3 research outputs found

    China in the Arctic; and the Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese-Finnish Arctic Co-operation

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    The Arctic region is rapidly transforming from a peripheral region to a global theatre with an increasing number of non-Arctic stakeholders. One illustration of this transformation process is the growing presence of China in the Arctic. This report first discusses China’s changing role in global affairs (Chapter 1). This provides background for exploring China’s interests, role and presence in the Arctic. The study of China’s presence in the region is carried out through the lens of the Chinese government’s four priority areas towards the region as expressed in the country’s first official Arctic statement – the White Paper – from January 2018 (Chapter 2). Further, Chinese interests and actions in the Arctic are studied from the viewpoint of one particular Arctic State, Finland. The authors provide an overview of a broad spectrum of Chinese-Finnish interactions in different contexts, including investments in Northern Finland and co-operation within the areas of Finnish Arctic expertise and research. In addition, concerns and risks related to interaction with Chinese actors are discussed (Chapter 3). Over the past decade, China has undertaken an effort to demonstrate its growing knowledge of, and commitment to, the Arctic region. Some actors and experts are concerned about China’s aims and actions in the region, while others express hope for Chinese institutions, investors and companies to contribute to regional development and knowledge-building. The report presents a balanced and multifaceted, although necessarily not fully comprehensive, picture of China’s rise as an actor in the Arctic.</p

    China in the Arctic; and the Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese-Finnish Arctic Co-operation

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    The Arctic region is rapidly transforming from a peripheral region to a global theatre with an increasing number of non-Arctic stakeholders. One illustration of this transformation process is the growing presence of China in the Arctic. This report first discusses China’s changing role in global affairs (Chapter 1). This provides background for exploring China’s interests, role and presence in the Arctic. The study of China’s presence in the region is carried out through the lens of the Chinese government’s four priority areas towards the region as expressed in the country’s first official Arctic statement – the White Paper – from January 2018 (Chapter 2). Further, Chinese interests and actions in the Arctic are studied from the viewpoint of one particular Arctic State, Finland. The authors provide an overview of a broad spectrum of Chinese-Finnish interactions in different contexts, including investments in Northern Finland and co-operation within the areas of Finnish Arctic expertise and research. In addition, concerns and risks related to interaction with Chinese actors are discussed (Chapter 3). Over the past decade, China has undertaken an effort to demonstrate its growing knowledge of, and commitment to, the Arctic region. Some actors and experts are concerned about China’s aims and actions in the region, while others express hope for Chinese institutions, investors and companies to contribute to regional development and knowledge-building. The report presents a balanced and multifaceted, although necessarily not fully comprehensive, picture of China’s rise as an actor in the Arctic

    Vörumerkjavirði Frjálsa lífeyrissjóðsins á tímum efnahagslegra umróta: Sjónarmið úr markaðsfærslu

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    Ímynd íslenskra fjármálafyrirtækja eftir efnahagshrun er í sögulegu lágmarki frá því að skipulagðar mælingar á ímynd banka og sparisjóða hófust árið 2003. Fjármálafyrirtækjum bíður því ærið verkefni við að bæta vörumerkjavirði sitt. Hér verður gerð tilraun til að sýna hvernig auka megi vörumerkjavirði Frjálsa lífeyrissjóðsins, og í leiðinni Arion banka (móðurvörumerki hans), með aukinni áherslu á samfélagslega ábyrgð. Þetta ber þó að gera í samspili við áherslu á kjarnahæfni vörumerkisins, sem er góður rekstur, og byggja upp út frá viðskiptavina-grunduðu vörumerkjavirði. Aðferðafræði verkefnisins samanstendur af fræðilegri umfjöllun um markaðsfærslu, fjölmiðlarýni og notkun á aðferðum vörukorta og CE11 viðskiptavinatengsla. Farið er í gegnum sögu markaðsfræðinnar með það að leiðarljósi að sýna hvernig markaðsstarf getur reynst handhægt tól til að bæta ímynd fjármálafyrirtækja. Lögð er sérstök áhersla á nýtt stig markaðsfærslu, markaðsfærsla 3.0, sem felur í sér tilraunir til aukins skilnings á neytendum og meiri trausts á milli þeirra og fyrirtækja. Með því er lögð aukinn áhersla á samvinnu neytenda og vörumerkja. Tekið er tillit til þeirra samfélagslegu aðstæðna sem hafa skapast á Íslandi með efnahagshruninu 2008 og mikilvægi þess að markaðsstarf sýni alúð og gagnsæi í starfi sínu. Fyrrgreindar áherslur voru leiðandi við uppsetningu verkefnisins Frjálsi Ísland, sem er til þess fallið að auka tilfinningaleg tengsl neytenda við vörumerkið. Þetta er allt gert til að varpa ljósi á hvernig markaðsstarf hefur breyst með tímanum í átt að auknu samspili á milli neytenda og vörumerkja. Auk þess sem leitast er eftir leiðum til að breyta neikvæðum þáttum núverandi árferðis í tækifæri, með styrkleika Frjálsa lífeyrissjóðsins (og Arion banka) að leiðarljósi