24 research outputs found

    Recommendations for Foreign Trade Companies Established in Turkey on Making Charter Party Marine Bills of Lading in Accordance with Letter of Credit-L/C Method

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    This study discusses how charter party marine bills of lading should be made in accordance with the letter of credit-L/C method. In an L/C, in order that the obligation of payment of the applicant (issuing) bank and of the confirming bank, if any, against the beneficiary can continue, exporting companies are required to prepare documents in accordance with the UCP 600, ISBP 745 and terms of documentary letter of credit and present them properly (complying presentation). In order to prepare appropriate documents, it is essential for the exporting companies to act according to the three important criteria (letter of credit requirements, UCP 600 and ISPB 745) prevailing in this regard. Since competence of complying presentation requires a certain level of expertise, the exporting companies established in Turkey have experienced difficulties in terms of how to prepare documents and could not get benefit from payment obligation undertaking of the applicant bank and of the confirming bank, if any, due to the presentation of discrepant documents, getting export prices late, and payment of extra fees/commissions. Due to trade property, importing company’s demands and the conditions required by the legislation of the country where the exporting company is established, exporting companies are required to prepare many types of documents. In this study, the common mistakes that exporting companies in Turkey made in preparation of the charter party and the other types of B/Ls are analyzed, the basic and critical features of the charter party B/Ls, in particular, are considered and different and common parts compared to other bill of ladings are evaluated and how they can be organized properly according to letter of credit payment is shown

    Important and Critical Issues of Complying Presentation Based Upon Letter of Credit (L/C) Payment

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    In this study, there is suggested proposals and determined about such a way must be followed in complying presentation in accordance with letter of credit payment and the faults of exporting companies specific to Turkey in this issue. Beneficiary needs to provide complying presentation after preparing the papers appropriately at first letter of credit terms, rules of UCP 600 and ISBP 745 for applicant bank and if available confirming bank’s pay obligation could continue against beneficiary company in letter of credit payment. Since provided complying presentation ability requires a certain level of experience and expertness; it is observed about exporter companies in Turkey localized, receive export prices late and pay extra charges/commissions, could not benefit from pay obligation guarantee of applicant bank and if available confirming bank because of their generally discrepant document, facing contradiction in terms on this complying document preparing. Moreover, a various letter of credit condition which are disadvantages of exporters and could be caused financial losses are discussed and includes advices in this study. Based upon the findings, there is determined about most important reason of the companies could not provide complying presentation is preparing certain documents within letter of credit conditions incorrect, and it is shown how to prepare the subjected documents appropriately to letter of credit payment as considering their main and critical properties

    Recommendations for Foreign Trade Companies Established in Turkey on Making Charter Party Marine Bills of Lading in Accordance with Letter of Credit-L/C Method

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    This study discusses how charter party marine bills of lading should be made in accordance with the letter of credit-L/C method. In an L/C, in order that the obligation of payment of the applicant (issuing) bank and of the confirming bank, if any, against the beneficiary can continue, exporting companies are required to prepare documents in accordance with the UCP 600, ISBP 745 and terms of documentary letter of credit and present them properly (complying presentation). In order to prepare appropriate documents, it is essential for the exporting companies to act according to the three important criteria (letter of credit requirements, UCP 600 and ISPB 745) prevailing in this regard. Since competence of complying presentation requires a certain level of expertise, the exporting companies established in Turkey have experienced difficulties in terms of how to prepare documents and could not get benefit from payment obligation undertaking of the applicant bank and of the confirming bank, if any, due to the presentation of discrepant documents, getting export prices late, and payment of extra fees/commissions. Due to trade property, importing company’s demands and the conditions required by the legislation of the country where the exporting company is established, exporting companies are required to prepare many types of documents. In this study, the common mistakes that exporting companies in Turkey made in preparation of the charter party and the other types of B/Ls are analyzed, the basic and critical features of the charter party B/Ls, in particular, are considered and different and common parts compared to other bill of ladings are evaluated and how they can be organized properly according to letter of credit payment is shown

    Keratokonusta Kornea İçi Halka ve İris Kıskaçlı Fakik Göziçi Lensi İmplantasyonu ile Görme Rehabilitasyonu

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    AMAÇ: Keratokonuslu hastalarda kornea içi halka ve iris kıskaçlı fakik göz içi lens implantasyonu ile görme rehabilitasyonunun incelenmesiYÖNTEM: 17 ve 25 yaşında iki hasta kontakt lens intoleransı nedeniyle tek taraflı kornea nakli cerrahisi amacıyla refere edilmişti. Bir hastada geçirilmiş cross-linking cerrahisi öyküsü mevcuttu. Nakil planlanmış gözlerde düzeltilmemiş görme keskinlikleri Snellen eşeli ile 0.05 ve 50cmps; en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinlikleri (EİDGK) -7.00(-5.75 @105) ile 0.1 ve -9.00(-5.75@25) ile 0.2; ortalama keratometri değerleri 56D ve 52.05D; merkezi kornea kalınlıkları 401 µm ve 432 µm idi. Önce silindirik maksimum düzeltme hedefleyen kornea içi halka implantasyonu, ardından yüksek miyopik düzeltme amacıyla iris kıskaçlı fakik GİL implantasyonu planlandı.BULGULAR: Nomograma göre femtosaniye laser ile açılan 5.0-5.7 mm iç-dış çaplarda, 360 µm ve 430 µm derinlikte oluşturulmuş intrastromal kanallara 160° ve 300 µm kalınlıkta birer adet KeraRing® kornea içi halka implantasyonu gerçekleştirildi. Postoperatif 6. ayda keratometrik astigmatizmalar 3.4D ve 3.5D’den 0.5D ve 2.0D’ye düştü. EİDGK Snellen eşeliyle -12.00(-2.50@115) refraksiyon ile 0.2 ve - 7.00(-2.00@20) refraksiyon ile 0.2 seviyesine geldi. İris kıskaçlı fakik göziçi lensi (Opthec -12.5 ve - 9.5D) implantasyonu uygulandı (Görsel 1). Postoperatif 6. ayda EİDGKleri Snellen eşeliyle, sırasıyla +0.50(-4.25@100) refraksiyon ile 0.6 ve -1.00(-1.50@25) refraksiyon ile 0.4 idi. Hastaların kornea topografilerinde kon bölgelerinin merkeze yönlenmesi ve diklik parametrelerinde belirgin iyileşme gözlendi (Görsel 2, 3). Hastaların 3 yılı aşkın takiplerinde korneada endotel dekompanzasyonu saptanmadı.</p

    Important and Critical Issues of Complying Presentation Based Upon Letter of Credit (L/C) Payment

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    In this study, there is suggested proposals and determined about such a way must be followed in complying presentation in accordance with letter of credit payment and the faults of exporting companies specific to Turkey in this issue. Beneficiary needs to provide complying presentation after preparing the papers appropriately at first letter of credit terms, rules of UCP 600 and ISBP 745 for applicant bank and if available confirming bank’s pay obligation could continue against beneficiary company in letter of credit payment. Since provided complying presentation ability requires a certain level of experience and expertness; it is observed about exporter companies in Turkey localized, receive export prices late and pay extra charges/commissions, could not benefit from pay obligation guarantee of applicant bank and if available confirming bank because of their generally discrepant document, facing contradiction in terms on this complying document preparing. Moreover, a various letter of credit condition which are disadvantages of exporters and could be caused financial losses are discussed and includes advices in this study. Based upon the findings, there is determined about most important reason of the companies could not provide complying presentation is preparing certain documents within letter of credit conditions incorrect, and it is shown how to prepare the subjected documents appropriately to letter of credit payment as considering their main and critical properties

    Erhan Konuk’la Türkiye’de özel radyoculuğun gelişimi

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Öztürk, İbrahim Mert

    Ahmed Glokom Valf İmplantasyonu Sonrası Ciddi Koroid Efüzyon Gelişimi ve Yönetimi: Olgu Sunumu

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    AMAÇ: Ahmed glokom valf (AGV) implantasyonu sonrası ciddi koroid efüzyonu gelişen bir olgunun klinik bulgularını, takip ve tedavi sonuçlarını sunmak.YÖNTEM: 39 yaşında bayan olgu kliniğimize seton cerrahisi sonrası ciddi koroid efüzyonu gelişmesi nedeniyle refere edilmiş idi. Bilateral afak olan olgunun sağ gözüne vitreoretinal cerrahi sonrası gelişen glokom nedeniyle dış merkezde 9 gün önce AGV implantasyonu yapılmıştı. Cerrahi sonrası ciddi koroid efüzyonu gelişen olguya dış merkezde sistemik steroid başlanmasına rağmen koroid efüzyonunda düzelme olmaması nedeniyle olgu kliniğimize yönlendirilmiş idi.BULGULAR: Oftalmolojik bakıda sağ gözde görme persepsiyon (+), projeksiyon (+) düzeyinde idi. Sağ gözde hipotoni (göz içi basıncı 2 mmHg) mevcuttu. Biyomikroskopik bakıda ön kamara sığdı. Ön kamarada üst kadranda AGV tüp ucu seçiliyordu. Fundus bakısında optik disk ve maküla seçilmiyordu. Oküler ultrasonografide ciddi koroid efüzyonu (öpüşen koroid) saptandı. Hastaya acil olarak genel anestezi altında koroid efüzyonu drenajı ve AGV implanta da revizyon işlemi uygulandı. AGV implant revizyonunda ön kamaradaki tüp ucu çıkarılarak geçici olarak konjonktiva altına yerleştirildi. Postoperatif 1. gün koroid efüzyonunun oldukça azalmış olduğu ve görme keskinliğinin 3 MPS düzeyinde olduğu görüldü ve göz içi basıncı (GİB) 10 mmHg saptandı. Takiplerde GİB yükselen olguya postoperatif 2. hafta transskleral diod lazer siklofotokoagulasyon uygulandı. Lazer sonrası GİB geçici düşen ve sonra tekrar yükselen olguda postoperatif 3. ayda AGV çıkarıldı ve çıkarılan implant alt nazal kadranda tüp ucu silier sulkusta olacak şekilde yerleştirildi. Göz içi basıncı bu cerrahiden sonra normal seviyede seyreden olgu halen kliniğimizde takip edilmektedir.SONUÇ: AGV implantasyonu sonrası ciddi koroid efüzyonu ile karşılaşılabilmektedir. Görmeyi tehdit eden ciddi koroid efüzyonu varlığında gecikmeden yapılacak drenaj ile yüz güldürücü sonuçlar alınabilir. Bu olgularda tekrar koroid efüzyonunu önlemek için gerekirse Ahmed glokom valfine revizyon da uygulanabilmektedir.</p