120 research outputs found

    Communication Strategies in Developing Speaking Skill Used by Students of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Program of Ushuluddin and Dakwah Faculty at IAIN Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018

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    Speaking is one important skill in language. To communicate effectively, students need to use some strategies. This study was conducted to investigate the types of communication strategies, the dominant type and the factors of using the communication strategies in developing speaking skill used by the students of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Program of Ushuluddin and Dakwah Faculty at IAIN Surakarta in academic year 2017/2018. This study was qualitative research in form of case study. The data of this study were the utterances taken from videos of students’ speaking class of the first semester students and the result of classroom observation in the class 1A and 1 B. The data were analyzed by using the Dornyei’s theory of Communication Strategies. The data were analyzed by using the Communication Strategies proposed by Dornyei. The result of this study showed that in speaking, the students did not use all the communication strategies of Dornyei’s Taxonomy. The type of the Communication Strategies used by the students were 4 (four) utterances or 0.9 % of message abandonments, 1 (one) utterances or 1.0 % of topic avoidance, 10 (ten) utterances or 2.3 % of approximation, 1 (one) utterances or 0.2 % of the use of all- purpose words, 7 (seven) utterances or 1.6 % for the use of non- linguistic means, 19 (nineteen) utterances or 4.3 % for the literal translation, 3 (three) utterances or 0.7 of foreignizing, 6 (six) utterances or 1.4 % for code switching, 26 (twenty six) utterances or 5.9% of stalling or time-gaining. Therefore, the dominant type of communication Strategies used by students was the use of stalling or time-gaining by 5.9% of utterances. There were five factors of students to use the Communication Strategies namely: 1) the pertinent to performance conditions. The students get the pressure because the situation of classroom is too crowded and held in the evening time that made students were too tired. 2) it related to affective ones like motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic), self-confidence and anxiety (worry, frustration, self-doubt, uneasiness). 3) Listening ability. 4) Topical Knowledge. 5) The feedback during speaking activity. This finding concluded that Communication Strategies were needed in speaking. Keywords: Communication Strategies, speaking, Factors in using CS

    The Implementation Of Inquiry-Based Learning For The Teaching Of English At SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta In 2017/2018 Academic Year

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    This research aims to describe the the implementation of Inquiry-based Learning for the teaching of English at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta academic year 2017/2018 focusing on identifying the classroom techniques implemented by the teacher, teacher’s role, and students’ role. This was a descriptive qualitative research in which the data were collected through observation, interview, and documentation. To analyze the data, the researcher applied interactive analysis method covering three stages, namely: data reduction, data discussion, and data conclusion and data verification. The results showed that 1) the classroom techniques used by the teacher were various, namely oral repetition, reading aloud, reading comprehension, classroom discussion, question-answer, and storytelling; 2) the teacher played various roles, namely as a planner, controller, manager, motivator, explainer, and facilitator; and 3) The students’ roles were as subject of learning, object of learning, monitor and evaluator, the tutor of others learners, member of a group, and students learned from the teacher, other students, and other resources

    Metacognitive Strategy Used To Improve Reading Skill By English Good Achievers : A Case Study At SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta In Academic Year 2019/2020

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    This study aims at: (1) describing the metacognitive strategies used by good achievers in XI IPA SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta, and (2) explaining the metacognitive strategies which are most preferred by good achievers in XI IPA of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta in learning reading. The research subject consisted of 6 students, and the object of this study was the good achievers in the use of metacognitive strategies in reading skills.The study uses qualitative methods, namely by conducting observations, questionnaires, and interviews. Techniques of data analysis use data collection, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of thisstudy show that: (1) there are three metacognitive strategies used by good achievers, namely : centering your learning, arranging andplanning your learning, evaluating and planning, (2) there are eight strategies most widely used by good achievers in learning, namely: delaying speech production to focus on reading, self-monitoring, paying attention, finding out about language learning, identifying the purpose of a language task, overview and linking with already known material, setting goals and objective, and seeking practice opportunities

    Metacognitive Strategies Used to Improve Reading Skills by English Good Achievers: A Case Study in Eleventh Grade at SMA N 1 Ngemplak 
in 2019/2020 Academic Year

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    This study is to describe (1) metacognitive strategies used by high achieving students in Ngemplak secondary school in learning to improve reading skills, and 2) students' tendency to use metacognitive indicators of strategy. Data collection methods used were through questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis uses data reduction, data display. The results showed that (1) students used learning strategies by delaying to focus on listening; (2) students are able to pay attention in class (3) students are able to plan assignments


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    Penelitian ini tentang analisa strategi belajar siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara. Cara belajar ini berdasarkan klasifikasi strategi belajar bahasa oleh Oxford. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi strategi belajar siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara , untuk menganalisa factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi belajar oleh siswa – siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara, untuk mengidentifikasi strategi belajar yang paling dominan digunakan oleh siswa-siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara, untuk mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan strategi belajar yang digunakan oleh siswa-siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang berfokus pada study kasus. Peserta dari penelitian ini adalah dua orang siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara. Pemilihan siswa berdasarkan pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Data – data dikumpulkan dari pengamatan, dokumen, angket dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa-siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara menggunakan enam strategi yang dicetuskan oleh Oxford. Perbedaannya ada pada frekuensi penggunaan dari keenam strategy tersebut. Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan strategi belajar oleh siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara adalah kecakapan dalam belajar bahasa, gaya belajar, sikap dan motivasi, kepribadian dan pengaruh guru. Strategi yang dominan digunakan oleh siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan belajar adalah strategi Compenstaion. Dua siswa MAN Karanggede yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara memiliki persamaan yaitu rata-rata nilai tertinggi mereka jatuh pada penggunaan strategi Compensation dan rata-rata nilai terendah adalah strategi Social. Strategi kedua yang sering diguanakan oleh siswa 1 adalah strategi metacognitive sedangkan siswa 2 adalah strategi memory. Kata Kunci: Strategi belajar, Siswa yang berkompeten dalam kemampuan berbicara Abstract This research is about the analysis of learning strategy used by good oral competent students in speaking skill. The learning strategy is based on the Oxford’s classification of language learning strategy. The objectives of the research are to identify learning strategies used by good oral competent students, to analyze factors that contribute to the choice of learning strategies used by good oral competent students, to identify the dominant strategies used by good oral competent students, to identify the similarities and the differences of learning strategies used by good oral competent students. This is qualitative research which focuses on case study research. The participants of the research are two good oral competent students of MAN Karanggede which are choosed based on the observation, documentation and the criteria of good language learners. The data are collected from questionnaire and interview. The findings show that good oral competent students applied six types of learning strategy proposed by Oxford. The difference learning strategy used by two good oral competent students is on frequency of use learning strategy. The factors that contribute to the choice of learning strategies are level of language learning proficiency, cognitive or learning style, attitude and motivation, personality and teacher influences. The dominant learning strategy used by good oral competent students is compensation strategy which student 1 includes in high use and student 2 in medium use. Two good oral competent students of MAN Karanggede have same similarities that are the highest mean score of learning strategy use is compensation strategy and the lowest mean score is social strategy. The second strategy which is frequently used by student 1 is metacognitive strategy, but student 2 frequently uses memory strategy

    Teaching Learning Process Of English At State Elementary Schools In Boyolali

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    The objective of this research was to describe the teaching learning process of English that happened in state elementary schools in Boyolali as detail that include syllabus, learning objective, material, method that included classroom technique, teacher roles and student roles, media, evaluation model and advantages and weakness during teaching learning process done . It is the qualitative research that used ethnography method to explain the detail of this research. The data of this research is collected by three ways, they are (1) classroom observation, here the writer observes the teaching learning process of English that happened at state elementary school in Boyolali, (2) Interview, the interview is done for several people that have related with the research, they are English teacher, students, and principal, (3) Document analysis, the document that is collected, it is the document that has related with the research, they are syllabus, module and form of marks and evaluation. And then the technique of data analysis that used in this research are there several steps they are (1) Data Collecting, (2) Data Reducing, (3) Data Presenting, and (4) Conclusion and Verification. And based the research the writer found that (1) syllabus, they used mix syllabus that consist of functional-national syllabus and situational syllabus, (2) learning objective, as generally, the learning objective was taken from government regulation number 22 at 2006 and then as specification adjust the theme that leant that day, (3) material, the material that was presented, taken from textbook and supplementary book, (4) method that they used eclectic method in their classroom that combine several method of language, (5) Media, the media that was used flash cards, picture and real pictures, (6) evaluation model that used consist of summative and formative test

    The Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In Teaching English At Mtsn 1 Sragen In 2011/2012 Academic Year

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    This study aims at describing the implementation of Genre-based Approach at MTsN 1 Sragen. The objective of the study is to describe the teaching learning process at MTsN 1 Sragen using Genre-based Approach. The writer applies descriptive qualitative research uses ethnographic study as the type of this research. The data are derived from event, document, and informant. There are three methods of collecting data namely: observation, interview, and document. The techniques for analyzing data are reducing, display, and verifying. The result of this research shows that the goal of teaching English is to enable the students in understanding English as means of communication and active in practicing English. The classroom procedure consists of two patterns. The first patterns are BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. The second patterns are BKOF, MOT, and ICOT. The classroom activities consist of the activities during BKOF, namely asking question and giving explanation. The activity during MOT is giving model text. The activity during JCOT is group work and the activities during ICOT are giving task in the classroom and giving the task as homework. The writer also found the strength and the weakness based on the syllabus, indicator, material and classroom procedure. The teacher of MTsN 1 Sragen does not always use the stages of Genre-based Approach in teaching English

    The English Teaching And Learning Process of MAN 1 Boyolali

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    THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF MAN 1 BOYOLALI by WINDRATI NIM. S 200110050 [email protected] ABSTRACT English as means as international communication in the world. It is world window to attain enormous knowledge. The existence of English teaching learning process is a current issue in senior high school. It is needed to face Asian Economic Community. The purposes of this study are expose briefly the English teaching learning process of MAN 1 Boyolali namely : learning objective, syllabus, classroom procedure, classroom technique, learning material, teacher and student’s role, media, assessment and strength and weaknesses. The study was an micro ethnographic study. The result of research portrays learning objective categorized into general and specific outcome. The syllabus of research is mixed syllabus. It consist of functional, structural, lexical, genre based text and skill based syllabus. The classroom procedure is two pattern namely : BKOF-MOT-JCOT-ICOT and BKOF-MOT-ICOT. The classroom technique are mind mapping, brainstorming, think-pair-share, think-aloud pair problem solving, drilling, questioning, presenting, practicing, discussing, and concluding. The learning material is divided into printed for instance, handbook, worksheet , handout and and unprinted such as MP3 file, slide, cassette and CD room. The Student’s role are as listener, an active participant, a processor, coordinator and problem solver. The teacher’s role are a manager, guide and instructor, a guide and instructor and explainer. The media are language laboratory, laptop and LCD projector, internet and , speaker active. The assessment applied to written test such as dialogue completion task, multiple choice and listening close task. It also uses observation, portfolio and project in assessment. There are strength and weakness among English teaching learning process at MAN 1 Boyolali. Due to to finding , discussion, conclusion and implication, the writer suggests for English teacher to enlarge their knowledge and involves their student in classroom actively. The application of variety methods, model and technique are obviously needed in English teaching. The writer also recommends for future to inflate the study in other research field. Keywords: Teaching, Learning , Proces

    Reading Learning Strategies Used By English Good Achievers: A Case Study At Eight Grade Of SMP N 4 Surakarta

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the metacognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective strategies used by the students and the implementation in practice. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative by using a case study. The data sources were carried out through informant and event. The subject of this research was the six good achievers of eight grade at the eight grade SMPN 4 Surakarta. The researcher used classifying data based on O’Malley taxonomy. The object of this research was focused on the O 'Malley learning startegies' used by good achievers to understand reading comprehension. The data collection techniques used in this research were open-ended questionnaire and in-depth interview. To analyze the data, the researcher used data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion / verification. The researcher used triangulation to validate the data. The result of this research shows that almost all good achievers used O’Malley’s learning strategies to understand reading comprehension when they learning. This research found that good achievers prefer to use socio-affective strategy

    An Error Analysis On Writing Descriptive Text Made By The Eighth Grade Students Of Smp N 3 Kartasura In 2015/2016 Academic Year

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the types of learners’ error on writing descriptive text by eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Kartasura in 2015/2016 academic year. There are five objectives of the study consists of 1) classifying the type of morphological error, 2) identifying the type of syntactical error, 3) describing the type of discourse error, 4) describing the frequency of types of error, and 5) explaining the sources of error. The type of this study is descriptive qualitative research. The data of this study is erroneous sentence in descriptive text and the data source of this study is document of descriptive text made by eighth grade students. The researcher uses elicitation technique as a technique of collecting the data. There are four steps to collect the data; the researcher comes to the class appropriate with the English schedule of eighth grade students, the researcher asks to write a descriptive text and the researcher waits the students until finish their works, the researcher collects the data of students’ writing, then reads and marks the type of errors that occurs in students’ writing. The researcher identifies the erroneous sentence, and then classifies the types of errors based on linguistic category and surface strategy taxonomy. The researcher uses James’s theory to classify of error, the researcher uses Slamet’s theory to count the frequency of type of error, and the researcher uses the theory from Brown, Corder, and Richard to find the sources of error. The result of this research shows that 170 data divided into three types of error namely morphological error, syntactical error, and discourse error. First, there are 72 data or 42, 35% belong to morphological error, second, there are 93 data or 54, 70% belong to syntactical error, and third, there are 5 data or 2, 94% belong to discourse error, fourth, the frequency of type of error is wrong spelling in morphological error with total number of error 52 or 30, 58%, finally, there are two sources of error namely intralingual and interlingual transfer. In the eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Kartasura, they have to more learn about how to make the correct sentence and also distinguish between the spelling of word in their mother tongue (Indonesian language) with the spelling of word in their second language (English language), because the dominant of type of error made by the student is wrong spelling in morphological error
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