11 research outputs found
Evaluation Of The Achievement Of Hematologists To Transfusion Medicine Education With Self-Assessment Questionnaire In Turkey
Background: Proper clinical use of blood andblood products requires competent theoreticaland practical knowledge of transfusion medicine.The Curriculum Development and StandardDetermination System Medical SpecializationBoard is prepared Hematology SpecialistEducation Core Curriculum in Turkey. In thisstudy, we aimed to determine the access ofhematologists to the learning objectives definedby curriculum for the transfusion medicine andthe factors affecting it.Methods: Hematologists who have beenmembers of Turkish Hematology Society since2013 have been included in the study, Thesurvey questions were prepared based on thecurriculum for transfusion medicine. The studywas applied to hematologists with “surveymonkey” application. The questionnaireconsisted of a competence self-assessment withLikert scale and theoretical multiple-choiceknowledge questions.Results: Of the 213 hematologists, 54 (25%)were included in the study. Hematologists ratedtheir competences in the clinical competenceareas as 3,65 ± 0,73 (median 3,60) as “I knowbut not t a sufficient level”. The participants‘perception of competence was “I know, butnot at a sufficient level’” with an average of3.31 ± 0.84 (median3.5) in the blood bankingfield, while the average in hemapheresis andtransfusion medicine was 4.04 ± 0.63 (median4) as “enough”. In interventional procedures,hematologists stated that their vocationalcompetences were 2,79± 0,92 (median 2,93)on average as “I have an idea- I know, but notenough”. The correct answer to 13 theoreticalquestions was an average of 6,96 ± 1,89(median 7). Hematologists performing bloodrotation felt significantly more competent thanthe physicians who could not do the rotation inthe blood bank, blood banking t(52) = -3.9, p .001 , transfusion medicine and interventionalcompetence t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 . Physicianswho believed that they are sufficient in theblood banking area, were more confident intransfusion medicine r(54) = .67, p .001 andmanaging interventional procedures r(54) =.85, p .001.Conclusion: In this study, hematologistsgenerally felt more competent in subjects suchas transfusion and therapeutic apheresis,which they often think of as not having enoughknowledge in the area of blood banking.Hematologists have been more confident inthe field of transfusion medicine as their yearsof expertise increased, but they did not feelbetter equipped in the fields of blood bankingand interventional competence. The currentresults suggested that hematologists who areexpected to be the blood bank supervisors do notinternalize the area of blood banking, are notstrong in their competence, and do not want towork in this area unless they are required.In hematology education curriculum, positiverevisions in education can be achieved byrevising blood banking curriculum and learningobjectives, standardizing blood center rotationswith content and duration, and support fromonline distance education programs
Türkiye´de hematologların transfüzyon tıbbı uzmanlık eğitim hedeflerine ulaşımının öz yeterlilik anketi ile değerlendirilmesi
Background: Proper clinical use of blood andblood products requires competent theoreticaland practical knowledge of transfusion medicine.The Curriculum Development and StandardDetermination System Medical SpecializationBoard is prepared Hematology SpecialistEducation Core Curriculum in Turkey. In thisstudy, we aimed to determine the access ofhematologists to the learning objectives definedby curriculum for the transfusion medicine andthe factors affecting it.Methods: Hematologists who have beenmembers of Turkish Hematology Society since2013 have been included in the study, Thesurvey questions were prepared based on thecurriculum for transfusion medicine. The studywas applied to hematologists with “surveymonkey” application. The questionnaireconsisted of a competence self-assessment withLikert scale and theoretical multiple-choiceknowledge questions.Results: Of the 213 hematologists, 54 (25%)were included in the study. Hematologists ratedtheir competences in the clinical competenceareas as 3,65 ± 0,73 (median 3,60) as “I knowbut not t a sufficient level”. The participants‘perception of competence was “I know, butnot at a sufficient level’” with an average of3.31 ± 0.84 (median3.5) in the blood bankingfield, while the average in hemapheresis andtransfusion medicine was 4.04 ± 0.63 (median4) as “enough”. In interventional procedures,hematologists stated that their vocationalcompetences were 2,79± 0,92 (median 2,93)on average as “I have an idea- I know, but notenough”. The correct answer to 13 theoreticalquestions was an average of 6,96 ± 1,89(median 7). Hematologists performing bloodrotation felt significantly more competent thanthe physicians who could not do the rotation inthe blood bank, blood banking t(52) = -3.9, p <.001 , transfusion medicine and interventionalcompetence t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 . Physicianswho believed that they are sufficient in theblood banking area, were more confident intransfusion medicine r(54) = .67, p <.001 andmanaging interventional procedures r(54) =.85, p <.001.Conclusion: In this study, hematologistsgenerally felt more competent in subjects suchas transfusion and therapeutic apheresis,which they often think of as not having enoughknowledge in the area of blood banking.Hematologists have been more confident inthe field of transfusion medicine as their yearsof expertise increased, but they did not feelbetter equipped in the fields of blood bankingand interventional competence. The currentresults suggested that hematologists who areexpected to be the blood bank supervisors do notinternalize the area of blood banking, are notstrong in their competence, and do not want towork in this area unless they are required.In hematology education curriculum, positiverevisions in education can be achieved byrevising blood banking curriculum and learningobjectives, standardizing blood center rotationswith content and duration, and support fromonline distance education programs.Giriş: Kan ve kan ürünlerinin uygun klinik kullanımı, transfüzyon tıbbı konusunda teorik ve pratik bilgi birikimini gerektirir. Türkiye’de Müfredat Geliştirme ve Standart Belirleme Sistemi Tıbbi Uzmanlık Kurulu tarafından, Hematoloji Uzmanlık Eğitimi Temel Müfredatı hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hematologların transfüzyon tıbbı müfredatı ile belirlenen öğrenme hedeflerine ulaşımını ve bu durumu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemeyi amaçladık. Metot: 2013 yılından bu yana Türk Hematoloji Derneği üyesi olan hematologlara transfüzyon tıbbı için müfredatı esas alınarak hazırlanan anket “Survey Monkey” uygulaması ile uygulandı. Anket, Likert ölçeği ve teorik çoktan seçmeli bilgi soruları ile öz yeterlilik değerlendirmelerinden oluşuyordu. Sonuçlar: 213 hematologdan 54’ü (%25) çalışmaya katılmıştır. Hematologların yeterlilik algıları klinik yetkinlik alanlarında ortalama 3,65 ± 0,73 (ortanca 3,60) olarak “Biliyorum ama yeterli düzeyde değil”; kan bankacılığı alanında ortalama 3.31 ± 0.84 (ortanca 3.5) puan ile “biliyorum ama yeterli düzeyde değil”; hemaferez ve transfüzyon tıbbı alanında ise ortalama 4.04 ± 0.63 (ortanca 4) “yeterli” olarak ölçüldü. Girişimsel işlemlerde hematologlar mesleki yeterliliklerinin ortalama 2,79± 0,92 (ortanca 2,93) “Bir fikrim var, biliyorum ama yeterli değil” olarak ifade ettiler. 13 teorik sorunun doğru cevabı ortalama 6,96 ± 1,89 idi (ortanca 7). Kan bankası rotasyonu yapan hematologlar yapamayanlara göre kan bankacılığı t(52) = -3.9, p < .001, transfüzyon tıbbı ve girişimsel alanlarda t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 kendilerini çok daha yetkin hissediyordu. Kan bankacılığı alanında yeterli olduğuna inanan hekimler, transfüzyon tıbbında r(54) = .67, p <.001 ve girişimsel işlemlerin r(54) = .85, p <.001yönetiminde de kendilerinden daha eminlerdi. Tartışma: Bu çalışmada, hematologlar genellikle kan bankacılığı alanında yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadığını düşünürken transfüzyon tıbbı ve terapötik aferez gibi konularda kendilerini daha yetkin hissetmistirler. Hematologlar, uzmanlık yılları arttıkça transfüzyon tıbbı alanında kendilerine daha fazla güvenmeye başlarken, kan bankacılığı ve girişimsel yeterlilik alanlarında kendilerini hala yeterli donanımda hissetmiyorlardı. Mevcut sonuçlar, hematologların kan bankacılığı alanını içselleştirmediklerini, yetkinliklerinde güçlü olmadıklarını ve gerekli olmadıkça bu alanda çalışmak istemediklerini göstermiştir. Transfüzyon tıbbı müfredatının ve öğrenme hedeflerinin gözden geçirilmesi, kan merkezi rotasyonlarının içerik ve süresinin standartlaştırılması ve çevrimiçi uzaktan eğitim programları ile desteklenmesi hematoloji eğitimine olumlu katkılar sağlayabilir
Acute pancreatitis in Turkey: Results of a nationwide multicenter study
Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is the most common gastrointestinal disease requiring hospitalization, with significant mortality and morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics of AP and physicians’ compliance with international guidelines during its management. Methods: All patients with AP who were hospitalized at 17 tertiary centers in Turkey between April and October 2022 were evaluated in a prospective cohort study. Patients with insufficient data, COVID-19 and those aged below 18 years were excluded. The definitions were based on the 2012 revised Atlanta criteria. Results: The study included 2144 patients (median age:58, 52 % female). The most common etiologies were biliary (n = 1438, 67.1 %), idiopathic (n = 259, 12 %), hypertriglyceridemia (n = 128, 6 %) and alcohol (n = 90, 4.2 %). Disease severity was mild in 1567 (73.1 %), moderate in 521 (24.3 %), and severe in 58 (2.6 %) patients. Morphology was necrotizing in 4.7 % of the patients. The overall mortality rate was 1.6 %. PASS and BISAP had the highest accuracy in predicting severe pancreatitis on admission (AUC:0.85 and 0.81, respectively). CT was performed in 61 % of the patients, with the majority (90 %) being within 72 h after admission. Prophylactic NSAIDs were not administered in 44 % of the patients with post-ERCP pancreatitis (n = 86). Antibiotics were administered to 53.7 % of the patients, and 38 % of those received them prophylactically. Conclusions: This prospective study provides an extensive report on clinical characteristics, management and outcomes of AP in real-world practice. Mortality remains high in severe cases and physicians’ adherence to guidelines during management of the disease needs improvement in some aspects
Türkiye'deki romatoid artritli hastaların özellikleri: Türkiye romatizma araştırma ve savaş derneği romatoid artrit kayıt sistemi sonuçları
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’deki romatoid artrit hastalarının demografik ve klinik özelliklerini ortaya koyarak bu hastalar için oluşturulabilecek önlem, tedavi ve destek stratejilerine ışık tutmaktır. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Bu çalışma kapsamında Eylül 2007 - Mart 2011 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerindeki toplam 36 merkezden Türkiye Romatizma Araştırma ve Savaş Derneği (TRASD) kayıt sistemine kaydedilen 2.359 hasta (1.966 kadın, 393 erkek; ort. yaş 51.6±12.5 yıl; dağılım 18-75 yıl) değerlendirildi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik verileri kaydedildi. Hastalık aktivitesi, fonksiyonel durum ve radyografik hasar sırasıyla hastalık aktivite skoru 28, sağlık değerlendirme anketi ve van der Heijde modifiye Sharp puanlama yöntemi ile ölçüldü. Bulgular: Akademik eğitim süresi ortalama 5.2±3.8 yıldı ve hastaların %74.6’sı ev hanımıydı. Hastaların %91.0’ı biyolojik olmayan hastalık modifiye edici ilaçlar, %10.2’si biyolojik hastalık modifiye edici ilaçlar kullanıyordu. Ortalama hastalık aktivite skoru 28, sağlık değerlendirme anketi ve Sharp puanları sırasıyla, 4.0±1.4, 0.38±0.37 ve 31.2±57.1 idi. Hastaların %17.8’i remisyonda ve %14.1’i düşük hastalık aktivitesinde iken %42.7’si orta hastalık aktivitesinde ve %25.5’i yüksek hastalık aktivitesinde idi. Sonuç: Türkiye’de romatoid artrit hastalarının çoğunluğu orta yaşlı ev hanımlarıdır. Her ne kadar hastalık modifiye edici ilaç kullanımı yüksek oranda ise de hastaların büyük bölümü orta ve yüksek hastalık aktivite düzeyinde idi. Bu bulgular romatoid artritli hastaların tedavi gereksinimlerinin yeterli olarak karşılanmadığını düşündürmektedir.Objectives: This study investigates the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Turkey, and attempts to identify strategies for the prevention, treatment, and support of RA. Patients and methods: A total of 2,359 patients (1,966 females, 393 males; mean age 51.6±12.5 years; range 18 to 75 years) with RA from 36 centers across Turkey, who were recorded in the Turkish League Against Rheumatism (TLAR) RA Registry between September 2007 and March 2011, were evaluated. Patients’demographic and clinical data were recorded. Disease activity, functional status, and radiographic damage were measured using the Disease Activity Score 28, the Health Assessment Questionnaire, and van der Heijde modified Sharp scoring method. Results: The mean duration of academic education received was 5.2±3.8 years, and 74.6% of the patients were homemakers. Non-biological disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs were used by 91.0% of the patients, while 10.2% used biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. The mean Disease Activity Score 28, Health Assessment Questionnaire, and Sharp scores were 4.0±1.4, 0.38±0.37, and 31.2±57.1, respectively. Of the patients, 17.8% were in remission and 14.1% had low disease activity rates, while 42.7% and 25.5% had moderate and high disease activity rates. Conclusion: The majority of patients with RA in Turkey are middle-aged homemakers. Despite the high rates of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs use, the majority of patients had moderate and high disease activity. These findings indicate that treatment needs of RA patients are not met sufficiently