolescenata, a metodologija koriÅ”tena u radu uključuje pretraživanje baza podataka kao Å”to su PubMed, Google Znalac i Web of Science.Art therapy is a discipline within psychotherapy that developed in the middle of the 20th century. It uses the artistic process and works of art as a form of communication and expression of inner thoughts and feelings. It is often necessary to bypass verbal communication in order to get in touch with the patient, and this is exactly what art therapy does. Meetings can be one-on-one, can involve a partner or family, or can take place in groups. When interpreting pictures and drawings created during art therapy, we analyze the choice of color, composition and many other components, but we must not exclude the patient from the interpretation process. He is the only one who can explain to us exactly what he wanted to express with his own image. Art therapy is widely applicable and is utilized as part of psychotherapy for all ages. It is often used in the psychotherapy of children because children do not have such developed verbal abilities, but it also plays a big role when it comes to the psychotherapy of adolescents and adults. When an individual is going through a difficult period in life, they often look for an outlet, and art therapy has proven to be an excellent form of release in stressful situations. The aim of this review thesis is to present the latest research on the topic of art therapy in the psychotherapy of children and adolescents, and the methodology used in the work includes searching databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science

    Bilateral Meningioma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Here, we present a rarely seen example of bilateral meningiomas exhibiting different malignancy grades, I (meningothelial) and II (atypical), recorded in a 72-year-old patient. The presence of two separated lesions of different grades in a single patient can elucidate meningioma progression. To this end, the involvement of specific protein markers of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), the process responsible for progression, was tested in both tumors. Protein expression status of specific epithelial (E-cadherin) and mesenchymal markers (N-cadherin, SNAIL&SLUG and TWIST1) was investigated. Furthermore, markers that are connected to Wnt signaling pathwayā€“beta-catenin, GSK3beta and DVL1ā€”were also analyzed. For signs of neurofibromatosis and schwanomatosis genetic testing was performed. Immunohistochemistry evaluated by immunoreactivity score (IRS) was used to determine the signal strengths and proteinsā€™ location. Our results indicated that, in comparison to the grade I tumor, mesenchymal markers SNAIL and SLUG were upregulated in the atypical meningioma. TWIST1, beta-catenin and GSK3beta were upregulated in both grades, while E-cadherin was partially lost. A pronounced cadherin switch could not be established; however, N-cadherin showed widespread tissue presence. Genetic testing did not detect changes of NF2 or SMARCB1 genes denying germline origin of the lesions. The rare presence of two different grades in one patient elucidate previously unknown molecules involved in meningioma progression