13 research outputs found

    İlaçlamada Çalışan Belediye Personelinin Biyosidal Ürün Uygulaması Konusundaki Bazı Bilgi ve Davranışları ile Etkilenimle İlişkili Olabilecek Sağlık Yakınmalarının Belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to assess the working conditions of pesticide exterminators and their health complaints which might be related with pesticides and their application. A questionnaire consisting of 50 questions was administered under observation to 1344 pesticide applicators working in municipalities of 63 provinces. All pesticide applicators were male. Mean age was 37.2 8.8 years. Eighty-eight percent worked for private companies and 6.2% for municipalities; 85.1% had received relevant training. A further 9.8% continued their daily lives wearing the same clothes used during pesticide application. However, 40.4% had their clothes washed after each application; 70.1% said that clothes were washed at home, and 79.0% reported these were washed together with other clothes. More than 90% of participants did not consume food and drink during application. Approximately half of them had opportunity of showering in their workplace. Ninety two point six percent of the participants were sBu çalışma canlıkıran uygulama işi yapanların çalışma özellikleri, uygulamaları ve canlıkıranlarla ilişkili sağlık yakınmalarının bulunma durumunu değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Altmış üç ilde belediyelerde pestisit uygulama işi yapan 1344 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Katılımcıların tamamı erkek, yaş ortalaması 37,2 8,8 olup %88,0 ı özel firma, %6,2 si belediye çalışanıdır. İşle ilgili eğitim alanlar grubun %85,1 idir. Katılımcıların %40,4 ü her uygulamadan sonra üzerindeki kıyafeti yıkatmakta, %9,8 i üzerindeki kıyafetle günlük yaşantısına devam etmektedir. Yüzde 70,1 i canlıkıran uygulaması sırasında giydiği kıyafeti evde, %79,0 ı evde diğer çamaşırlarla birlikte yıkatmaktadır. Katılımcıların %90,0 ından fazlası uygulama sırasında bir şey yiyip içmemektedir. Yaklaşık yarısının işyerinde duş alma olanağı bulunmaktadır. Her uygulama sonrası duş alanların yüzdesi %92,6 dır. Kişisel koruyucu malzemelerin kullanılma sıklıkları; gözlük %87,0, maske %88,0, lastik çizme %90,0, şapk

    Water management in Turkish municipalities from the perspective of employees

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the views of water management employees with regards to the work being done on water management facilities in the municipalities of Turkey. Method: In this descriptive study, 461 employees from 481 municipalities were interviewed (participation rate 95.8%). The data was collected under observation. Results: 42.4% of the participants worked in water management related jobs where their tasks were not directly related to water. 78.6% of participants did not receive any training on water management. No water tank cleaning is done in 0.7% of municipalities. 59.0% of water tank cleaning personnel did not receive any training on this subject. 97.6% of the participants disclosed that chlorine is still being used for water disinfection in their municipalities. However, 88.6% think that water should be chlorinated for disinfection. 10.0% of the participants stated that they worked on water structures inside of buildings. In 77.3% of the municipalities, network water is used for watering public parks and gardens.  Conclusions: Municipalities should hire personnel who have been trained on all stages of water management. Recruitment of certified and trained personnel in the most extreme applications, such as network control and water storage, must be compulsory

    The Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in Relation to Human Health

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    This review paper aimed to summarize the climate change impacts on water sources and their relation with human and ecosystem health and evaluate better management strategies. In aquatic environments, climate change causes alteration of biodiversity and species distribution, changes in the duration of biological functions, decreasing productivities, alteration in food web structures, as well as triggering the invasion of various species, and variation in the presence, abundance, and concentrations of various co-stressors. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the surface water temperature in the oceans has risen by about 1°C. Consequently, human well-being is directly and indirectly affected by these alterations. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 3.5 million people die from water-related diseases each year. It is projected that the number of water-related diseases will increase due to the effects of climate change. To cope with these problems, alternative water management strategies should be developed to have resilient water systems in terms of both ecological and technological perspectives. Thus, water management requires the cooperation of many sectors including citizens, institutions, public and private sectors, etc. within a multi-stakeholder approach