42 research outputs found

    Influence of Penicillium candidum spores addition way on soft goats cheese "Blanka" properties

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    Pretpostavka da u postupku proizvodnje sira s plijesnima na površini način primjene spora utječe na sastav i svojstva sira provjerena je u pokusu postavljenom u industrijskim, uvjetima proizvodnje. Tri su skupine uzoraka kozjeg sira "Blanka" proizvedene u po deset dnevnih proizvodnji i za svaku je proizvodnju utrošeno po 2.000 litara miješanog kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka (omjer I -.1). Vodena suspenzija spora Penicillium candidum dodavana je: a) u mlijeko prije dodavanja sirila, h) raspršivanjem na površinu sira i c) u mlijeko i raspršivanjem na površinu sira. Zrenje je sira trajalo deset do dvanaest dana u prostoriji za zrenje temperature 8 °C do 10 °C i relativne vlage 95%. Rezultati planiranih kemijskih, mikrobioloških i organoleptičkih analiza mlijeka i sira, te rezultati statističke obrade podataka navode na zaključak da način dodavanja spora nije utjecao na kemijski sastav i randman sira, ali je utjecao na razvoj površinskog micelija i organoleptička svojstva sira, dok je kiselost zrelog sira tek djelomice ovisila o načinu dodavanja spora. Najpovoljniji je način dodavanja spora u mlijeko i raspršivanjem po površini sira, a samo raspršivanje po površini bolje je od dodavanja spora samo u mlijeko.Experimental production of soft mold-matured goat\u27s cheese "Blanka" was carried out on large scale with a view of testing statement that the way of addition Penicillium candidum spores has influence on cheese properties. Three groups of cheese samples formed part of ten every day\u27s cheese productions using daily 2000 l of blended cow\u27s and goat\u27s milk (ratio 1:1). Water suspension of Penicillium candidum spores was added: a) in milk before renneting, b) spraying young cheese surface, and c) combining addition of spores in milk and spraying the surface of young cheese. Cheese samples ripened 10 to 12 days in curing rooms (temperature 8 to 10 °C relative humidity 95%). Results of chemical, microbiological and sensory analysis of milk and cheese, and statistical analysis data rended possible the conclusion that the way of spores addition did not influence chemical composition and cheese yield, it influenced development of surface mycelia and sensory cheese properties. Acidity of ripened cheese depended on the way of spores addition only in part. The most favourable way of spores addition was the one combining addition in milk before renneting and spraying cheese surface. The spraying of cheese surface was better than mere spores addition in milk before renneting

    Kontrola uzgoja u srodstvu u populaciji banijske šare svinja pomoću optimizacijskih metoda

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    The aim of the study was to estimate genetic diversity parameters for Banija spotted pig population and to apply optimisation methods to control the inbreeding in the population in three different scenarios. The first scenario consisted of minimizing inbreeding by minimizing the average kinship without considering breeding values. The second scenario was to minimize inbreeding by minimizing the average kinship accounting for breeding values. The third scenario was to apply traditional optimal contribution selection by maximizing the breeding value of the offspring. A total of 5 boars and 49 sows were selected to create mating plan minimise inbreeding in the next generation. The average inbreeding coefficient in the population was 6.97, while effective population size was 8.47. In the first scenario, different kinship constrains between candidates resulted in a change in the number of selected animals and a change in the average breeding values, such that the number of selected candidates increased when the constraint on kinship was stronger, with a simultaneous decrease in breeding values. The second scenario resulted in increased inbreeding when additional weight was placed on genetic gain. The Maximisation of breeding values resulted with drastically increased average inbreeding coefficient in the next generation. Due the small total and effective population size, the application of optimisation methods demonstrated that genetic improvement is possible at a high cost of loss of the genetic variability and preservation of diversity remains the first objective in the breeding programme for Banija spotted pig.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti parametre genetske raznolikosti za populaciju banijske šare svinje i primijeniti metode optimizacije s ciljem kontrole uzgoja u srodstvu u populaciji u tri različita scenarija. Prvi scenarij bio je minimizirati uzgoj u srodstvu minimiziranjem prosječnog srodstva u populaciji bez uključivanja uzgojnih vrijednosti. Drugi scenarij bio je minimiziranje uzgoja u srodstvu minimiziranjem prosječnog srodstva uzimajući u obzir uzgojne vrijednosti. Treći scenarij bio je primijeniti tradicionalni pristup selekciji s optimiziranim doprinosima doprinosa maksimiziranjem uzgojne vrijednosti u potomstvu. Ukupno je odabrano 5 nerastova i 49 krmača za izradu plana sparivanja koji će omogućiti minimiziranje inbreedinga u sljedećoj generaciji. Prosječni F u populaciji bio je 6,97, a Ne 8,47. U prvom scenariju različita ograničenja srodstva između kandidata rezultirala su promjenom broja odabranih životinja i mijenjanjem prosječnih uzgojnih vrijednosti tako da se broj odabranih kandidata povećavao kada je ograničenje srodstva bilo jače, uz istodobno smanjenje uzgojnih vrijednosti. Drugi scenarij rezultirao je povećanim uzgojem u srodstvu kada je dodana dodatna težina na genetski napredak. Maksimiziranje uzgojnih vrijednosti rezultiralo je dramatičnim povećanjem koeficijenta uzgoja u srodstvu u sljedećoj generaciji. Zbog male ukupne i efektivne veličine populacije, primjena metoda optimizacije pokazala je da je genetski napredak moguć uz veći gubitak genetske varijabilnosti, a očuvanje raznolikosti ostaje prvi cilj u uzgojnom programu analizirane pasmine

    Partition of genetic trend for daily gain by sex in Landrace, Large White, Pietrain, and Duroc pigs

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the efficienncy of genetic improvement of pigs for average daily gain (ADG) in a conventional pig breeding programme in Croatia for Landrace (L), Large White (LW), Pietrain (P), and Duroc (D) breeds. Phenotype data was available for 30 210 L pigs, 11 657 LW pigs, 3653 P pigs, and 549 D pigs born between 1998 and 2017. Pedigree information contained information about sex of each animal. This information was used to partition genetic trends by sex. Breeding values were estimated using animal model. The estimated genetic trends in L and P breeds were favourable and different from zero at the end of the analysed period. The genetic trend did not show remarkable improvement in analysed period in LW and D breeds. The relative contribution of male animals was 57% in L, 51% in LW, 70% in P, and 50% in D breed. The analyses suggest that breeding activities and selection decisions involving the choice of the animals should be re-evaluated in LW and D breed

    Bjelovar goat\u27s cheese "Kozjak"

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    U članku je opisana proizvodnja polutvrdog kozjeg sira "Kozjaka" u "Sireli" Bjelovar. Posebno je analiziran kemijski sastav kozjeg mlijeka i mješavine kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka prije sirenja, a istraživan je i kemijski sastav sira tijekom zrenja kao i njegov utjecaj na randman sira. Rezultati tih analiza mogu poslužiti u standardizaciji proizvodnih normativa i organoleptičkih svojstava sira.In dem Artikel wird die Herstellung des halhfesten Ziegenkäses "Kozjak" in "Sirela" Bjelovar heschrieben. Es wird besonder die chemische Zusammen-setzung der Ziegenmilch auch der Mischung Ziegen-Kuhmilch vor der Ge-rinnung analysiert. Ebenso wird auch die chemische Zusammensetzung des Käses während des Riefungsprocesses, sowie sein Einflus auf die Käes während des Reifungs-processes, sowie sein Einfluss auf die Käsesausbeute untergesucht. Die re-sultate dieser Analysen können zur Standardisierung der Herstellungsnorma-tiven sowie organoleptischer Eigenschaften des Käses führen

    Estimation of Variance Components for Litter Size in the First and Later Parities in Improved Jezersko-Solcava Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to estimate variance components for litter size in Improved Jezersko-Solcava sheep. Analysis involved 66,082 records from 12,969 animals, for the number of lambs born in all parities (BA), the first parity (B1), and later parities (B2+). Fixed part of model contained the effects of season and age at lambing within parity. Random part of model contained the effects of herd, permanent effect (for repeatability models), and additive genetic effect. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The average number of lambs born was 1.36 in the first parity, while the average in later parities was 1.59 leading also to about 20% higher variance. Several models were tested in order to accommodate markedly different variability in litter size between the first and later parities: single trait model (for BA, B1, and B2+), two-trait model (for B1 and B2+), and single trait model with heterogeneous residual variance (for BA). Comparison of variance components between models showed largest differences for the residual variance, resulting in parsimonious fit for a single trait model for BA with heterogeneous residual variance. Correlations among breeding values from different models were high and showed remarkable performance of the standard single trait repeatability model for BA


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    Legla visokoplodnih krmača često karakterizira varijabilnost porodnih masa prasadi i češća pojava lagane prasadi manje vitalnosti, što može negativno utjecati na proizvodne pokazatelje prasadi u kasnijim fazama uzgoja. Stoga je cilj rada bio utvrditi utjecaj porodnih masa prasadi na farmi visokoplodnih krmača na dnevne priraste prasadi u laktaciji i uzgoju. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 296 prasadi iz prasenja 25 krmača hibridne linije Pen Ar Lan u razdoblju između prosinca 2014. i siječnja 2015. Analiziran je prosječni dnevni prirast prasadi od rođenja do kraja razdoblja uzgoja u dobi od 83 dana. Porodna masa značajno je utjecala na dnevne priraste prasadi tijekom laktacije i uzgoja. Prasad koja je pripadala razredima manjih porodnih masa imala je značajno manje dnevne priraste u odnosu na prasad koja je pripadala razredima s većim porodnim masama. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na potrebu poduzimanja mjera s ciljem smanjenja broja avitalne prasadi manjih porodnih masa prasadi kako bi se omogućilo bolje preživljavanje i zadovoljavajući rast prasadi iz legala visokoplodnih krmača.Litters from high prolific sows are characterised by the variability of birth weights of piglets and higher frequency of light and avital piglets, which can negatively affect production results of piglets in following production stages. The aim of the paper was to determine effect of birth weights of piglets from farm with high prolific sows on average daily gains of piglets in lactation and nursery phase. The study included 296 piglets from 25 sows of Pen Ar Lan hybrid lines farrowed between December 2014 and January 2015. The focal variable was average daily gain of piglets from birth to the end of nursery phase. Birth weight had significant effect on daily gains of piglets during lactation and nursery phase. Piglets from the classes with lower birth weights had significantly lower average daily gains in analysed period compared to piglets with higher birth weights. Results obtained in this study show the necessity of reducing the number of avital piglets with low birth weights in order to enable higher survival rate and optimal growth rate of piglets from litters of high prolific sows

    Estimation of Variance Components for Litter Size in the First and Later Parities in Improved Jezersko-Solcava Sheep

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    Aim of this study was to estimate variance components for litter size in Improved Jezersko-Solcava sheep. Analysis involved 66,082 records from 12,969 animals, for the number of lambs born in all parities (BA), the first parity (B1), and later parities (B2+). Fixed part of model contained the effects of season and age at lambing within parity. Random part of model contained the effects of herd, permanent effect (for repeatability models), and additive genetic effect. Variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The average number of lambs born was 1.36 in the first parity, while the average in later parities was 1.59 leading also to about 20% higher variance. Several models were tested in order to accommodate markedly different variability in litter size between the first and later parities: single trait model (for BA, B1, and B2+), two-trait model (for B1 and B2+), and single trait model with heterogeneous residual variance (for BA). Comparison of variance components between models showed largest differences for the residual variance, resulting in parsimonious fit for a single trait model for BA with heterogeneous residual variance. Correlations among breeding values from different models were high and showed remarkable performance of the standard single trait repeatability model for BA

    Estimation of population differentiation using pedigree and molecular data in Black Slavonian pig

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    Submitted 2020-07-17 | Accepted 2020-08-24 | Available 2020-12-01https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2020.23.mi-fpap.241-249The aim of the study was to investigate the genetic differentiation of the Black Slavonian pig population. Two parallel analyses were performed using genealogical records and molecular data. Pedigree information of 6,099 pigs of the Black Slavonian breed was used to evaluate genetic variability and population structure. Additionally, 70 pigs were genotyped using 23 microsatellite markers. Genealogical data showed shrinkage in genetic diversity parameters with effective population size of 23.58 and inbreeding of 3.26%. Expected and observed heterozygosity were 0.685 and 0.625, respectively, and the average number of alleles per locus was 7.826. Bayesian clustering algorithm method and obtained dendrograms based on pedigree information and molecular data revealed the existence of four genetic clusters within the Black Slavonian pig. 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    Cilj rada bio je opisati genetsku strukture te parametre genetske raznolikosti autohtonih pasmina svinja Hrvatske temeljem dosadašnjih podataka u dostupnoj literaturi. Očuvanju genetske raznolikosti autohtonih pasmina se posljednjih desetljeća pridaje sve veća pozornost jer predstavljaju kulturno i genetsko nasljeđe te zbog svoje otpornosti na bolesti i prilagodljivosti različitim uvjetima mogu imati važnu ulogu u popravljanju konstitucijskih svojstava hibrida i plemenitih pasmina. Povećana uporaba hibridnih linija i plemenitih pasmina u uzgoju i proizvodnji rezultirala je smanjenjem populacija izvornih pasmina te promjenom njihove genetske strukture. Kao posljedica navedenog, populacije izvornih pasmina imaju vrlo visoku stopu uzgoja u srodstvu, nisku genetsku raznolikost te vrlo često u ovakvim populacijama dolazi do procesa „uskog grla“. U cilju održavanja genetske raznolikosti hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina svinja potrebno je provoditi plansko sparivanje uz kontrolu podrijetla, praćenje održive stope uzgoja u srodstvu te provoditi selekciju s optimiziranim doprinosom u uzgojnim programima.The purpose of the study was to show the genetic structure and diversity parameters of Croatian autochthonous pig breeds based on available literature data. The preservation of genetic diversity of autochthonous breeds has recently been increasingly emphasized due to their cultural and genetic importance. Their resistance to disease and their adaptability to different conditions can play an important role in the improvement of constitutive characteristics of hybrid and noble pig breeds. The increased use of hybrids and modern breeds in breeding and production resulted in a decrease in the populations of autochthonous breeds and a change in their genetic structure. As a consequence, the population of autochthonous breeds has a very high rate of inbreeding, low genetic diversity and very often in these populations there is a bottleneck process. In order to maintain genetic diversity of Croatian autochthonous pig breeds, it is necessary to carry out planned breeding with control of origin, monitor sustainable inbreeding rate and carry out optimum contribution selection in breeding programmes


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    Cilj rada bio je istražiti veličinu legla u svinja izraženu kao broj živooprasene prasadi na obiteljskim gospodarstvima u razdoblju od deset godina. Analizirana su ukupno 33 443 legla od prvog do desetog prasenja sa 774 obiteljska gospodarstva. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno osam genotipova krmača: veliki jorkšir, švedski landras, njemački landras, durok, pietren, oba recipročna križanca između švedskog landrasa i velikog jorkšira te križanci između njemačkog landrasa i velikog jorkšira. Sezona pripusta definirana je kao mjesec unutar godine. U razdoblju od 1997. do 2007. godine prosječna veličina legla na obiteljskim gospodarstvima povećala se za jedno živoopraseno prase. Značajan utjecaj sezone pripusta nije periodičan, što znači da pored klimatskih promjena na veličinu legla utječu i drugi okolišni čimbenici. Najveća legla imale su krmače križanke, dok je najmanji broj živooprasene prasadi u krmača terminalnih genotipova. Utvrđena je značajna varijabilnost u veličini legla između farmi. Veličina legla na obiteljskim gospodarstvima se povećava do četvrtog prasenja, a zatim se smanjuje. Istraživanje je potvrdilo važnost analiziranih utjecaja te potrebu njihovog uključivanja u model za procjenu uzgojnih vrijednosti za veličinu legla u krmača na obiteljskim gospodarstvima.Aim of study was to analyse litter size expressed as number of piglets born alive in period between 1997 and 2007. There were 33 443 litters from the 1st to the 10th parity from 774 family farms analysed. Eight sow genotypes were included: Swedish Landrace, Large White, German Landrace, Duroc, Pietrain, both reciprocal crossbreeds between Swedish Landrace and Large White, and crossbreed between German Landrace and Large White. Mating season was defined as month within year. Litter size at family farms increased for one piglet in period between years 1997 and 2007. Significant effect of season was not periodical, what means that beside climatic changes, other environmental effects affect litter size. Largest litter size was in crossbred sows, and smallest litter size was in sows of terminal breeds. There was considerable variability in litter size among farms. Litter size at family farms increased up to fourth parity, and after that decreased. Study confirmed importance of effects analysed and need of their inclusion in the model for prediction of breeding values for litter size of sows at family farms