27 research outputs found

    Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dermės pajautimo lavinimas lietuvių liaudies dainų intonacijomis

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    The engagement of a child into meaningful musical activity in pre-school age is important in taking over and developing national culture. In the early age, when a child learns to master primary vocabulary of intonation, it is important not only to properly select and systematize musical intonations, which helps a child to feel the mode sooner and easier, but while developing a child's musicality and enriching his personality, the artistic emotional meaning of those intonations is very important too. Therefore the intonations of folk songs are most suitable for development of musical language in the primary level. The goal of this article is to analyse the efficiency of the use of Lithuanian folk songs intonations developing pre-school age children's feeling of mode. The results of the research indicated that in most of the children feeling of mode is of low and average level. Summarizing the results of the research it was concluded that the ability of pre-school) age children to feel the mode successfully develops when applying the children's musical abilities complex development model and when educational material is based on the intonations of Lithuanian folk songs.Straipsnyje analizuojama priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dermės pajautimo (vieno iš pagrindinių muzikinių gebėjimų) lavinimo problema. Pateikti ir aptarti eksperimentinio tyrimo rezultatai, kurie parodė lietuvių liaudies dainų intonacijų panaudojimo veiksmingumą priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dermės pajautimui ugdyti, taikant muzikinių gebėjimų kompleksinio ugdymo modelį

    Stojančiųjų į pedagogines specialybes motyvacijos tapti pedagogu vertinimas

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    The purpose of this research articlewas to analyse attributes of the method used to evaluate  the motivation of students entering education-related study programmes to eventually become educators. The research was conducted in two phases. During the first phase students who had undergone the motivation evaluation from 2010 to 2012 and were now first, second or third-year students in education-related study programmes at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, at Klaipėda University, and the University of Šiauliai filled out questionnaires. During the second phase questionnaires were collected from those who underwent the motivation evaluation in 2013 at those same universities. The samples consisted of 614 students and 682 student candidates. Research methods included a review of relevant research and education documents, as well as a survey. The questionnaire consisted of scaled responses to assertions and independent questions. Satisfaction with university studies, the intention to become a teacher, intrinsic motivation to strive for a profession in education, and study engagement were evaluated using scales. Other questions disclosed information about the evaluation of their motivation to become an educator during the admission process, the students’ grade point average for the previous semester, about the oral and written questions that were presented to them during the evaluation, as well as the respondents’ age, gender, university, and year of study. An examination of documents from Lithuania and other countries revealed the importance of having a national mechanism for selecting motivated students for education-related study programmes to insure quality teacher education, the expedient use of funds, and turning teaching into a high-status profession in the public view. Research has shown that those countries that have more demanding mechanisms for selecting people for teacher education are also the countries with higher pupil achievement than countries in which selection procedures are absent. Results of the empirical research show that the motivation evaluation method is suitably reliable and valid.There are positive correlations between the student sample’s motivation evaluation scores and grade-point average, satisfaction and engagement in the study programme, intrinsic motivation and intention to become a teacher. Motivation evaluation scores of teacher education candidates correlates positively with intrinsic motivation, as well as intention to become a teacher. More than 60 percent of the candidates indicated that participation in the motivation evaluation reinforced their determination to major in education and to become a teacher in the future.Šalies raidos strateginiai tikslai kelia aukštus reikalavimus esamiems ir būsimiems pedagogams, todėl poreikis turėti veiksmingą būsimų pedagogų atrankos sistemą, sudarančią prielaidas sėkmingam pedagogų rengimui, tampa itin aktualus. Straipsnyje pristatomi nuo 2010 m. Lietuvoje vykdomo  stojančiųjų į pedagogikos specialybes motyvacijos tapti pedagogu vertinimo tyrimo rezultatai, atskleidžiantys kai kurias metodo validumo ir patikimumo charakteristikas

    Development of pre-school children's feeling of mode applying the intonations of lithuanian folk songs

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    Straipsnyje analizuojama priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dermės pajautimo (vieno iš pagrindinių muzikinių gebėjimų) lavinimo problema. Siekiant išsikeltų tikslų, atlikta mokslines-metodinės literatūros analizė, apibendrinimas; testas tiriamųjų vaikų dermės pajautimo lygiui nustatyti; ugdomasis eksperimentas; kokybinė analizė. Tyrimas atliktas Vilniaus chorinio dainavimo mokyklos "Liepaitės" priešmokyklinėse klasėse 1996-2001 metais. Straipsnyje pateikiami 1998/1999 mokslo metais atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Eksperimente dalyvavo 58 ketverių-šešerių metų priešmokyklinių klasių vaikai. Mokslo metų pradžioje buvo atliktas konstatuojamasis tyrimas, kurio metu nustatytas kiekvieno tiriamojo vaiko dermės pajautimo lygis, išryškinti šio gebėjimo ypatumai. Dermės pajautimas buvo suvokiamas kaip gebėjimas, pasireiškiantis tuo, kad vieni melodijos garsai jaučiami kaip pastovūs, sukuriantys pabaigos įspūdį, o kiti -kaip nepastovūs, jais pabaigus melodiją, jaučiamas noras pereiti į kitą garsą. Į dermės sampratą taip pat įeina ir estetinė prasmė. Šiame darbe dermės pajautimas ribojamas mažoro-minoro dermine sistema. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad daugumos 4-6 m. vaikų dermės pajautimas yra vidutinis ir žemas. Išryškėjo tam tikri 4-6 m. metų vaikų dermės pajautimui būdingi ypatumai. Nustatyta, kad vaikų dermės pajautimui turi įtakos įgimti muzikiniai gabumai, šiam amžiui būdingi fiziologiniai balso aparato ypatumai bei muzikinio ugdymo sąlygos. Apibendrinant tyrimo rezultatus konstatuota, kad priešmokyklinių muzikos mokyklų klasių vaikų gebėjimas pajausti dermę sėkmingai plėtojasi ugdyti taikant muzikinių gebėjimų kompleksinio ugdymo modelį, mokomąją medžiagą grindžiant lietuvių liaudies muzika.The engagement of a child into meaningful musical activity in pre-school age is important in taking over and developing national culture. In the early age, when a child learns to master primary vocabulary of intonation, it is important not only to properly select and systematize musical intonations, which helps a child to feel the mode sooner and easier, but while developing a child's musicality and enriching his personality, the artistic emotional meaning of those intonations is very important too. Therefore the intonations of folk songs are most suitable for development of musical language in the primary level. The goal of this article is to analyze the efficiency of the use of Lithuanian folk songs intonations developing pre-school age children's feeling of mode. The results of the research indicated that in most of the children feeling of mode is of low and average level. Summarizing the results of the research it was concluded that the ability of pre-school age children to feel the mode successfully develops when applying the children's musical abilities complex development model and when educational material is based on the intonations of Lithuanian folk songs

    Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocinio jautrumo muzikai ypatumai

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    Straipsnyje aptariama meninių emocijų samprata, meninių ir paprastųjų emocijų panašumai bei skirtumai. Išskirti priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų muzikinėje veikloje galimi emocinės raiškos būdai (mimika, žvilgsnis, judesys, balso intonacija). Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad daugumos tiriamų vaikų emocinė raiška kartais atitinka muzikos nuotaiką. Geriausiai muzikinėje veikloje vaikų patirtas emocijas atspindi jų mimika ir žvilgsnis. Paaiškėjo, kad priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikai dar nėra įvaldę visų išorinių emocinės raiškos formų, o skirtingų emocinės raiškos būdų intensyvumas priklauso nuo įgytos muzikinės patirties, vaiko muzikinių gabumų ir asmenybės savybių. Šie ypatumai lemia tai, kad priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų emocinė raiška muzikinėje veikloje yra labai individuali ir įvairi.Development of musical abilities of pre-school children is especially significant because the best period of sensitivity to develop a child’s musical talent is early and pre-school age. Emotional sensitivity to music is the basis of a person’s musicality. The concept of artistic emotions is discussed in this article. The following modes of emotional expressions are distinguished: mimics, motion, glance, and intonation of voice. The research data indicate that emotional expression of the most of the investigated children sometimes complies with the mood of the music. Emotions conditioned by the musical activity are best reflected by mimics and glance. The research data imply the following conclusions: emotional expression of pre-school children is very individual and diverse; possibilities of emotional expression in most of the children are still very limited; pre-school children still do not master all exterior forms of emotional expression, therefore some children express the mood of the music by glance and mimics, others – by motion and intonation; the intensity of the modes of emotional expression in the investigated children depends on their musical experience and personal features of a child

    Ketvirtų-šeštų metų vaikų balsų lavinimo ypatumai

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    Straipsnyje siekta nustatyti tiriamųjų vaikų balsų diapazonus ir išsiaiškinti jų išplėtimo bei diapazono išlavinimo galimybes ir būdus dainuojant chore. Tyrimo metodai – pedagoginis eksperimentas, pedagoginis stebėjimas, testavimas, audio įrašai. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 13 ketverių metų vaikų, 13 – penkerių metų ir 32 – šešerių metų vaikai. Individualiam darbiniam diapazonui nustatyti vaikai dainavo išmoktą duotos tonacijos dainelę, keičiant tonacijas darbinio diapazono riboms nustatyti. Alinimo kriterijai: platus diapazonas – oktavos apimties ir daugiau; vidutinis diapazonas – kvintos – sekstos apimties; siauras diapazonas – siauresnis už kvintos intervalą; nenustatytas diapazonas – vaikas sunkiai intonuoja vos kelis garsus, diapazono nustatyti neįmanoma. Maksimaliam vaiko balso diapazonui nustatyti buvo pateikta užduotis atkartoti vieną garsą arba intonaciją d'–r'–d', chromatiškai kylančią ir besileidžiančią. Paaiškėjo, kad individualus vaiko diapazonas turi dvi atmainas – maksimalų ir darbinį: kadangi įvairių mokslininkų nustatyti šio amžiaus vaikų balsų diapazonai nesutampa, pedagogams, pradedantiems lavinti šių vaikų balsus, pirmiausia reikia nustatyti jų diapazoną. Tyrimo duomenys patvirtino teiginį, kad yra artimas ryšys tarp balso ir muzikinės klausos kokybės: tiksliai intonuojančių ir turinčių labiau išlavintus kitus muzikinius gabumus vaikų balsų diapazonai prasiplėtė labiau. Pastebėta, kad specialiai lavinant ir plečiant vaikų balsų darbinį diapazoną, prasiplėtė ir individualus maksimalus diapazonas, nors nurodyto vaikų balsų diapazono ribos nebuvo plečiamos.Singing in the early age has a significant influence on the development of child's aptitude for music as well as on the development of his musicality. Various rescarches and our research have proved that the voice of 4, 5 and 6 year old children vary not only by volume but by the pitch as well. This is stipulated by the peculiarities of voice development while children are being prepared for choir singing. In our research we have diagnosed the volume of voices of 58 children an age span between 4 and 6. We chose the training material and methods, correspond with the psychophysical peculiarities of children of this age in regard to the volume of their voices. The children were systematically trained throughout the entire school year. At the end of the school year the results indicating the changes in voice volume were the children's compared to the data obtained at the beginning of the school year. Generally, the results of the research show that the individual volume of voice contains two features: features observable when children intone separate sounds and features observable when they sing songs. Because most of the scientists disagree about the volumes of children's voices within the indicated age span, the pedagogues who start developing the voices of such children have to determine the volume of their voices a priori. By applying the training methods that we recommend and by choosing the suitable teaching materials it is possible to widen the individual volumes of voices and to match individual volumes for singing in larger groups, consisting of children of the same age. The development of the volume of voice in children of the indicated age group is influenced by specially chosen vocal exercises as well as by the proper choice of repertory, by the use of training methods which take into consideration age peculiarities and by other factors which should be determined by further research

    Preparation for teacher training reform: selection of mentors-tutors of trainee teachers

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    This article analyzes requirements applied for selection of mentors in foreign mentor training programs. Analysis of experience of mentor training in foreign countries revealed that mentors have to be specially selected, trained and encouraged to do this work. Modern mentor training programs provide specific mentor selection procedures and define criteria. Mentor selection criteria provided in various mentor training programs have many common characteristics. Based on analysis of foreign experience, formal (experience of pedagogical work, qualification category, competence in subject, etc.) and informal (personal qualities and values) mentor selection criteria which are suitable under Lithuanian conditions are distinguished in the article. Furthermore, possible mentor selection procedures are suggeste

    Feeling of musical rhythm: peculiarities and possibilities of preschool development

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    The article discusses the concept of the feeling of the musical rhythm (one of the basic musical abilities), analyses the peculiarities of its development in pre-school children. The results of the research indicated that the feeling of musical rhythm in children studied is related to other musical abilities (feeling of mode, ability to recollect musical sets, emotional expression, ability to concentrate attention to listening and hearing). It was discovered that the main peculiarity of the feeling of rhythm in pre-school children is the unevenness of the recollection of rhythmic structure. During the experiment it was observed that the feeling of rhythm in every child is very individual, especially in the beginning of training. The results of the experimental research indicated that the feeling of rhythm in children studied develops successfully

    Education of children gifted in music: experience of teachers of Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės"

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    Objective of this survey is to detect experience of teachers working with children gifted in music. 8 teachers from Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" have participated in this survey. Teachers representing different education stages and subjects were selected to identify overall picture of experience in education of children gifted in music. Semi-structured interview was employed to reveal in-depth experience from teacher‘s position, understand his position, feelings, how he works with children gifted in music. Thematic analysis method was employed for data analysis. Three most significant themes were emphasized in interview data analysis: identification of children gifted in music, meeting demands for musical expression of children with different musical abilities and professional self-perception of the music teachers. Analysis of Lithuanian education instruments disclosed that children gifted in music have special needs and adequate education is necessary to meet them. Children gifted in music are educated in music schools. Music education in these schools is increasingly oriented towards meeting demands of the students for musical expression, purposeful extracurricular activities of students. Students with very different level of musical abilities are educated in music schools. One of the most critical challenges in this context is the issue of organizing education, identifying those who are mostly gifted in music and facilitating successful development of their musical abilities and on the other hand ensuring high quality music education for children with lower musical abilities. Results of the survey indicate that in identifying children gifted in music and establishing level of their musical abilities teachers build on their experience and assume the role of an expert, however they consider this a very complicated matter.Analysis of teachers’ experience indicate that collective musical activity (choir) is a very efficient tool to meet demands for musical expression of students with different musical abilities. Most students feel urged for achieving high learning results. Concert activities, continuous school traditions, consistency of education, continuity and succession, individual approach towards every student are elements which contribute most to the students’ motivation for learning. Results of the survey revealed that teachers feel satisfaction with their profession, employment position and it contributes to the possibility of being a member of powerful school community and team of professional teachers. Teachers analyse, perceive arising problems. They are concerned about the fact that some parents of the students regard musical education of the children as entertainment and not a systematic, responsible learning. Outdated programs, repertoire are indicated as a weakness. Teachers reflect on their activity and feel the demand for adaptation and changes in the context of dynamics of modern education