16 research outputs found

    The comparison of the metaheuristic algorithms performances on airport gate assignment problem

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    Bu çalışma, 05-07 Eylül 2016 tarihleri arasında İstanbul[Türkiye]’da düzenlenen 19. European-Operational-Research-Societies Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT)’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.The airport gate assignment problem (AGAP) is an important research area in air transportation planning and optimization. In this paper we study the airport gate assignment problem where the objectives are to minimize the number of ungated flights and the total walking distances. In order to solve the problem, we proposed a new tabu search (TS) algorithm which uses a probabilistic approach as an aspiration criterion. We compared two metaheuristics, namely, TS, and simulated annealing (SA). A greedy algorithm used as a benchmark. We compared the performances of the algorithms and analyzed at different problem sizes. Experimentations showed that the new proposed metaheuristic algorithm gave promising results.EURO Working Grp TransportatEMAY Int Eng & Consultancy Incİstanbul Teknik ÜniversitesiTürkiye Bilim ve Teknoloji Konsey

    Hla-G ve kanser İlişkisi

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    The importance of HLA antigens on immunity and tissue compatibility is known. The suppressor role of a non classical HLA antigen HLA-G is being clearer with the results of last studies. On normal situations its being is restricted in a few type of tissue. It can be found on fetal tissues like trophoblasts, tymic medulla, cornea, pancreatic islets and precursors of erithroid and endothelial cells. The expression of HLA-g is increased in the situations like malignities, transplantation, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory diseases and viral infections. In this review it is aimed to give short information on HLA system and to introduce the studies pronouncing the relation of HLA-G and malignities. © 2012 Düzce Medical Journal

    The Relation Between Hla-G And Cancer

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    HLA antijenlerinin doku uyumu ve immünite açısından önemi bilinmektedir. HLA sınıf 1 antijenlerinden non-klasik gruba dâhil olan HLA-Gnin kanser immunitesindeki baskılayıcı rolü son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalarda daha da açığa çıkarılmıştır. HLA-G normal durumlarda çok kısıtlı dokularda bulunmaktadır. Trofoblastlar gibi fetal dokularda, timik medulla, kornea, pankreatik adacıklarda ve eritroid ve endotelial hücre prekürsörlerinde bulunmaktadır. HLA-G ekspresyonu bu fizyolojik durumların dışında kanserler, transplantasyon, multiple scleroz, inflamatuar hastalıklar ve viral enfeksiyonlar gibi patolojik durumlarda da artmış seviyelerdedir. Bu derlemede HLA sistemi hakkında kısaca bilgi verilerek HLA-G ile kanser ilişkisini vurgulayan farklı kanser türleri üzerinde yapılmış çalışmaları ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır.The importance of HLA antigens on immunity and tissue compatibility is known. The suppressor role of a non classical HLA antigen HLA-G is being clearer with the results of last studies. On normal situations its being is restricted in a few type of tissue. It can be found on fetal tissues like trophoblasts, tymic medulla, cornea, pancreatic islets and precursors of erithroid and endothelial cells. The expression of HLA-g is increased in the situations like malignities, transplantation, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory diseases and viral infections. In this review it is aimed to give short information on HLA system and to introduce the studies pronouncing the relation of HLA-G and malignities

    Kan gazı analiz cihazı ve direkt enzim atik ölçüm metodu ile elde edilen bikarbonat değerlerinin korelasyonu

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    Introduction: In this study, we investigated to whether there is a relationship between bicarbonate levels simultaneously measured with the mathematical calculation of blood gas analysis device derived pH and pCO2 and direct enzymatic method. Materials and methods: Arterial blood samples were taken from 90 patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Bicarbonate level was simultaneously measured in the ABL 800 blood gas analyzer with the method of mathematical calculation from the pH and pCO2 and in the Roche Diagnostics Cobas c501 with the enzymatic method. The results were compared. Results: Pearson correlation coefficient between the two measurements was r=0.944 showing a significant positive relationship. Also value of the ICC calculation which was 0.963 showed that there was a significant agreement between the two measurement methods (p=0.0001). None of the 90 values were not out of the agreement limits, as shown in Bland-Altman graphic. Conclusion: The present study showed that bicarbonate measurements with the blood gas analyzers which give quick results are reliable and acceptable when compared with the results of the direct enzymatic method. © TurkJBiochem.com

    The comparison of the metaheuristic algorithms performances on airport gate assignment problem

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    The airport gate assignment problem (AGAP) is an important research area in air transportation planning and optimization. In this paper we study the airport gate assignment problem where the objectives are to minimize the number of ungated flights and the total walking distances. In order to solve the problem, we proposed a new tabu search (TS) algorithm which uses a probabilistic approach as an aspiration criterion. We compared two metaheuristics, namely, TS, and simulated annealing (SA). A greedy algorithm used as a benchmark. We compared the performances of the algorithms and analyzed at different problem sizes. Experimentations showed that the new proposed metaheuristic algorithm gave promising results. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Correlation of bicarbonate values measured with direct enzymatic method and blood gas analysis devices

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    Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523WOS: 000300974400013Introduction: In this study, we investigated to whether there is a relationship between bicarbonate levels simultaneously measured with the mathematical calculation of blood gas analysis device derived pH and pCO(2) and direct enzymatic method. Materials and methods: Arterial blood samples were taken from 90 patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Bicarbonate level was simultaneously measured in the ABL 800 blood gas analyzer with the method of mathematical calculation from the pH and pCO2 and in the Roche Diagnostics Cobas c501 with the enzymatic method. The results were compared. Results: Pearson correlation coefficient between the two measurements was r=0.944 showing a significant positive relationship. Also value of the ICC calculation which was 0.963 showed that there was a significant agreement between the two measurement methods (p=0.0001). None of the 90 values were not out of the agreement limits, as shown in Bland-Altman graphic. Conclusion: The present study showed that bicarbonate measurements with the blood gas analyzers which give quick results are reliable and acceptable when compared with the results of the direct enzymatic method. Conflict of interests: Authors have no conflict of interest


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    An n=8 worldsheet superfield action is proposed for describing chiral fermions in the twistor-like formulation of an N=1, D=10 heterotic superstring