69 research outputs found

    Ethnicity, multiculturalism and the problem of culture

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    Chapter 6 Making or unmaking a movement?

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    This article discusses dilemmas of global civic activism from a neo-Gramscian perspective as both subordinated and a potential challenge to hegemonic neoliberal order. With the investigational focus on the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA) event, the space for civic activism relating to the intergovernmental Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and its associated Civil Society Days and Common Space is analysed. The article asks how the future of PGA activism may be influenced by its formalized representation within the GFMD. It posits that the PGA has landed at a crossroad between becoming a global activist counterhegemonic movement to a dominant neoliberal migration policy and being captured in a tokenist subordinated inclusion within a truncated ‘invited space’ for interchange. This ambiguous position jeopardizes its impact on global migration governance, discussed with reference to theories of transversal politics and issues of counterhegemonic alliance-building

    Mladi i društveno isključivanje u »multikulturnoj« Švedskoj

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    The paper examines social exclusion of young people from an increasingly ethnically segmented labour market in Sweden. Discrimination of new ethnic minorities in the ethnically complex and socially charged environments of Stockholm, the author maintains, is hidden in a fog of stereotypical images of cultural differences. What is not usually recognised are social inequalities, and that the social struggle continues through the cultural. It is here, in the context of segregated living conditions, that not only new inclusive transethnic identities and composite cultural expressions but also new ethnic street corner fundamentalisms are emerging.Članak istražuje društveno isključivanje mladih iz sve više etnički segmentiranog tržišta rada u Švedskoj. Autorica smatra da je diskriminacija novih etničkih manjina u etnički složenom i društveno opterećenom okruženju u Stockholmu sakrivena u magli stereotipnih slika kulturnih razlika. Ono što se obično ne prepoznaje jesu društvene nejednakosti i nastavak društvene borbe u kulturnoj sferi. Upravo ovdje, u kontekstu odijeljenih životnih prilika, nastaju ne samo novi uklapajući transetnički identiteti i složeni načini izražavanja nego također i novi etnički fundamentalizmi

    Chapter 6 Making or unmaking a movement?

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    This article discusses dilemmas of global civic activism from a neo-Gramscian perspective as both subordinated and a potential challenge to hegemonic neoliberal order. With the investigational focus on the People’s Global Action on Migration, Development and Human Rights (PGA) event, the space for civic activism relating to the intergovernmental Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and its associated Civil Society Days and Common Space is analysed. The article asks how the future of PGA activism may be influenced by its formalized representation within the GFMD. It posits that the PGA has landed at a crossroad between becoming a global activist counterhegemonic movement to a dominant neoliberal migration policy and being captured in a tokenist subordinated inclusion within a truncated ‘invited space’ for interchange. This ambiguous position jeopardizes its impact on global migration governance, discussed with reference to theories of transversal politics and issues of counterhegemonic alliance-building

    Asimetrično partnerstvo: migrantske organizacije, sindikati i pravobranitelj za ravnopravnost

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    The study examines civil society agency for social inclusion among Associations Founded on Ethnic Grounds (AFEGs), focusing on their engagement for combating discrimination and enhancing migrant incorporation into the Swedish labour market. The overall rationale of the study investigates the complex institutional conditionality of AFEGs for developing their agency as social movement and civil society actors. The main aim of this study has been to understand how anti-discrimination agencies run by AFEGs, with subsidy support by the state, describe their experiences, and which implications the subsidy may have for the orientation and direction of their actions. The study comprises primarily interviews with anti-discrimination lawyers and heads of two agencies, but also interviews with representatives for the Equality Ombudsman. The greatest challenge for the agencies has been caused by subsidy cutbacks, which have affected both the working conditions of the agencies and other engagements of the AFEGs, such as educational courses among their members, awareness raising concerning the issues of anti-discrimination among different officials, in municipalities, trade unions and among employers. Due to the cutbacks, the civil society actors such as AFEGs have been forced to adapt to market principles by becoming entrepreneurs specialised, in this case, in the field of anti-discrimination law. The study further analyses the effects of this development as well as opportunity structures for collaboration with trade unions and the Equality Ombudsman. Even though these partnerships reveal relational asymmetries, the authors call attention to current and possible future openings in opportunity structures for wider collaboration between AFEGs, trade unions and the Equality Ombudsman.U radu se istražujuje sposobnost djelovanja civilnoga društva vezanu uz društvenu uključenost unutar Udruga organiziranih na etničkoj osnovi (AFEG), a naglasak je na njihovu zalaganju za borbu protiv diskriminacije migranta i za poticanje uključivanja migranata na švedsko tržište rada. U središtu je istraživanja složena institucionalna uvjetovanost AFEG-â, kao društvenoga pokreta i kao akterâ civilnoga društva, u razvoju njihove sposobnosti djelovanja protiv diskriminacije. Glavni je cilj ovoga istraživanja doznati kako antidiskriminacijske agencije u okviru AFEG-â, koje subvencionira država, tumače svoja iskustva i koje implikacije mogu imati subvencije na orijentaciju i smjer njihova djelovanja? Studija ponajprije sadržava intervjue s antidiskriminacijskim odvjetnicima i rukovoditeljima dviju agencija te, također, s predstavnicima pravobranitelja za ravnopravnost. Najveći izazov agencijama predstavlja smanjenje državnih subvencija, što utječe kako na radne uvjete agencija tako i na druge aktivnosti AFEG-â, poput različitih oblika obrazovanja njihovih članica, podizanja svijesti o antidiskriminacijskim pitanjima među različitim službenicima, u općinama, sindikatima i među poslodavcima. Zbog smanjenja subvencija, akteri civilnoga društva poput AFEG-â bili su prisiljeni prilagoditi se načelima tržišta i postati specijalizirani poduzetnici, u ovome slučaju na području antidiskriminacijskoga prava. Nadalje, u radu se analiziraju učinci takvoga slijeda događaja kao i mogućnosti suradnje sa sindikatima i pravobraniteljem za ravnopravnost. Iako ta partnerstva otkrivaju asimetričnost odnosâ, zaključuje se o mogućnosti strukturnih otvaranja za širu suradnju AFEG-â, sindikata i pravobranitelja za ravnopravnost

    Del 1. Efterkrigsintereuropeisk arbetsmigration : Jugoslavien ; Del 2. Emigration och förändringar i ett lokalt samhälle : Vrlika

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    This is the first report from a research project entitled "Migration and Social Change". The problem discussed in the report concerns the causes and effects of migration from Yugoslavia after World War II. I look upon problems of migration as a process covering sequences in time and space, and as the process that in its internal dynamics connects history with the present events, small countryside community with the European metropols, Dalmatian peasant with the World economy.The report consists of three parts. The first part deals with selected aspects of the intereuropean migration especially with the questions of winners and losers in the flows of migration.The second part deals with the Yugoslavian emigration, its structural causes and its historical background. The focus is on the Reform of 1965, its socio-economic implications and effects.The third part deals with Yugoslavian emigration and its effects on the small countryside community of Vrlika. The local cuiturai-historical heritage and present events mix in a complicated manner in the local area as i.e. when the outside forces are impacting on the traditional modes of living, and in this process new problems and opportunities are developing.digitalisering@um

    Swedish Multicultural Society

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    Alekandra Ålund here analyses the complexprocesses of transformation that have taken placein Sweden in the 1990s, which have caused uproarin a society once widely admired for its humanepolicies towards its overseas-born citizens.The authors fore name is misspelled in the article. The correct name is Aleksandra.</p