26 research outputs found

    Diversity and abundance of planktonic communities in the deep waters off the galician coast (NW Spain)

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    Comunicación oralPlanktonic communities play pivotal roles within marine ecosystems, affecting their structure, functioning and services. Although they have been extensively studied in the epipelagic ocean, the knowledge about these communities in the dark ocean is rather short. In this study, we explored patterns of abundance and biomass of a wide variety of taxonomic groups from the prokaryotes to mesozooplankton in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic waters off the Galician coast. As expected, ciliate and zooplankton abundances are depleted in the bathypelagic waters relative to abundances of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates. The rate of decrease of zooplankton biomass with depth is twice as that of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates, indicating that relative contribution of mesozooplancton to the total plankton biomass decreases with depth. Overall, the diversity of prokaryotes in the dark ocean is almost as high as in the epipelagic layer, although the phylotypes are different. The major fraction of epipelagic ciliates belongs to alloricate genera, whereas tintinnids dominate the deep ciliate populations. Small copepods were dominant in the epi- and meso-pelagic zone. By contrast, foraminiferans, big copepods and myctophic fishes were more abundant in the deep ocean

    Recent changes in the pelagic ecosystem of the Iberian Atlantic in the context of multidecadal variability

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    Trends in ecosystem variables of the Eastern North Atlantic shelf near the Iberian Peninsula were analysed in relation to regional climate and oceanographic variability. In addition, detailed changes in oceanographic properties (surface temperature, upwelling and poleward current activity) and biological components (plankton and pelagic consumers) in the period 1989-2005 were compared with the main trends and multidecadal periods observed in time series dating back to 1950. In contrast to previous studies, the North Atlantic Oscillation did not appear as the main influence in the climate of the North Iberian region, while East-West and subtropical gradients were the dominant modes. Climatic oscillations at decadal scales were paralleled by similar oscillations in oceanographic and biological variables, but the latter appeared weakly related to climate. Time- lags of up to 5 years in the biological response may partly explain these relationships. The main planktivorous fish species (sardine and anchovy) alternate in periods of 10-15 years of relative dominance, in synchrony with equivalent species around the world. In contrast, plankton cycles appear greatly modified after 1990 in coincidence with shifts in climatic and oceanographic variables. Subregional variability indicated divergent trends in biological variables, particularly the zooplankton increase off A Coruña and the decrease in the Bay of Biscay since 1990. Such divergences are related to direct and indirect effects of global changes in this transitional upwelling region

    El ecosistema pelágico

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    Oceanographical patterns during a summer upwelling-downwelling event in the Northern Galician Rias: comparison with the whole Ria system (NW of Iberian Peninsula)

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    Summer upwelling and downwelling processes were characterized in the Northern Galician Rias during July and August 2008 by means of sampling carried out onboard R/V Mytilus (CSIC) and R/V Lura (IEO). Thermohaline variables, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, chlorophyll, phytoplankton, ciliates and zooplankton abundances were measured at sections located in the Rias of Viveiro, Barqueiro and Ortigueira and their adjacent shelves. Ekman transport was calculated from QuikSCAT satellite, upwelling intensity estimated with upwelling index from the average daily geostrophic winds, and SST maps obtained from NASA GHRSST satellite. Ekman transport and SST behaviour showed two different patterns: (i) offshore and upwelling favourable conditions on 13-22nd of July; (ii) onshore and downwelling favourable conditions from 23rd July to 19th August. During upwelling, TS diagram showed an intrusion of Eastern North Atlantic Central Water affecting the continental shelf but not the rias. Nutrient salt concentrations increased with depth, reaching their maximum values near the mouth of Ortigueira Ria. During downwelling, coastal water increased its temperature (18.5-19.8°C) and was retained inside rias; nutrients were nearly depleted, except for the innermost ria (estuarine zone) due to fluvial nutrient inputs. In this inner area, the maximum of chlorophyll-a (Barqueiro Ria) was observed. Low phytoplankton abundances were measured in both cases, even though a short increase in the plankton biomass was observed inside rias during upwelling, while under downwelling a small red tide of Lingulodinium polyedrum was detected. During the upwelling period Northern Rias tend to be mesotrophic systems as revealed by nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll levels and plankton abundances. On the contrary, in similar situations, the Western Rias behaves as eutrophics.In the Northern Galician shelf, the average of upwelling (downwelling) was 1.9±0.8 (2.1±1.0)eventsyr-1 from May to September (1990-2008) considering at least one week with favourable wind conditions and UI averages out of the range of ±500m3s-1km-1.was supported by the project ‘Influence of meteorological forcing, land geochemistry and estuarine zone in the hydrodynamic, biogeochemical cycle of trace metal and rare earth and plankton transport in the Northern Galician Rias (NW Spain)’ financed by CICYT, ref. CTM2007-62546-C03/MAR (Acronym: INTERESANTE).Peer reviewe