59 research outputs found

    Absence of Middle Hepatic Vein Combined with Retro-Aortic Left Renal Vein: a Very Rare Case Report

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    The hepatic and renal veins drain into the inferior vena cava. The upper group of hepatic veins consists of three veins which extend to the posterior face of the liver to join the inferior cava. The left renal vein passes anterior to the aorta just below the origin of the superior mesenteric artery. We detected a variation in the hepatic and renal veins in a multislice CT angiogram of a nine-year-old male patient in the Radiology Department of Afyon Kocatepe University Medical School. The upper group hepatic veins normally drains into the inferior vena cava as three separate trunks, namely the right, left and middle. In our case, we found that only the right and left hepatic veins existed and the middle hepatic vein was absent. Furthermore, the left renal vein, which normally passes anterior to the abdominal aorta, was retro-aortic. Left renal vein variations are of great importance in planning retroperitoneal surgery and vascular interventions. Knowledge of a patient's hepatic vein and renovascular anatomy and determining their variations and anomalies are of critical importance to abdominal operations, transplantations and preoperative evaluation of endovascular interventions

    Determination of normal splenic volume in relation to age, gender and body habitus: a stereological study on computed tomography

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    Background: The aim of this study is to assess and document the dimensions of the normal spleen measured on computed tomography (CT) images with the normal splenic volume measured by Cavalieri principle on CT images and thereby serve as a baseline for comparison in cases of splenomegaly using abdominal CT. To investigate the relationship between these changes and body mass index, gender, abdominal diameters. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed abdominal CT examinations of 212 adults between the ages of 20 and 88 years. There were seven groups of patients. The spleen volume (SV) measurements using abdominal CT images of each patient on the Image Information Systems were performed with Cavalieri principle. Results: The mean SV and splenic length (SL), width (SW), and thickness (ST) for the total study population of 212 patients was 198 +/- 88 cm(3), 9.96 +/- 2.1 cm, 8.87 +/- +/- 1.6 cm and 4.58 +/- 0.8 cm, respectively. There was a strong correlation between SV and ST (r = 0.752, p < 0.001), SL (r = 0.735, p < 0.001), SW (r = 0.681, p < 0.001) mean values of total study population. Comparison between mean splenic dimension parameters for males and females showed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.032 for SV, p = 0.04 for ST) but no statistically significant difference with SL and SW. Also there was a positive correlation between SV and body height, sagittal abdominal diameter and transvers abdominal diameter in mean of total groups and female groups, there was no correlation in males. Conclusions: The normal reference ranges for SV and size given in this study can serve as a standard to judge whether splenomegaly is present in patients

    Planimetry investigation of the corpus callosum in temporal lobe epilepsy patients

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) on corpus callosum (CC) morphometry in patients with TLE. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey between November 2010 and December 2013. The epileptic syndrome diagnosis was based on International League Against Epilepsy criteria, and this study was conducted on the MRIs of 25 epilepsy patients and 25 control subjects. We classified the patients according to their duration of epilepsy: = 10 years. The projection area length (PAL) of the CC was also estimated. Total brain volumes (TBV) were measured on CT images. Results: The mean values of TBV for patients with TLE and the control group were not statistically different, but the CC PAL values were statistically different. The mean CC PAL values of under and over 25 years of age in patients with TLE were statistically different. The mean values of TBV of under and over 10 years duration of TLE were small statistically, but the CC PAL values were statistically different. Conclusion: The results indicate a clear influence of TLE on the structure of the CC rather than TBV

    Hemiplejik serebral palsili çocukların üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafı da gelişim geriliği gösterir

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda çocuklarda hemiplejik serebral palsi’nin HSP neden olduğu üst ekstremite gelişim geriliğinin antropometrik yöntemlerle incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda Etik Kurul onayı alınarak 5-12 yaşlarındaki 32 HSP’li çocuk ile 40 normal çocuğun üst ekstremiteleri antropometrik set ile ölçülerek karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: HSP’li çocukların sağlam taraf omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik tarafına göre anlamlı derecede fazlaydı. Normal çocukların omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf ölçümlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Normal çocukların dirsek eklemi ve ön kol çevresi; el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el metakarpallerden genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların sağlam tarafına göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Sonuç: Antropometrik ölçümler HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafa göre, normal çocuklarla karşılaştırdığımızda ise hem plejik hem de sağlam taraflarının daha az geliştiğini göstermektedir. HSP’li çocukların az gelişmiş plejik taraflarını kullanamamaları günlük yaşam aktivitelerini de kısıtlayarak sağlam tarafta da kas ve kemik gelişim geriliğine sebep olmaktadır. Erken teşhis ve rehabilitasyon ile bu fark azaltılabili

    The Assessment of the Students’ Opinions about Anatomy Education

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    AimIn our study, it was aimed to investigate views of second grade students on the current state of anatomy education in the Anatomy Department of the Namik Kemal University Faculty of Medicine by means of a survey.Materials and Methods79 second grade students taking anatomy courses in Faculty of Medicine, Namik Kemal University, in the academic year of 2012-2013 were enrolled in the study. Students' opinions on anatomy education were determined using a questionnaire.ResultsWe found that students’ decision to apply for medical school was their own choice, and they were satisfied with anatomy education. Students want class sizes to be smaller, the number of cadavers and models to be increased. They want smaller student groups and more time for laboratory courses. They think the number and format of the anatomy exams are appropriate, they are also pleased with learning clinical anatomy. It was determined that students who got higher grades in the anatomy course were the ones who showed greater interest in the subject, did not skip lessons and studied regularly. Same students could use relevant anatomical knowledge when needed.ConclusionOpinions of students can be helpful and may contribute to improvement of anatomy education

    Aorta abdominalis ve dallari: Otopsi olgularında morfometri ve varyasyonları]

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    Aim: Knowing the morphology of abdominal aorta (AA) and its branches are important as regards to diagnosis and surgical treatment. The aims of this study were to a) make morphometric measurements of AA and its branches, b) to investigate sites of the origins of the branches and their relationships and variations, and c) to compare the results with literature.Method: Ninety-five AA which had been removed in autopsies were measured with caliper morphometrically to determine diameters of branches and distances between branches. Possible variation of the vessels were investigated and photographed.Result: It was found that diameters of celiac trunk (CT), superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) were 6.43±1.59 mm, 7.38±1.67 mm and 3.61±0.72 mm respectively. The distances between CT and aortic bifurcation (AB), CT and SMA, SMA and IMA, IMA and AB were 107.21±11.46 mm, 14.34±2.67 mm, 57.76±8.04 mm, 35.20±7.41 mm respectively. Numerous variations were observed during the study. These variations involved inferior phrenic artery (single trunk arising from CT, 4.2%), renal artery-RA (duplicated right RA 9.5%, duplicated left RA 4.2%, bilaterally duplicated 3.1%, %16.8 total multiple RA), gonadal arteries-GA (single GA, 1%), lumbar arteries-LA (3 pairs of LA 11.5%, 3rd or 4th LA arising as single trunk 3.1%) and median sacral artery (agenesis 2.1%). Conclusion: Knowledge of morphology of AA and its branches is important in regards to the diagnosis, surgical treatment and endovascular interventions of these vessels. We think our study will contribute to the medical education and clinical medicine in our country

    Sağlıklı Meme Epitel Hücre Hattı Üzerine Timokinon’Un Sitotoksik Etkilerinin Incelenmesi

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    Timokinon, Ranunculacea ailesinden olan Nigella sativa türünün uçucu yağından elde edilen en biyoaktif üründür. Timokinon tedavisi uygulanan meme karsinoma hücrelerinde Bcl-2 protein ekspresyon düzeyinde azalma, Bax protein ekspresyon düzeyinde artma ayrıca peroxisomeproliferator-activatedreceptor ? aktivitesinde artma sağlamasıyla meme kanser hücrelerini apoptozu tetikler. Timokinon ile tedavi edilen doksorubisin dirençli meme kanser hücre hattında (MCF-7/DOX) p21 ve p53 protein seviyelerinin artırır ve hücreyi G2/M safhasında durdurmaktadır. Timokinon; p53 bağımlı ve bağımsız yolakları kullanarak ve kaspaz 7,8, 9’u aktive ederek önemli anti-kanser mekanizmaları vardır. Timokinon’un sağlıklı hücreler (fare primerkeratinositleri, fare sağlıklı böbrek hücreleri, malign olmayan fibroblastlar ve sağlıklı insan akciğer fibroblastları) üzerine minimal sitotoksik etkileri bulunmaktadır. Timokinon, sağlıklı dokular üzerinde superoksit radikallerini ve lipid peroksidasyon ürünlerini inhibe ederek güçlü antioksidan özelliği göstermektedir. Planlanan çalışma kapsamında, Timokinon’un isim ve koduyla piyasadan hazır bulunan sağlıklı meme epitel hücre hattı üzerine doz bağımlı ve zaman bağımlı etkilerinin MTT ve Akış sitometri cihaz analizleri ile incelendi. Çalışmamız sonucunda, 25 µM ve 50 µM Timokinon molekül konsantrasyonunda12., 24., 48., 72. saatler ve 7. gün etkileri sağlıklı meme epitel hücre hattı üzerinde MTT ve Akış sitometrileriyle incelendiğinde sitotoksik etkilerinin olmadığı görüldü. Ayrıca, 75 µM ve 100 µM Timokinon konsantrasyonun sırasıyla 24.ve 12. saatten itibaren sitotoksik etkisi başlamaktadır. Sonuç olarak, proje kapsamında araştırılan in vitro sağlık meme epitel hücrelerine 7. güne kadar sitotoksik etkisinin olmadığı maksimun dozun 50 µM olduğu MTT ve Akış sitometrisi ile elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi ile hesaplanarak bulundu

    Expression of heat shock protein 70 in seminiferous tubules of adult rat testes: an ımmunohistochemical study

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    Amaç: Erişkin sıçanların testis dokusu seminifer tübüllerinde 70 kDa Isı Şoku Proteininin (IŞP70) immunolokalizasyonunun Avidin-Biotin-Peroksidaz bo¬yama yöntemi ile immunohistokimyasal olarak gösteril¬mesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, 5 adet 13-14 haftalık, 210±5 gr ağırlığında erkek Wistar albino sıçanlar kullanıldı. Ketamin anestezisi altında sol ventrikülden kanlan alınarak öldürülen sıçanlann testisleri komşu dokulardan temizlenerek çıkanldı ve tartıldı. Alınan testisler Bouin solüsyonunda tespit edildi. Testislerden alınan doku örnekleri rutin takip işlemle-rinden geçirilerek, parafine gömüldü. Parafın bloklardan 5pm kalınlıkta yapılan kesitler poly-L-lysine ile kaplanan lamlara alındı. Avidin-Biyotin-Peroksidaz boyama yöntemi kullanıla-rak 1ŞP70 ile boyandı. Bulgular: Özellikle spermatositlerin sitoplazmalarında IŞP70 immunoreaksiyonunu gösteren yoğun bir boyanma görüldü. Spermatositlerden lümene doğru uzanan spermatidlerin ve spermatazoaların sitoplazmalarında ve özellikle lümen çevresinde yoğunlaşan belirgin ve spesifik bir IŞP70 immunolokalizasyonu saptandı. Sonuç: Avidin-Biyotin-Peroxidaz boyama yöntemi IŞP70’in immunolokalizasyonunun saptanması açısından duyarlı ve spesifik bir yöntemdir.Objective: We aimed to demonstrate the immunolocation of heat shock 70 protein (HSP70) in the seminiferous tubules of the testes tissues of adult rats by Avidin-Biotin Peroxidase staining method. Materials and methods: In our study, 5 male Wistar albi¬no rats (age: 13-14 weeks, mean weight: 210±5 gr) were used. The rats were killed by their blood samples were obtained from the left ventricles while they were under Ketamine anesthesia. Then, the testes of the rats were dissected from surrounding tissues and weighed. The testes were fixed in Bouin solution. After dehydratation procedures, the testes samples were blocked in paraffin. Sections, 5 pm in thickness were cut by a microtome and were mounted on poly L-Iysine covered slides. HSP70 was stained through Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase staining method. Results: A dense staining indicating HSP70 immunoreaction was observed particularly in the cytoplasms of the spermatocytes. This was in the form of a marked and specific HSP70 immunolocation extending from the spermatocytes to the lumen, increasing in density around the lumen. Conclusion: Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase staining is sensitive and specific immunohistochemical method in detecting HSP70 synthesis in meiotic division stage of spermatogenesis