17 research outputs found

    Revitalisasi Pabrik Gula Colomadu Sebagai Kawasan Agrowisata Di Kecamatan Colomadu

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    Sejalan dengan perkembangan dunia saat ini, sektor pariwisata adalah salah satu sektor yang begitu penting, oleh karena itu perlu adanya media untuk mempromosikan kepada dunia internasional bahwa di Indonesia memiliki kekayaan alam yang melimpah. Kabupaten Karanganyar merupakan salah satu daerah dari tiga puluh lima kabupaten dan kota di propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Karanganyar merupakan daerah penghasil produk-produk unggulan di beberapa sektor, seperti pertanian, perkebunan, perikanan, industri besar, dan industri pariwisata. Kabupaten Karanganyar berpotensi sebagai tempat tujuan wisata atau daerah tujuan wisata, hal ini terbukti banyak sekali memiliki asset – asset wisata beragam dan beraneka ragam budaya yang tidak kalah menarik dengan wilayah – wilayah lain yang berada di propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kabupaten Karanganyar terdiri dari 17 Kecamatan yang meliputi 177 desa/kelurahan ( 15 kelurahan dan 162 desa). Salah satu dari kecamatan itu adalah Kecamatan Colomadu. Di Kecamatan Colomadu terdapat sebuah Pabrik Gula yaitu Pabrik Gula Colomadu, dengan luas lahan 22 Ha, bangunan ini didirikan pada tanggal 8 desember 1861. Pabrik gula ini ditutup atau ditidurkan pada awal abad ke-21, tepatnya pada tanggal 1 Mei 1998, atas kebijakan pemerintah di sebabkan karena mengalami kerugian. Sedangkan Pabrik Gula Colomadu sendiri memiliki potensi yang bagus. Terdapat permasalahan yaitu; Bagaimana mewujudkan suatu kawasan agar dapat di manfaatkan sebagai kawasan Agrowisata berbasis edukasi tanpa menghilangkan karakteristik bangunan pabrik Gula Colomadu, sehingga memberikan nuansa bangunan yang selaras dengan lingkungan disekitar kawasan pabrik gula Colomadu. Agar bangunan dapat dimanfaatkan kembali yaitu dengan cara merevitalisasi bangunan pabrik Gula Colomadu menjadi Kawasan Agrowisata yang berbasis edukasi, agar dapat mewadai kegiatan yang terkait dengan Pabrik Gula Colomadu. Perancangan dilakukan dengan pengamatan data dan juga mempertimbangkan potensi – potensi yang dapat mendukung penulisan proposal. Hasil dari analisis dapat dibuat dalam bentuk kerangka yang berupa deskriptif. Hasil akhir berupa konsep hasil penelitian yang dipadukan dengan referensi yang ada sebagai dasar perencanaan dan perancangan. Desain yang dihasilkan adalah sebuah Kawasan Agrowisata berbasis edukasi yang bisa mewadai kegiatan yang terkait dengan Pabrik Gula Colomadu

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Pusat Kebudayaan Seni Tradisional Jawa “Surakarta” Di Taman Semar Karangpandan

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    Jawa Tengah adalah sebuah provinsi yang memiliki banyak kebudayaan seni lokal. Namun kebudayaan seni tradisional tersebut terancam punah. Yang menjadikan penyebab dari kepunahan tersebut adalah minimnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap kebudayaan seni tradisional tersebut. Berdasarkan lingkup budaya dibedakan menjadi 3 lingkungan budaya Jawa Tengah yaitu Pesisir Utara (Tegal), Negeri Gung (Surakarta), Banyumas/Bagelen. Jadi kata Surakarta pada judul bukan merupakan daerah pemerintahan melainkan lingkup budaya. Saat ini taman budaya Jawa Tengah tidak hanya digunakan untuk kesenian Jawa Tengah saja. Namun Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah namun memfasilitasi semua elemen seni. Taman Budaya tidak ada hubungannya dengan pariwisata, karena biasanya pariwisata lebih melihat dunia seni pada aspeknya yang sudah jadi sedangkan taman budaya lebih pada apa yang sedang terjadi. Dan Taman Budaya hanya berfungsi sebagai pusat seni. Berdasarkan apa yang sudah dipaparkan diatas bahwasanya Surakarta memerlukan suatu wadah yang bisa dijadikan objek tujuan wisata yang mana disitu disuguhkan pertunjukan berbagai seni tradisi dari Surakarta. Seperti halnya Bali, dimana wisatawan yang datang berkunjung ke Bali bisa datang kesuatu tempat yang mana disitu disuguhkan pertunjukan tarian khas Bali dan drama musikal tradisional Bali yang menceritakan kisah atau cerita rakyat Bali Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya perencanaan dan perancangan suatu wadah tujuan wisata yang mana dalam wadah tersebut wisatawan domestic maupun manca Negara bisa mengetahui dan belajar mengenai kebudayaan seni tradisional Jawa, khususnya Surakarta. Alasan pemilihan lokasi/site, yang mana di jatuhkan pilihan pada Taman Semar Di Karangpandan, Kabupaten Karanganyar dengan berbagai alasan dan pertimbangan. Yang pertama karena memang lahan di Solo kota sudah sangat penuh, yang kedua ingin mengangkat bangunan icon Patung Semar yang sudah ada agar menjadi objek wisata yang menghasilkan, alasan yang ketiga karena letak Patung Semar itu sendiri berada di daerah dataran tinggi, yang memiliki suhu udara yang masih sejuk dan pemandangan yang masih alami. Diharapkan dengan adanya perencanaan dan perancangan ini mampu menghasilkan suatu wadah pendidikan, pelatihan, dan pertunjukan bahkan wisata dengan konsep alam sehingga memberi suasana yang berbed

    Dasar Program Perencanaan Dan Perancangan Arsitektur (DP3A) Mall Bakery & Cafe Di Surakarta Sebagai Wadah Pendidikan, Penjualan Dan Rekreasi

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    Dari pengertian judul “ MALL BAKERY & CAFE DI SURAKARTA SEBAGAI WADAH PENDIDIKAN, PENJUALAN DAN REKREASI “, dapat di artikan sebagai pusat perbelanjaan yang di gunakan sebagai tempat yang membuat & menjual aneka roti sekaligus sebuah restoran kecil yang menyediakan makanan & minuman yang terdapat di Surakarta sebagai tempat berkumpul mengadakan kegiatan belajar memasak/ demo, penjualan produk dan kegiatan berkumpul di waktu luang untuk menyegarkan kembali fisik & mental. Surakarta merupakan kota yang berpotensi sebagai wisatanya kuliner. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan jaman, terjadi perubahan pola makan masyarakat sebagai akibat adaptasi gaya hidup yang diadopsi dari budaya barat.contohnya seperti adaptasi masyarakat dalam hal mengkonsumsi roti, budaya barat hampir setiap hari mengkonsumsi roti lambat laun budaya makan roti ini diadopsi oleh Indonesia sehingga roti tidak hanya sebagai makanan ringan tetapi juga sebagai makanan pokok pengganti nasi. Mall Bakery & Cafe di Surakarta merupakan bangunan multifungsi yang digunakan sebagai pusat tempat perbelanjaan yang membuat dan menjual aneka roti sekaligus sebuah restoran yang dimana pelayanannya juga disajikan hiburan musik sekaligus sebagai tempat belajar / pelatihan tentang bakery ( demo masak ).pengunjung tak hanya ingin membeli roti tapi bisa juga membuat jenis roti dengan cara mengikuti demo memasak, mereka juga bisa makan & minum dengan nuansa alam indoor maupun outdoor dengan live musik. Menjadi salah satu tempat alternatif yang menyenangkan bagi pengunjung yang ingin menikmati suasana alam pada outdoor. Bagaimana konsep perencanaan dan perancangan bangunan Mall Bakery & Cafe di Surakarta sebagai wadah pendidikan, penjualan dan rekreasi yang mampu menunjang aktifitas pendidikan . Tujuan dan sasaranMerencanakan dan merancang suatu Mall Bakery & Cafe di Surakarta melalui pembentukan fungsi sebagai wadah pendidikan, penjualan dan rekreas

    Redesain Lahan Parkir Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Kampus 1 dengan Pendekatan Green Facade

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    Parking etymologically means double park as a green area (park) and car stop area (parking) is the fruit of the historical journey of the world of urban transportation. Michele Richmond (2015) "the etymology of parking" explains this phenomenon and reveals that parking was originally a green space. University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta is one of the private universities in Surakarta, has many faculties, majors and study programs, of course, must be supported by more sufficient facilities and infrastructure. One of them, the parking building. Design of Parking Building and make good parking circulation on campus 1 of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta with a green façade approach to support the existence of a green campus. From the design of this Parking Building, it will create a parking building with a more regular circulation in and out of vehicles in the Campus 1 Area of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta with a Green Facade approach. The method used in this study is a discriptive methodology, where the author describes and explains how the parking lot of Campus 1 of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The design process resulted in the design of the parking building Campus 1 of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta which can help solve the problem of lack of parking space in the Campus 1 Area of the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Keywords : University, Parking Building, green façad

    Redesain Pasar Ikan dan Pasar Tradisional Desa Gempolsewu Kendal dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic

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    Fish Market and Gempolsewu Village Traditional Market is a market that develops in a settlement slowly becoming the center of buying and selling activities and the economy for the people of Gempolsewu Village and its surroundings. Problems that only revolve around outdoor functions, improper waste treatment systems, sewage systems, the size of kiosks and narrow stalls for each trader are not. The condition of the building is fairly uncomfortable, both in terms of exterior and interior of the building is rigid, lighting is less than optimal, there is no floor and roof that leaks so that it causes puddles of dirty water when it rains, and the air conditioning is fairly minimal. Assessing issues that occurred in the Fish Market and Gempolsewu Village Traditional Market so as to achieve a handling. The redesign of the Fish Market and Gempolsewu Village Traditional Market later, can be done a problem in biophilic architectural points that connect humans with nature as the main solution. The biophilic architectural planning approach has several aspect points that are solutions to solving existing problems or those caused or unresolved due to the lack of optimal design of a building without paying attention to the surrounding environment. The aspects implemented in planning a market include all value-milai aspects in a market building

    Redesigning Kleco Traditional Market to be Difable Friendly

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    People with disabilities deserve comfort, convenience, and safety in public areas, including in the market. Kleco Traditional Market is public facilities in Kleco, Sukoharjo, where sellers and buyers meet directly to carry out activities that include buying and selling as well as bargaining. Sellers and buyers at Kleco Traditional Market come from various walks of life, including people with disabilities. In the redesign process, the authors collected data by several methods: literature studies, comparative studies, and field observations. Literature studies are carried out by studying books or scientific journals about traditional and disability-friendly markets. While the comparative study reviewed some data about traditional markets in Solo related to the topics and issues discussed. With these three methods, the data obtained becomes more accurate to be used as evaluation and discussion material in the redesign of the Kleco Traditional Market. This redesign concept is expected to be a solution to the problems found in the Kleco Traditional Market so that the redesign design can accommodate all trading activities as well as support people with disabilities

    Penataan Kembali Permukiman Nelayan di Jambean Kecamatan Wonokerto Kabupaten Pekalongan

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    Rob flood happen because effect of moon and sun that cause high tide. Rob flood often happen in area near beach. In 2016, there 24 city that affected by rob food in Indonesia. One of that city is Pekalongan. In one of its sub district, Wonokerto all village affected by rob. Jambean is one of area that affected by rob in Wonokerto, this fisher settlement affected by rob from 2010. Many houses flooded by rob that make the user not comfortable. Besides houses rob also flooded fish auction that become vital place for economy of the villagers and if the rob happen and flooded the auction place, it force the administrator of that place to close the auction and make huge loss for the fisherman because the can’t sell their fish. The purpose of this book is to know the right design for houses and fish auction that affected by rob. The methods use in this research are literature studies that useful to get theories to support this research, and direct observation in Jambean to know the fact in Jambean. Design that can solve rob is using amphibi concept. The name of amphibi reffering to animal that can life in both land or water, it means the house can adapt in normal condition and in flood condition. If flood happen the houses will rise follow the high of the flood and make the house not flooded like before. Material that use for rise the house is drum, this material used because its easy to get and even we can use a used one. The using of this concept is expected can solve the rob problem that all this time become nightmare for people in Jambean. Keyword: fisher settlement, rob flood, amphibi concept

    Perancangan Tempat Rehabilitasi Narkoba Premium dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic di Kota Depok

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    The city of Depok in West Java has a high rate of abuse of drugs or narcotics. Drug abuse is the most common criminal case among all other types of crime. In 2022, it was recorded that the amount of evidence of drug use in Depok City reached 38,872, with 6,484 grams of cannabis and methamphetamine that had gone through the legal process. It can be seen that cases of drug abuse in Depok City tend to increase, in line with the increase in the amount of drug evidence being destroyed, which is mainly dominated by methamphetamine and marijuana. Where cases of drug abuse occur in the majority of adolescents or young people, the factors that support this occurrence can come from anywhere, usually influences from the environment around them and promiscuity that is getting out of control. Sufferers of drug abuse often endanger themselves and those around them, which causes physical and psychological illness. As a result, a platform is needed for mental and moral recovery for victims of drug abuse. The design of a drug rehabilitation center in the metropolitan city of Depok is partly motivated by the absence of proper facilities in the city. The interior space has received less attention from providers of drug rehabilitation facilities because there are still many who think that the healing process from drug addiction can only be handled by using the medical system. In Indonesia there are still very few parties who consider how important it is to create an interior space concept and pay attention to the patient's psychological comfort as a support for the healing process. This fact is still very much present in society, one of the reasons a person can be ensnared in the drug environment is the problems in their life that they experience cause excessive stress on their minds with that they will use drugs as a shortcut to calm their minds and run away from problems, which these effects even though only temporary even with long-term use will cause damage to the body/physical, psychological and also difficult to adapt to the environment, especially to socialize with people around

    Penataan Koridor Kota Karanganyar Berkonsep Tourism City

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    Karanganyar Regency is one of thirty-five districts in the province of Central Java which has a lot of potential, such as plantations, agriculture, livestock, and the tourism industry, this is evidenced by the development of the tourism sector which is able to bring in tourists from other regions. Karangan city for parties who come from outside the region, but along the downtown road corridor that can accommodate community activities and sclupture as a marker of city identity, many tourists miss Karanganyar city as the main destination before or after visiting tourist destination areas in outside the city center karanagnyar. To attract tourists to come and visit the city of Karanganyar can go through 3 aspects of tourism, namely the availability of accessibility, attractions, and infrastructure with the concept of a tourist city which is supported by the design concept of Hamid Shivani. This concept will produce a vibrant city with all its activities supported by improvements to infrastructure in the city and the addition of a place identity so that it can become a city landmark. Keywords: City Tourism, City Corridor, Landmar

    Pengembangan Kawasan Tepi Sungai Mahakam Samarinda Sebagai Destinasi Wisata Berbasis Sustainable Urban Riverfront

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    Development and design of the Mahakam River Samarinda as a tourist area that presents natural potential, the environment and the activities of the surrounding community as a gathering place to improve socio-economic conditions that are not balanced with environmental conditions based on Sustainable Urban Riverfront that is by maintaining the potential and existing local culture in the region and it is expected that this design can increase the city's economic income