97 research outputs found

    Soirée and literary field in María de Zayas

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    El planteamiento inicial se inscribe en el marco del proyecto SILEM (Biografías y polémicas: hacia la institucionalización de la literatura y el autor, RTI2018-095664-B-C21), con atención al campo literario y el proceso de inserción de una autora en ello. Las dificultades de ser mujer/autora mencionadas en el “Prólogo” de la primera parte se convierten en un tópico metaliterario a lo largo de los dos volúmenes de Honesto y entretenido sarao y propone una interpretación de la obra como el reflejo del proceso de profesionalización de una autora. Mientras el análisis de la vida profesional de la autora y su cita con la imprenta arroja la luz a la faceta material de la producción, el estudio de su obra y sus mecanismos narrativos y pragmáticos desplegados en el texto (con especial atención a la idea de sarao como metáfora de los espacios de sociabilidad letrada y las dinámicas que en ellos se desdoblan) permite una lectura enriquecedora acerca de las técnicas narrativas de Zayas (entre ellas, el uso de binomio de ser mujer y escritora para promocionar su obra) en busca de éxito en un género sin una estrecha codificación y preceptivas clasicistas. El bloque inicial desarrolla, un panorama acerca de la autora y la historia de su cita con la imprenta, y el cambio de títulos de sus obras. En este contexto se presenta un acercamiento para analizar la vida profesional de la autora y el proceso de publicación de su obra en dos partes, con sus distintas facetas, que resulta determinante en la recepción de la obra de Zayas. El segundo bloque se construye a partir de la historia de Lisis. Honesto y entretenido sarao despliega una trama amorosa de la dama, y eso da paso a un entramado de relatos, que van imbricándose en la dinámica de dicha trama; esto ocurre de modo progresivamente acentuado, y en la segunda parte la trabazón entre esa historia y los relatos entretejidos se intensifica y se acerca a un valor metaliterario. El tercer bloque se centra en las estrategias narrativas de María de Zayas. En el prólogo de la Primera parte aparece el tópico de la dificultad de ser mujer y publicar. A partir de este punto el texto continúa apelando a la tensión derivada de ser mujer-escritora, con el trasfondo de la profesionalización y el mercado. Por último, mediante un análisis de las redes de sociabilidad de Zayas, en busca de un acercamiento más preciso a su posicionamiento en el campo literario. Este capítulo valora si la autora a través de las referencias a sus relaciones literarias (dentro el texto y en las obras ajenas a las que ha contribuido) ha elaborado un perfil para su self fashioning o, por el contrario, se mantuvo pasiva a la hora de definir un perfil propio en la recepción literaria de la época. El estudio procura mostrar que los dos volúmenes del sarao son partes de un proyecto unitario de renovación de la poética del novelar: primero, porque, en lugar de crear una colección de las novelas con distintas piezas para la variedad propone una lectura unitaria, enfatizando su finalidad con un título unitario para los dos tomos de su colección de novelas (1637 y 1647). Mientras lo hace, propone otra lectura a la historia de Lisis y tematiza su poética de novelar: habla de su primera parte, de su recepción y de su éxito en el mercado; así convierte las páginas del libro en una guía acerca de su poética. Tanto la historia de Lisis como los comentarios metaliterarios conectan los dos tomos del Honesto y entretenido sarao. Esta novedad inscribe el nombre de Zayas, en la nómina encabezada por Cervantes, si pensamos en su estrategia en relación con la secuela, con el desarrollo de su narrativa y la formación de la novela. El volumen de 1647 asimila la historia de 1637 con propósitos nuevos, no imitándola en una simple continuación lineal, sin expandiéndola y dotándola de espesor, como hace Cervantes en el Quijote. Sin embargo, la diferencia de los títulos impuestos en la imprenta a los dos volúmenes rompe esa línea de continuación/expansión, dañando gravemente la recepción de la obra narrativa de Zayas. En su primera cita con la imprenta la autora ve truncado ese proyecto con el cambio del título del Honesto y entretenido sarao a Novelas amorosas y ejemplares, adscribiéndolo de manera superficial, interesada comercialmente, a la línea de Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes. Cuando el segundo libro se publica bajo el título Segunda parte del sarao y entretenimiento honesto, enmascarando el hilo de continuidad con el libro de 1637, la obra narrativa de Zayas se percibe como un par de colecciones de novelas sin más. Este estudio no propone una lectura del libro como un simple reflejo de las aventuras personales de Zayas; sin embargo, las continuas críticas al mundo literario, las aventuras de la autora en la imprenta en 1637 y la falta de ilusión y la presencia del “desengaño” que lleva al silencio en el segundo sarao nos llevan a interpretar el sarao como el campo literario en el que luchaba Zayas para su reconocimiento y el asentamiento de un espacio propio. La autora en su voluntad de encontrar un espacio en el campo literario en formación (Bourdieu, 1995) aprovecha los espacios abiertos por el mercado en desarrollo y los géneros sin una estrecha codificación y preceptiva clasicistas, que permiten una mayor libertad que los establecidos en la academia masculina y canónica Por ello, el estudio analiza el sarao como un espacio para la justificación y reproducción de un campo literario, para la formalización de un discurso, si no en sus características femeninas, sí en lo que tiene de respuesta a una situación de dificultades y obstáculos, pero también de posibilidades para la configuración de una voz propia, entre la respuesta y la afirmación. El análisis ha puesto de relieve un universo narrativo de notable densidad, de rasgos verdaderamente novelescos, que se plasman en una lectura unitaria del texto en lugar de la habitual perspectiva de dos colecciones de novelitas autónomas.This investigation is part of SILEM project (Biografías y polémicas: hacia la institucionalización de la literatura y el autor, RTI2018-095664-B-C21), with special attention to the literary field. The difficulties of being a woman / author mentioned in the “Prologue” of Honesto y entretenido sarao’s first volume (1637) become a metaliterary topic throughout the text suggesting, thus, an interpretation of the work as a reflection of the process of professionalization of an author. While the analysis of the author's professional life and her appointment with the printing press sheds light on the material aspect of production, the study of her work and its narrative and pragmatic mechanisms reflected in the text (with special attention to the idea of sarao as a metaphor for the literary network) allows an enriching reading about Zayas' narrative techniques (among them, the use of “being a women/author” topic to promote her work) in search of success in a genre without tight coding and classicist prescriptions. The first chapter presents a panorama about the author, her professional career and the publication process of her work in two parts, with the different facets and difficulties faced, which is decisive in the reception of Zayas's work. The second chapter analyzes the story of Lysis. Honesto y entretenido sarao narrate a love story of a lady in the framework and also twenty short stories which are interwoven in the dynamics of the plot. Lisis’ love story and the short stories affect each other. This interaction between the framework and the short stories occurs in a progressively accentuated way. In the second part the link between that love story and the interwoven stories intensifies and approaches a metaliterary value. The third chapter focuses on the narrative strategies of María de Zayas. In the prologue to first volume (1637), the difficulty of being a woman and publishing become prominent. From this point on, the text continues to appeal to the tension derived from being a woman-writer, and professionalization in the literary market. Last chapter offers an analysis of Zayas's social networks, in search of a more precise approach to her positioning in the literary field. This chapter studies whether the author, through references to her literary relationships (within the text and in the other works to which she has contributed), has developed a profile for her self-fashioning or, on the contrary, remained passive at the time to define her literary profile. The study aims to emphasize that the two volumes of Honesto y entretenido sarao (1637 and 1647) are parts of a unique project to renew the poetics of the novel: instead of creating a collection of novels with different pieces for variety, Zayas proposes a unifying project, emphasizing this purpose with its title. While narrating the story of Lisis, Zayas also comments on her art of writing. In the second volume (1647), Zayas mentions the first part of the collection (1637), its reception and its success in the market; thus, she converts the pages of the book into a guide to her poetics. Both the story of Lysis and the metaliterary commentaries connect the two volumes of Honesto y entretenido sarao. This novelty inscribes the name of Zayas next to Cervantes, if we consider the similarities between two authors’ strategy in relation to the sequel, with the development of the narrative and the formation of the novel. The 1647 book resumes the story of 1637 with new purposes, as Cervantes does in Don Quıjote. However, imposed change in the titles (from Honesto…to Novelas amorosas…) breaks that line of continuation / expansion, damaging the reception of Zayas' narrative work. When the second book is published under the title Segunda parte del sarao y entretenimiento honesto, masking the connection with the first part 1637, Zayas' narrative work is perceived as just a couple of collections of novels. This study does not propose a reading of the book as a simple reflection of Zayas's personal adventures. However, the continuous criticism to the literary world in her text, and the presence of the “desengaño” that leads to silence in the second sarao lead us to interpret the sarao as the literary field in which Zayas fought for his recognition and the establishment of his own space. The author in her desire to find a space in the literary field in formation (Bourdieu, 1995) takes advantage of the spaces opened by the developing market and genres without a strict codification and mandatory classicism. For this reason, the study analyzes the sarao as a reproduction of a literary field and for the formalization of Zayas’ discourse. Her sarao appears in respond to a situation of difficulties and obstacles, and also of possibilities for the configuration of one's own voice. The analysis aims to highlight a narrative universe of remarkable density, with novelistic features, which are reflected only reading of the two collections as a whole instead of the usual perspective of two autonomous collections of novels

    A cloistered subject: the case of María de Zayas

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    Tras las dos partes del Honesto y entretenido sarao, la reclusión en el convento es el final para Lisis y las narradoras que la acompañan. Los relatos de la serie manifiestan la estrecha relación de este desenlace con la práctica real de la época, y en la trama de la obra se vincula a la noción de desengaño. Como solución radical, la crítica ha querido ver en el gesto la construcción de un espacio de identidad y sociabilidad femenina, con un valor afirmativo y positivo. No obstante, el correlato de este gesto significativo en los diferentes niveles de la narración y en la propia realidad de la autora ofrece otras perspectivas críticas sobre el significado de este retiro de la sociedad y las posibilidades de un sujeto enclaustrado. El marco conceptual es el del lugar de la mujer en el campo literario del siglo XVII.Honesto y entretenido sarao ends with Lisis’ and some other female narrators’ reclusion to the convent. The stories told in Sarao demonstrate the close relationship of this ending with the practice of the epoch, and in the plot, this ending is linked to the notion of disappointment. However, as a radical solution, the critics wanted to interpret this ending as a space, constructed for female identity and sociability, with an affirmative and positive value. Nonetheless, the causes of this significant gesture —in the different levels of the narrative and in the author's own reality—, offer other critical perspectives on the meaning of this withdrawal from society and the possibilities of a cloistered subject. The conceptual framework studies the place of women in the literary field of the seventeenth century

    El autor en la modernidad: Desde la conquista de la individualidad hasta la institucionalización literaria en las letras hispánicas

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    Introducción al monográfico "El Sujeto literario en la Monarquía Hispánica

    Performance Improvement for Fighter Aircraft Using Fuzzy Switching LQI Controller

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    In this work, a switching linear quadratic integral (LQI) controller based on fuzzy logic is designed for the load-factor tracking problem of high-performance aircraft referred to as the Aero-Data Model in Research Environment (ADMIRE). ADMIRE is a new generation aircraft and has a wide flight operation envelope in terms of altitude and speed. Hence, it is difficult to design a flight controller to achieve a high tracking performance. First, the LQI controller is selected due to good tracking performance and robustness in the model dynamics. Combining switching LQI controller and fuzzy logic improves the transient performance of the closed-loop switched system. The results obtained with the fuzzy switching controller have been compared with the conventional LQI and the switching LQI in terms of robust demand tracking. The simulation results have demonstrated that the fuzzy switching controller is superior to the conventional LQI and switching LQI controllers due to better transient performance and robust stability

    Estrogen priming GnRH antagonist regimen is an efficient protocol in poor responders

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    International-Federation-of-Fertility-Societies 21st World Congress on Fertility and Sterility / 69th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Reproductive-Medicine -- OCT 12-17, 2013 -- Boston, MAInt Federat Fertil Soc, Amer Soc Reprod Me

    Ten years experience with poor responder patients fulfilling bologna criteria

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    70th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Reproductive-Medicine -- OCT 18-22, 2014 -- Honolulu, HIAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicin

    Screening of Hyperaldosteronism on the Investigation of Secondary Hypertension: Single-centre Experience

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    Introduction:Primary hyperaldosteronism (PHA), is a clinical syndrome that is defined as inappropriately increased serum aldosterone secretion and low plasma renin levels. PHA has been reported as the most common cause of secondary hypertension. In this retrospective study, we planned to show the significance of screening for this disease in hypertensive patients admitted to our clinic.Methods:Our study included 64 patients who were admitted to our cardiology outpatient clinic between April 2018 and August 2021 with high blood pressure and were selected to be checked for plasma renin activity (PRA), PAC, and PAC/PRA ratios to exclude secondary hypertension. Medical records, hypertension treatments, and medical histories of the patients were reviewed from our hospital database.Results:Of the 64 patients, 25 (39.1%) were female and 39 (60.9%) were male. After the first evaluation of the patients, 13 patients were decided to be assessed with the saline infusion test. PHA was diagnosed in 7 of 13 patients evaluated. In the adrenal MRI performed in 3 of 7 patients diagnosed with PHA, one adrenal hyperplasia and one adrenal adenoma were diagnosed in 2 different patients.Conclusion:Primary hyperaldosteronism is one of the most important causes of secondary hypertension. Although there are various methods such as screening tests, the most commonly used method is the aldosterone/renin ratio and it is very practical to screen. Considering the various cardiovascular diseases that PHA is associated with, and the simplicity of treatment of PHA, we strongly believe that the screening threshold for PHA should be kept as low as possible and should be independent of age

    Laparoscopy versus open surgery for the surgical management of tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA). Is there a beneficial impact of early endoscopic intervention in terms of fertility rates?

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    Objectives: To compare success rates and complications in women undergoing laparoscopic versus open surgical management of tubo-ovarian abscess. We further examined whether early laparoscopic intervention has any impact on pregnancy rates in a subgroup of infertile patients following frozen-thawed embryo transfer. Material and methods: Hospital records of 48 patients diagnosed with TOA between January 2015 and December 2020, who underwent surgical intervention or received only medical treatment were analyzed. All patients were hospitalized, and parenteral antibiotics were commenced on admission initially. Laparoscopic or open surgery was performed within 48 hours course of intravenous antibiotherapy (early intervention) or later according to the clinical findings and antibiotherapy response. Results: Of 48 patients with TOA, 18 (37.5%) underwent laparoscopic and 30 (62.5%) underwent open surgical intervention. The median postoperative hospital stay was shorter (4.5 days vs 7.5 days, respectively; p = 0.035), and postoperative opioid analgesic requirement was lesser in the laparoscopy group compared to open surgery group (22% vs 53%, respectively; p = 0.034). Intra- and post-operative complication rates were similar between the groups. Of these 48 patients, seven were diagnosed to have TOA following oocyte retrieval, and four of these conceived with frozen thawed embryo transfer all of whom underwent laparoscopic surgery within 48 hours of diagnosis. Conclusions: Minimal invasive surgery should be preferred even in the presence of severely adhesive and inflammatory TOA in order to improve postoperative outcomes. Moreover, early laparoscopic intervention may be considered in infertile patients with an aim to optimize pregnancy rates in a subsequent frozen-thawed embryo transfer