113 research outputs found

    Listening Skills Development in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language and The Usage of Metacognitive Strategies

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    The aim of this study is to determine the state of using metacognitive strategies to develop listening skills in teaching Turkish as a foreign language to Syrian children. This research is a descriptive study designed with the survey method. In June 2017, the Certification Program for Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language was organized for Turkish educators who work in Adana, as a part of “The Project of Supporting Syrian Children’s Integration into the Turkish Education System”. In this context, all Turkish educators who work in Adana composed the population of this study while 108 Turkish educators constituted the sample of the study. In this study, the data were collected by the “Metacognitive Listening Strategies Opinion Form” developed by the researcher and analyzed with descriptive statistical techniques.  The findings of the study showed that most of the metacognitive strategies that can be used before listening are rarely used and that the response rates as to “always” or “often” in the questionnaire are quite low. It was observed that Turkish educators usually “rarely” used strategies apart from the strategy of “underlining words the meaning of which they do not know” in the listening process.The findings further indicated that more strategies were used before and after listening than during listening and that the most frequently used strategies by learners were summarizing the listening text in their own words, expressing the theme and main idea of the text they were listening to, telling which section/s in the listening text they mostly focused on, and answering the listening comprehension questions

    Evliyâ'nın ses padişahın gölgesi: Evliyâ Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi'nde kurmaca

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-198).Thesis (M.S.): Bilkent University, The Department of Turkish Literature, 2015.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Despite some views regarding the existence of “untruthful” and “fabricated” historical data in Evliyâ Çelebi’s Seyahatnâme, this study puts forward that fictitious tales in the Seyahatnâme are constructed deliberately with the use of certain techniques and methods. By using close reading, Evliyâ Çelebi’s stories on Ottoman sultans are reviewed with their historical background. Research carried on several references, including Peçevî’s History which is frequently cited in the Seyahatnâme, revealed that Evliyâ constructed certain historical events as the way he “wanted” them to happen. Throughout Evliyâ’s work, an “ideal” Ottoman sultan image is depicted regarding several issues; from relations between the Palace and the Bektaşî, Mevlevî, Gülşenî, Melamî leaders and other religious orders whom Evliyâ regard as miraculous, to the propriety of building a sultan mosque. Examples have been found in the Seyahatnâme, where contradicting acts and behaviours of the sultan’s with this image are “corrected” or criticized by fictitious stories. Although there is coherence and consistency in the sultans’s tales throughout the ten volumes of the Seyahatnâme, it has been identified that certain changes and additions were made to some stories depending on the context. Evliyâ Çelebi, like a shadow play puppeteer, with his choices such as adding details and highlighting when or who gets attention in his text, turns a one dimensional Karagöz stage into a multi-dimensional literary masterpiece that is the Seyahatnâme.by Başak Öztürk Bitik.Ph.D

    Comparative Analysis of Livestock Farms in terms of Forage Crops Production and Rangelands Usage Habits

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    Bu çalışma, Tekirdağ ve Kırklareli illerinde seçilen birer ilçede hayvancılık işletmelerinin yem bitkileriyetiştiriciliği ve mera kullanım alışkanlıkları açısından karşılaştırılması amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Tekirdağ ilimerkez ilçeye bağlı 6 köyde 36, Kırklareli ili Pehlivanköy ilçesinde bağlı 9 köyde 55 olmak üzere toplam91 üretici ile anket çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde öncelikle yüzde, ortalama,standart sapma gibi tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılmıştır. İncelenen değişkenler açısından iller arasında farklılıkolup olmadığı, kesikli verilerde ki kare testi ile ortaya konulmuştur. İşletmelerin yem bitkileri yetiştiriciliği vemera kullanım alışkanlıkları bakımından birbirinden ayıran özellikler diskriminant analizi ile belirlenmiştir.Kırklareli ilinde üreticilerin ortalama eğitim süresi 7.53 yıl, ortalama yaşı 46.84, ortalama hayvan sayısı 17.69,meradan yararlanma süresi 3.89 ay, yetiştirilen yem bitkisi sayısı 1.87 adet, meralardaki bitki türü sayısı2.38 ve işletmenin meraya uzaklığı 574.55 m olarak bulunmuştur. Tekirdağ ilinde ise üreticilerin ortalamaeğitim süresi 7.56 yıl, ortalama yaşı 49.39, ortalama hayvan sayısı 41.92, meradan yararlanma süresi 6.56ay, yetiştirilen yem bitkisi sayısı 2.97 adet, meralardaki bitki türü sayısı 2.72 ve işletmenin meraya uzaklığı688.89 m olarak bulunmuştur. Kırklareli ve Tekirdağ ilindeki üreticiler arasındaki yem bitkileri yetiştiriciliği vemera kullanım alışkanlıkları farklılığının istatistiki olarak önemli olup olmadığını tespit etmek üzere yapılanki kare testi sonucunda, otlatma planlarında hayvan türüne göre ayırım yapma, su baskınından etkilenenmera olması ve yem bitkileri desteklemesi alma durumunun illere göre değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Uygulanandoğrusal diskriminant analizi sonucuna göre, üreticiler arasındaki ayırıma etki eden en önemli değişkenlerinmeradan yararlanma süresi ve yetiştirilen yem bitkisi sayısı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Grup merkezi değerlerinegöre, meradan yararlanma süresinin ve yetiştirilen yem bitkisi sayısının Tekirdağ ilindeki işletmelerde dahayüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Diskriminant analizi sonucunda toplamda bütün işletmelerin %75.80’inindoğru bir şekilde gruplandığı bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, Tekirdağ ilindeki üreticilerinyem bitkileri yetiştiriciliği ve mera kullanımı konusunda Kırklareli ilindeki üreticilere göre daha bilinçli olduğusonucuna ulaşılmıştır.This study was carried out in order to compare the livestock enterprises in terms of forage crops production and rangelands usage habits in one districts of Kırklareli and Tekirdağ provinces. Total of 91 surveys were executed in the study and 36 of these surveys were executed in 6 villages of Tekirdağ and 55 of these surveys were executed in 9 villages of Kırklareli. During the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics such as percentage, average and standard deviation were used. Discrete data were subjected to Chi Square test and the differences between the provinces in terms of the variables were observed. Discriminant analysis was used in order to determine the separating characteristics of the enterprises in terms of forage crops production and rangelands usage habits. In Kırklareli province, the average education periods and ages of the farmers were determined as 7.53 years and 46.84, respectively. The average animal number was 17.69. Utilizing period from the rangelands, number of the grown forage plant, plant type number in the rangelands and the distance of the enterprise to the rangelands were determined as 3.89 months, 1.87, 2.38 and 574.55 m. In Tekirdağ province, the average education periods and ages of the farmers were determined as 7.56 years and 49.39, respectively. The average animal number was 41.92. Utilizing period from the rangelands, number of the grown forage plant, plant type number in the rangelands and the distance of the enterprise to the rangelands were determined as 6.56 months, 2.97, 2.72 and 688.89 m. As a result of chi square test which was done in order to determine the difference between the farmers according to the forage crops production and rangelands usage habits statistically, it was determined that discrimination in grazing plan according to the animal type, opinions about the rangelands effected by flooding and taking forage plant subsidies changed according to the provinces. As a result of the discriminant analysis, it was determined that the most significant variables which affected the discrimination between the farmers were utilizing period from the rangelands and number of the grown forage plants. According to the group centroid values, it was determined that utilizing period from the rangelands and number of the grown forage plants were higher in the enterprises in Tekirdağ province. As a result of the discriminant analysis, it was determined that 75.80%of the total of the enterprises was classified properly. According to the results, it was concluded that the farmers in Tekirdağ province were more conscious according to the farmers in Kırklareli province in respect of forage crops production and rangelands usage

    Lectin-Like Bacteriocins

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    Bacteria produce a diverse array of antagonistic compounds to restrict growth of microbial rivals. Contributing to this warfare are bacteriocins: secreted antibacterial peptides, proteins and multi-protein complexes. These compounds typically eliminate competitors closely related to the producer. Lectin-like bacteriocins (LlpAs) constitute a distinct class of such proteins, produced by Pseudomonas as well as some other proteobacterial genera. LlpAs share a common architecture consisting of two B-lectin domains, followed by a short carboxy-terminal extension. Two surface-exposed moieties on susceptible Pseudomonas cells are targeted by the respective lectin modules. The carboxy-terminal domain binds D-rhamnose residues present in the lipopolysaccharide layer, whereas the amino-terminal domain interacts with a polymorphic external loop of the outer-membrane protein insertase BamA, hence determining selectivity. The absence of a toxin-immunity module as found in modular bacteriocins and other polymorphic toxin systems, hints toward a novel mode of killing initiated at the cellular surface, not requiring bacteriocin import. Despite significant progress in understanding the function of LlpAs, outstanding questions include the secretion machinery recruited by lectin-like bacteriocins for their release, as well as a better understanding of the environmental signals initiating their expression

    Post-traumatic stress disorder after terrorist attack in healthcare professionals

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    INTRODUCTION: On the date of 15 July 2016 a terrorist organization launched a terrorist attack using helicopters and heavy combat weapons in the city centers of Istanbul and Ankara simultaneously. Numerous civilian were hurt and many of them lost their lives during the attacks. Terrorism is a form of combat designed to cause the highest psychological influence on the masses. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most common psychological disorders after such disasters. The aim of this study is to determine the associated risk factors and PTSD rates in healthcare professionals who were on call during the 15 July 2016 terrorist attacks. METHOD: Since the hospital is in a neighbouring the street to where terror attacks occurred, all healthcare professionals ≥ 18 years of age who were on duty that night in the Dr. Ridvan Ege Training and Research Hospital and were auditory or visual witnesses of the event were included in the study as the first group while healthcare professionals who work in the same hospital but were not on duty that night were included as the control group. RESULTS: The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the control group was 11.87. The mean post-traumatic diagnostic scale stress score of the Group 1 was 21.91. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of posttraumatic diagnostic scale stress score (p < 0.05). While the healthcare professionals on duty on July 15, 2016 (Group 1) had moderate-severe (21.91 ± 5.11) stress disorder, the healthcare professionals who were not at the hospital on July 15, 2016 (Control Group) had moderate stress disorder (11.87 ± 6.86). CONCLUSION: Our country is at risk from the fact that such attacks may be experienced again because of its unique conditions. The results of our work support the data on the high level of exposure to PTSD when exposed to a terrorist attack. For this reason, the identification of the characteristics of pre-traumatic health individuals at risk is useful in planning the presentation of preventive and curative health services. At the same time, there is a need for longer-term work and wider samples to reveal the psychological consequences of such attacks

    Kalite iyileştirmede veri madenciliği kullanımı ve geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG30.06.2009Bu projede amaç, sanayi kuruluşlarında ürün ve süreçlerin kalitesini iyileştirmeye yönelik veri madenciliği (VM) yaklaşımlarını belirlemek ve daha etkili yaklaşımlar geliştirmektir. Projede imalat sanayi kuruluşlarının ürün ve süreçlerinin kalitesini iyileştirme ile ilgili kalitenin tanımlanması, tahmin edilmesi, sınıflandırılması ve parametrelerinin optimizasyonu problemleri ele alınmıştır. Bu problemlerin çözümü için veri hazırlama ve önişlemenin yanısıra kümeleme, tahmin etme, sınıflandırma, birliktelik analizi ve optimizasyon VM işlevlerinin gerekli olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Bu kapsam dahilinde geniş bir literatür taraması yapılmış ve değişik imalat sektörlerinde etkinlik gösteren altı kuruluş ziyaret edilmiştir. Bunlardan üçünün sağladığı veriler üzerinde uygun VM metotları uygulanmış ve sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma sonucunda belli VM işlevleri için kalite iyileştirme amaçlarına en uygun VM metotları belirlenmiş ve uygulayıcılara önerilmiştir. Projenin yöntem geliştirme kısmında ise uygulama aşamasında karşılaşılan bazı problemlerin giderilmesi ve mevcut yöntemlerin kullanım kolaylığı ve/veya etkililiğinin artırılması yönünde çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçta, kalite verilerinin yeniden örneklenmesi için bir yöntem; parametrik olmayan alternatif bir regresyon yaklaşımı (CMARS); ikili sınıflandırmada kullanımı kolay olan Mahalanobis Taguchi Sistemi metodunun çok sınıf ve ayrıca parametre optimizasyonu için uyarlamalar; bulanık sınıflandırmada kalite verilerine uygun alternatif yaklaşımlar (bulanık regresyona dayalı modeller) ve parametrik olmayan bulanık tahmin etme ve sınıflandırma fonksiyonları; parametre optimizasyonunda çekicilik fonksiyonlarının optimizasyonu için alternatif yaklaşımlar ve birliktelik kurallarının seçimi için bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Bu sonuçların ve metotların kalite iyileştirme alanında uygulayıcıların çalışmalarına yön vermesi ve bunların kullanım kolaylığı ile etkililiğini artırması beklenmektedir.The objective of this project is to identify the data mining (DM) approaches that can effectively improve product and process quality in industrial organizations, and to develop more effective approaches. In the project, quality definition, prediction, classification and parameter optimization problems associated with product and process quality improvement in manufacturing industries are considered. For the solution of these problems, clustering, prediction, classification, association and optimization functions of DM as well as data preparation and preprocessing are determined as relevant. A comprehensive literature survey has been performed and six manufacturing companies operating in different sectors have been visited, within this context. Appropriate DM methods are applied on data sets obtained from three of these companies, and the results are compared. As a result, the most appropriate DM methods are suggested for specific DM functions and quality improvement purposes. In the method development part of the project, studies are performed to overcome some problems encountered during the applications, and to increase ease of use and effectiveness of the VM methods. As a result, a resampling method for quality data; an alternative nonparametric approach (CMARS) for regression; adaptations of an easy to use binary classification method, Mahalanobis Taguchi system, to multiple classes and also to parameter optimization; alternative approaches for fuzzy classification of quality data (models based on fuzzy regression) and nonparametric fuzzy functions; alternative approaches for optimization of desirability functions in parameter optimization; and a method for reduction of association rules are developed. It is expected that these results and approaches guide practitioners in quality improvement area, and incease the ease of use and effectiveness of them

    Çekicilik fonksiyonlarına pürüzlü ve doğrusal olmayan optimizasyon yöntemleri ile yeni yaklaşımlar.

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    Desirability Functions continue to attract attention of scientists and researchers working in the area of multi-response optimization. There are many versions of such functions, differing mainly in formulations of individual and overall desirability functions. Derringer and Suich’s desirability functions being used throughout this thesis are still the most preferred ones in practice and many other versions are derived from these. On the other hand, they have a drawback of containing nondifferentiable points and, hence, being nonsmooth. Current approaches to their optimization, which are based on derivative-free search techniques and modification of the functions by higher-degree polynomials, need to be diversified considering opportunities offered by modern nonlinear (global) optimization techniques and related softwares. A first motivation of this work is to develop a new efficient solution strategy for the maximization of overall desirability functions which comes out to be a nonsmooth composite constrained optimization problem by nonsmooth optimization methods. We observe that individual desirability functions used in practical computations are of mintype, a subclass of continuous selection functions. To reveal the mechanism that gives rise to a variation in the piecewise structure of desirability functions used in practice, we concentrate on a component-wise and generically piecewise min-type functions and, later on, max-type functions. It is our second motivation to analyze the structural and topological properties of desirability functions via piecewise max-type functions. In this thesis, we introduce adjusted desirability functions based on a reformulation of the individual desirability functions by a binary integer variable in order to deal with their piecewise definition. We define a constraint on the binary variable to obtain a continuous optimization problem of a nonlinear objective function including nondifferentiable points with the constraints of bounds for factors and responses. After describing the adjusted desirability functions on two well-known problems from the literature, we implement modified subgradient algorithm (MSG) in GAMS incorporating to CONOPT solver of GAMS software for solving the corresponding optimization problems. Moreover, BARON solver of GAMS is used to solve these optimization problems including adjusted desirability functions. Numerical applications with BARON show that this is a more efficient alternative solution strategy than the current desirability maximization approaches. We apply negative logarithm to the desirability functions and consider the properties of the resulting functions when they include more than one nondifferentiable point. With this approach we reveal the structure of the functions and employ the piecewise max-type functions as generalized desirability functions (GDFs). We introduce a suitable finite partitioning procedure of the individual functions over their compact and connected interval that yield our so-called GDFs. Hence, we construct GDFs with piecewise max-type functions which have efficient structural and topological properties. We present the structural stability, optimality and constraint qualification properties of GDFs using that of max-type functions. As a by-product of our GDF study, we develop a new method called two-stage (bilevel) approach for multi-objective optimization problems, based on a separation of the parameters: in y-space (optimization) and in x-space (representation). This approach is about calculating the factor variables corresponding to the ideal solutions of each individual functions in y, and then finding a set of compromised solutions in x by considering the convex hull of the ideal factors. This is an early attempt of a new multi-objective optimization method. Our first results show that global optimum of the overall problem may not be an element of the set of compromised solution. The overall problem in both x and y is extended to a new refined (disjunctive) generalized semi-infinite problem, herewith analyzing the stability and robustness properties of the objective function. In this course, we introduce the so-called robust optimization of desirability functions for the cases when response models contain uncertainty. Throughout this thesis, we give several modifications and extensions of the optimization problem of overall desirability functions.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    A Study On The Awareness And Perspective Of Instructors Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı Suriyeli çocuklara yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğreten öğreticilerin yabancı dil öğretim yöntemlerine yönelik bakış açılarını ve farkındalıklarını belirlemektir. Tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışma olan araştırmaya Adana ilinde görev yapan Türkçe öğreticilerine düzenlenen Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi Sertifika Programı kapsamında eğitim verilen katılan 122 Türkçe öğreticisi katılmış, 114’ünün verileri araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Veriler araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen görüş alma formu kullanılarak, eğitim öncesinde ve sonrasında Türkçe öğreticilerine uygulanarak toplanmış, betimsel istatistik teknikleri ve içerik analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda yabancı dil öğretim yöntemlerine yönelik olarak verilen eğitimden önce Türkçe öğreticilerinin çoğunun geleneksel yöntemler olarak adlandırılan dil bilgisi-çeviri yöntemi ve işitsel-dilsel yönteme gönderimde bulunan maddelere katıldıkları ve bu yönde bir bakış açısı benimsedikleri saptanmıştır. Eğitim sonrasında ise Türkçe öğreticilerinin çoğunun iletişimsel yönteme yönelik bir bakış açısı benimsedikleri yönünde görüş bildirdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Türkçe öğreticilerinin yöntem farkındalıklarının da aldıkları eğitim öncesinde ve sonrasında farklılık gösterdiği elde edilen bulgular arasındadır.The aim of this study is to determine the perspectives on and awareness of foreign language teaching methods of instructors teaching Turkish as a foreign language to Syrian children. 122 Turkish instructors who participated in the Certification Program for Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, which was organized for Turkish instructors working in Adana province, participated in the study, which is a descriptive study conducted in the screening model, and the data of 114 of them were included in the study. Data were collected by using the interview form developed by the researcher and by applying it to the Turkish instructors before and after the training and analyzed using the descriptive statistics techniques and content analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that the majority of the Turkish instructors agreed with the items which referred to the grammar-translation method and auditory-linguistic method called traditional methods, and they adopted a perspective in this direction before the training given on foreign language teaching methods. After the training, it was determined that the majority of the Turkish instructors adopted a perspective on the communicative method. The fact that the method awareness of the Turkish instructors differed before and after the training they received is among the findings obtained

    Witch, vampire, wizard narratives and their functions in evliyâ çelebi's seyahatnâme [Evli̇yâ çelebi̇ seyahatnâmesi̇nde cadi, obur, büyücü anlatilari ve kurgudaki̇ i̇şlevleri̇]

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    In his Seyahatnâme (Book of Travels), Evliya Çelebi tells stories about witches, vampires and wizards. The context and place of these tales should be reviewed with a fictional approach instead of being labelled as mere "exaggerations". Using a close reading technique, this paper focuses on three extraordinary incidents that Evliya Çelebi experienced, and the context of these incidents within different "Books". The element of "fear" will be explored regarding the tales on the war of witches flying on various objects in a Circassian village in the seventh book, a witch who turns into a chicken in a Bulgarian village in the third book and a Kalmuk Tatarian wizard making a weather spell to freeze a river in the eight book. By putting forth the common features between these tales, this paper attempts to demonstrate how, from a fictive point of view, Evliya Çelebi makes use of supernatural narratives in folk tradition and at which points he deviates from them. The fictional style of Evliya Çelebi will be analyzed by mainly focusing on the role of amusement, egzotism and parody in breaking the monotony of narration

    Pirol iskeleti içeren yeni heterosiklik bileşiklerin sentezine bir yaklaşım.

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    Pyrrole and pyrrole derivatives are prominent building blocks in organic synthesis due to their biological activities and natural occurrence. For the formation of pyrrole derivatives, electrophilic cyclizations are considered efficient and significant processes. In this thesis, novel N-alkynyl-2-phenyl-substituted pyrrole derivatives were synthesized and electrophilic cyclization reactions of these compounds were investigated. Catalyst such as AuCl3, AuBr3, I2, ICl, FeCl3, InCl3 and Cu(OTf)2 were used for the ring closure studies.M.S. - Master of Scienc