34 research outputs found

    Skurdas, jo matavimas ir tendencijos Lietuvoje

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    Poverty is one of the most essential problems that most countries face over the world. Lithuania joined the implementation of Millennium Development Goals, which were adopted in 2000 by all the world’s Governments with the aim to reduce the proportion of people living in poverty. It was anticipated to reduce the poverty level from 16% to 13% by 2005 in Lithuania. But according to the data of Statistics Lithuania, the poverty level in Lithuania increased from 15.9% in 2003 to 16.9% in 2005. The solution of this problem demands a purposeful policy of the Government as well as the endeavor of people themselves.One of the first tasks to be performed when implementing poverty reduction measures in the country is the evaluation of poverty prevalence and the estimation of the number of the poor. The indicators chosen for poverty measurement highly influence the results of poverty research. Thus, indicators adjusted to the peculiarities of the country and based on its living standard should be used when the measuring poverty level.The article analyses the definition of poverty as well as its development since the 18th century. The key indicators for measuring poverty (relative poverty line, absolute poverty line, subjective poverty line, poverty gap, etc.) and their main limitations are discussed in the article. Poverty dynamics and income differentiation indicators in Lithuania are analysed in the second part of the article.The authors suggest that poverty measurement based on the relative poverty line is not effective in Lithuania, because it doesn’t show the real situation of poverty in the country. According to the relative poverty concept, people are considered to be living in poverty if their standard of living is substantially less than the general standard of living in society (ie. 50% of average consumption expenditure in Lithuania). Relative poverty measures are usually used in highly developed countries where more emphasis is put on satisfying intellectual and social rather than physical needs. It is argued that the absolute poverty line should be used in underdeveloped countries (in Lithuania as well) when calculating the poverty level Absolute poverty measured by the official poverty line representing the annual income required to allow a family of a given size to purchase the range of goods and services that are seen as constituting the minimum acceptable way of life in the country.According to the authors, the main causes of increased poverty in the last period in Lithuania were a too heavy tax burden for employees (which exceeded the average level of taxes in 15 ES countries) as well as a high differentiation of income.Skurdas - viena iš aktualiausių problemų, su ja susiduria ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir išsivysčiusių pasaulio šalių gyventojai. 2000 m. Jungtinių Tautų Tūkstantmečio viršūnių susitikime, kuriame dalyvavo 189 pasaulio šalys, buvo numatyti Tūkstantmečio plėtros tikslai, kurių vienas iš svarbiausių - mažinti gyventojų skurdą ir socialinę atskirti. Įgyvendinti šį tikslą siekia ir Lietuva. Remiantis 2002 m. Jungtinių Tautų pranešimu, Lietuvoje nuo 2000 m. iki 2005 m. buvo numatyta santykinio skurdo lygį sumažinti nuo 16 proc. iki 13 proc. Tačiau Statistikos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės duomenys rodo, kad santykinio skurdo lygis Lietuvoje per šį laikotarpį ne tik nesumažėjo, bet net padidėjo (nuo 16,0 proc. iki 16,9 proc.) šiai problemai spręsti reikia laiku ir kryptingos šalies Vyriausybės politikos ir pačių gyventojų pastangų, nes dažnai pavėluotas skurdą sukeliančių problemų sprendimas nulemia socialinės atskirties šalyje padidėjimą ir skatina gyventojų emigraciją.Vienas iš pirmųjų tikslų, siekiant vykdyti šalies socialinės politikos uždavinius skurdo mažinimo srityje, yra nustatyti tikrąjį skurstančiųjų skaičių ir skurdo lygi šalyje. Pasirinktas vienoks ar kitoks skurdo matavimo rodiklis daugiausia nulemia skurdo tyrimų rezultatus, todėl, siekiant nustatyti tikrąją situaciją šalyje, būtina parinkti kuo geriau tos šalies gyvenimo lygį ir specifiką atitinkančius rodiklius.Šio straipsnio tikslas - išnagrinėti pagrindinius skurdo matavimo rodiklius ir jų ypatumus, išanalizuoti skurdo ir su juo susijusių problemų (pajamų diferenciacijos ir kt.) kitimo tendencijas Lietuvoje ir kartu išryškinti skurdo mažinimo šalyje prielaidas.Straipsnio pradžioje, remiantis mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analize, nagrinėjamos pagrindinės skurdo sampratos nuostatos, toliau analizuojami skurdo matavimo rodikliai bei jų ypatumai ir diskusiniai klausimai. Baigiamojoje straipsnio dalyje, remiantis Statistikos departamento prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės duomenimis, nagrinėjami skurdo ir pajamų diferenciavimo rodikliai Lietuvoje, tiriamos skurdo mažinimo šalyje prielaidos

    Contradictions of transformation of Lithuania into welfare state

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    The article explores in argumentative aspect the issues of welfare state concept in social–economic viewpoint. In accordance to objective comparison of essential indexes of welfare (living standard) at level of Lithuania and the European Union (EU), contradictions about the turning of our country into a state of welfare are revealed. Systematic and logical analysis of scientific literature as well as comparative and dynamic analysis of statistical data is applied in the research. At the first stage of the research, the indicators showing if the development of social–economic processes in Lithuania takes places in the direction of socially–oriented formation of the state are analysed, as only such development ensures the most rational use of state’s social–economic recourses while forming a socially–oriented state. Here a dynamic analysis of such indicators as income inequality, poverty and the middle class is performed. At the second stage of the research, an average monthly salary, all social welfare payments and retirement pensions as average per capita monthly income are analysed and such indicators as per capita GDP (Gross domestic product) and the comparative weights of public spending on social security in the general GDP structure are investigated. Along with this, a comparative dynamic analysis of all these indicators between Lithuania and EU–27 countries is performed. To summarise, it is claimed that average values of all essential state’s social–economic indicators reflecting the process of welfare state formation are lagging far behind the averages of corresponding indicators of EU–27 countries. Hence, Lithuania can be attributed neither to the socially–oriented countries nor the countries with already established type of welfare state yet

    Socio-economic analysis of European Union structural funds usage in the regions of Lithuania in 2005-2009

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    Regions are the subsystems of a state as an economic-social system. The level of integration of these subsystems into a unified national system is what a sustainable national economic development depends on. The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of the EU support on the development of Lithuanian regions. Currently, Lithuania has no such formation that would fully match the definition of a region, for example, would be an ethnographic and a recognised administrative unit at the same time. However, depending on the chosen aim of the study, we can distinguish the areas which more or less meet the criteria for the selected type of a region. The performed research of Lithuanian administrative units has revealed that it would be logical to distinguish 7 Lithuanian macro-regions, such criteria as convenient geographical location, efficiently developed infrastructure of communications, the centre of the region and the compact territory of the region must be taken into consideration. The present analysis of the country shows that the funds absorption has been the most even in the areas of information society and technical support. The biggest differentiation was observed in the area of preservation of cultural heritage and nature. The capital Vilnius is not the leader only in three areas. Whereas the country’s most important objects are situated exactly int eh largest and mode developed regions of the country (in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda), it is likely that this is one of the key reasons which determined the distribution of structural support in Lithuania. Absorption of funds is the most difficult in the area of environmental protection, whereas, businessmen use EU support most successfully

    Problems of identifying and regulating the structure of the labour market in depressive Lithuanian regions

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    In order to be able to identify problems of the labour market structure in depressive Lithuanian regions and propose key directions in search for solutions, a systematic analysis of population capable for work has to be made, covering employed and unemployed individuals as well as people not registered with a labour exchange. A correlation and factorial analysis of eighteen macroeconomic indicators of all municipalities and broken down by individual depressive regions (20 municipalities with an unemployment rate exceeding the national average by 1.5 time in 2004) offered a possibility to assess the relevance of employment and unemployment indicators as well as other analysed indicators for future social and economic growth trends on a national level and in individual depressive regions from 1996 to 2004. On the basis of the structural analysis of the labour market the following key issues can be identified in depressive regions of Lithuania: long-term unemployment causes emigration of a young and qualified labour force, resulting in the overall negative statistical data drawn from the remaining middle or senior-age population or low-qualified labour force within the national structure of population capable to work, as well as individuals living on subsistence terms in small farms

    Lietuvos gyventojų pajamos ir skurdo problema

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    The discussion between defenders of two different concepts of poverty – absolute and relative -are still going on in Lithuania. The authors of the Lithuanian poverty alleviation strategy project arc offering to use only the relative poverty line in evaluating poverty in Lithuania. The authors of the paper represent the opinion that it is too early to refuse the concept of absolute poverty in Lithuania these days. Relative poverty concept becomes urgent only after the relative poverty line increase enough to exceed the absolute poverty line. The situation in Lithuania these days is reversed: the level of average population income and expenditure is low and relative poverty line, calculated as a percentage of this average is far below poverty line calculated when taking into account the nutritional standards of consumption.Authors arc analysing different concepts of poverty in the paper: the concepts of social and physiological poverty and the absolute and relative poverty lines. They offer to use minimal normative consumption budget (MNCB) as a basis fur calculating absolute social poverty line and present (he main principles of constructing such a budget.The MNCB wa. modelled a, an aggregated measure of minimal subsistence level by scientists from the National Nutrition Centre of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Institute of Labour and Social Research. The MNCB defines a minimal level of satisfying the indispensable physical, spiritual. intellectual and social needs that, to the opinion of the society, ensures minimal reproduction conditions for one person undertaking the job that is not harder and more difficult than the average one. In estimating the budgets objective minimal consumption norms as well as actual consumption, and especially nutrition, habits of Lithuanian population, prevailing traditions, peculiarities and the current economic development level in the country were taken into account.Using this measure the distribution of population income in Lithuania is analysed according to the residence place, socio-economic group and the composition of the household.Straipsnyje analizuojamos Lietuvos gyventojų pajamos ir viena iš aktualiausių problemų tiriant gyventojų pajamas – skurdo problema. Vertindami skurdą Lietuvoje autoriai siūlo skirti absoliutų ir santykinį skurdą bei socialinę ir fiziologinę absoliutaus skurdo ribas, didžiausią dėmesį skiriant pastarojo socialinei ribai. Absoliutaus socialinio skurdo kriterijumi Lietuvoje siūloma laikyti minimalų normatyvinį vartojimo biudžetą. Straipsnyje naudojant šį vartojimo biudžetą įvairiais aspektais vertinamas skurdo lygis Lietuvoje 1998 metais

    Theoretical issues of relationship between unemployment, poverty and crime in sustainable development

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    This paper analyzes theoretical issues of relationship between unemployment, poverty and crime in sustainable development. The concepts of these socio-economical categories were analyzed and theoretical aspects of relationship between unemployment, poverty and crime were disclosed. It was found that unemployment, poverty and crime, as distinct socio-economical process is not widely considered in the literature. More often the specific relationships between two of the variables are studied. The evaluation of unemployment and poverty, unemployment and crime, crime and poverty showed that all three components are linked together through a negative connotation with socio-economical consequences, which further reinforces the ignoring of principles of sustainable development in the socio-economical policy of the country

    Poverty : methodological issues and its level in Lithuania

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    The article focuses on poverty measurement problems. It argues that it is necessary to use absolute poverty concept when measuring poverty in Lithuania and proposes a method for absolute poverty line calculation. It also suggests poverty alleviation measures and seeks to substantiate the technique for calculating an absolute poverty line and for a complex poverty situation analysis in Lithuania on the basis of this technique. It also seeks to recommend ways of implementing anti-poverty measures in the country. The authors suggest that poverty measurement based on a relative poverty line is not effective in Lithuania, because it does not show the actual poverty rate in the country. According to the concept of relative poverty, people are considered to be in poverty if their standard of living is substantially lower than the general standard of living. Meanwhile absolute poverty emphasizes satisfaction of minimum needs of individual. According to the authors, relative poverty measures should be used in highly developed countries where more emphasis is put on satisfying intellectual and social rather than physical needs. Meanwhile absolute poverty line should be used in underdeveloped and semi developed countries when calculating poverty rate. The authors further suggest that a Cost of Basic Needs method should be used when calculating absolute poverty line in Lithuania. This method stipulates a minimum consumer basket (including food and non-food articles) deemed to be adequate for basic consumption needs, and then estimates its cost for different groups of peopl

    Skurdas, jo matavimas ir tendencijos Lietuvoje

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    From 2000 to 2005 Lithuania tried to reduce the level of relative poverty from 16 per cent to 13 per cent in line with the stated targets of the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. However, the level of relative poverty in Lithuania has recently increased to 16.9 per cent. The author claims that this is due to the lack of an effective national poverty reduction policy and the lack of an adequate methodology for measuring poverty in Lithuania. The results of research into poverty depend in large part on the measurement criteria chosen for a particular country. If poverty is to be measured accurately, the measurement criteria chosen must be such as properly suit the realities of lifestyle for that particular country. The article examines basic poverty measurement criteria and their characteristics and analyses the changing tendencies in Lithuania of poverty and the problems associated with it (such as workers’ wages, differences in income levels, etc.). The author states that the methodology presently used in Lithuania to set the poverty level is not entirely suitable, as the calculation of relative poverty is more appropriate in countries where people’s personal incomes are much higher than minimal consumption norms and the population’s main preoccupation is no longer just satisfying physical needs, but satisfying psychological (intellectual) and social needs. In Lithuania a significant percentage of the population have an income too low to satisfy even basic physical needs. Therefore, it would be more accurate to calculate an absolute (not relative) poverty level, with the poverty level being set on the basis of minimal personal consumption norms

    Influence of the European Union structural funds to sustainability of the country’s regional development

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    Article analyses the realization of the support from the EU structural funds in the regions of Lithuania. It has been investigated, in which areas and regions the funds have been most and least successfully assimilated. Socio-economic development of the Lithuanian regions has been analysed in the period of 2008-2011 and the influence of the assimilated EU support. Similarly, debatable questions of the region, its development and conception of regional politics have been studied. Statistical data from Eurostat, the Department of Statistics of Lithuania under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania have been used in the research