7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of morphologic face height in children aged between 7-12 years

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    AMAÇ: Geleneksel antropometrik ölçümlerden biri olan morfolojik yüz yüksekliği yüz şeklinin tanımlanmasında rol oynadığı gibi yüz gelişiminin değerlendirilmesinde önemli bir parametredir. Ortodontik tedavilerin, yüze uygulanan cerrahi tedavilerin değerlendirilmesinde ve konjenital anomalilerin tanısında önem taşımaktadır. Bu nedenle bu değerin normal sınırlarının bilinmesi yol gösterici olacaktır. Bu çalışmada her iki cinsiyette morfolojik yüz yüksekliğindeki değişikliklerin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Yaşlan 7-12 arasında değişen 148 ilkokul öğrencisinde yüz yüksekliği (nasion - gnation), boy ve vücut ağırlığı ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler cinsiyete göre karşılaştınlmiştır. Bütün grupta ve alt gruplarda yüz yüksekliğinin yaş, boy ve beden kitle indeksinin birbirleriyle ilişkisi Pearson korelasyon analizi ile incelenmiştir. BULGULAR:Yüz yüksekliği cinsiyete göre karşılaştırıldığında erkekler (114.37±6.76mm) ve kızlar (11.10±6.48mm) arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.05). Bütün çalışma grubu ele alındığında yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.508), boy arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.65l), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.430) korelasyon saptandı. Erkeklerde yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasın¬da çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.521), boy arasında çok anlamlı, güçlü (r=0.641,), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.385) korelasyon saptandı. Kızlarda yüz yüksekliği ile takvim yaşı arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.477), boy arasında çok anlamh, güçlü (r=0.663), BKI arasında çok anlamlı, orta düzeyde (r=0.454) korelasyon saptandı. SONUÇ: Elde edilen bulgular yaş ile yüz yüksekliğinin birlikte arttığını göstermektedir.OBJECTIVE:Morphologic face height which is one of the basic traditional anthropometrical measurements is important in defining face shape. Besides it is not only an important parameter in the evaluation of face development but also plays a critical role in the assessment of orthodontic treatment, surgery concerning the face and congenital anomalies. For these reasons it would be necessary to know normal values of this parameter. In this study it was aimed to evaluate the morphologic face height differences according to sex. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Face height (nasion-gnathion), height and body weight of 148 (84 male, 64 female) primary school students aged between 7-12 years were measured. Independent samples t test was used for comparison according to sex. The relationship of face height with age. height, BMI was evaluated with Pearson correlation analysis. RESULTS: Face height of males was 114.37±6.76mm whereas face height of females was 11.10±6.48mm and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.508), height (r=0.651) and very significant, moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.430) when the whole study group was considered. There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.521), height (r=0.641) and very significant and moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.385) in males. There was a very significant, strong correlation between face height and age (r=0.477), height (r=0.663) and very significant and moderate correlation between face height and BMI (r=0.454) in females

    Relationship Between Hand and Eye Preferences

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    WOS: 000207501600003This study evaluated the relationship between hand and eye preferences in 343 men and 290 women aged between 18 and 42 years (22.11 +/- 2.07). Right-handed men preferred their right eyes, whereas left-handed men preferred their left eyes (p .05), but a significant difference was observed between left-eye preference and a preference for both eyes (p = .008). Right-handed women preferred their right eyes, whereas left-handed women preferred their left eyes (p .05). The results suggest that cultural differences among study groups and individual differences within study groups explain the inconsistencies regarding hand and eye preferences. Moreover, the findings broaden our knowledge about eye preference in relation to hand preference in a Turkish population

    The efficacy of rotational pharmaco-mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis: Is the standard treatment of deep vein thrombosis changing?

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    ObjectiveIn this study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency of rotational thrombectomy device in pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis for symptomatic acute ilio-femoral deep vein thrombosis.Materials and methodsBetween August 2013 and May 2018,82 patients with acute deep vein thrombosis comprising the iliofemoral segment whom underwent Pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis were evaluated retrospectively. The Cleaner thrombectomy device was used. The resolution of thrombi was examined and graded. Development of post-thrombotic syndrome was assessed with Villalta scores.Results75 patients (91.4%) had complete thrombus resolution. Between 50-99% resolution was noted in 6 patients (7.4%) and in one (1.2%) case less than %50 thrombus resolution was obtained. Seventy-five patients (91%) of the cohort could be treated in a single session; 7 patients (8.6%) required reintervention(s). Although improved post-thrombotic syndrome rates were lower at the short term, Villalta scores gradually increased during follow up.ConclusionsIn conclusion, Pharmaco-mechanical thrombolysis with Cleaner thrombectomy device is a safe and beneficial method for the treatment of acute iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis. Long term follow up data of large volume multicenter studies are warranted

    The efficacy of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty on the limb salvage and recovery of symptoms in patients with buerger's disease with critical limb ischemia

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    Introduction. Buerger's disease, or thromboangiitis obliterans, is associated with limb-threatening chronic arterial lesions. In this study, we sought to investigate the efficacy of the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty method for the treatment of critical limb ischemia (CLI) in patients with Buerger's disease in our modest cohort. Methods. Patients diagnosed with CLI secondary to Buerger's disease who underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty between May 2014 and June 2017 were retrospectively investigated. Patient demographics, presentations, procedural details, responses to percutaneous treatment, complications, limb salvage, wound healing, reinterventions, and early follow-up data were recorded. Results. The cohort included 24 patients with Buerger's disease presenting with CLI observed in 46 limbs. Presentations were gangrene in 12 patients, ulcer formation in 7 patients, and rest pain in the remaining 5 patients. All patients received percutaneous balloon angioplasty, with limb salvage in 21 patients [87.5%). Revascularization was achieved in 87.5% of the destination arteries at the primary intervention and overall technical success rate including reinterventions reached 95.8%. Following the procedures, a total of 22 patients had clinical response with at least >= 1 Rutherford category and mean Rutherford category significantly improved from 5.2 +/- 0.74 to 1.6 +/- 0.7 (P<.001). Limb salvage rate was 87.5%. Complete wound healing was achieved in all patients with ischemic ulcers at 3.9 +/- 2.6 months (range 1-13 months) post revascularization. Mean follow-up duration was 16.07 +/- 3.4 months and 6 patients (who were especially subjected to cigarette smoke) required reinterventions. Conclusion. Percutaneous treatment of arterial occlusions in patients with Buerger's disease seems feasible in the current era of improving devices and angioplasty materials. Procedures may be safely performed with good technical and clinical success rates, and without mortality or complications as experience increases

    Efficacy of rotational atherectomy followed by drug-coated balloon angioplasty for the treatment of femoropopliteal lesions-comparison with sole drug-coated balloon revascularization: Two-year outcomes

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    Background: We aimed to evaluate the results of the combined use of rotational atherectomy (RA) followed by drug-coated balloon (DCB) treatment against DCB angioplasty alone in patients who had significantly calcified and symptomatic femoropopliteal peripheral arterial disease. Methods: Patients presented to the clinic with symptoms of chronic limb ischemia of femoropopliteal segment such as moderate or severe claudication and rest pain, who received endovascular therapy between January 2016 and January 2018 in our hospital comprised the study cohort and investigated, retrospectively. Patients with minor or major tissue loss were excluded from the study. We evaluated the effect of RA system followed by DCB with DCB alone in 121 patients and a total of 226 significantly calcified and symptomatic femoropopliteal lesions. Fifty-eight patients and 112 (49.5%) lesions were treated with RA + DCB, whereas 63 patients and 114 (50.5%) lesions were treated with DCB only. The mean age was 61.2 ± 9.7 years. Primary patency is evaluated with duplex ultrasound/angiography at 6, 12, and 24 months and with angiography on 12 and 24 months. Patients were followed up for 24 months to assign clinically driven target lesion revascularization (TLR). Overall survival rates were 96.5% (56/58) in RA + DCB group and 93.6% (59/63) in DCB alone group both at one-year and two-year follow-up. Amputation-free survival rates of RA + DCB and DCB-only groups are 96.5% (56/58) to 87.3% (55/63) at one year, and 94.8% (55/58) to 82.5% (52/63) at two years, respectively. Results: Baseline characteristics of groups were similar. The lesions were longer in the RA + DCB group than the DCB alone group (14.4 ± 5.2 cm vs. 10.2 ± 3.1 cm; P = 0.05). The technical success rate in the RA + DCB group was superior to that of DCB-only group (95.4% vs. 84.8%, P = 0.006). The 12-month and 24-month patency rates with angiography in the RA-DCB group were similar to those in the DCB-only group (85.7% vs. 74.6% and 73.2% vs. 62.7%, respectively). The rates of bailout stenting were significantly lower among patients treated with RA + DCB (n = 3; 5.1% vs. n = 13; 20.6%, P < 0.001). The rates of flow-limiting dissections and vessel recoils after procedures were significantly in RA + DCB group (n = 2; 3.4% vs. n = 8; 12.6%, P < 0.001) than DCB only (n = 1; 1.7% vs. n = 4; 6.3%, P < 0.002). The freedom from TLR rate was significantly increased in the RA + DCB group at 12 months (95.2% vs. 76.3%, P = 0.002) and 24 months (93.4% vs. 63.7%, P = 0.002). The mean ankle brachial index at discharge in the RA-DCB group improved by 0.35 ± 0.24, and in the DCB-only group, it was 0.30 ± 0.23 (P = 0.683). Conclusions: Combined use of RA and DCB treatment is an effective, safe, and durable method for the treatment of the complex femoropopliteal lesions. Combination of RA and DCB angioplasty reveals increased technical success, fewer flow-limiting dissections, significantly reduced TLR, and bailout stenting rates compared with sole DCB angioplasty

    Issues during coronary and visceral revascularization in patients with leriche syndrome and thoracoabdominal aneurysm

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    We read with interest the case report of Kitamura et al.1in whichauthors presented consequent coronary revascularization and thor-acoabdominal replacement in a patient with coronary artery disease,thoracoabdominal aneurysm, and Leriche syndrome. We believe themanuscript contains certain issues to be discussed in details.The internal thoracic arteries are among the major blood sup-plies to the lower extremities in case of Leriche syndrome.1,2Theymay dilate to provide sufficient blood flow to the legs.2The dilatationprocess may also be associated with increased risk of atherosclerosisand fragility. When patients with Leriche syndrome requires cor-onary revascularization two concerns arise

    Brief review of right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery

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    Development anomalies of the aortic arch and its major branches are rare congenitalcardiovascular disorders. In this article, we present aberrant left subclavian arteryassociated with right aortic arch