36 research outputs found

    Morphological variability and age structure in a population of Bufo verrucosissimus (Anura: Bufonidae) from Artvin, Turkey

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    Morphological variability and age structure in a population of Bufo verrucosissimus (Anura: Bufonidae) from Artvin, Turkey. We investigated morphological diversity (external body traits, coloration patterns and skin structure) and age structure in a population of Caucasian toad (Bufo verrucosissimus) from Lake Bor??ka Karag??l, situated in the vicinity of Artvin on the northeastern border of Turkey and Georgia. Age was determined using phalangeal skeletochronology. The external morphological variability was assessed using the linear measurement of 27 body-related characters and the photographs of each specimen. According to the results, the means of head length and head width were found significantly lower in-arag??l population as opposed to Caucasian populations, but average body size did not differ among all populations. Coloration and pattern features of the specimens from Karag??l were identical to those of Caucasia. Most of the females have brown tones and males are usually olive green and brown. The indiscrete elongated dark bands on parotoids did not extend behind the gland. 2C# analysis confirmed a clear separation between the sexes and a high degree of female-biased sexual size dimorphism was determined based on the body size (SDI index: +0.41). The constructed Von Bertalanffy growth curve models yielded similar profiles in both sexes. Body size and age were significantly correlated in both models, but growth coefficient value was higher in males. Accordingly, the mean age of the Karag??l population is greater in both sexes, but the lifespan and maximum age are greater in Caucasus populations

    Body size and age structure of a highland population of Hyla orientalis BEDRIAGA, 1890, in northern Turkey

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    WOS: 000321881700005Body size and age structure of a highland population of Hyla orientalis BEDRIAGA, 1890 (77 = 41) from Kantarh, located at about 800 m a.s.l. in the Black Sea Region of Turkey, was studied using skeletochronology. the maximum observed longevity was eight years in females and seven in males. Age at maturity in this population was three years in females and two in males. There was a significant difference in age between males and females (Independent Sample t test, p < 0.05, t = -2.455). A significant positive correlation was found between age and snout-vent-length both in males and females. To demonstrate the role of altitude on age structure and body size of the Kantarh population, the potential effects of the parameters 'duration of activity period' and 'altitude' were analyzed by comparing present data with data available from the literature

    Antioxidant Activities and Oxidative Stabilities of Some Unconventional Oilseeds

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    The oils of some unconventional oilseeds (hemp, radish, terebinth, stinging nettle, laurel) were obtained by a cold-press method in which the total oil content, fatty acids, tocopherol isomers, some metal contents (Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu), antioxidant activity and oxidative stability were determined. The total oil content was determined ranging between 30.68 and 43.12%, and the oil samples had large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, with oleic acid and linoleic acid. Of all the oils, terebinth seed oil had the highest α-tocopherol content (102.21 ± 1.01 mg/kg oil). Laurel oilseed had the highest antiradical activity in both the DPPH and ABTS assays. The peroxide value of the non-oxidized oils ranged between 0.51 and 3.73 mequiv O(2)/kg oil. The TBARS value of the non-oxidized oils ranged between 0.68 ± 0.02 and 6.43 ± 0.48 mmol MA equiv/g oil. At 110 °C, the Rancimat induction period of the oils ranged between 1.32 and 43.44 h. The infrared spectra of the samples were recorded by FTIR spectroscopy. The absorbance values of the spectrum bands were observed and it was determined that some of the chemical groups of oxidized oils caused changes in absorbance. As a result of the present research, the analyzed oils could be evaluated as an alternative to traditionally consumed vegetable oils or as additives to them

    Studying Level of Awareness of Teachers in Terms of their Lifelong Learning Skills

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to find out perceptions of the teachers about lifelong learning abilities and levels of using social media tools. Lifelong learning capability of teachers is a factor which supports career development of teachers. The model of the research was descriptive survey. The research was carried out with 184 teachers who participated in the summer seminar organized by the Turkish Ministry of National Education for primary school teachers in 2011 summer. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Lifelong Learning Scale were developed by researchers. Validity of the survey was ensured by consulting to expert opinion. Cronbach's alpha reliability of lifelong learning scale of these research was .823. Concerning the analysis of data, average, percentage, t test and one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD and Mann-Whitney U test were used as statistical technique. According to the results of the survey, teachers didn’t utilize enough information technologies. Only a few teachers used computer to prepare lessons and improve themselves in professional terms. Yet, it was understood that young teachers made endeavor to improve themselves. Organizational support was also required to ensure professional development of teachers

    Variation in body size and age structure of stellagama stellio (L., 1758) (Reptilia: Agamidae) from Turkey

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    WOS: 000334089600008Age and body size of 81 Stellagama stellio (syn. Laudakia stellio) specimens from five regions of Turkey were studied using skeletochronology. Lines of arrested growth (LAGs) in phalanges were used to estimate the age. Snouth vent length (SVL) ranged between 90.05 - 133.14 mm (mean: 109.58 +/- 10.26) in males and 86.24 - 130.43 mm (mean: 105.83 +/- 10.68) in females. Age ranged between 2-9 (mean: 5.34 +/- 1.63) in females and 3-10 years (mean: 5.72 +/- 1.82) in males. We did not observe any significant difference in terms of age and SVL between sexes. Intersexual differences in body size were male-biased (SDI =-0.03) but this relation was not statistically significant. A significant difference between the lowland (below 800 m) and mountain (above 800 m) populations was found in respect of SVL, with mountain individuals being larger than the lowland. A significant age difference between lowland and mountain populations was not found. A significant positive correlation was found between age and SVL both in males and females. Individuals reached maturity between 2 and 3 years

    Morphological variability and age structure in a population of Bufo verrucosissimus (Anura: Bufonidae) from Artvin, Turkey

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    Investigamos a diversidade morfológica (características externas do corpo, padrões de coloração e estrutura da pele) e estrutura etária em uma população do sapo caucasiano&nbsp;Bufo verrucosissimus&nbsp;do Lago Borçka Karagöl, situado nas proximidades de Artvin, no nordeste da fronteira da Turquia com a Geórgia. A idade foi determinada utilizando esqueletocronologia falageal. A variabilidade morfológica externa foi avaliada utilizando a medida linear de 27 caracteres relacionados ao corpo e fotografias de cada espécime. De acordo com os resultados, as médias do comprimento e largura da cabeça foram significativamente menores na população de Karagöl do que nas populações caucasianas, mas o tamanho médio do corpo não foi diferente entre as populações. As características de coloração e padrão dos espécimes de Karagöl foram idênticas às do Cáucaso. A maioria das fêmeas apresenta&nbsp;tons castanhos, e os machos são geralmente verde oliva e castanhos. As faixas escuras alongadas não se estendem por alémde&nbsp; das glândulas paratóides. A análise PCA confirmou uma separação clara entre os sexos, e um elevado grau de dimorfismo sexual nas fêmeas foi determinado com base no tamanho do corpo (índice SDI: +0,41). Os modelos construídos de curva de crescimento de Von Bertalanffy produziram perfis semelhantes em ambos os sexos. O tamanho do corpo e a idade foram significativamente correlacionados em ambos os modelos, mas o valor do coeficiente de crescimento foi mais elevado nos machos. Consequentemente, a idade média da população de Karagöl é mais elevada em ambos os sexos, mas a expectativa de vida e a idade máxima são maiores nas populações do Cáucaso.We investigated morphological diversity (external body traits, coloration patterns and skin structure) and age structure in a population of Caucasian toad (Bufo verrucosissimus) from Lake Borçka Karagöl, situated in the vicinity of Artvin on the northeastern border of Turkey and Georgia. Age was determined using phalangeal skeletochronology. The external morphological variability was assessed using the linear measurement of 27 body-related characters and the photographs of each specimen. According to the results, the means of head length and head width were found significantly lower in Karagöl population as opposed to Caucasian populations, but average body size did not differ among all populations. Coloration and pattern features of the specimens from Karagöl were identical to those of Caucasia. Most of the females have brown tones and males are usually olive green and brown. The indiscrete elongated dark bands on parotoids did not extend behind the gland. PCA analysis confirmed a clear separation between the sexes and a high degree of female-biased sexual size dimorphism was determined based on the body size (SDI index: +0.41). The constructed Von Bertalanffy growth curve models yielded similar profiles in both sexes. Body size and age were significantly correlated in both models, but growth coefficient value was higher in males. Accordingly, the mean age of the Karagöl population is greater in both sexes, but the lifespan and maximum age are greater in Caucasus populations

    Life history traits in Bufotesvariabilis (Pallas, 1769) from 2 different altitudes in Turkey

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    Life history characteristics (e.g., longevity, age at maturity, body size, and body mass) of the green toad, Bufotes variabilis,were investigatedfrom 2 populations inhabiting different altitudes (Çankırı, 960 m a.s.l., n = 57; Adana, 13 m a.s.l., n = 52) in Turkey. Age was determined using skeletochronology. The oldest individual was 11 years old (range: 4–11 years) in the highland population, while the oldest individual was 6 years old in the lowland population (range: 2–6 years). Sexual maturity was estimated at 3–4 years in the highland population and 2–3 years in the lowland population by the skeletochronological pattern. Mean body length was found to be 70.41 and 69.42 mm and 54.18 and 56.11 mm for females and males of the highland and the lowland populations, respectively. While mean body mass of the females and males from the highland population was 44.83 and 42.73 g, it was 19.09 and 19.66 g in the lowland population, respectively. Mean age, SVL, and body mass in the highland population were found to be significantly higher than in the lowland population. Colder climate, sufficient food availability, less human impact, and lower predator density in the highland population may explain the differences between the 2 populations. In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between age and body measurements (SVL and body mass) in both males and females of the populations

    Impact of various ecological parameters on the life-history characteristics of Bufotes viridis sitibundus from Turkey

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    ALTUNISIK, Abdullah/0000-0003-2934-7414WOS: 000592209000001PubMed: 33190367In this study, we used the skeletochronology method to estimate various growth parameters, such as age structure, minimum and maximum life span, age of sexual maturity, and the relationship between body size and weight of eight different populations of the variable toad, Bufotes viridis sitibundus, in Turkey. Further, we determined the relationship between these parameters and ecologic factors using the partial Mantel test. A significant difference was found among the populations with respect to age, body size, and body weight in both males and females. on average, the maximum life span was recorded as 10 years for males and 11 years for females. in the studied populations, the average age of sexual maturity ranged between 2 and 4 years for both sexes. Sexual dimorphism in terms of snout-vent length (SVL) was not observed between males and females in all the populations. Toads from the higher altitudes tended to be significantly larger, older, and heavier than those from lower altitudes. We concluded that altitude and temperature have an impact on the growth rate, body size, and body mass.Grant BAP (Recep Tayyip Erdogan University)Recep Tayyip Erdogan University [2012.102.03]Grant BAP (Recep Tayyip Erdogan University), Grant/Award Number: 2012.102.0

    Sexual shape dimorphism in Bufo verrucosissimus (Pallas, 1814) from Lake Borçka Karagöl, Türkiye

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    Sexual dimorphism, i.e., differences in morphology between sexes of a species caused by intersexual differences in the strength or direction of sexual or natural selection, is prevalent throughout the animal kingdom. Contrary to differences in body size, little is known about sexual shape dimorphism in anurans. Here we investigated intersexual shape differences in Bufo verrucosissimus (Pallas, 1814) by taking 27 linear measurements to characterize body morphology of 23 males and 23 females. Relative to their overall body size, males had longer limbs and larger eyes, while females displayed larger parotoid glands and had wider heads. We speculate that these intersexual differences may have arisen due to differences in natural and sexual selection regimes acting on males and females, especially during foraging, mate searching, or intrasexual competition

    Sexual size and shape dimorphism in Turkish common toads (Bufo bufo Linnaeus 1758)

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    Differences in male and female traits (sexual dimorphism [SD]) are widespread in animals. Dimorphism in morphological characters evolves under the effect of environmental and genetic factors and is shaped by natural and sexual selection. In this study, intersexual differences in size and shape in common toad, Bufo bufo, populations in Turkey were investigated. For this, linear measurements of 27 body-related morphometric characters in a sample of 140 individuals (70 males and 70 females) were compiled. The data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods. The results show SD in body size with females having larger body size, a trait related with fecundity and thus probably under sexual selection. Body shape differences, which are associated with head width and dorsal head, are likely to prey size. Male-biased differences observed in nasal characters and tympanum may also be associated with sexual selection (male-male competition). Our findings are consistent with previous studies of major of Anura and support a role for selection pressures acting differentially upon individuals from both sexes, resulting in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits