7 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana gugatan administratif terhadap keputusan tata usaha negara dan bagaimana penolakan permohonan izin lingkungan apabila tidak dilengkapi dengan amdal atau UKL-UPL. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian juridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Gugatan administratif terhadap keputusan tata usaha negara dapat dilakukan oleh setiap orang apabila badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara menerbitkan izin lingkungan kepada usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang wajib amdal tetapi tidak dilengkapi dengan dokumen amdal dan badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara menerbitkan izin lingkungan kepada kegiatan yang wajib UKL-UPL, tetapi tidak dilengkapi dengan dokumen UKL-UPL; dan/atau serta badan atau pejabat tata usaha negara yang menerbitkan izin usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan izin lingkungan.  2. Penolakan permohonan izin lingkungan apabila tidak dilengkapi dengan amdal atau UKL-UPL dilakukan oleh Menteri, gubernur, atau bupati/walikota sesuai dengan kewenangannya wajib menolak permohonan izin lingkungan apabila permohonan izin tidak dilengkapi dengan amdal atau UKL-UPL. Izin lingkungan dapat dibatalkan apabila persyaratan yang diajukan dalam permohonan izin mengandung cacat hukum, kekeliruan, penyalahgunaan, serta ketidakbenaran dan/atau pemalsuan data, dokumen, dan/atau informasi serta penerbitannya tanpa memenuhi syarat sebagaimana tercantum dalam keputusan komisi tentang kelayakan lingkungan hidup atau rekomendasi UKL-UPL; atau kewajiban yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen amdal atau UKL-UPL tidak dilaksanakan oleh penanggung jawab usaha dan/atau kegiatan.Kata kunci: Gugatan Administratif, Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara, Perlindungan Dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidu


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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the industrial work practice program of students of Public Vocational Middle School. The Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) used in this research is supported by data collection techniques consisting of observation, interview, distribution of questionaires, and related document compilation. Data analysis is carried out in line with the aspects which must be evaluated (comprising definition, installation, process, and product) and the evaluation criteria. The research’s findings showed that the program had quite clear regulation basis with installation prepared by the goverment, good process, and has a difference gap allowing correction to be made in the future. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the work practice program at the various industries in Public Vocational Middle School had been implemented properly.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program praktek kerja industri dari Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri. Model Kesenjangan (DEM) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini didukung oleh teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, distribusi kuesioner, dan pengumpulan dokumen terkait. Analisis data dilakukan sesuai dengan aspek yang akan dievaluasi (terdiri dari definisi, instalasi, proses, dan produk) dan kriteria evaluasi. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program memiliki dasar regulasi yang cukup jelas, menyiapkan instalasi oleh pemerintah, proses yang baik, dan memiliki perbedaan gap untuk membuat koreksi di masa depan. Berdasarkan temuan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa program praktek kerja di industri di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri telah dilaksanakan dengan baik


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    PERANCANGAN MEDIA PENYAMPAIAN INFORMASI OTOMATIS DENGAN LED MATRIX BERBASIS ARDUINO - sensor PING))), ATMega328, driver dot matrix, arduino, sensor ultrasonic

    Akurasi Metode Concordance Berdasarkan Panjang Tes Dan Ukuran Sampel

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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the industrial work practice program of students of Public Vocational Middle School. The Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) used in this research is supported by data collection techniques consisting of observation, interview, distribution of questionaires, and related document compilation. Data analysis is carried out in line with the aspects which must be evaluated (comprising definition, installation, process, and product) and the evaluation criteria. The research’s findings showed that the program had quite clear regulation basis with installation prepared by the goverment, good process, and has a difference gap allowing correction to be made in the future. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the work practice program at the various industries in Public Vocational Middle School had been implemented properly

    Praktek Komunikasi Pemasaran melalui Media Baru dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness (Studi Kasus terhadap Praktek Komunikasi Pemasaran Wego Indonesia melalui Media Baru dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness)

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    In recent years, new media has influenced many aspects of life including marketing. Nowadays, lots of marketers began to use new media as marketing channel. The increasing number of users is a main reason for marketers to use new media. New media also has a number of advantages than conventional media that can be utilized by marketers in running marketing communications. But, new media also give a challenge for marketers who are interested to use it because it has some unique characteristics that need to be understood by marketers. Wego Indonesia is one of the brands that used new media as a marketing channel. Brand that started targeting Indonesian market in 2011 feel new media can be an effective channel to reach their marketing objective. Since 2011 until the end of 2012, Wego Indonesia used it to build brand awareness. This research seeks to know marketing communication activities of Wego Indonesia through new media. In this research, researcher also will look at how the practice is run to build brand awareness. This research used case study method. About the analysis method, the researcher analyzed it by comparing the data with theories or concepts that already exist. Last, researcher made the conclusion based on the results of the analysis. The results of this research showed that Wego Indonesia can take advantage of new media because they do practice in accordance with existing concepts. Wego Indonesia also take advantage of other features of new media so they can make marketing communication run more effective in doing research and evaluation. Meanwhile, in terms of building brand awareness, Wego Indonesia�s marketing communication does not fully comply with existing concepts. It wouldn�t build brand awareness effectively