5 research outputs found

    Development Impact Bonds in Financing Flood Risk Management

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    In this paper, the authors propose a new innovative solution to financing flood prevention and financing its consequences using the development impact bonds model. Firstly, the necessity of financing the flood problem is to be described as a public task, including the presentation of previous methods and solutions. Secondly, the authors derive a new model for financing flood problems basing on development impact bonds. This kind of financing comes from the New Public Management idea called “payments-by-results”. The new model shows that there is a possibility to construct a financial mechanism, which allows financing anti-flood interventions, such as relocation of residents from flood-threatened areas, using private financial resources, and giving the government the guarantee to pay only for the success of the intervention, which means a guarantee of effective public spending. At the end of the paper a SWOT analysis into this solution is presented.JEL Codes - G22; G23; H40; H54; H70; H84; Q5

    Ubezpieczenia upraw rzepaku od skutków złego przezimowania; uwarunkowania środowiskowe i ekonomiczne

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    The intensity of weather phenomena causes effects in agriculture which take a character of mass damages (e.g. damage caused by winter-kills). Farmers that have been affected by damages in crops are looking for a coverage of these losses by the payments from insurance contracts. However, it should be investigated whether the conditions of the currently operating crop insurance contracts allow for a full financial protection of farmers interests. In particular, whether the payments are sufficient to compensate their lost expenses or to compensate lost revenue. Authors investigated the answers to these questions for the cultivation of oilseed rape. Their conclusions have been extended to the analysis of frequency and intensity of negative mass atmospheric phenomena in Poland. / Synopsis. Intensywność zjawisk pogodowych powoduje występowanie w rolnictwie zdarzeń, które przyjmują charakter szkód masowych (np. szkody spowodowane wymarznięciem roślin w okresie zimowym). Rolnictwo, dotknięte szkodami w uprawach, poszukuje pokrycia owych strat przez wypłaty z umowy ubezpieczenia. Jednak należy zastanowić się, czy funkcjonujące obecnie warunki ubezpieczenia upraw w pełni pokrywają interes majątkowy rolnika, czy wypłacane odszkodowania wystarczają na pokrycie poniesionych wydatków, czy też rekompensują utracony przychód. Autorzy zbadali odpowiedzi na przedmiotowe pytania względem uprawy rzepaku ozimego. Swoje wnioski poszerzyli o analizę częstotliwości i intensywności niekorzystnych, masowych zjawisk atmosferycznych w Polsce

    Ubezpieczenie odpowiedzialności cywilnej samorządu gminnego w Polsce

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    Effective protection of insurance interest of local government in the field of civil liability requires consideration of the two areas of functioning: dominium and imperium. The main attribute of local government is exercising of public authority. Insurance of this area of activity requires the inclusion of pure economic loss into contract. A study conducted on 45 municipalities showed that the main areas of activity are covered by general liability insurance in most of the municipalities. In 2/3 of the examined municipalities pure economic loss resulting from official authority is covered by insurance. The insurance in most cases is based on act committed trigger, which is the best solution both from the point of view of the insured as well as the potential victim.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski

    The New Instruments of Risk Management in Agriculture in the European Union

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    AbstractThe specific character of farming was perceived since the beginning of the creation of the European Community. Initiation and systematic evolution of Common Agricultural Policy aim at harmonious development farmstead. Any negative events, especially catastrophic, don’t allow to execute plans and it can be a cause of abandonment of farms by farmers. This can upset the situation on food market. European Community, in its regulations, allows and even recommends the use of various support instruments. In response to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1857/2006 of 15 December 2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to State aid to small and medium-sized enterprises active in the production of agricultural products, subsidized crop and animal insurance were introduced in Poland. Much larger opportunities are offered by solution which are financed by assets derived from the mechanism of modulation and defined by Council Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 of 19 January 2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support schemes for farmers. That can be wider range of subsidized crop, animal and plant insurance or mutual funds. Mutual fund is a mechanism that allows affiliated farmers pay compensation for economic losses incurred as a result of animal and plant diseases and environmental incidents. This regulation defines the financial rules of the fund and the possible use of this mechanism in the public and the EU. At the same time, there are many concerns about the practical implementation of this solution. Mutual fund can be a complementary tool for the protection of risks, which cannot be accepted by the insurance market. Experiences of Member States with regard to its use are small, but the examples of countries in which it operates (in this article indicates the Italian example) suggest that it may be a simple in its design but highly effective tool. And it will allow for more complete protection of agricultural productionThe paper tries to identify the organizational and financial solutions to the mutual fund concept and proposed the establishment of specific solutions for this mechanism in Poland. This paper will present a discussion of the benefits from the introduction of this solution on the Polish and European market for agricultural insurance

    Zarządzanie podmiotami leczniczymi - bezpieczeństwo pacjentów i sposoby ograniczania ryzyka szpitali

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperTematyka prezentowanej monografii obejmuje wszystkie aktualne zagadnienia związane z zarządzaniem szpitalami, ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i personelu. Praca napisana została przez zespół ekspertów i praktyków. Uwzględniono w niej najnowszy stan prawny, który uległ w ostatnim czasie dużym zmianom. Ponadto, w sposób szczegółowy i nowatorski, zwrócono uwagę na zagadnienia poprawy bezpieczeństwa pacjentów przez stosowanie procedur zmniejszających ryzyko wystąpienia zdarzeń niepożądanych oraz sposoby ubezpieczania tego ryzyka i kompensacji ewentualnych szkód