33 research outputs found

    Production of biodiesel from poppy oil by using waste marble dust as catalyst

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    Bu çalışmada, mermer atıkları katalizörlüğünde haşhaş yağı ve metanolden, transesterifikasyon tepkimesi ile biyodizel üretimi incelenmiştir. Katalizör olarak kullanılan CaO, toz haline getirilen mermer atıklarının 850 °C’de 3 saat süresince kalsinasyonu ile hazırlanmıştır (verim %43) ve XRD ve SEM-EDX yöntemleri ile karakterize edilmiştir. Biyodizel verimine metanol-yağ molar oranı, katalizör miktarı, tepkime süresi ve sıcaklığın etkisi incelenmiş, bu parametrelerin optimum değerleri sırası ile 6:1, %1, 120 dakika ve 65 °C olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen biyodizelin yakıt özelikleri TS EN 14214 standardı ile karşılaştırılarak belirlenmiş ve dizel yakıt ile karıştırılarak kullanılabileceği öngörülmüştür.In this study, biodiesel production from poppy oil and methanol, by transesterification reaction, was investigated by using waste marble dust as catalyst. The CaO, used as catalyst, was prepared (yield 43%) by calcination of powdered marble dust at 850 °C for 3 h and characterized by XRD and SEM-EDX techniques. The effects of methanol: oil molar ratio, catalyst amount, reaction time and temperature on the biodiesel yield were investigated and optimum values of these parameters were determined as 6:1, 1%, 120 min and 65°C, respectively. The properties of the produced biodiesel were determined by compared with TS EN 14214 standard and it is expected to use with diesel

    Montelukast jest skutecznym lekiem w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników: badania eksperymentalne

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of montelukast in comparison with cabergoline in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in rats. Material and methods: An experimental OHSS model was formed in 35 female Wistar rats. Rats (22 days old) were randomized into 5 groups, each containing 7 animals. The control group received no therapy; the mild OHSS group was administered pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 10 IU on the 5th day; the severe OHSS group received PMSG 10 IU for 4 days, hCG 30 IU on the 5th day. The montelukast group: received montelukast 10 mg/kg/day and the cabergoline group was administered cabergoline 100μg/kg/day via oral gavage for 6 days (days 22–27), in addition to those of severe OHSS. All groups were sacrificed on 28th day. Body weight, ovarian diameter and weight, vascular permeability, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), semiquantitative VEGF receptor-1, and VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) immunohistochemistry were evaluated. Results: Ovarian diameter and VEGF expression were significantly lower in the montelukast and cabergoline groups than in the severe OHSS group. While montelukast was more effective in limiting vascular permeability in the severe OHSS, cabergoline was superior to montelukast with respect to the limiting effect on increased body weight and VEGFR-2 expression. Conclusions: The VEGF/VEGFR-2 interaction plays an important role in OHSS pathogenesis. Montelukast limits VEGF expression, and cabergoline reduces both VEGF and VEGFR-2 expressions; they are both effective therapies for the prevention of severe OHSS.Cel: Ocena skuteczności montelukastu w porównaniu z kabergoliną w zapobieganiu zespołowi hiperstymulacji jajników (OHSS) u szczurów. Materiał i metoda: Model doświadczalny OHSS stanowiło 35szczurów rasy Wistar, płci żeńskiej. Szczury (22 dniowe) podzielono na 5 grup, każda zawierająca 7 zwierząt. Grupa kontrolna nie otrzymała żadnej terapii. Grupa z łagodnym OHSS otrzymała gonadotropinę z surowicy ciężarnych klaczy (PMSG) w ilości 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 10IU w 5 dniu, grupa z ciężkim OHSS otrzymała PMSG 10IU przez 4 dni, hCG 30IU w 5 dniu. Grupa z montelukastem otrzymała montelukast w dawce 10mg/kg/dzień a grupa z kabergoliną otrzymała kabergolinę 100μg/kg/dzień przez doustny zgłębnik przez 6 dni (dni 22-27). Wszystkie zwierzęta zabito w 28 dniu. Oceniono masę ciała, wymiar i wagę jajników, przepuszczalność naczyń, czynnik wzrostu śródbłonka naczyń (VEGF) oraz w immunohistochemii półilościowo receptor – 1 VEGF i receptor-2 VEGF. Wyniki: Wymiar jajnika oraz ekspresja VEGF były istotnie niższe w grupach z monelukastem i kabergoliną niż w grupie z ciężkim OHSS. Podczas gdy montelukast był bardziej skuteczny w ograniczaniu przepuszczalności śródbłonków w ciężkim OHSS, to kabergolina okazała się lepsza od montelukastu po uwzględnieniu ograniczającego efektu zwiększonej masy ciała i ekspresji VEGFR-2. Wnioski: Wzajemne oddziaływanie VEGF/VEGFR-2 odgrywa istotną role w patogenezie OHSS. Montelukast ogranicza ekspresję VEGF, a kabergolina zmniejsza zarówno ekspresję VEGF jak i VEGFR-2; obie terapie są skuteczne w zapobieganiu ciężkiemu OHSS

    Montelukast is effective in preventing of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome; an experimental study

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    Objectives: To determine the efficacy of montelukast in comparison with cabergoline in the prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in rats

    A pilot study for treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia by aerosolized formulation of convalescent human immune plasma exosomes (ChipEXO™)

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    This is a single-center prospective, open-label, single arm interventional study to test the safety and efficacy of recently described ChipEXO™ for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. The ChipEXO™ is a natural product derived from convalescent human immune plasma of patients recovered from moderate COVID-19 infection. In September 2021, 13 patients with pending respiratory failure were treated with ChipEXO™ adapted for aerosolized formulation delivered jet nebulizer. Patients received 1-5x10 nano vesicle/5 mL in distilled water twice daily for five days as an add-on to ongoing conventional COVID-19 treatment. The primary endpoint was patient safety and survival over a 28-day follow-up. The secondary endpoint was longitudinal assessment of clinical parameters following ChipEXO™ to evaluate treatment response and gain insights into the pharmacodynamics. ChipEXO™ was tolerated well without any allergic reaction or acute toxicity. The survival rate was 84.6% and 11 out of 13 recovered without any sequel to lungs or other organs. ChipEXO™ treatment was effective immediately as shown in arterial blood gas analyses before and two hours after exosome inhalation. During the 5 days of treatment, there was a sustainable and gradual improvement on oxygenation parameters: i.e. respiratory rate (RR) [20.8% (P \u3c 0.05)], oxygen saturation (SpO) [6,7% (P \u3c 0.05)] and partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO/FiO) [127.9% (P \u3c 0.05)] that correlated with steep decrease in the disease activity scores and inflammatory markers, i.e. the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score (75%, p \u3c 0.05), C-reactive protein (46% p \u3c 0.05), ferritin (58% p = 0.53), D-dimer (28% p=0.46). In conclusion, aerosolized ChipEXO™ showed promising safety and efficacy for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia. Further studies on larger patient populations are required to confirm our findings and understand the pathophysiology of improvement toward a new therapeutic agent for the treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia

    A pilot study for treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia by aerosolized formulation of convalescent human immune plasma exosomes (ChipEXO™)

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    Copyright © 2022 Gül, Gonen, Jones, Taşlı, Zararsız, Ünal, Özdarendeli, Şahin, Eken, Yılmaz, Karakukçu, Kırbaş, Gökdemir, Bozkurt, Özkul, Oktay, Uygut, Cinel and Çetin.This is a single-center prospective, open-label, single arm interventional study to test the safety and efficacy of recently described ChipEXO™ for severe COVID-19 pneumonia. The ChipEXO™ is a natural product derived from convalescent human immune plasma of patients recovered from moderate COVID-19 infection. In September 2021, 13 patients with pending respiratory failure were treated with ChipEXO™ adapted for aerosolized formulation delivered via jet nebulizer. Patients received 1-5x1010 nano vesicle/5 mL in distilled water twice daily for five days as an add-on to ongoing conventional COVID-19 treatment. The primary endpoint was patient safety and survival over a 28-day follow-up. The secondary endpoint was longitudinal assessment of clinical parameters following ChipEXO™ to evaluate treatment response and gain insights into the pharmacodynamics. ChipEXO™ was tolerated well without any allergic reaction or acute toxicity. The survival rate was 84.6% and 11 out of 13 recovered without any sequel to lungs or other organs. ChipEXO™ treatment was effective immediately as shown in arterial blood gas analyses before and two hours after exosome inhalation. During the 5 days of treatment, there was a sustainable and gradual improvement on oxygenation parameters: i.e. respiratory rate (RR) [20.8% (P < 0.05)], oxygen saturation (SpO2) [6,7% (P < 0.05)] and partial pressure of oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) [127.9% (P < 0.05)] that correlated with steep decrease in the disease activity scores and inflammatory markers, i.e. the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score (75%, p < 0.05), C-reactive protein (46% p < 0.05), ferritin (58% p = 0.53), D-dimer (28% p=0.46). In conclusion, aerosolized ChipEXO™ showed promising safety and efficacy for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia. Further studies on larger patient populations are required to confirm our findings and understand the pathophysiology of improvement toward a new therapeutic agent for the treatment of severe COVID-19 pneumonia