182 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Organizational Socialization and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Mediating Role of Person-Environment Fit

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    AbstractOrganizational socialization is a crucial concept for both employees and employers in order to facilitate the process of employee adjustment. In addition to various results of successful socialization, organizational citizenship behavior is regarded as an important consequence of organizational socialization. This study aims to examine the mediating effect of person-environment fit on the relationship between organizational socialization and organizational citizenship behavior. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 202 white collar employees in Istanbul. The findings revealed that person-environment fit mediates the relationship between organizational socialization and organizational citizenship behavior

    Popülerleşme Sürecinde Türk Müziği Ve Bu Süreçte Bir Bestekâr: Sadettin Kaynak

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2009Bu çalışmada, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun yıkılışından sonra kurulan ve bir modernleşme / batılılaşma projesi olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin siyasal, toplumsal, kültürel ve ekonomik değişiminin geçirdiği evreler süreci; bir Türk müziği bestecisi olan Sadettin Kaynak'ın gerek kişisel gerekse müzikal ve sosyal kimliklerinin popülerleşme süreci ile birebir örtüşür izdüşümlerinin olması sebebiyle, onunla ilişkilendirilerek ele alınmıştır. Sadettin Kaynak, Türk müziğinin en sancılı dönemi olan, Osmanlı'nın son ve Cumhuriyetin ilk çeyreğinde müzik eğitimi, müzik bilgisi, icrası ve bestelerinde karşımıza çıkan müzik anlayışı, makamları ve usulleri kullanışı, gerek melodik yapıya ve forma gerekse söz yapısına ve ritmik yapıya getirdiği serbestlik, melodik yapısında halk müziğinin sonsuz malzemesinden faydalanması, söz unsuru ile yarışan bir saz (aranağme-arasaz) anlayışı, fantezi olarak isimlendirilen yeni formu ve icra tarzı ile geleneğin popüler tarza dönüşmesinde Türk müziğinin en önemli bestekârlarındandır. Çalışmada tümdengelimle dönemden Kaynak'a, tümevarımla da Kaynak'tan döneme, geniş bir bakışla, bünyesindeki farklı kimlikleri ile Sadettin Kaynak analiz edilerek Türk müziğinin popülerleşme süreci incelenmiştir.In this study, Sadettin Kaynak, a composer of Turkish music, is analyzed with respect to the phases during which social, cultural and economic changes occurred in the Republic of Turkey, which was founded after the fall of Ottoman Empire as a project of modernization/westernization. Both musical and social identities of Kaynak had direct projections on the course of popularization, and this has been the main reason to affiliate this process of popularization with him. Sadettin Kaynak, during the last quarter of the Ottoman Empire and the first quarter of the Republic of Turkey, which were the most difficult times of Turkish music, was one of the most important composers of Turkish music. He was prominent during the transformation from tradition to popular style, with his music education, music knowledge, his taste of music which is apparent in his performances and compositions, his use of maqams and usuls, the freedom he brought to melodic structure, form, lyrics and rhythmic structure, his employment of folk music material in his melodic structure, his notion of instruments competing with the vocal element (aranağme-arasaz), his new form called fantasy and his style of performance. In this study, Sadettin Kaynak will be analyzed with his different identities and popularization of Turkish music by inductive and deductive reasoning, that is from the period to Kaynak and from Kaynak to the period.DoktoraPh

    Anterior Dişlerdeki Demineralizasyonun Rezin İnfiltrasyon (Icon®) ile Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu

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    Düz mine yüzeylerinde, çürüğün en erken kanıtı beyaz nokta (white spot) lezyonları, yetersiz oral hijyen nedeniyle sık görülen önemli bir komplikasyondur. Rezin infiltrasyon tekniği, rezin materyalin beyaz lezyonun gövdesine infiltre edilmesini sağlayan ve klinik kullanımı yaygınlaşmakta olan bir minimal invaziv restoratif tedavi seçeneğidir. Bu olgu sunumunun amacı da; dişlerin düz yüzeylerinde oluşan demineralizasyon kaynaklı beyaz nokta lezyonların sebep olduğu estetik problemlerin minimal invaziv bir yaklaşım olan resin infiltrasyon yöntemiyle tedavi edilmesinin sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir

    Türk müziğinin popülerleşme sürecinde film müzikleri ve Sadettin Kaynak

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    Both musical and social identities of Sadettin Kaynak had direct projections on the course of popularization, and this has been the main reason to affiliate this process of popularization with him. Kaynak, during the last quarter of the Ottoman Empire and the first quarter of the Republic of Turkey, was one of the most important composers of Turkish music. He was prominent during the transformation from traditional to popular style, with his music education, music knowledge, his taste of music which are apparent in his performances and compositions. His use of maqams and usuls, the freedom he brought to melodic structure, form, lyrics and rhythmic structure, his employment of folk music material in his melodic structure, his notion of instruments competing with the vocal element (aranağme-arasaz), his new form called “fantasy” and his style of performance were also significant and they reflect how Turkish music changed and how it was popularized. Sadettin Kaynak gave concerts in his tuxedo in many European cities including Paris and Berlin. He was a soloist and gazelhan as well as a reputable composer and a performer who tried to maintain a vivid contact with the social structure of the era throughout his artistic life. He said: “I want to make music for the taste of the public and I want to popularize my music whenever possible”, and the media of the time, that is the record industry, radio, cinema and music halls, gave him the chance to realize his intention. Apart from his identity as a musician, he was also a religious official and a hafiz who studied religion in the Faculty of Theology. He served as the imam of Sultan Selim and Sultanahmet Mosques with his robe and turban on and sang ezan on religious records produced by the Columbia Company. With respect to his origins, Sadettin Kaynak, a religious official and imam, was of great importance and meaning as a composer of Turkish music with his music he started to compose in the cultural environment of Turkey in the first quarter of the 20th century with this identity. Sadettin Kaynak, considering the socio-economic and political conditions of his time, who had been a great intellectual and artist of the Republic, achieved something very difficult, with these two contradictory identities indeed supporting each other. He became famous and popular especially for his film scores, which he began in the 1930s. After the prohibition of singing songs from Arabian movies of Egyptian origin in Arabic, Kaynak became a composer of new songs composed according to the subject matter of Arabic songs or “adapted” songs which were made by writing Turkish lyrics to the original ones. Out of his 669 compositions, Kaynak composed 218 pieces for 14 Turkish films and another 47 pieces for Egyptian films. These pieces were performed by the most famous and popular artists of the period not only for the films but also for the records. Moreover, these works of Kaynak were performed in the popular nightlife clubs of the period, “gazinos”. Consequently, by means of all these factors, Kaynak had an important role in the popularization of Turkish music. The object of this thesis is to show Sadettin Kaynak’s personal, social and musical identities and also, the process of change that Turkish music experienced, in parallel to his life between the years 1895-1961, from not only a musical perspective but also by considering economic, political and ideological occurrences in the society. In this study, we will explain how music was popularized and was used to spread western culture, its values and modernization to layers of society within the modernization project after the Republic of Turkey was founded. Sadettin Kaynak will be analyzed with his different identities and particularly, popularization of Turkish music will be analyzed with his identity as a composer of film scores by inductive and deductive reasoning, that is from the period to Kaynak and from Kaynak to the period. In order to realize this study, three methods were employed: Analysis of audio- visual sources as well as the literature review, scanning of period newspapers and magazines between 1929 and 1961 and music analysis. These methods were applied within “industry of culture” and “culture of masses” notions and theoretical approaches about criticism of culture.Sadettin Kaynak, Türk müziğinin en sancılı dönemi Osmanlı’nın son ve Cumhuriyetin ilk çeyreğinde müzik eğitimi, icrası ve bestelerindeki müzik anlayışı, gerek melodik yapıya ve forma, gerekse söz yapısına ve ritmik yapıya getirdiği serbestlik, melodik yapıda halk müziğinden faydalanması, söz unsuru ile yarışan bir saz anlayışı, “fantezi” adlı yeni formu ile geleneğin popüler tarza dönüşmesinde Türk müziğinin en önemli bestekarlarındandır. O’nun film müziği besteciliği bu dönüşümü sağlayan en büyük etkenlerdendir. Cumhuriyet politikaları doğrultusunda geleneksel müziği unutturmak amaçlı başlatılan yasaklama süreci, halkın radyolarda Arap müziği yayınlarını aramaya başlamasına, ardından II. Dünya Savaşı ile kapanan Avrupa pazarlarının yerini Mısır filmlerinin almasına sebep olmuştur. 1938’de filmlerin şarkılarının Arapça söylenmesi yasaklanınca; şarkılar konularına göre yazılan yeni şarkılarla ya da üzerlerine Türkçe sözler yazılarak seslendirilmeye başlanmıştır. Böylelikle “Adaptasyon” adı verilen şarkı türü ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu anlayışın en önemli ismi de Sadettin Kaynak olmuştur. Kaynak, tespit edilen 669 eserinin 218 tanesini, 61 film için bestelemiştir. Bu besteler dönemin ses sanatçıları tarafından plaklara da okunmuş, eğlence mekanları icralarının da vazgeçilmezi olmuştur. Tüm bu unsurlar Türk müziğinin halka ulaşıp popülerleşmesini sağlamıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, gerek tümdengelim yöntemiyle yaşadığı dönemin genel özelliklerinden Sadettin Kaynak’a, gerekse tümevarım yöntemiyle Sadettin Kaynak’ın sosyal, müzikal kimliklerinden yaşanılan döneme ulaşılarak, O’nun film müziği besteciliği paralelinde Türk müziğinin popülerleşmesini incelemektir. Tarihsel araştırma, gazete / süreli yayın taraması ve müzikal analiz yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı çalışmada bu yöntemler popüler kültür / kitle kültürü teorileri bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk müziği, Sadettin Kaynak, film müziği, popülerleşme

    Sex-hormone-binding globulin early in pregnancy for the prediction of severe gestational diabetes mellitus and related complications

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) for the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and to clarify the association between SHBG levels and GDM complications/medication requirements. Material and Methods: Among the participants (n = 93) who provided blood samples between 13 and 16 weeks’ gestation, 30 cases subsequently developed GDM. Complications and medical interventions were noted. The best cut-off point of SHBG and diagnostic performance were calculated. Results: The mean age was 28.45 - 5.0 years. SHBG levels were lower in the GDM group (n = 30) when compared with non-GDM (n = 63) cases (<0.01). Among the GDM women, SHBG was lower in the insulin therapy group (n = 15) compared with medical nutritional therapy alone (n = 15) (P < 0.01). A good predictive accuracy of SHBG was found for GDM requiring insulin therapy (area under the curve: 0.866, 95% confidence interval: 0.773–0.959). An SHBG threshold for 97.47 nmol/L had a sensitivity of 80.0%, specificity 84.6%, positive predictive value 50.0% and negative predictive value 95.7%. The calculated odds ratio for SHBG < 97.47 nmol/L was 12.346 (95% confidence interval: 1.786–83.33). Conclusions: SHBG is valuable for screening women early in pregnancy for GDM risk; however, a standard assay for analyses and a threshold level of serum SHBG for a constant gestational week has to be determined

    Hidden Danger: Superbug Escherichia coli Isolated from Urine Isolates of Outpatient Women with Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS Escherichia coli (E. coli) is responsible for the vast majority of uncomplicated bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) cases in women. The high ability of the isolates to develop antimicrobial resistance makes the treatment difficult. In this study, we investigated the presence of plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance (PMQR) genes in E. coli isolates and their relationship with extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL). MATERIAL and METHODS A total of 300 E. coli isolates from urine specimens of women, including 108 ESBL producers and 192 non-ESBL producers, were analyzed. The ESBL production was examined using the E-test ESBL strips, and the carbapenemase activity was examined using the CarbaNP test. The presence of PMQR genes (qnrA, qnrB, qnrS, and aac (6´)-Ib) among urine isolates was investigated using polymerase chain reaction. Conjugation experiments were performed to detect the horizontal transferability of the PMQR-positive plasmid. RESULTS Among the ESBL-EC isolates, ciprofloxacin resistance was determined at 69%. Eight isolates were resistant to carbapenems. The aac(6’)-Ib-cr variant was found in 40% of ciprofloxacin-resistant E. coli isolates. None of the isolates harbored the qnrA, qnrB, or qnrS gene. The transferability was 14% for aac(6’)-Ib-cr. The MICs of transconjugants showed increased resistance to fluoroquinolones compared with the recipient E. coli J53AzR. CONCLUSION: This study showed that the frequency of PMQR genes in ESBL-producing superbug E. coli isolates reduced therapeutic options for treating community-acquired UTIs in affected women and that a careful use of antibiotics is very important

    Atherogenic dyslipidemia, subclinical atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance in polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Objective: We aimed to explore the relationship between insulin resistance (IR) and small dense lipoprotein (sd-LDL) particles, carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in young normal weight PCOS cases. Methods: This prospective, case-control study was designed in a University Hospital and 34 women with PCOS and 21 healthy controls were enrolled. Fasting plasma glucose, insulin, lipid (including sd-LDL particles) and hormone profiles, abdominal ultrasound and CIMT were evaluated. Results: IR was present in 68% of PCOS group while in none of controls. High density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), triglycerides (TG), and sd-LDL were higher in patients with IR (p<0.05). A positive correlation of sd-LDL with IR, VLDL and TG was found. A significantly higher rate of NAFLD and CIMT was found in PCOS. Totaltestosterone levels were weakly and positively correlated with CIMT (r=0.277, p=0.041). Conclusion: Insulin resistance and NAFLD are highly prevalent among young normal weight PCOS patients. When compared to controls levels of sd-LDL and CIMT are increased in PCOS. Insulin resistance is the key parameter for NAFLD and atherogenic dyslipidemia in PCOS. Hence, screening for NAFLD may be valuable for detection and prevention of liver disease. Higher levels of sd-LDL in insülin resistant PCOS cases necessiates treating PCOS for I

    Maternal and umbilical cord ischemia-modified albumin levels in nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings regarding the mode of delivery

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    Objective: To evaluate umbilical cord blood ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) levels in cases of fetal distress (FD) and to explore fetal blood IMA levels regarding the route of delivery. Methods: Umbilical cord and maternal serum IMA concentrations were assessed in term 40 cases with cesarean section (CS) due to FD, 76 cases with elective repeat CS and 85 cases with noncomplicated vaginal delivery. Results: The maternal and umbilical cord IMA levels were significantly lower in vaginal deliveries when compared with CS cases either in FD or previous CS groups (p = 0.02). Although no statistically significant difference was found in IMA levels of CS groups (previous CS vs. FD), cord blood IMA levels tend to be higher in FD group. Neither demographic characteristics nor fetal outcome parameters were found to have any correlation with maternal IMA levels. However, umbilical cord IMA levels were found to be negatively correlated with 1th min Apgar scores (r = –0.143, p = 0.043). Conclusions: IMA seems to be responsive to hypoxic FD showing the highest levels in cases with severe fetal hypoxia. Higher levels of IMA in cases with elective repeat CS might indicate acute transient hypoxia and possible myocardial ischemia in these cases

    The correlation between birth weight and insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1), and three-dimensional fetal volume

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the relationship between birth weight, and maternal serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) and kisspeptin-1 (KISS-1) levels, and first-trimester fetal volume (FV) based on three-dimensional ultrasonography. Materials and methods: The study included 142 pregnant women at gestational week 11 degrees-13(6). All fetuses were imaged ultrasonographically by the same physician. Maternal blood samples were collected at the time of ultrasonographic evaluation and analyzed for IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Maternal and neonatal weights were recorded at birth. Birth weight 90th percentiles was defined as small and large for gestational age (SGA and LGA), respectively. Results: Median crown-rump length (CRL), FV, and maternal serum IGFBP-1 and KISS-1 levels were 58.2 mm (35.3-79.2 mm), 16.3 cm(3) (3.8-34.4 cm(3)), 68.1 ng mL(-1) (3.8-377.9 mL(-1)), and 99.7 ng L-1 (42.1-965.3 ng L-1), respectively. First-trimester IGFBP-1 levels were significantly lower in the mothers with LGA neonates (p .05). The maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester was a significant independent factor for SGA and LGA neonates (Odds ratio (OR): 0.011, 95%CI: 1.005-1.018, p < .001; and OR: 1.297, 95%CI: 1.074-1.566, p = .007, respectively). There was no significant relationship between SGA or LGA, and CRL, FV, or the KISS-1 level. Conclusions: As compared to the maternal KISS-1 level, the maternal IGFBP-1 level during the first trimester might be a better biomarker of fetal growth. Additional larger scale studies are needed to further delineate the utility of IGFBP-1 as a marker of abnormal birth weight

    Dizajn maske za lice s UVC-LED zračenjem i njezina djelotvornost protiv uobičajenih klica

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the best means of personal protection was using face masks. In this context, the World Health Organization has declared the attempts to produce masks inactivating airborne virus species a welcome initiative. This preliminary study aimed to prove that airborne germs passing through a mask filter cartridge can be destroyed by the rays emitted from UVC LEDs placed in such cartridge. We therefore designed such a face mask and tested the efficiency of UVC LEDs placed in its cartridge against common contaminants, gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 virus because of its similarity with SARS CoV-2. Eight UVC LEDs with a total power of 75 mW provided sufficient germicidal effect for all three germs. In terms of safety, ozone production released during UVC LED emission was negligible. Our findings are promising, as they show that well-designed UVC-based face masks can be effective against airborne germs, but further research on a greater sample may help us learn more and optimise such face masks.Tijekom pandemije Covida-19 jedan od najboljih oblika osobne zaštite bilo je nošenje maski za lice. U tom je smislu Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija pozdravila pokušaje izrade maski koje ubijaju virusne vrste koje se prenose zrakom. Cilj je ovoga preliminarnog istraživanja bio dokazati da se zrakom nošene klice koje prolaze kroz filtarske uloške mogu uništiti zračenjem UVC ledica smještenih u takve uloške. Stoga smo osmislili masku za lice s tom namjenom i iskušali djelotvornost UVC ledica protiv uobičajenih izvora zaraza: gram-pozitivnoga Staphylococcus aureus, gram-negativnoga Pseudomonas aeruginosa i virusa influence A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 zbog njegove sličnosti s virusom SARS CoV-2. Osam UVC ledica ukupne snage 75 mW iskazale su dovoljan germicidni učinak protiv svih triju klica. U smislu sigurnosti primjene, ozon proizveden tijekom UVC-LED zračenja pokazao se zanemarivim. Naši su rezultati obećavajući jer pokazuju da dobro osmišljene maske za lice s UVC zračenjem mogu biti djelotvorne protiv zrakom nošenih klica, ali će tek daljnja istraživanja na većem uzorku pomoći da doznamo više i usavršimo takve maske za lice