81 research outputs found

    The Influence of Different Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Alveolar Bone in Rats: An Experimental Study

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    Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je proučiti učinak deksketoprofen-trometamola, meloksikama i natrijeva diklofenaka na netretiranu alveolarnu kost kada se koriste lijekovi za neku drugu indikaciju. Materijali i metode: Dvadeset osam mužjaka štakora Spraque-Dawley randomizirano je u četiri grupe na sličan način: tretirani su deksketoprofen-trometamolom (grupa 1.), meloksikamom (grupa 2.) i natrijevim diklofenakom (grupa 3.), a u kontrolnoj grupi nije se primjenjivao nikakav lijek. Nesteroidne protuupalne lijekove (NSAID) dobivali su deset dana nakon frakture fibule. Netretiranoj alveolarnoj kosti histopatološki se procjenjivala gustoća spongiozne kosti te osteoklastična i osteoblastična gustoća. Rezultati: Gustoća spongiozne kosti bila je niža u eksperimentalnim grupama (grupe od 1 do 3) negoli u kontrolnoj (p < 0,05). Suprotno tome, u eksperimentalnim grupama uočeno je povećanje gustoće osteoklasta u odnosu prema kontrolnoj grupi (p < 0,05). Prema gustoći osteoblasta grupe 2 i 3 bile su niže od kontrolne (p < 0,05), ali je u grupi 1 gustoća bila ista kao i u kontrolnoj. Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da sustavno korištenje NSAID-a može utjecati na netretiranu alveolarnu kost. To se treba uzeti u obzir u slučaju produljenog korištenja tih lijekova.The aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dexketoprofen trometamol, meloxicam, diclofenac sodium on any untreated alveolar bone when they are used as drugs for another indication. Materials and Methods: Twenty eight male Spraque-Dawley rats were randomized into four groups as dexketoprofen trometamol (Group I), meloxicam (Group II), diclofenac sodium (Group III) and control group. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) were administered after a fibula fracture for 10 days. Untreated alveolar bone was histopathologically examined for spongious bone density, osteoclastic density and osteoblastic density. Results: Spongious bone density was lower in study groups (Group I, group II and group III) than the control group (p<0.05). In contrast, the increase in osteoclastic density was observed in other groups apart from the control group (p<0.05). Osteoblastic density was evaluated and it was determined that group II and group III had lower results than the control group (p<0.05) but group I was equal to the control group. Conclusion: This study showed that systemically administrated NSAIDs have the potential to affect untreated alveolar bone. This should also be considered in long term use of NSAIDs

    Cronotopías del mandato familiar en novelas argentinas de la postdictadura

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    Nuestro trabajo actual de investigación se desenvuelve en torno al problema de novelas argentinas contemporáneas que tematizan el período de la dictadura militar (1976-1983). Para trabajar metódicamente este corpus en gestación apelamos a la noción de cronotopía bajtiniana, categoría generadora de relatos que ordenan diferentes formas de la experiencia humana y regulan la aparición de sujetos y discursos identitarios. En este artículo desarrollamos una breve serie que llamamos "cronotopía del mandato familiar" y en la que los jóvenes protagonistas sufren diferentes aprendizajes y pruebas vinculadas con los acontecimientos de la dictadura que los convierten en sujetos alienados, mutilados o escindidos.Our present work focuses on the investigation of contemporary Argentinean novels that deal with the period of the military dictatorship (1976-1983). In order to work metodologically on this corpus in progress, we appeal to the notion of the so-called Bachtinian chronotopy, generating category of stories which organize different forms for the human experiences and regulate the emergency of subjects and identity speeches. In this article we develop a brief series referred as the "chronotopy of the family mandate", in which young protagonists go through various learning experiences and tests related to the happenings of a terrible time that render them into alienated and exscinded subjects